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MGB: Interesting report on C-USA football ticket sales

Brett Vito

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I have a couple of thoughts on this. Obviously we started off 2014 with a huge egg against Texas which really dampened spirits.

Next I would submit to you, as pointed out by another poster, we did not take advantage of the fans who attended the Heart of Dallas Bowl. Somehow we were unable to get any info on these potential season ticket holders.

I don't think our home schedule helps either. We had two games at home against the Florida schools. Sorry but that is not an attractive ticket, especially when you couple it with Nichols state (yawn) and a thursday night affair with La. Tech which was televised. I'm sorry, that was not a very good home schedule. I would be a lot of fans said I will pick up a ticket for the SMU game on Ticketmaster and see how things play out.

Which brings up another subject. We have become whores to TV, which I get because it generates a lot of dough for the conference - but frankly you can pretty much watch every UNT game on TV or some type of video these days. That hasn't always been the case. if you think this, combined with HD technology on TV sets doesn't impact season ticket sales you are crazy. It's an issue

I am not saying that the AD could do a better job of trying to build season ticket sales in the community etc. I do think we need to be fair and look at all of the issues which are contributing to this disappointing number. It's more complex a problem to solve and the easy route is simply attributing it all to the AD.

I would submit that $1 million isn't that much money and it really isn't $1 million to UNT because part of that has to be used for league operating expense.

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That's fair but you also have to consider the demand side of things. We have had almost an entire decade of losing football. That is hard to offset. Mac has had one winning year out of 4. Dodge never had a winning season in 4. Dickey's boat sank in his final couple of years... can we just agree that this product may not be the easiest to sell. And yes I do believe winning is the key. People want to associate themselves with winning programs.

Not sure one function of the AD's responsibilities can be used to alleviate blame for another.

Villarreal, McCarney, etc. took jobs at NT knowing the state of the program. Now we are supposed to excuse their lack of success on factors that existed when they took the job. Historically bad athletic programs, student and alumni apathy, intense competition for the sport dollar, lack of resources, etc.

If NT athletic were highly successful, would we have heard the opposite? NT is a easy place to be successful in sports because of multiple factors: Huge student and alumni base, in the heart of the best recruiting area in the nation, outstanding media market, rapidly expanding growing area, great university, excellent facilitates compared to peers, etc.

Edited by GrandGreen
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Which brings up another subject. We have become whores to TV, which I get because it generates a lot of dough for the conference - but frankly you can pretty much watch every UNT game on TV or some type of video these days. That hasn't always been the case. if you think this, combined with HD technology on TV sets doesn't impact season ticket sales you are crazy. It's an issue

That isn't a valid excuse, TV isn't unique to us. Every game in the league is on TV.

The concerning number isn't the 4,285 figure for season tickets. It's that we're 13th out of 14 CUSA teams.

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I have a couple of thoughts on this. Obviously we started off 2014 with a huge egg against Texas which really dampened spirits.

Next I would submit to you, as pointed out by another poster, we did not take advantage of the fans who attended the Heart of Dallas Bowl. Somehow we were unable to get any info on these potential season ticket holders.

I don't think our home schedule helps either. We had two games at home against the Florida schools. Sorry but that is not an attractive ticket, especially when you couple it with Nichols state (yawn) and a thursday night affair with La. Tech which was televised. I'm sorry, that was not a very good home schedule. I would be a lot of fans said I will pick up a ticket for the SMU game on Ticketmaster and see how things play out.

Which brings up another subject. We have become whores to TV, which I get because it generates a lot of dough for the conference - but frankly you can pretty much watch every UNT game on TV or some type of video these days. That hasn't always been the case. if you think this, combined with HD technology on TV sets doesn't impact season ticket sales you are crazy. It's an issue

I am not saying that the AD could do a better job of trying to build season ticket sales in the community etc. I do think we need to be fair and look at all of the issues which are contributing to this disappointing number. It's more complex a problem to solve and the easy route is simply attributing it all to the AD.


There was ~9 months between the HOD bowl win and the stinker @ Texas. That's 9 months to drum up additional season tickets (why would anyone purchase season tickets AFTER the season started?), not decline in season ticket numbers.

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I'm absolutely astonished that our horrible marketing department, and RV's bare minimum expectations of his employees does not produce results.

This stuff will never change under RV. You can throw out thousands of excuses, but in the end, it's the man at the top that sets the example. He's kept Paul Batchelder on staff now for over a decade, despite incredibly awful marketing and advertising. Why try now?

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It will be interesting to see what happens with the Club Level seats at the end of the 2015 season. The initial plan was for five years. Those five years are up at the end of the season. The promise was that there needed to be a One Time contribution in order to purchase those seats. I am not sure that the athletic department understands that promises are made to be kept. The Club Level is nice but the product that has been put on the field during this five year period has not been good. It will be interesting to see how many people choose to walk away from the Club Level at the end of this season and what - if anything - the Athletic Department will do to keep that from happening.

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We can all see it and we can all beat the dead horse over again, but when is action going to be taken. That's what needs to be answered. Are we going to have to wait until RV's next few hires fail in bball and football to pull the trigger...

I feel as if the next hires in our two major sports need to be made by someone else. Why keep running in circles.

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It will be interesting to see what happens with the Club Level seats at the end of the 2015 season. The initial plan was for five years. Those five years are up at the end of the season. The promise was that there needed to be a One Time contribution in order to purchase those seats. I am not sure that the athletic department understands that promises are made to be kept. The Club Level is nice but the product that has been put on the field during this five year period has not been good. It will be interesting to see how many people choose to walk away from the Club Level at the end of this season and what - if anything - the Athletic Department will do to keep that from happening.

That capital gift that gets spread out over five-years is a one-time deal. Once people are done paying that, the price of club seats isn't all that much more expensive than the lower bowl. To make people walk away from the club after making that capital investment, they would need to raise ticket prices, which I've always kinda feared they would do if the demand were to increase. But as things stand, I've got rights to purchase my seats for life.

The right to purchase annual tickets for the use of two (2), Silver club level seats will continue for as long

as this Agreement is in effect, Donor pays the annual ticket prices for seats, Donor maintains

membership in the Mean Green Club at the required level and Donor complies with all rules and

regulations of the University related to club seating.

There is no termination date set forth in the agreement (which kinda sorta makes it not a contract, but who's counting?).

There is no way they're going to make people re-up on the capital gift portion of the club seat agreement.

Edited by oldguystudent
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No one is gunning for those seats because of two reasons... 1. On the field performance and 2. Scheduling (5 home game seasons and quality of opponent).

There is no demand so there will be no increase in prices. There will be no demand for those seats in the foreseeable future.

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That capital gift that gets spread out over five-years is a one-time deal. Once people are done paying that, the price of club seats isn't all that much more expensive than the lower bowl. To make people walk away from the club after making that capital investment, they would need to raise ticket prices, which I've always kinda feared they would do if the demand were to increase. But as things stand, I've got rights to purchase my seats for life.

What if you decide this year you just don't want to buy your seats, but you've completed your capital gift? Can someone else who decides they want to make a capital gift jump on your seats? Does your rights to those seats lapse as soon as you stop buying the seats?

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What if you decide this year you just don't want to buy your seats, but you've completed your capital gift? Can someone else who decides they want to make a capital gift jump on your seats? Does your rights to those seats lapse as soon as you stop buying the seats?

To my understanding, that is correct. But I know for me that when my capital gift is over, the total annual amount that I pay over somebody on the 50-yard line of the lower bowl for two tickets amounts to $370.

I would have to walk away completely before I'd leave the club for the lower bowl for that amount of money.

Honestly, there is a chance that I may move back to California some day. If I do, I'll still maintain my club seats, probably donating the vast majority of them when I'm not in Texas for games.

Bottom line for me: Once my capital gift is paid off, the tickets and my rights to them are too sweet of a deal to simply walk away from. You'd be more likely to have seen an exodus in the first five years when people would just quit on the capital gift installments. I know it's happened a time or two, but I don't think it's been rampant.

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That's fair but you also have to consider the demand side of things. We have had almost an entire decade of losing football. That is hard to offset. Mac has had one winning year out of 4. Dodge never had a winning season in 4. Dickey's boat sank in his final couple of years... can we just agree that this product may not be the easiest to sell. And yes I do believe winning is the key. People want to associate themselves with winning programs.

all the more reason to clean house Harry

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i've had season tickets for about 8 years...i have yet to renew mine this year...i have received NO calls as to why or if i plan on doing it again for the upcoming season...

dude, this website is weird...

i just received a call from the ticket office...hmmmm

obviously, thor isn't my real name...but...

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To further add fuel to the fire, the coaches caravan is returning to the Fort this week, but it will be a lunch in the Stockyards...and it will probably be a failure.

To FW folk, the Stockyards is kind of like having the Dallas event at WestEnd. I will be there with the same handful of die hard guys that go with me every year, but expect a low turnout again, and expect the accusations to be made again that FW doesnt support NT. Oh and its also the week of Colonial, on Wednesday, which is the Pro Am, which is considered the best day to go to the tourney by many people, myself included.

If anyone in the admin is reading this, here is how you get a good turnout in FW next year.

First off, have a presence at Main St Arts Festival. UTA has a booth, Main St would be a great time to push the university, season ticket sales, MGC and inform people about the Coaches Caravan.

Have the event Downtown, its pretty small and self contained, but locals actually work there and live there and spend money there on the weekend. Have the event start at 5:30 on a week night, bring down one of the jazz bands to play during cocktail hour. Start the event at 6:30, (after 6 downtown parking is free). You will catch the young alums that live downtown, the old alums that work downtown and make it easy for those that dont work or live outside of downtown to attend.

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I'm a December grad and nobody has contacted me at all about buying season tickets. Hell, nobody at the University even contacted me about joining the MGC. Thankfully I posted about that fact months ago on this board and KRAM was able to direct me on how to join the MGC.

Several friends and I want to get seats in the young alumni section, but we're not going to do so until the school reaches out to us. I LOVE this university and want to support it, but things like this drive me crazy to no end. Why should I give another dime to UNT if they won’t even dial the phone?

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I see this, "I'm not going to buy tickets until someone calls me and asks" reasoning a lot on here. Makes no sense to me. If you know you want tickets, call and get tickets.

That's because other universities that care will pick the phone and call. I've grown up with UT and TCU season tickets and I can assure you that each school had reps calling as soon as the tickets went on sale.

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That was my same feeling, but I just went ahead and made it happen when I realized that no one is going to be calling and asking. I didn't and don't have to be convinced to contribute and/or buy season tickets, but I was holding off out of principal. I then just kind of said the hell with it and did it myself. The athletic department, ticket sales and marketing departments need an entire overhaul. Its beyond tiring seeing and hearing about the same mishaps time and time again. These particular departments are, in reality, suppose to be making the university money and there is no telling how much money has been lost due to pure negligence. Heads should be rolling.

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I see this, "I'm not going to buy tickets until someone calls me and asks" reasoning a lot on here. Makes no sense to me. If you know you want tickets, call and get tickets.

i'm buying tickets, no question...the issue is that there was a drop off in season ticket sales after a bowl victory and the best season in a decade...you would assume they would be working the phones...especially if someone has been a loyal ticket holder, but has yet to re up for their tickets

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I see this, "I'm not going to buy tickets until someone calls me and asks" reasoning a lot on here. Makes no sense to me. If you know you want tickets, call and get tickets.

That's because other universities that care will pick the phone and call. I've grown up with UT and TCU season tickets and I can assure you that each school had reps calling as soon as the tickets went on sale.

I agree with both of you.

There should definitely be more of an offense from the UNT ticket office.

On the flipside, if you know you want tickets, don't wait for someone to call you. Call them yourself.

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Excellent, I had the MGC numbers from 2001 -> 2014, and I had the season ticket numbers from 2001, but not for 2014. I'll post the numbers (with sources) when I get home tonight. (Buckle up.)

I do remember off the top of my head that in 2001 the AD set 10,000 season tickets as goal to hit by 2005... so we're a little behind on that.


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i'm buying tickets, no question...the issue is that there was a drop off in season ticket sales after a bowl victory and the best season in a decade...you would assume they would be working the phones...especially if someone has been a loyal ticket holder, but has yet to re up for their tickets

I've gotten 3-4 calls in the past month (usually during business hours so straight to VM) for renewing season tickets, Coach's Caravan, and joining MGC. Maybe they just really love me.

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