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Did DD Really Slam The Fans In His...


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I know the point DD was trying to make with the players; but I was very disappointed when he talked about the fans like that.  It made me want to not come back in the Fall.  dry.gif

Like said earlier it is a shame our AD and BOR have done nothing to even try and get the fans interested. NO meetings, no suspensions of employees for assault, I am beginning to wonder why do we even have an AD if he refuses to discipline staff or is not allowed the power that an AD should have.

Does UNT even want athletics b/c at this point I think the answer is starting to look pretty damn obvious. mad.gif

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Like said earlier it is a shame our AD and BOR have done nothing to even try and get the fans interested. NO meetings, no suspensions of employees for assault, I am beginning to wonder why do we even have an AD if he refuses to discipline staff or is not allowed the power that an AD should have.

There was a meeting just three weeks ago. You were there, right?

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Just my 2 cents... DD can call me every name in the book if he wins. He can talk about my family, my dogs and my cat so long as he wins. Whatever verbal assault he wishes to throw out I'm cool with so long as he wins. He better start winning.

GO MEAN GREEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not asking anyone to make any judgments nor any interpretations. I was also on the periphery of the assembled group so there is also a possibility that I may have missed or misheard a couple of things.

If there are any inaccuracies in my recollections, I asked that you guys please post in reply. I would love to hear that I heard it wrong.

I don't think Coach intended to make any offensive statements, but I think it's obvious, from what I heard, how they could have been taken that way.

Please, also remember that this was also said only 5 days after several fans had provided and served a barbeque dinner for the team.


" Division from within! Division from within! Does anyone know what division from within means?" Coach Dickey asked his players. The players all stared while the coach repetitively made a globe shape by touching his fingers together and then pulling his hands apart. "It's when internal forces destroy something by pulling it apart."

"In my 46 years of being around college football, North Texas is the worst, the worst, THE WORST, place that I have ever witnessed this type of division. It's probably the worst in the country."

"The fans at Gomeangreen will feed you, and they'll give you cupcakes, but, as soon as anything goes wrong and you lose a game, those same f***ers will be calling you losers, they'll be calling you woosies, and they'll be calling you worthless."

"I'm not telling you to be mean to anyone, I'm not telling you to be rude to anyone, I'm just telling it like it is, and to not forget it."

He then finished his post-scrimmage talk by telling the players that "the team needed leaders and that leaders do not have to be seniors or even star players, and this past year we were missing leadership" and then gave a "work hard in the classroom, work hard in the weight room, stay in shape, stay out of jail, and have a great time but be careful during Spring Break" speech.


After the team left the field, Coach Dickey walked around to many of the fans and thanked them for coming out to the scrimmage, and then said that "he and the players appreciate your support". He also said that he was going to try to make it out to the Gomeangreen flag football again this year.

Like I said, I don't think his statements were necessarily intended to be directed at the entire Gomeangreen fan base, but his aim was much like that of Dick Cheney and somebody got shot in the back.

Was this post a joke?...just made up?...or what was actually said? I have no idea how that would have made me feel as a player, but I know if I was personally standing there to hear that (as it sounds several of you were), I would have felt pretty uncomfortable. I don't know that it's a good idea to have the fans so close to an obvious team only speech.

That said, that is a disappointing statement to make---right up there with "we have the worst situation in the Sun Belt...I know, I work here everyday". Further, passing comments like those off by saying that he didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings is missing the point. It is truly sad that our head football coach thinks that he works at the worst place in the country for college football....or at the very least, if all he's trying to do is protect his players from getting worked up over fan comments, why preface those statements with an educated (46 years in college football) opinion that slams his players' choice of school?

Personally, this is not surprising. I would, however, prefer that speeches like this (on the radio or overheard by fans) be censored. At least on the board. I'm just tired of hearing this kind of crap. If DD (or any coach at any school, for that matter) needs to use these kinds of speeches to motivate their teams to win games, that's fine. But it needs to stay behind closed doors....

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Was this post a joke?...just made up?...or what was actually said?  I have no idea how that would have made me feel as a player, but I know if I was personally standing there to hear that (as it sounds several of you were), I would have felt pretty uncomfortable.  I don't know that it's a good idea to have the fans so close to an obvious team only speech. 

That said, that is a disappointing statement to make---right up there with "we have the worst situation in the Sun Belt...I know, I work here everyday".  Further, passing comments like those off by saying that he didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings is missing the point.  It is truly sad that our head football coach thinks that he works at the worst place in the country for college football....or at the very least, if all he's trying to do is protect his players from getting worked up over fan comments, why preface those statements with an educated (46 years in college football) opinion that slams his players' choice of school?

Personally, this is not surprising.  I would, however, prefer that speeches like this (on the radio or overheard by fans) be censored.  At least on the board.  I'm just tired of hearing this kind of crap.  If DD (or any coach at any school, for that matter) needs to use these kinds of speeches to motivate their teams to win games, that's fine.  But it needs to stay behind closed doors....

First and foremost, I do appreciate the access the coaches allow fans. Being on the sidelines at the scrimmages and being able to even hear a team speech live is not afforded many fans of many (if any) 1-A schools. I will give some waiver or allowance for hearing things in the "trenches" there that fans normally might not hear otherwise in the stands. However the same is true of coaches or players treading into stands and onto message boards. Beware: the Dogs may BITE!

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I know the point DD was trying to make with the players; but I was very disappointed when he talked about the fans like that.  It made me want to not come back in the Fall.  dry.gif

I had several people call me with similar comments and concerns. Like I've said, I really don't think it was intended to offend anyone, mostly because what he said was (I hope) not really what he meant to imply.

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Heard the fans were referred to as F'ers.

Geez, this is exactly the reason I don't lurk here in the off season. Wish I hadn't had the time today.

If you people have never heard a coach give a speech like this to his players before you obviously have never been around organized team sports before.

Be thankful you have the access you do, and if you don't like the speeches or foul language you are going to hear, then stay in the stands out of ear shot. If you are going to get your feelings hurt this easily then start following chess or tidliwinks.

If you don't think coaches all over the country are motivating their players with this stuff then you don't know sh$$ from shineola.

Some of you really need to GET A LIFE ..

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" Division from within! Division from within! Does anyone know what division from within means?" Coach Dickey asked his players. The players all stared while the coach repetitively made a globe shape by touching his fingers together and then pulling his hands apart. "It's when internal forces destroy something by pulling it apart."

"In my 46 years of being around college football, North Texas is the worst, the worst, THE WORST, place that I have ever witnessed this type of division. It's probably the worst in the country."

"The fans at Gomeangreen will feed you, and they'll give you cupcakes, but, as soon as anything goes wrong and you lose a game, those same f***ers will be calling you losers, they'll be calling you woosies, and they'll be calling you worthless.""I'm not telling you to be mean to anyone, I'm not telling you to be rude to anyone, I'm just telling it like it is, and to not forget it."

If this was said, I think we know what the internal force that he, Dickey, was talking about ... HIMSELF ! mad.gif

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Geez, this is exactly the reason I don't lurk here in the off season. Wish I hadn't had the time today.

If you people have never heard a coach give a speech like this to his players before you obviously have never been around organized team sports before.

Be thankful you have the access you do, and if you don't like the speeches or foul language you are going to hear, then stay in the stands out of ear shot. If you are going to get your feelings hurt this easily then start following chess or tidliwinks.

If you don't think coaches all over the country are motivating their players with this stuff then you don't know sh$$ from shineola.

Some of you really need to GET A LIFE ..

I seriously doubt that any successful coach in America motivates his team solely by telling them that they can't count on the fans, so they had better count on one another......and the coaching staff.

I was standing by Adler and none of what DD said hurt my feelings. I was however rather dismayed, because I was hearing the same ol' "us-against-them-bunker/siege-mentality" message.

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Just two observations:

1. I think we have hit a crossroads with Coach Dickey...as the saying goes, "perception is reality" and if the perception the majority of fans have is that Coach Dickey has no appreciation of us, whether that be true or not, it will be difficult to raise the attendance and money needed for our program to move forward. So, I think it is time for Coach Dickey to do whatever it takes to change this perception or we will be losing the momentum that we have built the last few years. Since the football program is the leading program in most athletic departments, it is the football coach who is the focal point and has to take the lead (other than the athletic director, of course). I just hope it is not too late to repair the damage. As Grand Green said, we don't have enough fans to lose any.

2. I have followed North Texas athletics for over 30 years (after I finished competing there as an athlete), been a season ticket holder for football and basketball and contriubted to the athletic department all those years, so I don't consider myself a "fair-weather" fan. I've experienced the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" many times. I have seen many fans over the years, but I really don't remember many being down on the players (except those stupid personal foul penalities). Instead, I have seen the disappointment directed at the program and its leadership, i.e. academic and athletic administration and coaches. I guess that is my problem with comments that the "fans" say horrible things about the players behind their backs. Maybe that happens, but I haven't observed it. All I ask is that the players put out their best effort.

P.S. There was reference in one of the posts to a meeting being held a few weeks ago. Was there a mailing that went out to the Mean Green Club members? If so, I never got an invitation or I would have been there. For those of us who don't live in Denton, getting timely mailings of upcoming events is sometimes a problem. I have been to all the "quarterly" meetings I have been aware of, but don't remember getting an invite in several years. Maybe I'm not on the mailing list. When was the last "quarterly" meeting?

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I so distintly remember late September 2004 ... half time at the Baylor game at Baylor. I had cut may vacation short along with my parents, drove three,four plus hours from Gavleston to watch the game. The first half was suspensful.

But then, at half time, the team returned to the field. They had to run out in front of the mean green faithful (as vistors) along the stands in front of us. They meandered. They didn't look up and didn't acknowledge us. They walked onto the field in defiance admist a section full of fans trying to yell like crazy and fire them up. But yet, no emotion from the team. NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!

That has been a turning point for me listening to the debates here at GMG.com. I've read about them leaving the field and not stopping to acknowledge fans/band playing our alma mater, Coach Dickey's antics, Ramon Flannigan attacking SilverEagle.

The bunker mentality of us against them takes it toll. I am a new fan that came back around the 2002 season because I thought athletics was being taken seriously around NT and progress was to be made. To me, this type of attitude starts from the top and trickles down. If the coaches/administration deem it so, the players will pick it up and reciprocate it.

Say what you want. I'm getting turned off and that fustrates me. I want to support this program. I live in Houston, so I not only give to the MGC, I drive 5 hours + to see any type of event in person. I listen to radio when I can, but it is a meager constitute.

I want an administration and coaching staff that excites me. The bowl games gave me that to some extent. Not only in our down year, but also our "successful" years, I still see the effects mentioned.

I've kept an open mind, but I freakin' would rather hear, "There are those f'ers that will feed ya and will then call you losers and cupcakes, but there are those that really care about this program and university as a whole. Those are the people you are sweating, sacrificing, and playing for. Go out and make them proud of their University. Give them one more reason they can walk into work on Monday morning and say, 'how about them Mean Green?!', 'How about North F'n Texas!!'"

That is the attitude I want this program to portray in undebateable manner for me to consider being the donor and fan I was and can be.

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Geez, this is exactly the reason I don't lurk here in the off season. Wish I hadn't had the time today.

If you people have never heard a coach give a speech like this to his players before you obviously have never been around organized team sports before.

Be thankful you have the access you do, and if you don't like the speeches or foul language you are going to hear, then stay in the stands out of ear shot. If you are going to get your feelings hurt this easily then start following chess or tidliwinks.

If you don't think coaches all over the country are motivating their players with this stuff then you don't know sh$$ from shineola.

Some of you really need to GET A LIFE ..

I played organized sports for 15+ years and am the son of a coach. I've never had a coach that tried to fire up his team by criticizing the people that are there to suppprt them. His choice of language doesn't offend me either. I'm just tired of DD's attitude towards those that are trying to support his program, and his lack of effort in promoting this program in a posotive light publicly.

I agree with FF Joey's thoughts 100 percent.

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Geez, this is exactly the reason I don't lurk here in the off season. Wish I hadn't had the time today.

If you people have never heard a coach give a speech like this to his players before you obviously have never been around organized team sports before.

Be thankful you have the access you do, and if you don't like the speeches or foul language you are going to hear, then stay in the stands out of ear shot. If you are going to get your feelings hurt this easily then start following chess or tidliwinks.

If you don't think coaches all over the country are motivating their players with this stuff then you don't know sh$$ from shineola.

Some of you really need to GET A LIFE ..

There's no reason to defend your husband like that...

last time I checked most football coaches use "hate the opponent, hate your rival" not "hate the fans, their fickle"

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"The fans at Gomeangreen will feed you, and they'll give you cupcakes, but, as soon as anything goes wrong and you lose a game, those same f***ers will be calling you losers, they'll be calling you woosies, and they'll be calling you worthless."

#1. Who fed him cupcakes? Maybe he is only talking about those people?

#2. If he is talking about all GMG fans, then have them build the new football stadium themselves and this F***er will put his donation check back into his wallet...

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Thanks for the insight GREENBACKS, I am sure every coach in America uses the same bunker mentality.

Thats great I can see Spurrier, Holtz, Paterno calling all of their best fans MF'rs.

What a classy university we have here rolleyes.gif

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Look, there is a saying in my business "the only person you will P*&% off by asking how much thet are worth, are the ones with no money" and it is very true.

The fact is we have some fans who are A*&Holes and F*&%'rs plain and simple. YES be loud and stand up and cheer your team on, but we have quite a few loudmouth jerks who, if Dickey runs them off it would be fine with me, sometimes it is better to clean house and start over.

I support the Mean Green! I do not care who the coach is of what team or if he is my buddy.

Do not answer with you should care because, in your opinion, someone is ruining our programs that is BS. You and I have no control over who leads our teams. It is a simple problem of imaturity to think someone has the right to say who keeeps their job because they have been a fan for X # Years and have season tickets and give $1000 to MGC. GROW UP!!!!! you are a pimple on the A*& of UNT!!!

I know the truth hurts, get over yourselves


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I played organized sports since I able to walk, and I remember several speeches getting the point accross that Dickey was trying to get.(Jr high-college, even some in pewee) You all are missing it. It has nothing to do with the fans, it has to do with team unity and not letting outside factors affect the unit. He was just using the fans as an example. You can trust no one or count on no one but your family (your team). This is something the team needs bred into them, and from the DD quote, that sounds like all that was happening. Too bad to many of you take things out of context, and try to make everything a big deal.

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Look, there is a saying in my business "the only person you will P*&% off by asking how much thet are worth, are the ones with no money" and it is very true.

The fact is we have some fans who are A*&Holes and F*&%'rs plain and simple. YES be loud and stand up and cheer your team on, but we have quite a few loudmouth jerks who, if Dickey runs them off it would be fine with me, sometimes it is better to clean house and start over.

I support the Mean Green! I do not care who the coach is of what team or if he is my buddy.

Do not answer with you should care because, in your opinion, someone is ruining our programs that is BS. You and I have no control over who leads our teams. It is a simple problem of imaturity to think someone has the right to say who keeeps their job because they have been a fan for X # Years and have season tickets and give $1000 to MGC. GROW UP!!!!! you are a pimple on the A*& of UNT!!!

I know the truth hurts, get over yourselves


I couldn't agree more with Sig...and Dickey is right. Most of our so called supporters are fair weather fans. A fan is someone that supports a team through good and bad times. If you took Dickey's comments to heart maybe it's because it hits a little to close to home.

With all the good things done by some posters on this board, it is overshadowed by all the constant negativity spouted here about NT Athletics. You are the reason why NT Athletics will probably never get turned around. How do you expect future generations to support NT when all you do is talk about how much NT sucks? Every time I log onto GMG.com it reminds me that for the most part people are morons.

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I played organized sports since I able to walk, and I remember several speeches getting the point accross that Dickey was trying to get.(Jr high-college, even some in pewee)  You all are missing it. It has nothing to do with the fans, it has to do with team unity and not letting outside factors affect the unit.  He was just using the fans as an example.  You can trust no one or count on no one but your family (your team).  This is something the team needs bred into them, and from the DD quote, that sounds like all that was happening.  Too bad to many of you take things out of context, and try to make everything a big deal.

Well said bigdaddy. I'll say this....I know for a fact that the young men on the football team read this forum and Coach Dickey knows this also....alot of stupid crap is posted on this forum and that is the point he was trying to make. He does not want any outside influence to affect his team. A young man reads that he is no good on this forum and it can affect his mental set when on the playing field. A young man reads that his coach is a piece of crap and he will begin to doubt his couches ability also. this is the criticle thing. A player has to have absolout faith in his coach. He has to believe in his coaching abilities and is agenda, otherwise you have nothing but a bunch of losers. Get a clue everybody and start supporting your program from every angle....including your coach. Maybe Harry and the others that run this board should have a no flamming rule so that people will get banned and their negative crap deleted. I know this is not a good idea because sensorship is never a good thing. But in this case it might be needed. I have been around big time football programs all of my life and I have never seen the type of stuff go on that I see by some the people on this board. If a coach was really as bad as some of the people on here make him out to be then everybody would know it and he would get fired. I believe Coach Dickey is an excelent coach. He may need to tweek on his staff a little bit but I think they do a good job also. Look people, NT is experiancing growing pains. NT has come along way from the raunchy little weight and locker rooms of the past. Coach dickey and company are excellent at recruiting. They roll out the red carpet for recruits. I think they made a big mistake by not signing Brent but myself and my family understands their reasoning. Lets all get behind Coach Dickey and give him some respect. You will not believe the difference it will make when he is dealing with the fans and how the players will hold there heads up when they run out on the field knowing their fans are behind them and believe in them 100%.

Go MeanGreen!!

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How do you expect future generations to support NT when all you do is talk about how much NT sucks?

I agree, which is great when DD tells his players:

"In my 46 years of being around college football, North Texas is the worst, the worst, THE WORST, place that I have ever witnessed this type of division. It's probably the worst in the country."

If that doesn't make people Pro-UNT I don't know what will....the SMUNT conspiracy continues...

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With all the good things done by some posters on this board, it is overshadowed by all the constant negativity spouted here about NT Athletics. You are the reason why NT Athletics will probably never get turned around. How do you expect future generations to support NT when all you do is talk about how much NT sucks? Every time I log onto GMG.com it reminds me that for the most part people are morons.

You sound just like Dickey. You may be Dickey. ohmy.gif

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I couldn't agree more with Sig...and Dickey is right. Most of our so called supporters are fair weather fans. A fan is someone that supports a team through good and bad times. If you took Dickey's comments to heart maybe it's because it hits a little to close to home.

I agree this board can be way to negative at times, but very few on this board are fair weather fans. Every program has fair weather fans. What you have to build is the base of fans that will show up when a bad season comes around. Very few in this group will stop coming when the chips are down.

Let's face it. DD is kind of an a-hole. At least he comes across that way to me. Maybe the players love him. I don't know. I don't pony up hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for the university so they don't really pay much attention to my opinion. Fair enough. I try not to whine too much, but it can be frustrating. DD admitted to poor coaching last year. I'll give him that. This should be a decision making year for the AD. DD has had some success, but he has also had some monster failures. His failures out weigh the good things right now.

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