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NT Daily article on Dickey


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Dickey is not the problem; instead blame the program’s inability to recruit players. The state of Texas produces a substantial amount of Division 1-A football players, yet NT cannot get in the action. The program struggles to get any of the area’s top-100 recruits, according to rivals.com. Fans, students, and alumni are quick to point the finger at Dickey for poor recruiting, but those people who don’t attend the games should point at themselves. NT’s most recent game against Arkansas State had less than 8,000 fans in attendance.

Why in this article are they letting Dickey off the hook for recruiting and blaming the fans. You can't really blame the attendence Saturday since they had pretty much killed any interest in this season by losing the previous 4 home games, and pretty much phoned in the last few weeks. Recruiting comes full circle, and it all heads back to the head coach

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People ... need to remember this isn’t the University of Florida or some other big-time football school ...and fans should be thankful for what the coach has provided.

That right there is the problem with NT. Even the "Fry Street Journal" has little faith in the program and perpetuates the small time mentality.

I knew we should have had more people at the games. The team with the most people at their games usually wins, right? I mean look no further than Tennessee and A&M this year. They have huge support and massive stadiums. I see his point dry.gif

Edited by Eagle1855
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Yeah I read this article today, what a bunch of b.s. Obviously this guy knows nothing about college football, and probably hasn't been to a single home game. He's blaming the bad recruiting on the football program..but excusing the coach? I could've sworn recruiting was the responsibility of the coaches. Also he mentions that the reason why we are doing bad is due to attendance...even more ridiculous, hasn't our attendance avgs gone up almost every year if you don't count the year we played baylor at home? Plus playing a home game the weekend of thanksgiving while being 0-4 at home doesn't really entice a big crowd to come out. It's articles like this that make students like myself seem like idiots.

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even for the Daily...this is just a bad article. His logic defies me. How can you say that the coach is not to blame but yet recruiting and a lack of attendance? The coach is responsible for recruiting and our attendance was doing better than in previous years up until the last home game when we were 2-8 and it was right after Thanksgiving. nevermind...it's nothing to get fired up over...after all, it is an NT Daily article. I am sure it is not to hard to be the sports guy over there

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Guest JohnDenver

Pretty funny. Brad McDonnell wrote this crap article ... and he is in the picture for the "NT Daily staff faces $84K budget deficit" article. Related? Hmmm... bad writing leads to budget deficit? They can only blame the people not picking up their papers and not blink.gif themselves. oh.

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Were the hell else but North Texas is the Head Coach not held accountable for the recruiting? Here are some thoughts –

If you have a business that’s not doing well you can either shut the doors or be creative and try and find a way to bring people to you. College programs are in the entertainment business. Blaming fans for not showing up to see what they consider to be a low/non value event is the same as blaming the people who go to movies when a big-budget movie flops. Also here’s another thought. Is there a chance to change coaching philosophy a bit so that we might excite and motivate additional recruits? I’m not saying DD needs to go as extreme as Tech, but do you think Tech would get the same caliber of athletes if they ran a “traditional” scheme?

Edited by El Paso Eagle
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Yip he is exactly right (tongue in cheek)....the reason our recruiting is so down has nothing to do with the play on the field or even the coaches, as it has all to do with us fans. Guys we gotta pick it up in recruiting - we all need to be out there at these recriuts homes recruiting these kids - its up to us.

Get Real.

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Yip he is exactly right (tongue in cheek)....the reason our recruiting is so down has nothing to do with the play on the field or even the coaches, as it has all to do with us fans.  Guys we gotta pick it up in recruiting - we all need to be out there at these recriuts homes recruiting these kids - its up to us.

Get Real.

I thought the Eagle Devi.. I mean Angels told us to stay away from the recruits. biggrin.gif

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Feel free to comment on that hack's article. I did, but I don't know how far it'll get since has to pass the eyes of the NTD's 'moderator'.

It's like they found someone with no knowledge of football, that hasn't been a home game, then bribed him and gave him 1/2 of the truth.

I myself added a comment to it since it said that no comments had been left, and then it told me that it would have to be reviewed by the moderator.

Here is that guys email: bradM629@yahoo.com Brad McDonnell (wrote article)

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Can someone explain this to the Eagle Angels or whatever their name is ... so Rudy, emmitt, medpilot, johndenver, firefightnrick, hope24 and the rest of lower section E can do their job as fans and inspire the recruits ... because there wasn't much on the field to inspire them.

Fans: "Yea, run, run, go, score!"

Eagle Angels: "Sit down, shut up! Quite supporting your team! You might influence the recruits!"

later in the game:

Fans: "Dickey, throw the ball! Dickey, you @#$!@#$"

Eagle Angels: *crickets chirping* ... They already left ...


Fans: "Man you're getting outcoached Flannigan!"

Ramon: "I'm gonna kick your a$$ old man! You're going down clown!" ... charges fans like Happy Gilmore.

Fans throw unprecedented amount of tortillas at CSC while campus PD brutally beat FireFightnRick.

Recruits: Section was empty, so no worries ...

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Guest GrayEagleOne

At least there's another article in the Daily by Rian Johnson that does get it. He contends that we had the talent to win conference games and lays most of the blame on the coaching. I happen to agree with him although we probably don't have the talent to make a splash in OOC.

So, it's either the coaching staff didn't recruit well enough to compete or they didn't coach well enough (play calling, discipline, etc.) to win those conference games.

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Hey All----

Give the "UNT Daily Student Newspaper Sportswriter" a break!!!

1. He is probably a 19 year old Sophmore in Journalism 201 trying to pass the class.

2. Evidently, this numb nuts is clueless to the history of UNT athletics.

3. Appears he read this board but comprehended very little. This board should be "REQUIRED READING" for any UNT Sports Journalism Student & especially if they want to really find out what is happening with the sports scene. Heck, he could get extra credit or space in the paper by interviewing some of you. I am serious.

4. Let us all hope PlumMeanGreen e-mails him with a few of his "short" comments. laugh.gif

5. Seriously.....19 year old sophmore - Journ 201 student trying to pass. Be gentle.

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Hey All----

Give the "UNT Daily Student Newspaper Sportswriter" a break!!!

1. He is probably a 19 year old Sophmore in Journalism 201 trying to pass the class.

2.  Evidently, this numb nuts is clueless to the history of UNT athletics.

3.  Appears he read this board but comprehended very little.  This board should be "REQUIRED READING" for any UNT Sports Journalism Student & especially if they want to really find out what is happening with the sports scene.  Heck, he could get extra credit or space in the paper by interviewing some of you.  I am serious.

4.  Let us all hope PlumMeanGreen e-mails him with a few of his "short" comments. laugh.gif

5.  Seriously.....19 year old sophmore - Journ 201 student trying to pass.  Be gentle.

I think that ATTENDING THE GAMES should be required of a student covering sports.

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