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Limbaugh says something, and thus the entire right wing is guilty of being paranoid? LOL!

I suppose Limbaugh is also responsible for this massacre?

I'll remember this when someone on MSNBC says the next hateful thing (probably only have to wait until tonight) and I'll paint every liberal with that brush. Seem fair?

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Limbaugh lost credibility a long, long time ago. This is just another shovel full of dirt that makes a deeper hole for a coffin with a new nail in it, with that guy's credibility stuffed inside.

Before this credibility coffin gets fully buried, I'd like to add SEVERAL more right wingers to it........starting with Michelle Bachman.

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Before this credibility coffin gets fully buried, I'd like to add SEVERAL more right wingers to it........starting with Michelle Bachman.

Let's be fair here. I propose for every right winger you hate, you throw a left winger in there also.

Let's start with someone we all can hate, Keith Oberman, and maybe procede with Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews.

Come on. Be fair ,here. A lefty for a righty in this coffin.

Edited by UNT90
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Limbaugh says something, and thus the entire right wing is guilty of being paranoid? LOL!

I suppose Limbaugh is also responsible for this massacre?

I'll remember this when someone on MSNBC says the next hateful thing (probably only have to wait until tonight) and I'll paint every liberal with that brush. Seem fair?

Who said republicans were responsible for a massacre? Trying to get that straw man in there to avoid the topic at hand...or just incapable of staying on subject?

To borrow an oft used UNt90 adage..."typical conservative thinking"

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Who said republicans were responsible for a massacre? Trying to get that straw man in there to avoid the topic at hand...or just incapable of staying on subject?

To borrow an oft used UNt90 adage..."typical conservative thinking"

I think the bigger question is when was this movie made? Was Romney the front runner for the nomination during that time period? Did Hollywood pick Bane as the antagonist in this movie because of Romney? I mean, it's not like Bane is a well known Batman villian.

I would bet that this is pure coincidence.

If you read what Rush actually said, he is concerned about a braindead culture making the connection and Pres. Obama using it to his advantage, not so much that this was an evil plan by Hollywood.

Knowing nothing (and caring less) about the Batman comic book series, is Bane a criminal that takes over Gotham by outsourcing jobs? Through any type of economic criminal activity?

If not, this is a stupid non-issue.

But, to link it to all "right wingers"? Now, that is "typical liberal thinking."

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Who said republicans were responsible for a massacre?

ugh, ABC news, moveon.org, a large portion of the blogosphere...

...just making the point that there are nuts all over on all sides. ...lets not paint all conservatives (or liberals) with a broad brush because of some really off the mark remarks by a few. On topic enough for you?

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ugh, ABC news, moveon.org, a large portion of the blogosphere...

...just making the point that there are nuts all over on all sides. ...lets not paint all conservatives (or liberals) with a broad brush because of some really off the mark remarks by a few. On topic enough for you?

Let's not forget that people usually remember the first thing they here about a story and take it for gospel, especially the brain dead that don't ever watch the news. THey see this story, see that the tea party was involved, and spout that crap out to all their friends.

Every news organization knows this.

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Aside from the joker Bane is THE villain in Batman lore. He (as is shown in the movie) literally broke Batman. He was the ideal adversary to overcome to end the trilogy. And the movie was in production long before Romney's goof up was made public knowledge.

And let's not let Limbaugh off the hook. His words, not mine...

"RUSH: Have you heard this new movie, the Batman movie, what is it, The Dark Knight Lights Up or whatever the name is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises. Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there's now this make-believe controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time. The release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bane?"

Sounds a lot less, "this is what lobs will latch onto" and a lot more "they're using their media machine again and creating the boogeyman man"

I think the bigger question is when was this movie made? Was Romney the front runner for the nomination during that time period? Did Hollywood pick Bane as the antagonist in this movie because of Romney? I mean, it's not like Bane is a well known Batman villian.

I would bet that this is pure coincidence.

If you read what Rush actually said, he is concerned about a braindead culture making the connection and Pres. Obama using it to his advantage, not so much that this was an evil plan by Hollywood.

Knowing nothing (and caring less) about the Batman comic book series, is Bane a criminal that takes over Gotham by outsourcing jobs? Through any type of economic criminal activity?

If not, this is a stupid non-issue.

But, to link it to all "right wingers"? Now, that is "typical liberal thinking."

I think the bigger question is when was this movie made? Was Romney the front runner for the nomination during that time period? Did Hollywood pick Bane as the antagonist in this movie because of Romney? I mean, it's not like Bane is a well known Batman villian.

I would bet that this is pure coincidence.

If you read what Rush actually said, he is concerned about a braindead culture making the connection and Pres. Obama using it to his advantage, not so much that this was an evil plan by Hollywood.

Knowing nothing (and caring less) about the Batman comic book series, is Bane a criminal that takes over Gotham by outsourcing jobs? Through any type of economic criminal activity?

If not, this is a stupid non-issue.

But, to link it to all "right wingers"? Now, that is "typical liberal thinking."

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Aside from the joker Bane is THE villain in Batman lore. He (as is shown in the movie) literally broke Batman. He was the ideal adversary to overcome to end the trilogy. And the movie was in production long before Romney's goof up was made public knowledge.

And let's not let Limbaugh off the hook. His words, not mine...

"RUSH: Have you heard this new movie, the Batman movie, what is it, The Dark Knight Lights Up or whatever the name is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises. Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there's now this make-believe controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time. The release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bane?"

Sounds a lot less, "this is what lobs will latch onto" and a lot more "they're using their media machine again and creating the boogeyman man"

Bane may have "broke" Batman, but he is a B-list villain in Batman lore. Joker, two-face, penguin, catwoman, and even Ra's rank a head of him,IMO

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Bane may have "broke" Batman, but he is a B-list villain in Batman lore. Joker, two-face, penguin, catwoman, and even Ra's rank a head of him,IMO

Joker is unquestionably #1. He's his own category - always has been. Basically the complete opposite of Batman.

After that it's a big soup of characters. I'd say Bane is somewhere on the lower list of A-listers or the top B lister.

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Joker is unquestionably #1. He's his own category - always has been. Basically the complete opposite of Batman.

After that it's a big soup of characters. I'd say Bane is somewhere on the lower list of A-listers or the top B lister.

Bane may have "broke" Batman, but he is a B-list villain in Batman lore. Joker, two-face, penguin, catwoman, and even Ra's rank a head of him,IMO



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Bane may have "broke" Batman, but he is a B-list villain in Batman lore. Joker, two-face, penguin, catwoman, and even Ra's rank a head of him,IMO

Completely subjective, and missing the point. Bane didn't arrive until 1993, but he is by no means a B-list villain. He broke Batman, and his plan and methodology of carrying it out was significant and groundbreaking. Also, the ONLY villain on your list that hasn't already appeared in one of the Nolan Batman films (or in this one), is The Penguin, who's never really been as highly regarded by the fanboys and critics as he was by casual fans (and ranking near 20 places after Bane in IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time).

But, more to the point, either you:

1) Think Christopher Nolan's use of Bane had something to do with a liberal conspiracy


2) Think he chose him because he was seeking a significant villain to end his trilogy and the Bane storyline (releasing prisoners from Arkham and a months-long plan to stalk and kill Batman) was the means to achieve it.

This, of course, doesn't even delve into the fact that Joel Schumaker had Bane in the dreadful Batman and Robin. In fact, didn't he have him portrayed by an pro wrestler, Jeep Swenson.... who once went by the stage name of The Final Solution? Wait, it's all becoming clear... a George Clooney movie portraying Bain Capital as a monstrous, retarded, jingoistic, anti-semitic wrestler - THIS CONSPIRACY GOES BACK DECADES!

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Joker is unquestionably #1. He's his own category - always has been. Basically the complete opposite of Batman.

After that it's a big soup of characters. I'd say Bane is somewhere on the lower list of A-listers or the top B lister.

Like I said, not much exposure to the comic books, but an avid watcher of the Adam West Batman series as a kid.

A lot of Joker, Penguin, Catwoman. and even The Riddler. I don't ever recall seeing one episode with Bane.

I know the show only made a couple of season, but if Bane was even a low A lister, shouldn't he have made an appearance?

Politics aside, just a strange choice for villain.

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Like I said, not much exposure to the comic books, but an avid watcher of the Adam West Batman series as a kid.

A lot of Joker, Penguin, Catwoman. and even The Riddler. I don't ever recall seeing one episode with Bane.

I know the show only made a couple of season, but if Bane was even a low A lister, shouldn't he have made an appearance?

Politics aside, just a strange choice for villain.

Bane was created in the early 90s. That's why he didn't appear on the show. Not a strange choice at all.

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