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Dooms Day Supporters ?


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Why don't we just give up on NT football (like it sounds like some of our posters have done) .......a true fan doesn't just give up. A true fan doesn't post on this board and encourages everyone not to vote for a new stadium ...which influences those against a new stadium for our team to increase their efforts to defeat the issue. Think those against the new stadium don't read gmg?

Oh, and those prospects that read our board .....we might as well eliminate NT football....such posts do nothing constructive and simply provide fodder for our opponents to use against us when we are competing for quality players.

No football stadium ? , no chance for the future of NT football?...no quality players that will be recruited?....all of this BS just provides help to our opponents and just might help those items to become true.

Am I happy with what happened last week.............NO. Have I lost faith in Todd Dodge and his efforts to upgrade NT football...H....NO. Look at all the programs that hit bottom and replaced coaches when their football has hit bottom.....and NT had hit bottom under DD despite his few winning seasons. I remember a NT game that had less than 500 fans under DD in his last year at NT ....we had really hit bottom. Most such programs took 3 to 4 years to rebuild. NT played 22 freshmen against Rice. What did we expect when this occurs.

You can go ahead and hit on me for these statements ...but after 54 years of supporting NT football I haven't given up and won't give up.

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Why don't we just give up on NT football (like it sounds like some of our posters have done) .......a true fan doesn't just give up. A true fan doesn't post on this board and encourages everyone not to vote for a new stadium ...which influences those against a new stadium for our team to increase their efforts to defeat the issue. Think those against the new stadium don't read gmg?

Oh, and those prospects that read our board .....we might as well eliminate NT football....such posts do nothing constructive and simply provide fodder for our opponents to use against us when we are competing for quality players.

No football stadium ? , no chance for the future of NT football?...no quality players that will be recruited?....all of this BS just provides help to our opponents and just might help those items to become true.

Am I happy with what happened last week.............NO. Have I lost faith in Todd Dodge and his efforts to upgrade NT football...H....NO. Look at all the programs that hit bottom and replaced coaches when their football has hit bottom.....and NT had hit bottom under DD despite his few winning seasons. I remember a NT game that had less than 500 fans under DD in his last year at NT ....we had really hit bottom. Most such programs took 3 to 4 years to rebuild. NT played 22 freshmen against Rice. What did we expect when this occurs.

You can go ahead and hit on me for these statements ...but after 44 years of supporting NT football I haven't given up and won't give up.

Wow? Good post, a little over-reactive maybe... but good. I honestly dont think people have given up? What your reading is their frustration. Everyone who has been on the bandwagon is still on the bandwagon. We will all still be there tailgaiting Saturday, and we will still be in our seats when the game kicks-off. Every season starts off with some horrible a$$ kickings, then we get to conference play and see where we really are? This is no different this year, we just expected to be a little better... maybe a bit more competitive? (The other SBC teams are getting better and we see those scores) As for the DD years, and a new football stadium?.... probably true enough. But, we also got used to winning championships and going to bowl games in those years. Four bad seasons in a row will cause posts like some of the ones you've read. I truly appreciate the "hang in there" mentality you have, and know many of the people on the board are just venting when we have 77 points hung on us. Just because some are frustrated doesnt mean they are giving up? I think if you look around Saturday, you'll see everyone is still there.

Now if we lose against FIU, you probably shouldnt read the board on Sunday....

GMG!!! ;)

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Let me echo what Old Timer has said. We just suffered an embarrasing land humiliating loss but it is not Doomsday. It is a setback and we should be concerned but this is absolutely no time to abandon ship.

We look around and say that so and so was able to turn around a program in one or two years so why shouldn't the former coach of two national high school champions. The reason is that each coach is different. He works at his own timetable. It takes time to adjust, not only to a different level of coaching, but getting your staff to do the same. Each university is unique and what worked at one place will not necessarily work at another. It takes longer for most to make that adjustment and, admittedly, some never do.

I do not think that this is the case with Todd Dodge. He quarterbacked at the highest college level so he knows what it takes to produce a winner. He inherited a situation that had fallen in disarray. Some of the most talented were academic risks and eventually had to leave the program. Others became disgruntled over playing time, discipline, and other reasons and left. Not all of his recruits have panned out either, at least not to the degree needed. There was not enough attention paid to the academic progress of two Juco recruits who could've helped the program. Mistakes happen, and whether they be past or current, they must be overcome. That doesn't happen overnight.

While I believe that Todd has the talent to overcome those shortcomings, he is going to have to make adjustments in his own ego and demeanor. He is going to have to learn from other more experienced coaches and adjust his philosophy accordingly. He iwill have to tone down his ego and realize that he may not be Moses and Superman rolled into one. He needs to show a little more humility at times. He should do his best to discount any favoritism with players and the media. Treat ALL of them as he would want to be treated. His dad was a minister; I believe that he should be able to handle that.

Coach Dodge has acknowledged that the Rice game was a tremendous embarrassment to coaches and players. No one likes humiliation and I think that you'll see even more resolve toward correcting the situation.

We all have different methods of dealing with disappointment. Some will lash out at the frustration of another failure. Others can reamain much calmer. Either is acceptable as long as you keep it clean, don't dwell on it too long, and keep focused on where we want to be. We'll get there.

Aside to Old Timer: Charles, I hate to say this of an accountant but your math is off ten years on the number of years that you have followed North Texas. I've known you 52 years myself so I'd guess that you've been following the Eagles for 54 years.

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Which game are you referring to?

I remember a game at the end of last year where I counted the number of people in the stands because it was cold and a holiday and no one felt the need to come see this team play.

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I remember a game at the end of last year where I counted the number of people in the stands because it was cold and a holiday and no one felt the need to come see this team play.

I think the Texas Ranges reported an official attendance of 16,000 for the Western Kentucky game last year.

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I say we delete these posts. I'm not normally one to stifle discussion, but with just 3 weeks to the stadium referendum, I am really amazed by the number of posters now spewing the same garbage as the anti-stadium crowd.

Do you also want to ban books from the library? I think there are a number of us that are about sick of you and your agenda. We will post whatever the hell we want. GO AWAY.

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Do you also want to ban books from the library? I think there are a number of us that are about sick of you and your agenda. We will post whatever the hell we want. GO AWAY.

I can think of something similar that was misrepresented and we're no better off today than we were yesterday. Perhaps the best thing is tomorrow is a new day. :unsure:

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I'll never abandon this team or my school but I had hoped to see a little more progress at that stage in Todd Dodge's tenure. Screw me for wanting to win now and not being happy with failing miserably. A couple of wins in the next three games and I'll be a little happier. Get the athletic fee referendum passed and I'll be a lot happier. Do both of those and get verbals from a few Texas State 100 and I'll be ecstatic and shut my mouth!! ;)

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Do you also want to ban books from the library? I think there are a number of us that are about sick of you and your agenda. We will post whatever the hell we want. GO AWAY.

Umm, the man's agenda is to see that the University of North Texas gets a new stadium. I don't have a single problem with his agenda, and knowing how much he has put into it, I sure don't want him to go away. If UNT had 34,794 more students as committed as he is, we'd be in good shape.

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Umm, the man's agenda is to see that the University of North Texas gets a new stadium. I don't have a single problem with his agenda, and knowing how much he has put into it, I sure don't want him to go away. If UNT had 34,794 more students as committed as he is, we'd be in good shape.

For him to come out and recommend that the admins delete posts that are negative is utterly ridiculous. We all want a new stadium, nobody here is against that. However, this kid is a part of the student government, and for him to even bring up the idea of censoring opinions in a public forum is just scary. I am not questioning his work ethic and dedication, but wanting to silence the thoughts of others is flat out scary. I hope to hell he doesn't get elected to a political office of some consequence in the future for that very reason. I, like you, wish the students cared more than they do. But to see someone so wrapped up in their own personal agenda, even think about editing the thoughs and views of the people on this board is just wrong. I don't care how you try to rationalize it, wrong is wrong. We don't need this kid making efforts to be 'Big Brother'....we have enough of that in our country already.

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While I don't agree with Flyers stance on the deleted posts thing, I have utter respect for the guy. Cut him some slack. He is just as passionate about this as you are. We are on the same team here.

I wouldn't have posted this, if this was the only time I have read a post by him telling people to keep quiet. Like i said, I respect his work too, but he needs to get a grip.

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For him to come out and recommend that the admins delete posts that are negative is utterly ridiculous. We all want a new stadium, nobody here is against that. However, this kid is a part of the student government, and for him to even bring up the idea of censoring opinions in a public forum is just scary. I am not questioning his work ethic and dedication, but wanting to silence the thoughts of others is flat out scary. I hope to hell he doesn't get elected to a political office of some consequence in the future for that very reason. I, like you, wish the students cared more than they do. But to see someone so wrapped up in their own personal agenda, even think about editing the thoughs and views of the people on this board is just wrong. I don't care how you try to rationalize it, wrong is wrong. We don't need this kid making efforts to be 'Big Brother'....we have enough of that in our country already.

I couldn't agree with you more. If this vote is meant to pass then it will pass. These message boards will not affect the outcome of the vote.

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I wouldn't have posted this, if this was the only time I have read a post by him telling people to keep quiet. Like i said, I respect his work too, but he needs to get a grip.

Just realize that alumni involvement torpedoed the vote in 2002. His concern is seeing history repeat itself. Maybe he could have worded his request differently, but remember UNTflyer is a current student that is leading the push for the new stadium, doing this on top of taking classes and he has more information on this process than any of us. I understand his concern and would love to see some of you temper your anger towards him considering he has the same wishes of seeing North Texas get a new stadium as we all do.

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I say we delete these posts. I'm not normally one to stifle discussion, but with just 3 weeks to the stadium referendum, I am really amazed by the number of posters now spewing the same garbage as the anti-stadium crowd.

So in addition to telling alumni to butt out of the vote, you now favor deleting some of our opinions on GoMeanGreen.Com if they don't meet your approval? Nice.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Look, Flyer said that he doesn't normally like to stifle anyone's freedom to express themselves but some are not being responsible in their postings. Freedom of speech is never without consequences. Inflammatory posts do far more harm than good and our moderators have the right to delete such posts.

I have yet to hear anyone who is opposed to the stadium and for now, we would be better served by not even referencing it until the issue is decided by the students. I realize that this is an extremely vital issue to the future of North Texas but it's not for us to decide and we should stay out of it until after the vote.

Flyer is passionate and devoted to this cause and so is the majority of the SGA. Let them work their plan and let us not give the opposition editorial material to undermine the SGA's resolution.

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Just realize that alumni involvement torpedoed the vote in 2002.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the 2002 vote a student referendum to impose a $3 fee to pay for Title IX compliance?

Maybe that vote failed because Title IX is harder to sell than a new stadium, since the number of UNT students who attend any women's sports events is considerably smaller than the number who attend football games.

Blaming alumni "interference" -- on the basis of a Daily editorial -- seems a bit incredible to me.

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I want to be competitive with all schools, not just sbc schools. I don't know how you old guys have done it all these years. I still will support this team. But it is so hard to continue to give hard earned money for the cap being thrown out on the field.. We need something to happen quick.

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Look, Flyer said that he doesn't normally like to stifle anyone's freedom to express themselves but some are not being responsible in their postings. Freedom of speech is never without consequences. Inflammatory posts do far more harm than good and our moderators have the right to delete such posts.

The guy's 36 years old, according to his profile here. Older than some of the alumni he's telling to shut up and butt out.

I appreciate his enthusiasm for the stadium referendum, but he might consider the possibility that pissing off alumni on a board that's full of them ain't helping.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the 2002 vote a student referendum to impose a $3 fee to pay for Title IX compliance?

Maybe that vote failed because Title IX is harder to sell than a new stadium, since the number of UNT students who attend any women's sports events is considerably smaller than the number who attend football games.

Blaming alumni "interference" -- on the basis of a Daily editorial -- seems a bit incredible to me.

There were students backed by alumni who were a little overzealous in trying to convince some at Bruce Hall of the need for passing the fee. It was thought by some of those students(many are my friends, I had recently graduated that's why I know this story), that the aggressive attitude that was given off is what spurred the "Bruce Hall crowd" out of their complacency and angered enough to defeat said vote.

The SGA went over the heads of the student vote....sort of. The fee that was passed was only two thirds of the original one that was up for the entire student body to vote on.

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For him to come out and recommend that the admins delete posts that are negative is utterly ridiculous. We all want a new stadium, nobody here is against that. However, this kid is a part of the student government, and for him to even bring up the idea of censoring opinions in a public forum is just scary. I am not questioning his work ethic and dedication, but wanting to silence the thoughts of others is flat out scary. I hope to hell he doesn't get elected to a political office of some consequence in the future for that very reason. I, like you, wish the students cared more than they do. But to see someone so wrapped up in their own personal agenda, even think about editing the thoughs and views of the people on this board is just wrong. I don't care how you try to rationalize it, wrong is wrong. We don't need this kid making efforts to be 'Big Brother'....we have enough of that in our country already.

More evidence that the sky is falling....now there.

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For him to come out and recommend that the admins delete posts that are negative is utterly ridiculous. We all want a new stadium, nobody here is against that. However, this kid is a part of the student government, and for him to even bring up the idea of censoring opinions in a public forum is just scary. I am not questioning his work ethic and dedication, but wanting to silence the thoughts of others is flat out scary. I hope to hell he doesn't get elected to a political office of some consequence in the future for that very reason. I, like you, wish the students cared more than they do. But to see someone so wrapped up in their own personal agenda, even think about editing the thoughs and views of the people on this board is just wrong. I don't care how you try to rationalize it, wrong is wrong. We don't need this kid making efforts to be 'Big Brother'....we have enough of that in our country already.

First off, I am 36 years old, not a kid. Second, when I posted that comment, we had several people coming to the board and declaring "The stadium is dead" and "Let's drop to Div I-AA" and even "Let's drop football".

In the heat of making these comments, posters are giving the anti-stadium, anti-athletics population of students the ammunition to sway votes.

Finally, this is a private board and not subject to the laws or even the ideals of "Freedom of Speech". Offensive posts are deleted, threads locked, etc. all the time. I merely suggested to the admins, also in the heat of the moment, that they might want to delete those posts because the timing is absolutely horrible to be making these comments. Obviously, the admins did not agree with me and that's OK.

My agenda is not personal, it's to benefit the university and the students. As much as I love football, if this referendum didn't help UNT then I would oppose it. but I believe it to be the most important referendum ever put before the students, and we are doing everything we can to get it passed.

I get nothing out of this, man... NOTHING. Except hate emails and a sympathetic shake of the head from my co-workers.

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