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The Price I Paid Tonight For Being "firefightnrick"


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Rick was reminding that posting opinions comes with some responsibility and unfortunately he sometimes pays the price for some others' jackassery.

Somebody on the UNT staff acts like a jackass to a loyal fan in front of his six-year-old child, and the lesson we're supposed to take from it is to clean up our act?

What's going on here? Does GoMeanGreen welcome the strong opinions of fans on UNT sports, or are we supposed to moderate our comments for fear of ruffling some feathers among the coaches, players and staff? As far as I'm concerned, they're fortunate this place is around, and it doesn't make sense to read so many people here sounding defensive for what other people post here. It's a fan board. The shrinking violets among the UNT athletic department should avoid the place if they can't handle hearing what's on our minds.

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Rick shouldnt have to apologize for anything he has said or any opinions he has expressed. It's DIVISION 1 FOOTBALL. This is the highest level of college football. There is a lot of money in the business now, and for better or worse, coaches will be heavily scrutinized (fairly and unfairly).

No matter how you slice it, coaches confronting fans based on their concerns/opinions/nonsense expressed on a freaking message board is BUSH LEAGUE.

Serious Bush League. I have to believe this will be addressed significantly different than the last coach/fan situation we had. From those I know who have worked closely with Bataille - she does NOT like things like this at ALL.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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As other posters have said in this thread, that coach is a coward and a wannabe bully to have the audacity to criticize FFR in front of his young child. I guess that coach thinks that even a small FB program like NT should not and does not deserve to have expectations. Without expectations how do you advance in life? If you dont question, how do you evolve as a society? If people didnt question anything in this world we would all be living like people did 1000 years ago. I dont think i've ever met anybody from GMG but since I have been a poster FFR has been the face of this board and he really is a true definition of what every NT fan should be like. I do agree that the coach's name should be named because he is a public figure and if pariah is created because of all this then there is really something messed up here. It is a message board and we all choose to post our opinions whether it is the right or wrong thing to say. FFR was saying we should post responsibily and compared to most other fan boards out there we are literally heavens angels compared to them (even our irresponsible posts). This is definitely a profession that has a microscope no matter which level it is in but even in the real work world or corporate word, if you think you are not looked on based on your work and performance then you're sadly mistaken. Standards is something that CAN NEVER AND WILL NEVER be compromised in this world and that goes for NT football too. Sorry for the long post and I am sure I can write 10x more than what I wrote but I will kill it here and just say just hang in there FFR cuz GMG and the Mean Green nation is with you all the way!

Edited by Green Mean
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You showed a lot more class and restrint than I would've and we're all glad to have you representing our University in such a way.

To the coach in question: Total Defense 118th in the country, Pass Defense 110th in the country, Rush Defense 116th in the country, Scoring Defense 119th in the country, Turnover margin 106th in the country...and these stats include last nights game...and you think you're beyond criticism?

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This news is unfortunate and certainly taints a great evening for everyone last night. Our program cannot afford to lose passionate fans like FFR, who have put so much time and effort into supporting the team through thick and thin.

I can only hope that this is all due to a big misunderstanding. If someone associated with the FB program had a beef with Rick, I wish it could have been handled in a more private setting.

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Does this topic have anything to do with the picture found in the DRC slideshow?

just curious...

The picture in the DRC slideshow would have happened before the incident with FFR if the coach was Mendoza, after speaking with Rick, I'm not convinced it was. This was right after the game and before the team walked over to the student section for the alma-mater.

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Somebody on the UNT staff acts like a jackass to a loyal fan in front of his six-year-old child, and the lesson we're supposed to take from it is to clean up our act?

What's going on here? Does GoMeanGreen welcome the strong opinions of fans on UNT sports, or are we supposed to moderate our comments for fear of ruffling some feathers among the coaches, players and staff? As far as I'm concerned, they're fortunate this place is around, and it doesn't make sense to read so many people here sounding defensive for what other people post here. It's a fan board. The shrinking violets among the UNT athletic department should avoid the place if they can't handle hearing what's on our minds.

This is a great post Rcade.

To FFRick - I'm sorry you had to go through that with your child there to witness it. I hope you contact Coach Dodge or Rick Villarreal and let them know what happened. I also hope you let us know who the coach is. He deserves to be exposed.

To the Coach involved - the program would be lucky to have more fans like Rick - not less. Please stop with the Bush league antics and be thankful that you are at a school where you have the luxury of learning how to Coach at the Division 1 level without the criticism you would face at most schools.

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Sorry about this incident. FFR. 'Twould have been nice if Coach "M" (who as some of you I've been frustrated with our "D", but patient with the D.C. as his learning curve continues) would have been more gracious but he was not. This whole thing is probably worth dropping truth be known. I've had to drop a few of my own in past years. (BTW, a belated Happy Birthday to you, Rick).

For those of us who do have a couple of opinions now and then :rolleyes: and have expressed them on GMG.com, we are going to have to (sometimes) take the bitter with the sweet because we are expressive. I have a few DD Ball supporters who will hardly even talk to me and that is because of the stand I took the last 2 previous years and was calling it as I saw it for this entire football program under Darrell Dickey. I did support him for 7 of 9 years, but could not any longer after the big Tulsa loss at Fouts and then La Tech later that season (plus some DD public relations situations most of you would be aware) ; but, I really do think 9 years is enough time to move a program up the NCAA D1-A ladder, didn't yall?

I've even had some fellow NT Exes tell me that they wanted to get really pissed at me for some of my posts if not for the fact (as they would say) that many times they thought I was not too far from the truth if not completely on target. I will 'fess up and say I've not always been quite on target on other things, though.

Yet if you want friends & buddies at UNT, just tell em' everything is sunshine, lollypops and rainbows (even when it ain't) and you will have yourself some lifetime friends and buddies; but express a few opinions on how you want our alma mater's D1-A football program to be in better company on a national non-SBC basis, and then you are merely going to ruffle some feathers and probably not get too many cocktail party invites from some of our UNT officials in years past, but hopefully diplomacy will prevail while both sides will understand each other's positions and situations more in the future. After all, we are all in this together, folks.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I don't know the person in question, but I do know Rick. Someone who would do that to him should truly be ashamed of himself. I also feel that some of the comments on this thread have been some of the best I have ever read here. I am truly inspired by the amount of class here.

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I don't know the person in question, but I do know Rick. Someone who would do that to him should truly be ashamed of himself. I also feel that some of the comments on this thread have been some of the best I have ever read here. I am truly inspired by the amount of class here.

Pie row,

Do you still have your tatoo, the one that shows you truly bleed Green? If so, how about a new picture.

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When you take a job that puts your name and face before the public you are going to be the subject of public scrutiny. I understand that sometimes this can bring stress into an individuals life and that of their family. If you can't take it then you have no business taking the position in the first place. A football coach or assistant coach at a FCS University is that type of figure. This person should have had the intelligence to have known that when he took the job. I find that incident exceptionaly offensive. I trust that Todd Dodge will handle this incident appropriately.

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I think the more cowardly thing to do would have been to post on this board. Lets see, post on here so that everyone can rip him apart or confront the person in person and let him know how you feel. I give props to the coach for having the balls to do so. He could have pulled him away from his family I agree. But just like the coach is open to criticism so is every person who posts publicly on here. If you dont want to be called out and be humilitated by the coaches watch what you say.

To the coaches: Keep up the good work and continue to persevere. Do not worry what is posted on here as you know more about what is going on then everyone on here.

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I think the more cowardly thing to do would have been to post on this board. Lets see, post on here so that everyone can rip him apart or confront the person in person and let him know how you feel. I give props to the coach for having the balls to do so. He could have pulled him away from his family I agree. But just like the coach is open to criticism so is every person who posts publicly on here. If you dont want to be called out and be humilitated by the coaches watch what you say.

To the coaches: Keep up the good work and continue to persevere. Do not worry what is posted on here as you know more about what is going on then everyone on here.

Cowardly? Cowardly would have been to not say anything at all about a tasteless act by frustrated person. I know how EASY it is to mouth off to someone face to face. You get in the heat of the moment and say things you probably shouldn't. I've unfortunately done it far too many times. But not saying anything about it at all would serve no purpose other than to make the aggressor think he did the right thing. What action do you think Rick should have taken? Punch him out? This isn't third grade.

If I didn't know Rick at all, I might be tempted to make a ridiculous remark like that also.

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I think the more cowardly thing to do would have been to post on this board. Lets see, post on here so that everyone can rip him apart or confront the person in person and let him know how you feel. I give props to the coach for having the balls to do so. He could have pulled him away from his family I agree. But just like the coach is open to criticism so is every person who posts publicly on here. If you dont want to be called out and be humilitated by the coaches watch what you say.

That doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense, DD, considering the fact that Rick isn't one of the people ripping the hell out of the coaches on GoMeanGreen. He confronted the wrong person. Like a lot of the defense the first couple games, the coach missed his assignment.

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I think the more cowardly thing to do would have been to post on this board. Lets see, post on here so that everyone can rip him apart or confront the person in person and let him know how you feel. I give props to the coach for having the balls to do so. He could have pulled him away from his family I agree. But just like the coach is open to criticism so is every person who posts publicly on here. If you dont want to be called out and be humilitated by the coaches watch what you say.

To the coaches: Keep up the good work and continue to persevere. Do not worry what is posted on here as you know more about what is going on then everyone on here.

The coach has the responsibility to be civil and if he has an issue he can take it up privately. According to FFR the coach had no specific complaint about what he had done, only general frustation. What, pray tell, did FFR "say"?

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That doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense, DD, considering the fact that Rick isn't one of the people ripping the hell out of the coaches on GoMeanGreen. He confronted the wrong person. Like a lot of the defense the first couple games, the coach missed his assignment.


Edited by Pierow 2
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I think the more cowardly thing to do would have been to post on this board. Lets see, post on here so that everyone can rip him apart or confront the person in person and let him know how you feel. I give props to the coach for having the balls to do so. He could have pulled him away from his family I agree. But just like the coach is open to criticism so is every person who posts publicly on here. If you dont want to be called out and be humilitated by the coaches watch what you say.

To the coaches: Keep up the good work and continue to persevere. Do not worry what is posted on here as you know more about what is going on then everyone on here.


Rick has not critized a coach by name on the public forum. He has not criticized a play by name on the public forum. I feel lucky to call Rick McKinney a friend and he does not do things like that.

He is the face of that most associate with North Texas football because of the fire helmet. The coach, whoever it was, confronted Rick, not verbally, but from what I understand his actions spoke louder than words. The coach confronted the "FAN BASE" of the school that employs him over some negative comments on a fan message board, not the person who made the comments, but the face he associated with the board.

He should not have to defend himself against an angry coach, especially in front of his family.

Rick was a fan of the Mean Green long before the current coaching staff took over, and he will be a fan of North Texas long after this coaching staff is gone.

He was "called out and be humilitated" by the coaches for what others have said. Not anything he has said or done.

If you have any information on this situation that has not been presented, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see it.

So You can put a face with the name


Brett Tulloss, aka GreenBat, friend of Rick McKinney, aka FireFightnRick and a proud supporter of the MEAN GREEN

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While I understand Rick not mentioning his name, I think it should be.

When you work in an industry that is under the public eye you have to be willing and able to take criticism, regardless. Unless the comments were personal attacks against family you have to deal with it. I don't know of any personal attacks on this board and for that unnamed coach to address a great fan in that manner in front of his kids is wholly unnacceptable. I guarantee without even knowing coach Dodge that he won't take this lightly.

To the unnamed coach, if you don't like the criticism then either quit reading the board or consider a career change.

Patrick Cortes


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After talking with Rick about this incident, let me clear up something.

According to Rick, the coach in question did not say a word to Rick. What he did do was walk very purposefully toward Rick as if he were going to physically attack him. When he didn't attack him, Rick (still stunned by the look on the coach's face and his body language) said "good game coach" and offered to shake the coach's hand. The offer was not accepted by the coach, and while still staring at Rick in a threatening/angry manner, he walked away.

Rick's son watched the whole incident and then ask Rick why that man was mad at him.

This is still a very classless act on the part of the coach in question.

I offer this clarification, because Illuvius32 and I were (as we shared a beer during tailgating) laughing and remembering my "incident" two years ago. Illuvius32 commented that by the time the story gets told (and re-told) a few years from now, the person telling the story will have me and Coach Flannigan up in the stands fighting with light sabers.

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