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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2012 in all areas

  1. i love that him and jordan are wearing "Mean Green Basketball" or "North Texas Basketball" shirts at every event. You honestly can't pay for that kind of Pub. Every kid seeing him doing those moves in that shirt will realize i too can go play at North Texas.
    5 points
  2. Intellectual dishonesty? Is that a roundabout way of calling me a liar? Are you on the jury of EITHER one of these cases? No. Then you are getting your information regarding both of the cases via the same means as EVERYONE ELSE. The Media. Your views in the Sandusky case have been iron-clad since the very beginning. You were presented the case by the media because you're not on the jury. You've never called out the media for enciting a lynch mob in this case, which they have. The evidence presented by the media is certainly there to convict this dude. However, a judge just threw out 3 of the counts due to a key witness' testimony being faulty. Maybe we should wait to see all the facts? OPPOSITELY, Your views in the Zimmerman case have been open (let's wait and see the facts come out... blah, blah) since the very beginning. This is probably the best road to take. You were presented the case by the media because you're not on the jury. You constantly barrage the media for creating this firestorm for ratings sake. The evidence is certainly there to convict this man of murder. However, key witness' testimonies appear muddled. I wouldn't expect you to say Zimmerman murdered this kid, or Zimmerman was acting in self defense, rather, I would expect you to say: "Let's wait and see what the facts spell out in the Sandusky trial". But you're not doing that.
    4 points
  3. How about State host Southern & let's bring Tech to Apogee
    4 points
  4. Sorry can't attach because of upload limits on size Busby has hopes the program will return. Likes the prospect of making an immediate impact.
    3 points
  5. So, I'm tendin' bar there at Ecklund and Swedlin's last Tuesday, and this little guy's drinkin' and he says, "So where can a guy find some action? I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake." And I says, "What kinda action?" and he says, "Woman action, what do I look like?" And I says, "Well, what do I look like, I don't arrange that kinda thing," and he says, "But I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake," and I says, "Well, this ain't that kinda place."
    3 points
  6. Tech is doing what they always do with their schedule. Play some non-OOC team in Texas that they can beat, until they can't beat them anymore. Look at the teams they have scheduled and then stopped playing over the years in the state. North Texas, beat them twice--really it should have been three times with no thanks to LaDarrin McLane, TCU, who they got shutout by in Ft. Worth a few years ago and then cancelled a game with them last year because, in the words of Tommy Tuberville, "TCU is not kind of team we need to be playing right now.", and UH which beat them a few years ago in Houston. Now that Texas State and UTSA are around, they will get games with Tech for the next decade. Just after we beat them often in that series we played them, they quickly scheduled SMU, who regularly got their clocks cleaned by Tech. Now that SMU is good, they aren't on Tech's schedule anymore. Its just what the sand fleas do...schedule weak as possible in OOC and then beat 4-5 teams in conference and go to a bowl game with a 7-5 or 8-4 record. Its the same old thing every years with them.
    2 points
  7. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=1800&ATCLID=205438355 Can't watch, but cheer!
    2 points
  8. 1985. I think his parents owned the Pizza Inn, or Pizza Hut? Is that correct? Go Elks! Rick
    2 points
  9. Not so fast my friends ?? TECH Tech learned of this possibility several days ago, and according to the source, is "adamantly opposed to playing on the Longhorn Network" and is "putting serious consideration into canceling the game and playing an 11 game schedule" this fall
    2 points
  10. just for fun name some of those "lower tier teams" that would be willing to do that besides D1-AA
    2 points
  11. I like the idea, but if we were going to pimp out our geographic location, lets aim a little higher and get some quality national exposure. The Pac 12 really wanted Texas and OU. High profile Pac teams might be willing to play us in 1 and 1 series. USC or UCLA would bring great national exposure to Apogee. UCLA has already played Houston in a series, and Houston plays in Robertson. Washington State would be a great series. They are terrible right now, but Leach will turn them around, and I'm sure he would love to play in DFW for recruiting. An annual home and home series with WSU could become a great rivalry in the future. A rivalry that could help grow both university's programs.
    2 points
  12. I think there are several things at play. First, CUSA started out with a consensus to add two schools (FIU and UNT). The Alliance idea was still in play and two divisions of 10 playing 9 games was rather manageable. Then MWC needed to kill the WAC in order to survive since it became apparent that the Alliance idea had some serious issues. Offering a lifeboat to UTSA and La.Tech then entered the equation. That led to ECU and Marshall to oppose because they felt there was not sufficient accomodation in the east and UAB felt basketball was getting the short end of the stick. That led to Charlotte and ODU. What was supposed to be a simple 2 team expansion mushroomed into six teams (remember WAC16 was supposed to be WAC12 and it took off). From those I've talked to the sense is C-USA is not content at 14. There is belief that the Alliance concept of a large conference having greater bargaining power with TV still has merit but MWC is not the appealing partner it once was. I am told models of 16, 18, and 20 are being discussed, 18 looks popular at this point. Timining is a significant issue because it needs to be done prior to signing the next TV deal but not so it overlaps with the ODU and Charlotte transition seasons because there could be two FCS added (James Madison and Delaware being most likely). The eastern schools supposedly would like to add JMU, UD, and FAU so that USM is in the west. With one school added in the West, supposedly UTEP wants New Mexico.
    2 points
  13. Oh, and you're a douche.
    2 points
  14. "If anyone here thinks that after one year and a 5 win season that 4 & 5 star recruits are going to be flocking to UNT, you are NUTS!" You can't spell NUTS without UNT.
    2 points
  15. That's interesting. http://insider.espn.go.com/blog/ncfrecruiting/on-the-trail/post?id=7198&action=login&appRedirect=http%3a%2f%2finsider.espn.go.com%2fblog%2fncfrecruiting%2fon-the-trail%2fpost%3fid%3d7198
    1 point
  16. Tech and Nevada at home. I'm on my mobile or I'd provide a link. Start the "Why can't WE schedule home games with them" thread in 3...2...1...
    1 point
  17. With Francione I wouldn't automatically say blowout because when he settles down and decides he wants to stay at a job...........he can do a pretty good job of coaching. Quite frankly, I was impressed with all the 3 star recruits Coach Fran got as rated by Scout. Of course, you never know how 3 star recruits will translate at the FBS level. TSU-SM's problems are going to be the ones they (basically) inherit from us IMHO. They will have no SBC football rivals in the Lone Star State (among other scheduling problems I perceive they are going to have, but on the upside their AD seems to not want to back down on who they schedule with their OOC games in San Marcos). GMG!
    1 point
  18. So true! My wife is a Tech alum and we go to Lubbock every year for a game and meet up with several of her friends. The pervasive attitude is that any non-conference game must be an absolute canned hunt. Their entire future OOC schedule includes Texas State, Northwetern State, Central Arkansas, New Mexico, and SMU - which I'm sure they are trying to find a way out of.
    1 point
  19. Intellectual dishonesty isn't a lie, but rather using the same logic to draw separate conclusions based on the politics or personal presence on each case, not based on the facts. Someone who is calling you intellectually dishonest isn't calling you a liar. ...but I digress. The flaw in your argument that I think led him to cite you as having been intellectually dishonest should be pretty clear. In the Sandusky case, the victims are all still alive. There are multiple victims and witnesses all telling the same story. There has also been no evidence of the media modifying any materials they have been presented by either the prosecution, defense or law enforcement to help them bolster a narrative that they plucked from thin air. None of this is the case in the Zimmerman trial. As more and more undoctored evidence comes out on Zimmerman, the more and more the original narrative that this white guy killed this black kid simply because he was black seems to be less and less likely. ...but as more and more information pours out of the Sandusky trial and more and more witnesses and victims (now including his own son) come out, the more creepy and apparently guilty Sandusky looks.
    1 point
  20. You just made an excellent observation, and I agree completely. Some others have made the same observation, but get torn up. I don't get it.what you said is just common sense. That's why I like it. Let's stop busting out the annointing oils on guys that had 5 career starts, and now get a free ride to play for my beloved alma mater. I'm all for swinging for the fences just to see what might stick.Just my two cents, but I know 75% of the guys on here are former NFL coaches and really know football talent. So, I'll sit in the corner and praise anything positive they have to say. Thumbs up for everyone that likes every move made by the coaching staff, boooo hisss if you have any objections.
    1 point
  21. I expected something like this...
    1 point
  22. hes a quitter... theres no need for quitters
    1 point
  23. Your question was not directed to me, but if they wanted to get Cooper on the field, TE was not the place to do it. He's behind at least 3 other TEs on the depth chart.
    1 point
  24. I still don't think TOP is the issue. Like I said, the only game that UH won the TOP battle, we lost. UH scores so fast, it's usually UH's defense that tires more than the opponent's D. Out of 85 offensive TDs, only 4 took longer than 4 minutes. Only 11 took 10 or more plays. The only teams to really beat Keenum with a TOP game was UCF and Air Force in 2009 and our defense has improved since then. UH's lowest 2 TOP games last season were 17:45 vs Marshall and 21:25 vs Rice. The scores of those games were 63-28 and 73-34. And that cramp ploy hasn't worked yet. SMU is the worst at it and UH has beaten them 6 straight. Tulsa and TT used it too in losses. I'm not one to boo injured players, but when you see players fake injuries frequently, sometimes real injuries get booed because it looks like another fake one.
    1 point
  25. How could they have not seen this as a possibility from the beginning? Do they not realize LHN is an ESPN platform? Did they actually think ESPN was going to use valuable air time on one of their main networks for Texas Tech vs Texas State?
    1 point
  26. If both teams are scoring every possession, it doesn't matter what style of play you use. Obviously, with UH's amazing TD/possession ratio, it made little difference last year. That doesn't negate the value of TOP against Houston, though. If you're looking to stop the big play, I think we would agree a rested defense would increase your chances of that. Unofficially, as a CUSA fan, I've watched other teams employ a newer tactic that is gaining popularity against Houston: it's the get-a-cramp-and-official-timeout-to-stop-that-ridiculous-Case-Keenum-offense-that's-been-rolling-for-a-decade-oh-God-is-he-ever-going-to-graduate ploy. I think we might have a chance.
    1 point
  27. Interesting consideration. I'm not going through every play of the season, so I looked at offensive and special teams TDs >=20 yards. UH had about 1100 offensive plays or about 79 plays per game. We had 40 TDs>=20 yards. Dividing long TDs by number of plays and UH is at about 3.6% UNT had about 827 plays or about 69 plays per game. I was surprised that UNT only had 10 less offensive plays per game. UNT had 11 TDs >=20 yards or about 1.3%. Out of curiousity I picked another high octane offense Baylor who was #4 in scoring (UH as #1). They had about 1000 plays or 77 plays per game and 36 TDs >=20 yards. That comes out to 3.6%, almost identical to UH. Regarding the change in offensive coaching: according to this article, Nesbitt is not only using the same offense, but we're even continuing to use the same terminology as before so there should be little transition for the players learning a new offense. With Keenum mentoring Piland over the last 2 years, including the year Piland played 8 games, I'm guessing he's learned a lot about the offense since he was thrown to the wolves after the 2 QB injuries. Regarding Piland taking a few games to get into the flow, it's possible. I don't think Keenum was hitting on all cylinders in the early games last year either after coming back from injury. In Piland's freshman year you could argue that it took him some time. But I think we emphasized the run a lot more to help him out once he started. In his last 2 games, he had 467 and 441 yards.
    1 point
  28. I hope they are right. But, I don't see Troy finishing ahead of ULL or ASU.
    1 point
  29. The Houston QB David Piland played as a true freshman in 2010 after both Keenum and Cotton Turner got injured against UCLA. Terrance Broadway (now at ULaLa) started 1 game after the injuries, but Piland started the rest of the season. In 8 games, he had 2641 yards passing, 24 TDs, and 14 INTs. His 330 yards per game would have been good for #3 in the nation between Landry Jones and Brandon Weeden, but he needed to play in 1 more game to be counted in the official rankings. He redshirted last year. A lot of people say UH is going to be bad because Piland's team in 2010 went 5-7. Keenum would probably be good for at least a couple more wins, but the biggest problem that year was defense which was 103rd in yardage and 96th in points. Last year that improved to 62nd and 35th. Moving up 61 places in scoring defense is amazing. Most think the defense will be at least that good this year. Even if it stays in the top 50 in scoring defense, UH will be ok with our offense. In the 8 games Piland started, we averaged 34 PPG. If you're curious about SOS that year, Piland played 3 out of 8 games against teams that finished in the top 25. The starting Houston RB will be Charles Sims. He was the leading rusher for UH although he split a lot of time with Hayes and Beall. He averaged 7.5 yards per carry. He was also the 4th leading receiver for UH. In 2011, he was 1st team all CUSA. In 2009, he was CUSA freshman of the year. He had to sit out 2010 for academic issues, but in 2011 he made the commissioner's honor roll so hopefully he has that under control. UH did lose their top 3 receivers. There is a ton of talent though and we'll see who steps up. Leading the way will be Deontay Greenberry, the highly regarded recruit who changed his commitment on signing day from Notre Dame to Houston. There is a TON of speed at WR, so let's see if they can catch the ball. Considering our leading receiver Patrick Edwards was originally a walk on and 3rd leading receiver Tyron Carrier originally came to UH for track, it will interesting to see how 3 & 4 star recruits do. They have a lot to live up to. Helping Piland out will be an experienced OL where we return 4 out of 5 starters. UH had 2011 1st team, 2nd team, and honorable mention all conference linemen who are coming back. Losing Sammy Brown and Marcus McGraw on defense will definitely hurt, but we do have 8 starters returning on defense. Special teams will be solid with UH returning our punter and kicker. Interesting to see who will replace Carrier and Edwards on returns. Coaching staff? That is a little bit of an unknown. Levine is a first time college head coach, but then again, so were Briles and Sumlin. He looked great in his first game as head coach beating a ranked Penn State in our bowl. New OC is Mike Nesbitt. He was OC at SFA and West Texas A&M and was very successful at that level. We'll be running the same offense. New DC is Jamie Bryant. He was LB coach at UH last year. Before that he was DC at Vanderbilt.
    1 point
  30. A multi-paragraph response to all the Gabbert apologists on GMG and/or Texas Football? What's next? Debating the future sack totals of Chris Clemons via an AV Club retro thread for season 3 of Alf? That said, I was entertained.
    1 point
  31. Ya...but...5'11", 175?
    1 point
  32. Hey, any publicity is good publicity - for both TFLF and GMG - right?
    1 point
  33. After perusing this board, THAT was the quote this dude chose as the most irrational?
    1 point
  34. I don't know about y'all, but I'll put up Kenny Evans' football knowledge up against this guys any day of the week.
    1 point
  35. I think we can own this new segment and not even have to try.
    1 point
  36. 30 wins or Johnny Jones is totally fired.
    1 point
  37. This is really one for Comedy Central. UNT has not even seen the start of it's affiliation with CUSA and already the Mean Green Nation seems to have found something to complain about...the Basketball Tournament site. Greatness!
    1 point
  38. I dare say you might want to think twice about that passport thing. Juarez is not the safest of places to be these days. Lots of things to do on the US side of the border if you go to El Paso. Am just wondering how the "feel" of the tournament might be in a larger city like El Paso? It was fun running into Mean green fans on the streets in Hot Springs and you could pretty much walk all over the town during the tournament. Team watering holes were close, etc. I wonder how it might be in El Paso? I guess we'll find out soon enough! Viva El Paso!
    1 point
  39. Why hasnt this been moved to the... No One Cares About Texas State forum
    1 point
  40. If they were demostrated world beaters, they would have lots of other offers. That is the point.
    1 point
  41. I agree. Coach Mac was brought here to raise the level of the program, which means raising the level of talent. He has more to work with than any coach in UNT history, and can and will be considered a failure if he doesn't succeed at UNT (conference championships is what I am talking about. That said, does that mean because his 1st two recruits of his second recruiting class are under the radar, he is a failure? Of course not. Will I be concerned if he doesn't get better talent in this recruiting class than last years recruiting class? Yes. Does it mean that I expect recruiting classes in CUSA to be MUCH better than our recruiting classes in the Belt? Yes sir. If not, we are in a world of 2-10 hurt. I think we should all slow down and wait and see what the rest of this class brings.
    1 point
  42. Okie dokie. Since we'll never be able to play with the big boys in recruiting... lets all just be happy with early signings of deep deep diamond in the rough kinda guys! Maybe one or two of them will be able to put on the size required to play Conference USA ball!! Maybe some of them won't leave/quit the program early!! Times are good!!
    1 point
  43. NT started recruiting offering a lot of highly sought guys and now is apparently going after the lightly recruited with big upsides. No matter what you think of the two commits, I don't think this is a good sign. McCarney has much more to sell than any other NT staff. It is time to start winning some recruiting battles and not relying almost entirely on identifying the best of players available were there is little competition.
    1 point
  44. Not a pick that gets you overly excited. I hope he can turn into a good player. Welcome aboard
    1 point

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