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Why I Still Back Dodge


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Although I'm not happy with all of the defections from the 2007 class, I'm not totally shocked either considering this class was throw together in roughly 2 weeks. Dodge was going off of coach recommendations and didn't have a full year to fully recruit and check on each of these kids resulting in some not working out or choosing to leave UNT. He put together what he could in the amount of time he had available and focused on WR's considering he was replacing a running based attack that had so few on scholarship. Because of this, I choose to give him a pass on this recruiting class.

The 2008 class was his first that he and his coaching staff were able to fully recruit, and because of this, he is hanging his hat on this group of young men. I wish that all of these young men could have been red-shirted last year, but please keep in mind that these are now all RS Freshmen or Sophmores and were ranked as one of the best recruiting classes for a "mid-major" in the nation.

I remember reading in a newspaper article during the past season that Dodge meets with this group once or twice a week and considers them the future of the program. I am sure this pissed off the upperclassmen and some of the 07 recruits, and questioned why he would do this when the team needed to come together. His choice, not mine.

That brings us to today and why I will support Dodge. I don't think any of us know what he inherited from the previous coaching staff. I do know that the previous staff looked the other way or covered up for players that got out of line, burglary, brawls, PI, and who knows what else were all pretty common and tolerated by DD. TD arrives and isn't going to put up with any of that and the returning players don't like the new rewsrtictions so they bitch and complain.

I think this is the year that we start to see progress on the field and off. Agree or not, these are my feelings.

Fire away.

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Dickey did no better than Dodge in his last season. Now, we have fans that expect miracles to happen with players recruited for a completely different kind of offense.

I am a firm believer that a new coach gets 4 years to succeed. It should be especially true when that coach is tearing down and rebuilding its offense.

I expect improvement next year, but I will not jump on the Fire Dodge bandwagon until December 2010.

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Although I'm not happy with all of the defections from the 2007 class, I'm not totally shocked either considering this class was throw together in roughly 2 weeks. Dodge was going off of coach recommendations and didn't have a full year to fully recruit and check on each of these kids resulting in some not working out or choosing to leave UNT. He put together what he could in the amount of time he had available and focused on WR's considering he was replacing a running based attack that had so few on scholarship. Because of this, I choose to give him a pass on this recruiting class.

The 2008 class was his first that he and his coaching staff were able to fully recruit, and because of this, he is hanging his hat on this group of young men. I wish that all of these young men could have been red-shirted last year, but please keep in mind that these are now all RS Freshmen or Sophmores and were ranked as one of the best recruiting classes for a "mid-major" in the nation.

I remember reading in a newspaper article during the past season that Dodge meets with this group once or twice a week and considers them the future of the program. I am sure this pissed off the upperclassmen and some of the 07 recruits, and questioned why he would do this when the team needed to come together. His choice, not mine.

That brings us to today and why I will support Dodge. I don't think any of us know what he inherited from the previous coaching staff. I do know that the previous staff looked the other way or covered up for players that got out of line, burglary, brawls, PI, and who knows what else were all pretty common and tolerated by DD. TD arrives and isn't going to put up with any of that and the returning players don't like the new rewsrtictions so they bitch and complain.

I think this is the year that we start to see progress on the field and off. Agree or not, these are my feelings.

Fire away.

I'll take the first shot.

So, I guess this means that he now "technically" is only between his first and 2nd year since the first recruiting class doesn't count, which, by your own standards, would mean we can't judge him until after the 2010 season, or would it be 2011? If he is really singling out one recruiting class to meet with, which I doubt, that would show he has zero leadership qualities. Anyone would know that would divide a team and lead to petty jelousy among a bunch of 18- 22 year old kids. If this is true, he should be fired immediately and I wouldn't hire him to coach a pee wee team. Again, I don't believe this.

As far as discipline, I guess this means that a certain highly recruited redshirt freshman will have his scholarship pulled because of the multiple felony offenses that he committed several months ago? No word on that, eh? Could it be that every college coach gives the more talented kids lieniency that he wouldn't give a kid that was a role player? Or, could it be that every coach judges such events based on their own merits?

It's like the captain of the Titanic yelling "full speed ahead" as the ship slowly sinks in the North Atlantic. I just don't understand.

Please, tell me when you will finally hold Dodge accountable for this mess? 2012? 2013? Just please give me a date when you will swim to the surface.

Edited by UNT90
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Dickey did no better than Dodge in his last season. Now, we have fans that expect miracles to happen with players recruited for a completely different kind of offense.

I am a firm believer that a new coach gets 4 years to succeed. It should be especially true when that coach is tearing down and rebuilding its offense.

I expect improvement next year, but I will not jump on the Fire Dodge bandwagon until December 2010.

My only issue is that Dodge isn't retaining the players he has brought in here. I am not sure how he amounts up to a typical class but he has lost a high amount of his own guys that is quite unusual to me. How can he get his players for his offense when he can't even keep his players around.

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Although I'm not happy with all of the defections from the 2007 class, I'm not totally shocked either considering this class was throw together in roughly 2 weeks.

I would like to refresh everyone's memory that Dodge could have had more than 2 weeks to recruit if he hadn't chosen to coach the high school all star game that is played at the conclusion of the state championship games. That is a tired excuse and just another for Dodge to add to his list of why it is the players' fault and never his. Honestly, if he had truly committed himself to the University of North Texas, recruiting would and should have been his #1 priority.

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I would like to refresh everyone's memory that Dodge could have had more than 2 weeks to recruit if he hadn't chosen to coach the high school all star game that is played at the conclusion of the state championship games. That is a tired excuse and just another for Dodge to add to his list of why it is the players' fault and never his. Honestly, if he had truly committed himself to the University of North Texas, recruiting would and should have been his #1 priority.

As head coach, he would have been wrong to leave SLC at that time without finishing the season. Even Sarkisian, as O.C., finished out his bowl game at USC before he takes on the monumental task he'll have as H.C. at Washington.

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We can all bitch and moan about the situation, but the fact remains - Dodge is HERE for at least this next football season. Let's do what we can to help him succeed, and support he and the team next year and evaluate him based on the performance on the field.

...if there is Improvement (I'm not asking for miracles, but we should see marked improvement in all areas and no blowouts to other mid-majors) then he should get his 4th year. If we see a similar situation that we saw this year, he should be gone. If he's not headed in the right direction by the 3rd year, there is no reason to think he'll turn this around.

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We can all bitch and moan about the situation, but the fact remains - Dodge is HERE for at least this next football season. Let's do what we can to help him succeed, and support he and the team next year and evaluate him based on the performance on the field.

...if there is Improvement (I'm not asking for miracles, but we should see marked improvement in all areas and no blowouts to other mid-majors) then he should get his 4th year. If we see a similar situation that we saw this year, he should be gone. If he's not headed in the right direction by the 3rd year, there is no reason to think he'll turn this around.

I don't see how any North Texas fan could disagree with anything said in this post.

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Dickey did no better than Dodge in his last season. Now, we have fans that expect miracles to happen with players recruited for a completely different kind of offense.

I am a firm believer that a new coach gets 4 years to succeed. It should be especially true when that coach is tearing down and rebuilding its offense.

I expect improvement next year, but I will not jump on the Fire Dodge bandwagon until December 2010.

I didn't expect conference titles and bowl invitations and lots of wins in the first two years. But I did expect North Texas to be able to stay within 21 points of most of its opponents at halftime last year, and I don't think that qualifies as expecting miracles.

I agree, most coaches deserve four years. But there are extreme circumstances that must change that rule, and this program's performance qualifies for those extreme circumstances. If we had posted SMU's results last season - losing but playing well and having a realistic chance to win in most games - I don't think you would be hearing the grumbling that is present on the board. It's the ridiculous blow-out nature of most of our losses last year that calls Dodge into question.

However, I support North Texas and I will renew my season tickets. I want UNT to win. That means I want Dodge to win.

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I still believe that Coach Dodge will turn this program around. I don't think many understand the state of despair this program was in when he took over.

Dickey had done a fine job of planting a seed of rebellion in his players before he left and it surfaced Coach Dodge's first year. Anyone remember the picture of Dickey standing with his arms crossed in defiance, smoke in the air as our players ran out the tunnel dressed in all black uniforms?

Maybe Coach Dodge could have done some things differently, but none of us are perfect. I still believe that he will win and win big at UNT.

Who will be at the Football Banquet? 34 tickets left!

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I am right there with you, UNTLifer! I also give my vote of confidence

to Coach Dodge, to the staff, and to the players. I am looking forward

to the 2009 recruiting class, spring ball, and the fall 2 a days practice.

I have a hundred reasons as to why I support this team and oragnization,

so I will highlight my top 5 reasons to see progress with this team.

#1. Coach Dodge and his Staff, are dedicated to rebuilding this program. Period.

This staff knows this team is close to becoming a real good team. These

talented kids are growing up, and are bonding together as a team.

#2. DC Gary DeLoach just completed his first year, teaching his defense,

while having to use alot of talented freshmen, red shirts, and sophmores.

There are at least 7 defensive players I can name, that will be the difference

makers. I am excited about the DeLoach defense for 2009.

#3. Riley Dodge. Riley is a true athlete first, then a QB second. Riley knows the

offense inside and out, knows how to read defenses, and makes correct decisions.

Quick as a cat, acceleration, vision. Exceptional leadship skills. The team will rally

around this winner! Watch how the team develops during spring ball!

#4.Returning players like, Dunbar, Montgomery, Feeley, Johnson, Drake, Santiago,

Gill, Kokjohn, Desoto, Franklin, Robertson, Tobe, Hill, Cook, Shorter, Hamilton, and the

list goes on. All D1 players that will make the difference.

#5. What a year- for bad stuff. Investegations, grades, injuries, drug tests, defections,

ARP, loss of ships, having to play walk on's, 4 true freshmen handling the secondary,

playing very good teams, special teams play, losing games, etc. This team and staff

went through a ton of hardships in 2008. Well, all that crap is GONE! History! Learn

from it. A new year, and a new beginning is about to start. This team will win.

2009 will be a exciting year for NT football! Keep the faith MG nation!

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We can all bitch and moan about the situation, but the fact remains - Dodge is HERE for at least this next football season. Let's do what we can to help him succeed, and support he and the team next year and evaluate him based on the performance on the field.

...if there is Improvement (I'm not asking for miracles, but we should see marked improvement in all areas and no blowouts to other mid-majors) then he should get his 4th year. If we see a similar situation that we saw this year, he should be gone. If he's not headed in the right direction by the 3rd year, there is no reason to think he'll turn this around.

I agree partly with this sentiment. You won't see this happen if so many want him gone, no matter what. I will support the program, what I can't see myself supporting is a coach who makes no adjustments to his coaching, offense or staff (even after the dismal two years) to help the program. If he changes some of his coaching decisions, and gets off his high horse and lets people who know the COLLEGE game help him coach, then I will start to support the Coach. I feel bad for the players, and I know it's a two way street, but from what I have heard, the ol' ball coach isn't helping things.

Go Mean Green.

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what I can't see myself supporting is a coach who makes no adjustments to his coaching, offense or staff (even after the dismal two years) to help the program. If he changes some of his coaching decisions, and gets off his high horse and lets people who know the COLLEGE game help him coach, then I will start to support the Coach.

This is what I see.

1) An absolute refusal to adjust to circumstances. So far, the stay the course mentality is so strong and so stubborn that we may as well go full bore ahead even with that iceberg sitting right in front of us.

2) A strong need and desire to be a father figure and authority to his players without understanding that 18-22 year-olds have much different leadership and role model needs and response to authority than 14-17 year-olds.

3) Surprise at the speed of the D1A game after being a D1A quarterbacks coach and a record setting quarterback at UT???

None of the above things makes the man a bad person. It does cause me to question the appropriateness of his current position and title.

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Good post Lifer! A lot of the problems this program has now is not because of Dodge. Unfortunately, they have come to light on his watch. The same thing might not have happened with another hire, but would probably at least happened to his successor. Not all traditions are good. This includes the drug thing, the criminal activities, and academic problems. I know of one incident that would have put 99% of us behind bars for 20 years, but Dickey covered it up. He kicked the kid off the team, but brought him back the next year with a full scholarship. If there was one, I feel certain there were more. Somebody had to shore things up at some point, even if it cost several w's.

To put the failures of this program on Dodge's shoulders is irresponsible. Years and years of not caring by the majority of alumni and the administration has caught up and put this thing very deep in the hole. Most colleges build a stadium to enhance the program, we are building one to cover the other aspects of the program that nobody has cared about. I.E. strength training (finally that is being addressed), tutors and mentors, competitive salaries for coaches, putting other pieces in place, etc. You say these athletes should not have to be baby sat, yet all the other successful programs baby sit 'em, why are we the exception? If you want to win, you have to do the little things. As for the latest incident, there are two sides to every story. I do not believe for a minute that this was unexpected by the coaching staff. Sad they have to spin it, and cannot for a lot of reasons defend themselves.

I agree with Lifer and Flyer. I want better, but we did not get to where we are overnight, so it cannot be fixed that quickly either. I expect that Dodge will be here through at least 2010, and I support that.

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Gagree. I am willing to give Todge at least half of next year to see some sort of improvement. If he cant show any signs, then I would be in favor of making a change. And I sat thorugh that disaster at Rice. I know that there are alot of problems with the program, some wwere due to Dickey mailing it in the last year and a half here, and some are probably due to Dodge. Remember the saying, its always darkest before the light, except in SMU's case.

Edited by Rudy
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This is what I see.

1) An absolute refusal to adjust to circumstances. So far, the stay the course mentality is so strong and so stubborn that we may as well go full bore ahead even with that iceberg sitting right in front of us.

I believe this has been overblown. First off, Todd Dodge was hired to bring in his system to UNT. He knows his system, systems very similar to his have been successful at the 1-A level, and any respectable coach should have confidence in his system. Should he be ready to scrap it all and go to a wishbone--or some other offense with which he is unfamiliar and with which he has no idea whether it will be successful--because last year's offense underperformed?

Second, he has made some changes. (Please don't bother bringing up the "snap under center" example--that's one example, and it's tired). In 2007, the defense was perceived to be a weakness. Immediately after the 2007 season, the defensive coordinator was gone and replaced with a proven DC. In 2008, special teams were perceived to be a weakness. Immediately after the 2008 season, the special teams coach was gone. Todd Dodge has gone to using tight end sets. He is apparently bringing in a strength and conditioning coach devoted to the football team. Maybe he hasn't adapted to do things exactly the way you would, but he has certainly made changes and refinements.

Edited by Mean Green 93-98
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Second, he has made some changes. (Please don't bother bringing up the "snap under center" example--that's one example, and it's tired). In 2007, the defense was perceived to be a weakness. Immediately after the 2007 season, the defensive coordinator was gone and replaced with a proven DC. In 2008, special teams were perceived to be a weakness. Immediately after the 2008 season, the special teams coach was gone.

As best I know, these were against the wishes of TD

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We can all bitch and moan about the situation, but the fact remains - Dodge is HERE for at least this next football season. Let's do what we can to help him succeed, and support he and the team next year and evaluate him based on the performance on the field.

...if there is Improvement (I'm not asking for miracles, but we should see marked improvement in all areas and no blowouts to other mid-majors) then he should get his 4th year. If we see a similar situation that we saw this year, he should be gone. If he's not headed in the right direction by the 3rd year, there is no reason to think he'll turn this around.

What do you mean by improvement? If three wins and numerous close games is your barometer of improvement, that's what we had before he came here, and that wasn't good enough, and it shouldn't be. 6 win season or he should be gone.

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What do you mean by improvement? If three wins and numerous close games is your barometer of improvement, that's what we had before he came here, and that wasn't good enough, and it shouldn't be. 6 win season or he should be gone.

Its what we had earlier during the DD tenure. At the end we were getting blown out by just about everyone. I think we are pretty close to the same regarding the on the field performance. Difference is that we are all coming down off of our Dodge hiring high.

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Its what we had earlier during the DD tenure. At the end we were getting blown out by just about everyone. I think we are pretty close to the same regarding the on the field performance. Difference is that we are all coming down off of our Dodge hiring high.

Not even close. We won 3 games Dickeys last year. We've won 3 Dodge's first 2 years. Go back and look and the final scores of Dickey's last year, then compare those to the final scores last year for Dodge. To say that last year in any way, shape, or form compared to Dickey's last year is revisionist history.

I wasn't a fan of Dickey and hate when I have to point this stuff out.

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Gagree. I am willing to give Todge at least half of next year to see some sort of improvement. If he cant show any signs, then I would be in favor of making a change. And I sat thorugh that disaster at Rice. I know that there are alot of problems with the program, some wwere due to Dickey mailing it in the last year and a half here, and some are probably due to Dodge. Remember the saying, its always darkest before the light, except in SMU's case.

You need to figure out what is "some sort of improvement" is in your mind and which "half of next year" you are counting, because with a brand new QB at the helm and a slew of new WRs you are not going to be close in all of your OOC games. I think you have to give him the whole season. In fact, I am of the belief (though I have been told otherwise) that if Todge wins 2 or 3 games next year, he will be back for his fourth year.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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Dodge's first 2 years: 3 - 21

Opponents combined record 2008: 77 - 73 (SBC: 43 - 98) Points for: 240, Points against: 571

Opponents combined record 2007: 63 - 78 (SBC: 36 - 54) Points for: 298, Points against: 541

Dickey's last 2 years: 5 - 18

Opponents combined record 2006: 68 - 81 (SBC: 39 - 50) Points for: 154, Points against: 304 (FIU went 0-12)

Opponents combined record 2005: 64 - 82 (SBC: 32 - 46) Points for: 157, Points against: 346

I do not see any vast difference between Dickey's last two and Dodges first 2.

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