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Michael Vick Is An Idiot

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Vick water bottle confiscated by Miami airport security

ESPN.com news services

MIAMI -- Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick reluctantly surrendered a water bottle to security at Miami International Airport that smelled like marijuana and contained a substance in a hidden compartment.

Police said Thursday it could be weeks before a decision is made on whether to file charges.

"We'll do an analysis and see what it is. There's no sense of urgency to it," Detective Alvaro Zabaleta said Thursday.

The bottle was found to have a compartment that contained "a small amount of dark particulate and a pungent aroma closely associated with marijuana," the police report said. The compartment was hidden by the bottle's label so that it appeared to be a full bottle of water when held upright, police said.

Vick entered an airport concourse Wednesday morning with the 20-ounce bottle. His initial reluctance to turn over the bottle aroused suspicion among airport security screeners, a police report said. He eventually handed it over and boarded his flight to Atlanta.

Police said the bottle was sent to the Miami-Dade County crime lab.

Vick did not immediately return a phone call early Thursday.

"We plan to look into the matter and discuss it with Michael Vick before having any further comment," Falcons spokesman Reggie Roberts said.

Under Florida law, possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine. First offenders rarely do any jail time.

Two Transportation Security Administration screeners recognized the 6-foot, 215-pound Vick.

Vick, 26, just finished the second year of a 10-year, $137 million contract he signed in January 2005. While he remains one of the NFL's most potent scoring threats and athletic performers, he has also been questioned for his consistency, particularly as a passer. However, new Falcons coach Bobby Petrino said earlier this month that he intends to design the team's offense around Vick.

In 74 career NFL games, Vick has completed 930 of 1,730 passes for 11,505 yards and 71 touchdowns with 52 interceptions. He had career bests of 20 touchdown passes and 1,039 yards rushing in 2006.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

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What most people don't know is he was creating a diversion for Marcus to sneak aboard, steal everyone's cell phone, then use them to call his brother in prison while he pistol-whipped two skanks at a Mickey D's.

That's the part of the story ESPN doesn't want you to see....

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Michael Vick is overrated and a class-act idiot....The whole family has issues

I had always liked Michael until I read this story and some of his behavior this season. I felt kind of bad for him: an athletic specimen who's abilities haven't really been translated into team success. It's unfortunate (in his case, but good for the game) that he's in a sport where one man cannot single-handedly make a run through the playoffs or win a championship.

now, Dwane Wade and the NBA, that's another story....

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Marcus seems to have issues, but Michael has been a decent guy so far in Atlanta. He stirred the pot in Atlanta this year but I don't see it as anything out of the ordinary.

However, this situation is really stupid. The guy makes millions of dollars a year, why risk your reputation on a few dollars worth of weed??? I mean, damn, you cant buy it whenever you land in your desitination??? Celebs usually know all the hot spots for drug stuff. I'm not condoning drug use, just cannot fathom what went on in his mind.

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He stirred the pot in Atlanta this year but I don't see it as anything out of the ordinary.

nice choice of words :D

However, this situation is really stupid. The guy makes millions of dollars a year, why risk your reputation on a few dollars worth of weed???

For that matter why fly commercial?

Maybe its just because I consult for an aviation company, but Airtran? For him? Good Lord Ron Mexico - you're on the hepatitis of airlines. Oh wait...that's a selling point for him.

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Maybe its just because I consult for an aviation company, but Airtran? For him? Good Lord Ron Mexico - you're on the hepatitis of airlines. Oh wait...that's a selling point for him.

He and Warrick Dunn fly free on AirTran in return for doing promotional stuff for them.

AirTran isn't quite the hepatitis of airlines, but they're damn close. They're more like the "skank-you-call-up-and-sleep-with-when-you're-drunk-but-would-never-admit-it-to-your-friends" of the airlines. I would know...I worked for them for 2 years.

AirTran employee morale sucks, especially on the ramp in ATL...so the bigwigs went as far as to write into the promotions contract that Vick and Dunn randomly come to the airport and spend time hanging out with the rampers...sadly, it works. Those morons forget that they're overworked and underpaid for a few days...

Edited by JayDub
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He and Warrick Dunn fly free on AirTran in return for doing promotional stuff for them.

AirTran isn't quite the hepatitis of airlines, but they're damn close. They're more like the "skank-you-sleep-with-when-you're-drunk-but-would-never-admit-it-to-your-friends" of the airlines. I would know...I worked for them for 2 years.

I saw that he was a spokesperson today, but forgot to follow up on this after it got posted to the Siberia section of the board.

"You wouldn't know true beauty if it was waiting for you in the parking lot, ready to give you hepatitis." I may have butchered that, but name that almost quote.

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