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Would Mike Leach Come Here?


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honesty it really does not make a difference to me one way or the other

but the reality IMO is that he would never come to UNT so thinking he would is dreaming.....or I believe he would fail at UNT or have a very limited amount of success (by UNT and UNT ONLY standards) and then jump ship

I think he would fail and for that alone I would not mind seeing it because it would smash the few leach fans left on the planet over the head with their silver thunder 40oz and wake everyone up to the fact that a circus act that never changes is just an old tired circus that only little kids want to see until they have seen it once or twice or until they have grown up

then it is the same old BS from the same old BSer

Fair enough. Now, thoughts on possible UNT relocating to the WAC?

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Ya, cause a BSC program would be sooooooo interested in him if the best he could do was 6-6 against the Belt and OOC games like Rice, SMU, and Army.

Oh, remind me, when was the last time we beat Rice, SMU, or Army?

And yes, I think with the schedule UNT plays, Leach would easily win 8-10 games by his 3rd year.

actually you have a point....what I should have written is that leach would take a dump and TRY to go to a BCS team that was win less the year before and then when they took a pass on him he would come back to UNT and try and tell their fans and supporters that he was just having pirate talk with his agents and the AD of that program with a coaching vacancy for two hours in the bar at the coaches conference

mike leach teams play down to the level of competition.....and for leach to get 8 wins in any season at UNT he would need to start the season playing Eastern New Mexico TxSouthern, and San Jose State all at home followed by a close loss to Baylor on the road that he would blame on tweets, fat girl friends, and players reading their press clippings.....then he would go .500 in the Belt and need to back into the most spare bowl on earth with an over achieving Utah State that was just glad to be there

after that would be a public demand for a raise and a contract extension with all the money for leach guaranteed and leach having no buyout clause

unfortunately for leach and UNT the money is not there to bring those three schools in to start the season and I am not sure the fans would show up for that even if UNT was winning and with a leach coached team there is every chance that press clippings and fat girl friends might sneak in a loss to one of those three as well which gets UNT basically right back to where they are today because the players would lose their motivation and it would be at a higher price against even worse competition

and NO the WAC would not be good for UNT.....but UNT is not getting into the CUSA or the MWC either and even if they did it would be as bad or worse than the belt for them as far as wins and loses

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you are dreaming if you believe any of that is even close to being true

lets cut through the BS

Leach will never come to UNT.....it does nothing for his ego, he has never built a program up from nothing.....and the first thing he would do is start talking like Dickey did and asking when more improvements are going to be made and when more money will be spent......then while that is being done (pretending that UNT would actually be able to do it like Tech was able to) Leach would be flying all over the USA on coach class tickets shopping for his next big job that would pay him more, feed his ego, and accept wins over D1-AA teams and losses to all the big teams in the conference and a few losses to horrible teams sprinkled in for good measure as well

there is nothing close to being similar to Tech and UNT.....while not spectacular by any means Spike Dykes at least had a winning record in the SWC and in the BIG 12 and Tech had done more than Spike did in the past (and more than Leach as well) and Tech consistently pulled in more fans and invested more in their program than UNT ever has....Leach took over a team that had been 6-5 the year before (not great but better than 5-32 or whatever Todge is) and the Big 12 was having some issues with their southern teams when Leach took over as well

Leach is a circus act coach and he has no real coaching abilities and that showed his last year when his players finally figured out he had reached the limits of his abilities and more importantly they figured out that he knew he had reached the limits of his abilities and that was why he was looking to jump ship to another place eager for a circus geek to come try and catch lightening in a bottle

only the dumbest of the dumb and the most immature Tech fans want anything at all to change with the administration....Leach did not help build their Basketball Facility the administration did, Leach did not help build the west side of their stadium it was already planned and mostly funded when Leach arrived, Leach did not get the money for the SBC/ATT naming the administration did

Leach does not do fund raising, leach barely does coaches shows, leach makes a point to ignore fans and alumni supporters which is why Tuberville was able to raise more money in the time period BEFORE his first game ever at Tech than Leach did in his entire 10 years there.....he upgraded the practice turf, upgraded the weight room, and upgraded some of the other trophy facilities as well.....all buy doing what Leach would never do which is picking up the phone and asking

Tech sold more season tickets than ever THIS YEAR after Leach was fired and at higher prices than anytime in the past.....the athletic foundation is at a record for donations already, and their season ticket sales were higher than the total capacity of the new stadium at UNT

as for the university administration.....Tech is at record enrollments for the last few years, with higher incoming freshman metrics to boot so they have not just opened the flood gates for anyone to come be a student

4 out of 5 years Hance has been at Tech he has raised over 100 million in donations (this had nothing to do with leach period) and he has helped recruit more top faculty (and even a few groups of faculty) than at any time in the past

if anyone is "hanging out with friends that want a change in administration at Tech" then you are hanging out with a drunken, foolish, child like, immature, moron that will never have the money or the clout to change anything at Texas Tech ever and in a few years they will be remembered as "the idiots" of the group and they will be roundly mocked for their stupidity and ignorance in thinking that mush mouthed pirate had much to do with anything at Tech or Lubbock other than beating some teams he should have beat, once in a blue moon beating a really good team, and going to the spare.org bowl

what changed Lubbock probably the most dramatically was the destruction and rebuilding of north overton (the Tech ghetto) which would be similar to cement city at UNT......leach had ZERO to do with this and it would have been done even if Tech was going 5-32 in football for the last few years......the Overton Project was done by Delbert McDougal that is not working with Irving for parts of their Heritage District and with Arlington and UTA on parts of their city around UTA.....leach had zero to do with or ti influence this and it was the most dramatic thing to happen to Lubbock in several decades

another thing that helped was the transformation of Reese Air force base which McDougal also helped with and it has been still to this day the most successful transformation of a former air force base in the USA.....it was well underway before leach even dreamed of coaching in Lubbock

leach was only able to stick around in Lubbock so long because of those drunken, childish, idiots that hang their hats on putting 70 points on sisters of the poor and hang their hats on 7 and 8 win seasons and consecutive fruit bowls and .com bowls.......everyone else has figured out the reality that none of that means anything to anyone when you are paying top 10 money to a coach that recruits poorly, job shops every year instead of recruiting or preparing for his biggest bowl game ever, never makes a BCS game, and never sniffs winning the 12 team conference once in 10 years

am sure your same group of friends that wants the "administration" out at Tech was also bragging about how after 10 years of leach they still had to ride the coattails of UT to get into another conference because every other conference out there does not count the spare.web bowl and a string of seasons of beating up D1-AA teams and dropping other games to decent or even horrible teams much less the good teams you played as "accomplishments".......they count that as just another team going through the motions

yet through all of that tech has grown as a university and Lubbock has grown as a city and Tech has redone or built new nearly every athletic venue on campus.....all without the help of leach or leaches string of ho hum seasons supported by people that have the point of view of last week and the vision of the future through the bottom of a beer bottle

could leach improve unt.....perhaps in wins and losses on the field, but I am not even convinced of that.....and he would do nothing to improve other facilities (although he would demand they be improved and pout if they were not)....he would improve the amount of money you spend on coaches because if he did not he would be on the next plane to the coaches conference to sit in a bar for two hours with the AD of some bigger program and "not talk about football or their coaching vacancy".....instead of recruiting, raising funds, or meeting with fans or alumni much less working on defense or special teams or beating the top teams in the conference

leach would be at best a 2 or 3 year flash in the pan at UNT and at worse he would just be the next highly over paid Todge

take the risk if you want to, but if you think Leach will build long term support, improve facilities through his efforts, improve Denton in any way shape or form, or do anything other than promote mike leach while he is there you are dreaming and listening to idiots that have the life experience of a nat and the brains and vision of a flea which is what those that wish for leach to still be at Tech or for any administrator to leave or be let go at Tech possess

I will take all of that if it in a heartbeat means us getting out of the joke and laughing stock of college football.

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I will take all of that if it in a heartbeat means us getting out of the joke and laughing stock of college football.

but you fail to understand that UNT can't afford mike......UNT does not have near the talent that mike had when he took over at Tech.....Tech was not nearly as far down in the dumps as UNT is when mike took over......UNT has to start the season on the road playing good teams instead of starting at home playing crap teams like mike likes.....mike might sell more tickets, but UNT does not have deep pocketed donors lining up to toss cash and just waiting for UNT to win before they do it....even with the new stadium UNT does not come close to the stadium. facilities, fan or donor support that Tech had then and that Tech has today

and after one of those mike coached teams pulls a typical leach and plays down and loses to a horrible team the mike magic quickly fades especially with the players because mike tosses them under the bus and or tosses the facilities and fans under the bus

sounds a lot like DD.....even when DD was winning.....not sure if you were a DD fan or a DD detractor, but once the "magic" was gone with DD he was out the door and he was coaching for CHEAP compared to what mike would want to be paid and compared to the things that mike would demand

at least DD took something over that was HORRIBLE......and even with HORRIBLE FACILITIES and fan support DD did better than anyone at UNT had done in decades and decades......and UNT still did not support him or improve their facilities and when DD tried to bring it up he was vilified....even when DD did NOT go out and job shop himself to every program out there......mike is DD on steroids and mike WILL put his name out there very publicly for EVERY JOB OPENING and mike still has not shown he can really build something to the next level especially when fan and facility and alumni support is not there......mike showed he could change up the schedule to replace Ohio State and Ole' Miss and NC State with the little sisters of the poor and actually beat them and then get into one of the multitude of new bowl games that came along about the same time mike did....he showed he could take that success.....keep the same crappy schedule.....and then catch lightening in a bottle a few times and then make bigger and bigger demands while he and his teams hit a brick wall as far as really getting to the next level

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but you fail to understand that UNT can't afford mike......UNT does not have near the talent that mike had when he took over at Tech.....Tech was not nearly as far down in the dumps as UNT is when mike took over......UNT has to start the season on the road playing good teams instead of starting at home playing crap teams like mike likes.....mike might sell more tickets, but UNT does not have deep pocketed donors lining up to toss cash and just waiting for UNT to win before they do it....even with the new stadium UNT does not come close to the stadium. facilities, fan or donor support that Tech had then and that Tech has today

and after one of those mike coached teams pulls a typical leach and plays down and loses to a horrible team the mike magic quickly fades especially with the players because mike tosses them under the bus and or tosses the facilities and fans under the bus

sounds a lot like DD.....even when DD was winning.....not sure if you were a DD fan or a DD detractor, but once the "magic" was gone with DD he was out the door and he was coaching for CHEAP compared to what mike would want to be paid and compared to the things that mike would demand

at least DD took something over that was HORRIBLE......and even with HORRIBLE FACILITIES and fan support DD did better than anyone at UNT had done in decades and decades......and UNT still did not support him or improve their facilities and when DD tried to bring it up he was vilified....even when DD did NOT go out and job shop himself to every program out there......mike is DD on steroids and mike WILL put his name out there very publicly for EVERY JOB OPENING and mike still has not shown he can really build something to the next level especially when fan and facility and alumni support is not there......mike showed he could change up the schedule to replace Ohio State and Ole' Miss and NC State with the little sisters of the poor and actually beat them and then get into one of the multitude of new bowl games that came along about the same time mike did....he showed he could take that success.....keep the same crappy schedule.....and then catch lightening in a bottle a few times and then make bigger and bigger demands while he and his teams hit a brick wall as far as really getting to the next level

Yeah but Tech also wasn't in the Sunbelt conference. Sure NT doesn't have talent as Tech but they also play in the worst conference in college football. So lets compare these things fairly. And if you don't think Leach didn't have anything to do with the swagger Tech has and the uprise of their fanbase you are high.

And if you go back and read my posts, I have said it is a total and complete longshot of Leach coming here. But like I said...everybody has a price and if we are willing to break the bank for him and make him the face of our whole school I think he would listen for a minute or two. Now what happens after that is whatever. But that is RV's job...what can he do to persuade a guy like Leach.

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So you admit that Leach's winning brought in deep pocketed donors? Sign me up.

no Texas tech had deep pocketed donors long before mike

that is why Tech was able to build their basket ball facility after United Food Stores donated a large amount of money

that is why Tech was able to get a large donation to their college of business from a former engineering student and that same person also donated the money for the Rawls golf course (with mike having nothing to do with any of it) and that is why Tech was able to get SBC/ATT to donate a large amount of money for stadium improvements two different times and able to get ATT to donate a large amount of money to the college of engineering recently and to have another donor donate 15 million to the petroleum engineering department

and the 78 million in donations including a single 50 million dollar donation to the El Paso medical school had nothing to do with mike as well

which is why Texas Tech has just under 400 million for a university endowment and just under 700 million dollars for a system endowment (excluding Angelo state and their 90 million endowment (more than UNT))

VS the 81 million dollar endowment for UNT and the system as a whole

because Texas Tech has had donors and supporters from long before mike leach ever stepped foot on the Tech campus

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no Texas tech had deep pocketed donors long before mike

that is why Tech was able to build their basket ball facility after United Food Stores donated a large amount of money

that is why Tech was able to get a large donation to their college of business from a former engineering student and that same person also donated the money for the Rawls golf course (with mike having nothing to do with any of it) and that is why Tech was able to get SBC/ATT to donate a large amount of money for stadium improvements two different times and able to get ATT to donate a large amount of money to the college of engineering recently and to have another donor donate 15 million to the petroleum engineering department

and the 78 million in donations including a single 50 million dollar donation to the El Paso medical school had nothing to do with mike as well

which is why Texas Tech has just under 400 million for a university endowment and just under 700 million dollars for a system endowment (excluding Angelo state and their 90 million endowment (more than UNT))

VS the 81 million dollar endowment for UNT and the system as a whole

because Texas Tech has had donors and supporters from long before mike leach ever stepped foot on the Tech campus

No one is denying Tech's wealth as far as alumni giving. No one is disputing that. But once again if you don't think Leach had ANYTHING to do with this then I will say it again...you are high.

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Yeah but Tech also wasn't in the Sunbelt conference. Sure NT doesn't have talent as Tech but they also play in the worst conference in college football. So lets compare these things fairly. And if you don't think Leach didn't have anything to do with the swagger Tech has and the uprise of their fanbase you are high.

And if you go back and read my posts, I have said it is a total and complete longshot of Leach coming here. But like I said...everybody has a price and if we are willing to break the bank for him and make him the face of our whole school I think he would listen for a minute or two. Now what happens after that is whatever. But that is RV's job...what can he do to persuade a guy like Leach.

Dude! Just ignore the fact that Terxas Tech plays UT, Ok, Ok St., and TAM EVERY FREAKING YEAR.

Also, ignore the fact that Leach had Texas Tech, TEXAS FREAKING TECH, positioned at #2 in the nation with 2 games to play, and lost what was basically the national title play in game at Oklahoma in 2008.

Leach is sooooooooooooo overrated.

Can't wait to see how Tuberville does against UT.

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Yeah but Tech also wasn't in the Sunbelt conference. Sure NT doesn't have talent as Tech but they also play in the worst conference in college football. So lets compare these things fairly. And if you don't think Leach didn't have anything to do with the swagger Tech has and the uprise of their fanbase you are high.

And if you go back and read my posts, I have said it is a total and complete longshot of Leach coming here. But like I said...everybody has a price and if we are willing to break the bank for him and make him the face of our whole school I think he would listen for a minute or two. Now what happens after that is whatever. But that is RV's job...what can he do to persuade a guy like Leach.

but UNT currently has sunbelt level talent.....and mike liked to play sunbelt level teams (or worse) to open the season and get that "swagga" going.....UNT can't afford to bring those types of teams in with a sunbelt level budget which means mike would be playing better teams on the road to start the season to develop his "hang 70 on someone that SUCKS swagga" or mike would be "building fan support" by playing teams that are worse than the belt before playing those horrible belt teams......which really does not give you much "cred" with recruits and T-Shirt fans or with alumni eager to actually have something to talk about with their team

hey we won 8 games......yea going 500 in the belt and playing 2 D1-AA teams a year and San Jose State.....that really develops support, "swagga", "cred" and fans

again SMU was horrible and so was Baylor, but at least DD beat them one of the two times he played each of them.....and there was no "swagga" or "cred" for any of that even when he went on to win the belt 4 years in a row

if you think leach and his circus act of coaching is going to come in and beat clemson on the road or any of the schools UNT has to play to have any decent competition on the schedule you are dreaming......and lsoing even close one to good teams is not how mike leach and mike leach teams develop their "swagga"

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No one is denying Tech's wealth as far as alumni giving. No one is disputing that. But once again if you don't think Leach had ANYTHING to do with this then I will say it again...you are high.

and to think that people that make the kind of money that is required to donate millions to a university at a single shot live or die and make or don't make donations based on what a football idiot does is to be smoking crack or to be believing that "fans" that want a change in administration at Tech because the football fool was sent packing actually carry any weight or have any influence over what happens at a university much less that they ever will

Tech is about to announce a billion dollar campaign and they already have the video for it made and they are already through the (dreaded at UNT) silent phase of that campaign (and the campaign has actually already been discussed in the news in the past) so we will see what not having mike does for Texas Tech and their university financial support

I imagine that Tech will actually get to 1.2 billion in the time frame they offer up for a 20% increase over what they have set their goal for

I will not deny that having a winning program AND A PERSONABLE COACH LIKE TUBERVILLE (vs leach the geek) can make a difference in overall support and in the % of total alumni giving especially at the smaller levels, but it has ZERO to do with the donations that really move a university forward and that will be proven when Tech goes well beyond the billion dollar goal in the set time frame

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Dude! Just ignore the fact that Terxas Tech plays UT, Ok, Ok St., and TAM EVERY FREAKING YEAR.

Also, ignore the fact that Leach had Texas Tech, TEXAS FREAKING TECH, positioned at #2 in the nation with 2 games to play, and lost what was basically the national title play in game at Oklahoma in 2008.

Leach is sooooooooooooo overrated.

Can't wait to see how Tuberville does against UT.

and you are ignoring that OK state sucked for many of the years leach played them and TAMU is going through their worst string of football in several decades

you are also ignoring that leach failed to get a #2 ranked team (with only two games left in the season) into a BCS game and leach failed to win the conference or sniff a BCS game one time in 10 years

and even if Tuberville loses to UT next week he still has 9 more years to beat UT 2 times to equal the record against UT of the great mike leach......but that of course will not stop "leach fans" from pointing to that game as a reason that Tuberville is not an upgrade in coaching over leach......which he is......by a million miles......and the proof that many many more people believe that over the few foolish leach supporters is in the record number of season tickets (at the highest prices ever during a down economy) and the record amount of athletic donations to Tech in the last year in a down economy VS anything that was ever done while leach was at Tech

9 or more wins this year for Tuberville would equal anything leach ever did except for that single season and leach had 10 years to have that single season.....and the next year was right back to poor coaching, poor clock management, a loss to UH (because of coaching) and a typical leach season that probably would have ended with an Alamo Bowl loss to MSU if leach had been around to coach that game....and all that for #11 coaching money at 2.8 million per year.......I would take a pass on that in a heart beat for Tuberville

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and you are ignoring that OK state sucked for many of the years leach played them and TAMU is going through their worst string of football in several decades

you are also ignoring that leach failed to get a #2 ranked team (with only two games left in the season) into a BCS game and leach failed to win the conference or sniff a BCS game one time in 10 years

and even if Tuberville loses to UT next week he still has 9 more years to beat UT 2 times to equal the record against UT of the great mike leach......but that of course will not stop "leach fans" from pointing to that game as a reason that Tuberville is not an upgrade in coaching over leach......which he is......by a million miles......and the proof that many many more people believe that over the few foolish leach supporters is in the record number of season tickets (at the highest prices ever during a down economy) and the record amount of athletic donations to Tech in the last year in a down economy VS anything that was ever done while leach was at Tech

9 or more wins this year for Tuberville would equal anything leach ever did except for that single season and leach had 10 years to have that single season.....and the next year was right back to poor coaching, poor clock management, a loss to UH (because of coaching) and a typical leach season that probably would have ended with an Alamo Bowl loss to MSU if leach had been around to coach that game....and all that for #11 coaching money at 2.8 million per year.......I would take a pass on that in a heart beat for Tuberville

And of course the foiundation that Leach layed for Tuberville has nothing to do with that record donation level, right?

Tech did not sell out games (besides UT, Ok, AM) before Leach arrived. During Leach's tenure, they added a massive stadium improvement that added 10-15 k seating and new press box side, and sold out EVERY game by the end of his tenure.. They added a new athletic center and pratice fields.

But hell, in the Todd Dodge era, we added a new stadium, so I guess he is the better coach, right?

It all comes down to winning. Leach didn't have to fund raise at Tech because he won at a pace that excited the Tech fan base (judging from some on tthis board, that would be about 4 wins here). Win. WIN. WIN.

This is a lesson that Tuberville is going to learn the hard way, I fear.

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And of course the foiundation that Leach layed for Tuberville has nothing to do with that record donation level, right?

Tech did not sell out games (besides UT, Ok, AM) before Leach arrived. During Leach's tenure, they added a massive stadium improvement that added 10-15 k seating and new press box side, and sold out EVERY game by the end of his tenure.. They added a new athletic center and pratice fields.

But hell, in the Todd Dodge era, we added a new stadium, so I guess he is the better coach, right?

It all comes down to winning. Leach didn't have to fund raise at Tech because he won at a pace that excited the Tech fan base (judging from some on tthis board, that would be about 4 wins here). Win. WIN. WIN.

This is a lesson that Tuberville is going to learn the hard way, I fear.


389 University of North Texas TX 80,976 94,922 -14.7

390 Harding University AR 80,885 99,303 -18.5

391 Texas State University-San Marcos & Foundation TX 80,862 93,315 -13.3

what year did TxState "win win win"......what was mikes record when he coached there?

Lamar University TX 67,699 63,075 7.3

what football record did Lamar have last year.....oh wait they did not play football last year.....they just restarted their program this year.......boy UNT better be glad they did not hire mike and all his financial giving prowess :huh:


382 Texas State University-San Marcos and Foundation TX 93,314 82,539 13.1%

390 Angelo State University TX 90,386 85,566 5.6%

391 University of North Texas TX 89,967 89,498 0.5%

so was mike the reason that Angelo joined the TTU system....is mike the reason that in the 07-08 reporting period Angelo had a larger endowment than UNT?.....UH-V does not seem to care that mike is gone now because they met with Tech officials to talk about leaving the UH system to join the TTU system after mike and his donors had left the building...and even though their flagship embarrassed mike and the TTU flagship just one year earlier

maybe you are right UTSA with their coach that had a better overall record and more single seasons of success (except for one) only has a 47 million dollar endowment even with Coker.....although they have not played a down of football yet to flush out all those large football fan donors......but they will be closing in fast on UNT with any success at all


Total Endowment ($ millions)

(FY 2009)

University of North Texas $85

Texas Tech University $389

University of Houston $441

The University of Texas at Arlington $54

The University of Texas at El Paso $134

The University of Texas at Dallas $195

The University of Texas at San Antonio $47

Texas State University-San Marcos $65

better hope UTD or UTEP does not scoop up mike before UNT does :huh::blink::unsure::lol:

I believe the TxState is not counting their 20 million McCoy College of Business endowment foundation in this as well which would explain the almost exactly 20 million difference between these numbers and the NACUBO numbers....that ot Tx State needs some better financial managers because they would have taken an endowment % hit larger than any other university in the USA

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389 University of North Texas TX 80,976 94,922 -14.7

390 Harding University AR 80,885 99,303 -18.5

391 Texas State University-San Marcos & Foundation TX 80,862 93,315 -13.3

what year did TxState "win win win"......what was mikes record when he coached there?

Lamar University TX 67,699 63,075 7.3

what football record did Lamar have last year.....oh wait they did not play football last year.....they just restarted their program this year.......boy UNT better be glad they did not hire mike and all his financial giving prowess :huh:


382 Texas State University-San Marcos and Foundation TX 93,314 82,539 13.1%

390 Angelo State University TX 90,386 85,566 5.6%

391 University of North Texas TX 89,967 89,498 0.5%

so was mike the reason that Angelo joined the TTU system....is mike the reason that in the 07-08 reporting period Angelo had a larger endowment than UNT?.....UH-V does not seem to care that mike is gone now because they met with Tech officials to talk about leaving the UH system to join the TTU system after mike and his donors had left the building...and even though their flagship embarrassed mike and the TTU flagship just one year earlier

maybe you are right UTSA with their coach that had a better overall record and more single seasons of success (except for one) only has a 47 million dollar endowment even with Coker.....although they have not played a down of football yet to flush out all those large football fan donors......but they will be closing in fast on UNT with any success at all


Total Endowment ($ millions)

(FY 2009)

University of North Texas $85

Texas Tech University $389

University of Houston $441

The University of Texas at Arlington $54

The University of Texas at El Paso $134

The University of Texas at Dallas $195

The University of Texas at San Antonio $47

Texas State University-San Marcos $65

better hope UTD or UTEP does not scoop up mike before UNT does :huh::blink::unsure::lol:

I believe the TxState is not counting their 20 million McCoy College of Business endowment foundation in this as well which would explain the almost exactly 20 million difference between these numbers and the NACUBO numbers....that ot Tx State needs some better financial managers because they would have taken an endowment % hit larger than any other university in the USA

Wow... So to recap

1) UNT doesn't have a prayer of hiring Leach

2) Even if UNT hired Leach, he wouldn't win because he sucks

3) Even if Leach does win at UNT, he won't win much, and then he will leave for a BCS job

4) Leach totally destroyed the TTech football program and it has taken the coaching legend Tommy Tuberville (fresh off that national championship at Clemson...or was that a firing?) to rebuild the program with an 8 point win over SMU

5) Leach never beat anyone, despite being one win from a national title game.

6) Blah Blah Blah UNT's endowment sucks Blah Blah Blah

So, are you leaving the board if/when TD leaves UNT?

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Wow... So to recap

1) UNT doesn't have a prayer of hiring Leach

2) Even if UNT hired Leach, he wouldn't win because he sucks

3) Even if Leach does win at UNT, he won't win much, and then he will leave for a BCS job

4) Leach totally destroyed the TTech football program and it has taken the coaching legend Tommy Tuberville (fresh off that national championship at Clemson...or was that a firing?) to rebuild the program with an 8 point win over SMU

5) Leach never beat anyone, despite being one win from a national title game.

6) Blah Blah Blah UNT's endowment sucks Blah Blah Blah

So, are you leaving the board if/when TD leaves UNT?

leach did not destroy the Tech football program, but he divided the fan base and was only ever concerned with himself and his ego and his "quirky" reputation and he had reached a level he was never going to get past in the 2008 season and 2009 was right back to typical leach and leach being unhappy so yes Texas Tech needed to clean house and they would have been better off not giving him the new contract in 2008 and letting him prove something in the remaining two years

and even with a single bad season and an administration that had tried to undermine him in the past Tuberville still did more at AUBURN (he never was at Clemson as a head coach) than what Leach did at Texas Tech including winning a Cotton Bowl, winning the SEC, going undefeated, playing in, and winning a BCS bowl and having a team ranked in the top 10 twice

leach never did any of that and he never would have which is why his act grew old

the rest you pretty much have down

and no

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