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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2011 in all areas

  1. Is this bridge going to be off limits for Denia residents?
    6 points
  2. Sorry but we shouldn't talk on this issue. Pot meet kettle.
    6 points
  3. If Lee Jackson has anything to do with it, he'll name it the UNT-Dallas bridge.
    4 points
  4. When you talk to people in the drumline community around the world and mention UNT...jaws drop. There are very few groups on campus that consistently represent UNT at such a high standard year in and year out. The members of the drumline work their tails off and put in insane hours to be the best in the world, no excuses. Despite this, you're telling me that because they don't play at football games you aren't interested in the work that they put in, the world-class product they create, or the extraordinary representation they give UNT? That's a shame.
    4 points
  5. I'm hoping that Luke's Locker will be the sponsor, and it will be called the: Luke's Skywalker
    4 points
  6. I had to heed the Orsini call. I bought 20 endzone seats... for UH vs. UNT
    4 points
  7. Well, there are 311,800,000 (roughly) Americans. Do the math on your 50 million which I'll capitulate is correct for sake of this discussion, and you've got... 16%. Yup, one percent more than my figure (which was based on 2009 numbers that the healthcare bill was shoved down our throats on) but closer to 15% than the 20% you quote. ...but even at 20%, you're destroying a system that is covering 80% of Americans by installing law that: A. will not actually cover that many more people as we have discovered during the months since the passage (...cause we had to pass it to see what was in it after all). B. does not provide incentive for companies to keep employees on coverage. C. does not provide enough incentive through the mandate to force people to buy it (fine is a fraction of the cost of the insurance). D. will lower quality and choices for the 80% who currently DO have coverage. E. now that all the details are known is clearly a political step to single payer which the people simply wouldn't have accepted this time around. It is interesting to note that since this president has taken office and since this bill has passed, fewer, not more, people have healthcare coverage. This isn't because of the evil health insurance companies or mean corporations, it's because unemployment is skyrocketing and many of the jobs that are available don't offer benefits. Many of the folks filing bankruptcy for medical bills HAVE health insurance. What does Obamacare do to stop that situation? I heard it used over and over again as a reason we needed this bill, but never once have I heard it explained how this bill stops that nonsense? You know, you say "politics aside" then you play politics. I never said, nor did the folks against THIS type of healthcare reform that the system is perfect. It is FAR from it. I run two of those companies that are facing the double digit increases. There isn't a THING in Obamacare that shows me that will stop. In fact this year AFTER the bill was passed, I had a larger than normal increase. Now that Obamacare has passed and I have a small company that won't be penalized, I could just drop coverage, say "screw my employees" and take an extra 5 figures out of here a month home with me. I'm not going to, because I think health insurance is important. ...but I don't FORCE my employees to take the coverage. I have no right. The Government can't FORCE them to take it either. They have no right. The heavy handed measures in this bill should have been a last resort, not a first step. As has been stated in this thread over and over again, there are lots of other ideas that would help and don't include MORE government involvement, but rather less. Decrease the paperwork, red-tape and government oversight of the healthcare industry. Allow insurance companies to compete across state lines. Broaden the ease for small businesses to pool, and allow them to do so across state lines. (I have different policies for my employees in Dallas vs my employees in Chicago, both on Blue Cross/Blue Shield. How dumb is that?) ...but empowering the IRS, and creating a situation where the Federal Government blows through yet another firewall in the Constitution is not the answer to the healthcare problem in this country. It will only serve to fan the flame and turn the problem INTO the crisis it was manufactured into to get the American people to surrender a little more liberty to the federal government. Good debate, and I appreciate you coming back into continue it.
    4 points
  8. i've never had an issue with any license plate cover...and i've been pulled over plenty of times! remember flyer...we don't give gifts to get a gift...a gift is nonbinding. i'm happy i get something every year from north texas for giving them cash...they could stop and i'd still do it.
    3 points
  9. Max is going to be everyone's fan favorite by the end of the season. Lock it.
    3 points
  10. Here are the A-lines competitive shows from PASIC (national drum competition that UNT has owned basically every year since it started): There are tons of videos of different years. It's pretty cool to watch, especially when you consider thus is the gold standard of drum lines EVERY YEAR since they started doing this.
    3 points
  11. 2 points
  12. You need tickets to plan for tailgating? Really? Seems lots of folks have already started planning tailgating activities. Maybe you mean near which lot due to your parking situation...that I get, and agree that I would love to have that settled as soon as possible. But, completely disagree that the AD folks have forgotten the fans. In fact, there have been more fan friendly events this season that ever before...and this whole bit of a delay just might be due to the fact that they had to wait on the Apogee Stadium deal to be finalized before they actually printed the tickets (the season tickets not the single game tickets that are always much more generic). Not trying to stir things up, but I can guarantee you that folks in the Athletic dept. are not holding meetings about how they can "not look after the fans". There are times that things are taking place behind the scenes that are just not apparent to those who are charged with dealing with things on a day to day basis. Does anyone really think the AD folks want to stall in getting parking passes and tickets out to their season ticket holders? When we are less than a week out and we still don't have tickets or parking passes...well, if that happens...then we can panic! Until then...patience folks patience.
    2 points
  13. I'll chip in $5 to get it named the GOMEANGREEN.COM Walkway. Who's with me?
    2 points
  14. Are we sure the bridge wouldn't just go to Dallas?
    2 points
  15. Here's where your argument hits a snag. Back when Dickey was our coach, we had a huge conference winning streak, 4 straight bowls, the two previous national rushing champs who received lots of natinal and local pub, and open practices. In 2005, we averaged about 17-18K per home game, which was no different than it had been before. Lance Dunbar is awesome, but his team has been absolutely horrible for a long time. Joe Bob will know him even more when he runs for 200 yards in an opening season win over FIU. If that makes Joe Bob buy a ticket for our big home game against Western Kentucky, then we are the better for it. But I doubt if we were sending out all kinds of information on practices right now and how great Lance Dunbar is, Joe Bob will buy that ticket for Western Kentucky's visit to Denton if we get blasted in our first 4 games of the season, even if he runs wild in those games.
    2 points
  16. How about..."down the corridor of years". OR, since it's leading to the football stadium "down the corridor of cheers".
    2 points
  17. Yeah, same goes for the 1 o'clock lab band, unless those guys play at a football game they don't exist to me either. /geesh, let it go man. Bottom line. Back in olden times there wasn't things like drum line competitions. Then things changed and the drumline at UNT was so dominant we had too many students wanting to attend our university that we had to eventually make it into it's own performing group. Now they tour the world and help recruit to the UNT college of music.
    2 points
  18. Roger Franklin was saying UNT Antwan Space (Desoto/Florida State) was signaling that it was over Jordan Williams
    2 points
  19. Over there off Ft Worth Dr ? Are you sure it wasn't Juan Jones ?
    2 points
  20. I'll wake up on south beach hung over friday morning, unt polo wrapped around my head like a scarf, from a night of celebration from the program changing win the day before. My wife and kids will pick me up with my mavs jersey to change into. Cannot wait.
    2 points
  21. Wow... didn't we just give him a raise?
    2 points
  22. That is odd. Since UH and Houston were the basketball Final Four hosts, can we count the games at Reliant in our attendance?
    2 points
  23. I feel like a closed practice adds a bit more credibility to the Mean Green. However, I do like the idea of a MGC members only scrimmage.
    2 points
  24. I think its very nice. The club like lighting may just be for photo purposes. Had our locker rooms been green or something ilke that we'd love it. Can we please stop all this SMU bashing nonsense and worry about our own damn selves?
    2 points
  25. http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/drc/sports/stories/DRC_untfoot_0819.db684f0a.html
    1 point
  26. First off, I think you had a great post. However, I'd like to add a couple of things. And I'm saying this based on my experience as a FW resident for the last 12 years. TCU, while they have slowly and surely risen like Peter North in his prime from their (IMO) self-inflicted purgatory--and kudos to their program and its supporters--they only VERY recently began enjoying more-than-good attendance at their games. And I'm talking about the FWST virtually begging/scolding the FW public to attend Frogs football via Lebreton and Little Ball of Pat Verbeek's Nickname. This has happened constantly over the last few years as TCU struggled to sell-out home games not populated with Big 12 foes. What I'm getting at is that there are many more alums of UNT in DFW than TCU alumni. FW's grasp on TCU fandom is tenuous at best, and FW is definitely fickle towards the Frogs. All that means for UNT is that there's no reason that the fan base that is beginning to wake up (hopefully) in the metroplex can't finally take its place at the trough. I personally don't think SMU--barring some major shakeup--is ever going to be a major factor in the metroplex sports-thought process again. Dallas doesn't really care about them, their own students don't really either, and FW for sure doesn't. Now, UNT is obviously in the same boat as TCU, and at a much earlier stage of development, but if UNT can get their program rolling, there's no reason that it can't out-draw any program in the Metroplex by a large margin, and therefore deliver TV to whatever conference that comes calling. Keep building, donating, and attending. That's the process. It's self-sustaining if those things are done.
    1 point
  27. If they have not made a shirt like that they need to jump on it now. And who cares if another school did it.
    1 point
  28. Just replace the Dallas school, with a real basketball program, someone like Cedar Valley or Brookhaven and it might work.
    1 point
  29. That pony on the ceiling looks like something done with Lite Brite... Sing it everybody! "Lite Brite making things with light, lot of fun making things with Lite Brite"...
    1 point
  30. They've just opened a new stadium, cut them some slack and let them get things figured out. I'm sure it will be better next year.
    1 point
  31. Power is going to be a monster. He has the size (6'5", 258 lbs) and talent to be an excellent receiving tight end. I can't wait to see him in action on the field.
    1 point
  32. The 60 Minutes episode came out before any of the Adam James incident had occurred. More than a year I think. Nice try though!!
    1 point
  33. Are you still allowed to provocate like this? Send Vito back to where he came from on a leaky boat?
    1 point
  34. Chris Bynes will be our breakout receiver. I was very impressed with his skills at the August 2010 scrimmages. It was too bad his season ended in the third game.
    1 point
  35. Or... Tony Mitchell is rated the 79th best college player in America without ever playing a second in a college game. Not bad, not bad at all.
    1 point
  36. There you go, letting the fact that this is something everybody does get in the way of a good opportunity to go after SMU
    1 point
  37. The interviewer has a way of bringing that out in coaches.
    1 point
  38. Not to worry .... when the "official" results come out, somehow they will average around 22K to 25K Pony Math - The don't ask, don't tell in attendance taking
    1 point
  39. Wow, Canales was way too subdued in that interview. In fact, he didn't look very happy.
    1 point
  40. Is this Mean Green Football related or The Eagle's Nest related? Let the voting begin.
    1 point
  41. Substitute the red lights for green and the mustang logo for the SOW and everyone on here would be saying how badass it looks. The fact is that incoming freshmen are going to love that locker-room when they see it for the first time.
    1 point
  42. Club Mediocore: The Hottest Club between Mockingbird and SMU Blvd
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. $3M for that? Looks like a strip club and it even has the pole in the center ... not that I've ever been to a strip club.
    1 point
  45. The White Stripes Seven Nation Army is a great stadium song. Futbol fans on both sides of the ocean chant it at games. Some college football fans also have chanted it. The words are easy enough even FFR would like it.
    1 point
  46. Todd D. Unis are better!
    1 point
  47. --I suppose You have a point the way I underlined it but I just think the term Sin Tax is a funny term... and it is a commonly used term , not one I made up... [ gasoline tax in not considered part of that.. ] What outrage...?? I don't care how much tax is on tobacco... I and no one in my family, smokes, chews or dips... as for alcohol... I have beer with pizza and Mexican food and a few other times. Except for those who don't drinkat all, I am likely in the lower 20% of consumers. There is no outrage... just pointed out why beer is more expensive here. I do think the "can't carry the wine bottle out" law in Texas is stupid.... As for me it has been years since I have bought more than one glass anyway . I just think it increases the drunkenness on the roads. I see others in restaurants drink it all up and some don't seem exactly sober when they leave. You are just seeing something that just doesn't exist. I can't believe all this took place or people took it to be political especially liberal ... ---As for being accused of presenting liberal ideas... I really don't get it.... What is liberal about anything I said. ..Maybe allowing people to have a beer?? --I notice you are the one that said you didn't care about other people's opinions... interesting... because you keep answering about what others say.
    1 point
  48. ---Funny.... About 1973 I was on a boat (ferry) going down the Rhine. An older guy yelled at us "Are there any Texans in the group" (a lot of Americans on ferry) and I raised my hand (sorta-of). He did a fast-draw routine on me and came over talked to me for a while... He obviously had had some very good experiences with some Texans following WWII. Didn't hurt any that I have a German/Dutch heritage either. A lot of Texans at that time (WWII) did.... smaller percent now.
    1 point
  49. --I must be really dumb.... What was my agenda... ??? Just because I mentioned why beer in America is more expensive than most of Europe.?? If you object to term "Sin Tax"... well you did take government didn't you... that is the commonly used term for taxes on tobacco and alcohol... [ for what it is worth, I don't smoke... had an uncle die of emphysema at a young age.. I don't consider it a moral issue at all, just a health one ] As for the restaurant comment, I just think it is dumb to encourage people to drink the entire bottle rather than let them take the "rest" home... I guess that was my agenda... as for liberal... get real.... I am so dumb that I just can't figure out what was liberal about anything I said. Political... don't get that one either. ---Some people just want to scream "liberal" if they hear something they disagree with.....!! But in my post, there is not much there to disagree with anyway.... unless you completely oppose alcohol and think we should go back to prohibition. I am not even supporting either point of view.. Go have a beer ( or coke) and lighten up. . ---My outrage... what outrage?? maybe now about your post and accusations..... the world is not all about conservative/liberal.... or politics... although some try to make it that way. If you don't care about other people's ideas or points of view (your comment) .... then don't read this section of GMG.
    1 point

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