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The Race Card


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Rumors floating say that Green had other more major violations going on, I believe that is pretty obvious there is more to this story. We should all wait and see, but from what I have heard so far the coaching staff were well into the correct side of this situation.

Separate note: All race cards should have expired in the USA already, maybe that can be enacted by law.

Coach Dodge and his staff are not racist! And yes all race cards should have expired in the USA already. One problem though, racism still exists in every part of our society. I'm not a big activist or anything, but the majority of our nation is blind to this issue. Just because we're in the year 2007 we don't think racism exists anymore. It exists and will alway exist. I know i'm going to catch slack for this, and this post really doesnt belong on this board. It just bothers me that people who aren't racist seem to say the people use the race card too often. If it wasn't in the deck then it couldn't be played. Do you realize that the last legal lynching was in 1957? Only 50 years ago! There was a school in Geogia that, as of last year, just had it's first intergrated prom. I think that had to do more with music preference than racism, but we still let it go on. I can't remember a single incident in my life where I think I was unfairly treated because I was black. I think for the majority of my life it's been an advantage to be black, at least for me. So, I'm not bitter about being mistreated or anything. Even though I haven't been discriminated against I'm still not so naive to say that it doesn't exist. We all live in this Ameritopia where we believe the darkest part of our history (slavery/racism), has finally been overcome. The reality is our country won't ever fully recover from that part of our history. I know for a fact that Coach Dodge is not racist, and i'm pretty sure George isn't either. Let me use this example. A racist remark is kind of like a sexual harrasement remark. We might say something or do something that to us doesnt' sound wrong, but who are we to tell someone else how they should feel? I'm going to end on this. Coach Dodge is an High Class Individual and he would only have those types of individuals on his staff. I think this has more to do with a 1 win season and frustration then anything.

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Coach Dodge and his staff are not racist! And yes all race cards should have expired in the USA already. One problem though, racism still exists in every part of our society. I'm not a big activist or anything, but the majority of our nation is blind to this issue. Just because we're in the year 2007 we don't think racism exists anymore. It exists and will alway exist. I know i'm going to catch slack for this, and this post really doesnt belong on this board. It just bothers me that people who aren't racist seem to say the people use the race card too often. If it wasn't in the deck then it couldn't be played. Do you realize that the last legal lynching was in 1957? Only 50 years ago! There was a school in Geogia that, as of last year, just had it's first intergrated prom. I think that had to do more with music preference than racism, but we still let it go on. I can't remember a single incident in my life where I think I was unfairly treated because I was black. I think for the majority of my life it's been an advantage to be black, at least for me. So, I'm not bitter about being mistreated or anything. Even though I haven't been discriminated against I'm still not so naive to say that it doesn't exist. We all live in this Ameritopia where we believe the darkest part of our history (slavery/racism), has finally been overcome. The reality is our country won't ever fully recover from that part of our history. I know for a fact that Coach Dodge is not racist, and i'm pretty sure George isn't either. Let me use this example. A racist remark is kind of like a sexual harrasement remark. We might say something or do something that to us doesnt' sound wrong, but who are we to tell someone else how they should feel? I'm going to end on this. Coach Dodge is an High Class Individual and he would only have those types of individuals on his staff. I think this has more to do with a 1 win season and frustration then anything.

When I saw the story I had a similar recation to Green playing the race card. For gosh sake the guy is in college. If I was a coach I would have suspended his butt for saying that too and I would have kicked his butt off the team for filing the complaint. This kid is obviously not a team player. Why would Dodge or any other coach for that matter want a player that aspires to deal drugs, join a gang, kill people and generally do nothing good for society. Now if he was saying it meaning look what I have done with my life since leaving the hood thats a different story but I am pretty sure he was refering to being a thug. Kick his butt out of school for all I care. I want class acts and classy players not thugs representing UNT.

To Mr. Green,

You screwed up and made a dumb remark. Then you screwed up again by filing this complaint when you should have been apologizing. Now own up to your mistakes be a man and shut the hell up.


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Coach Dodge and his staff are not racist! And yes all race cards should have expired in the USA already. One problem though, racism still exists in every part of our society. I'm not a big activist or anything, but the majority of our nation is blind to this issue. Just because we're in the year 2007 we don't think racism exists anymore. It exists and will alway exist. I know i'm going to catch slack for this, and this post really doesnt belong on this board. It just bothers me that people who aren't racist seem to say the people use the race card too often. If it wasn't in the deck then it couldn't be played. Do you realize that the last legal lynching was in 1957? Only 50 years ago! There was a school in Geogia that, as of last year, just had it's first intergrated prom. I think that had to do more with music preference than racism, but we still let it go on. I can't remember a single incident in my life where I think I was unfairly treated because I was black. I think for the majority of my life it's been an advantage to be black, at least for me. So, I'm not bitter about being mistreated or anything. Even though I haven't been discriminated against I'm still not so naive to say that it doesn't exist. We all live in this Ameritopia where we believe the darkest part of our history (slavery/racism), has finally been overcome. The reality is our country won't ever fully recover from that part of our history. I know for a fact that Coach Dodge is not racist, and i'm pretty sure George isn't either. Let me use this example. A racist remark is kind of like a sexual harrasement remark. We might say something or do something that to us doesnt' sound wrong, but who are we to tell someone else how they should feel? I'm going to end on this. Coach Dodge is an High Class Individual and he would only have those types of individuals on his staff. I think this has more to do with a 1 win season and frustration then anything.

I agree that Dodge and his staff are not racist. But they have not learned how to deal with these young men. George is a cancer on this coaching staff but he is not racist he treats all races the same way shitty. My question is what is a O coach doing telling a D player what he should and should not be doing.

This coaching staff will not ask the players what they saw or why did they react to the play the way they did. George is the all knowing and noone can talk to him. This is different than the Evens staff and you can see the difference the on field

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Why would Dodge or any other coach for that matter want a player that aspires to deal drugs, join a gang, kill people and generally do nothing good for society. Now if he was saying it meaning look what I have done with my life since leaving the hood thats a different story but I am pretty sure he was refering to being a thug.


The "hood" has nothing to do with anything that you stated above

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Coach Dodge and his staff are not racist! And yes all race cards should have expired in the USA already. One problem though, racism still exists in every part of our society. I'm not a big activist or anything, but the majority of our nation is blind to this issue. Just because we're in the year 2007 we don't think racism exists anymore. It exists and will alway exist. I know i'm going to catch slack for this, and this post really doesnt belong on this board. It just bothers me that people who aren't racist seem to say the people use the race card too often. If it wasn't in the deck then it couldn't be played. Do you realize that the last legal lynching was in 1957? Only 50 years ago! There was a school in Geogia that, as of last year, just had it's first intergrated prom. I think that had to do more with music preference than racism, but we still let it go on. I can't remember a single incident in my life where I think I was unfairly treated because I was black. I think for the majority of my life it's been an advantage to be black, at least for me. So, I'm not bitter about being mistreated or anything. Even though I haven't been discriminated against I'm still not so naive to say that it doesn't exist. We all live in this Ameritopia where we believe the darkest part of our history (slavery/racism), has finally been overcome. The reality is our country won't ever fully recover from that part of our history. I know for a fact that Coach Dodge is not racist, and i'm pretty sure George isn't either. Let me use this example. A racist remark is kind of like a sexual harrasement remark. We might say something or do something that to us doesnt' sound wrong, but who are we to tell someone else how they should feel? I'm going to end on this. Coach Dodge is an High Class Individual and he would only have those types of individuals on his staff. I think this has more to do with a 1 win season and frustration then anything.

Ramone, thanks for your input. Someone has to be blind not to see that racism still exists and that not wanting to admit that is almost as big a problem as the racism itself. AND, thanks for recognizing that sometimes minorities would rather pull out the "race card" than admit any problem on their own part. In my view, they do their cause great harm in the same way that many whites do our country a disservice by denying that racism does exist. Sometimes minorities do have a valid point when they talk about it. Both denial and overuse of the race card only confuse the issue, not help to resolve it.

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The "hood" has nothing to do with anything that you stated above

If you can honestly tell me he was talking about a nice neighborhood and not talking about being a thug then your statement holds merit otherwise it has everything to do with what I stated.You know as well as I do he ment nothing good by that statement.

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If you can honestly tell me he was talking about a nice neighborhood and not talking about being a thug then your statement holds merit otherwise it has everything to do with what I stated.You know as well as I do he ment nothing good by that statement.

What if a radio talk show host had made that comment about the North Texas players?

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What if a radio talk show host had made that comment about the North Texas players?

I never said players. I said Green specifiically and I would have no problem with a talk show host speaking the truth about one player. Lets see Joseph Miller jumped on him for it I don't see Joseph Miller being complained about to the NAACP. He screwed up and couldn't own up to his own actions now he should see what happens when people don't take responsibility for themselves and try to pass the blame. Like I said his scholarship should be pulled, he should be kicked off the team, and kicked out of school. Not for the remark he made but for trying to destroy the team because he couldn't take any responsibility for himself.

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I never said players. I said Green specifiically and I would have no problem with a talk show host speaking the truth about one player. Lets see Joseph Miller jumped on him for it I don't see Joseph Miller being complained about to the NAACP. He screwed up and couldn't own up to his own actions now he should see what happens when people don't take responsibility for themselves and try to pass the blame. Like I said his scholarship should be pulled, he should be kicked off the team, and kicked out of school. Not for the remark he made but for trying to destroy the team because he couldn't take any responsibility for himself.

I meant, what if a radio talk show host had said, "The North Texas players are all from the 'hood." The point I am making is that the team would not have appreciated that any more than the Rutgers basketball ladies enjoyed being called a bunch of "nappy-headed hos."

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I never said players. I said Green specifiically and I would have no problem with a talk show host speaking the truth about one player. Lets see Joseph Miller jumped on him for it I don't see Joseph Miller being complained about to the NAACP. He screwed up and couldn't own up to his own actions now he should see what happens when people don't take responsibility for themselves and try to pass the blame. Like I said his scholarship should be pulled, he should be kicked off the team, and kicked out of school. Not for the remark he made but for trying to destroy the team because he couldn't take any responsibility for himself.

The first thing is that he said this after he made an open field tackle. This was after he made the mistake that Miller talked to him about. Plus he came over to Miller and said " that is how we do it in the Hood" and Miller gave he five........

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Why would Dodge or any other coach for that matter want a player that aspires to deal drugs, join a gang, kill people and generally do nothing good for society. Now if he was saying it meaning look what I have done with my life since leaving the hood thats a different story but I am pretty sure he was refering to being a thug. Kick his butt out of school for all I care. I want class acts and classy players not thugs representing UNT.

I'm sorry but I think it shows far more about your connotation of the word "hood" than what can reasonably be assumed from Green's words. If the word "hood" conjures up images of drugs, killings and listlessness in your head then perhaps less of a eurocentric sheltered life is in order?

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I'm sorry but I think it shows far more about your connotation of the word "hood" than what can reasonably be assumed from Green's words. If the word "hood" conjures up images of drugs, killings and listlessness in your head then perhaps less of a eurocentric sheltered life is in order?

When the term "hood" is used, it is supposed to conjur up such images.

Exhibit A

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I'm sorry but I think it shows far more about your connotation of the word "hood" than what can reasonably be assumed from Green's words. If the word "hood" conjures up images of drugs, killings and listlessness in your head then perhaps less of a eurocentric sheltered life is in order?

The sad thing about sterotypes and connotations is the have to come from somewhere. So why anyone would want to be associated with such a stereotype or word with that connotation is beyond me. Why associate yourself with something that holds no value?

The fact is that word holds that meaning because of how, when, and where its used by the people that use it. And Dodge or any other coach for that matter is justified in wanting to distance a team from that image and mindset.

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Howdy, everyone! My name if The Fake Lonnie Finch.

The real Lonnie Finch was a black football player from Irving, Texas. I have a girl kicker as my avatar. What does it mean? Nothing.

I'm a white male. White as a cracker. Born in white Abilene, Texas in 1969. I grew up in a white, upper middle class suburb of North Dallas.

My wife, however, is not white. She's Mexican. And, when I say Mexican, I don't mean Hispanic or Mexican American or Chicano. I mean, she was born in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, Mexico to a ranching couple.

She came to American legally, got a green card, learned English, got a job and worked. And worked. And worked. She worked like a Mexican. Is that racist? No. Go to a restaurant or store staffed with Mexicans and compare their service and attitude to that of your typical American teen or low-wage worker. Give me a Mexican everytime. Friendly, fast, and generally happy to see you.

But I digress.

In everyday, social situations, she gets treated differently. Racism exists, folks. The way I see sales people treat her while she's shopping is amazing. If I'm off browsing and she's alone, she's treated differently by store people than if I'm right there with her.

She hardly notices because she isn't looking for it. Some people look for it in everything. Maybe Dominique Green is this way. Maybe.

As cracker white as I am, I have good friends who are not lilly white. A particularly good friend from a tought part of Houston. His skin tone is much darker than mine. Some would call him African-American...although, he wouldn't. He chooses not to focus on the subtle racism of the few, but rather on the goodwill of the vast majority of all American people.

My wife is that way as well. This is a difficult time for legal immigrants, especially from Mexico. Becuase of 9/11 and the idiots at LULAC, LaRaza, and the MALDF telling people to march in the streets with Mexican, Cuban, Venezuelan, and former Soviet flags, it has made things harder for us in getting her citizenship. There are more hoops to jump through now than before, and government folk are more suspicious.

And, I think, that an overall good.

My point is, in my own rambling way, is that racism does exist. Does it hit you over the head like an anvil in a Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon? No. But, it's out there. And, I can't say whether Dominique Green really experienced it here. My guess is, he didn't. My guess, as posted elsewhere, is simply that the make up of this coaching staff and its lack of dealing with college athletes has probably created a more segmented locker room than necessary.

I think that's the bottom line. This staff has to learn how to deal with everybody at their level. It's what Jesus did. Let's do what Jesus did.

All hail the truck full of Mexicans!

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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