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Why Are You A Unt Fan?

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"I still laugh at anyone who refers to a team as "theirs" that didn't graduate from (or at least attend) the school. But I understand why alums feel passionate about college football. "

I work with a lot of obsessed UT fans...........who graduated from UTA :(

I don't know if they get a pass or not, because they don't have a football team right now.

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I always wanted to go to NT, I was a drummer growing up so it was a logical choice. But aside from that NT gave me a home and a family. My college years were amazing and i never could have asked for anything more than what NT gave me. I will always have fantastic memories of NT, from concerts, to games, and parties and even the occasional class. I guess i feel that by remaining a fan and by stomaching through the hard years that we are going through I can give something back to my school when i have nothing else to give.

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Why am I a UNT fan? The main reason is that I graduated from UNT (1976) and unlike many of our front-runner fellow Texans college sports fans across the state who never even stepped foot in Austin or Colleges Station yet are Horn or Aggie fans, you still won't find any UT or TAMU gear on my (little over) one acre or even at the bottom of my pond, either. :rolleyes:

It's easy to be a Longhorn or Aggie, but it takes g'alls (doesn't The Ticket guy use a "g" at the front of some of his words?); anyway, thats what it takes to be a Mean Green fan, especially when you think we're only about 25 years behind where most of us from the Fry Era feel we should be.

I supported Darrell Dickey for 6 out of his 8 years in Denton (even after the very abyssmal start of his 1'st four years) and I will give Todd Dodge that same fair amount of time (4 years) that I gave DD Ball. I welcome others to do the same. Matter of fact, what's the alternative? :)

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Why am I a UNT fan and always will be

Because I am from Denton and grew up following the local team, I have seen bad losses throughout the years with no hope whatsoever, but when going to college at UNT and sharing the 4 conference titles I experienced what many programs didnt and that is a conference championship, field goals being torn apart, and bowl games....

No matter what the score no matter the outcome, no matter what, MEAN GREEN FOREVER....

COWBOY UP, i dont know why i just said that

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I hope that no one takes what I am about to say in the wrong way. I am a UNT fan for the same reason that I went to UNT. Though there are some people who come to UNT because their parents and grandparents went to UNT, and thus UNT was their destination school all along, that is not the reason most people come to UNT. Most people choose UNT (undergrads at least) because it is a place that first-generation college students come...people who were like myself...doing it completely on their own. I got a pat on the back and a word of encouragement from my family, but not one dime of support. UNT is a place for the underdog to make something out of his/her life...to turn the tide of their future, for oneself and for the family that comes after us. I am a UNT fan because I like being a part of a pick-yourself-up kind of school. My kids won't have to look at their parents (my wife is a first-gen UNT grad too) and wonder what it would be like to have college educated parents...and how different life could be. Hopefully for my kids, UNT will be their destination school. That's why.

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I hope that no one takes what I am about to say in the wrong way. I am a UNT fan for the same reason that I went to UNT. Though there are some people who come to UNT because their parents and grandparents went to UNT, and thus UNT was their destination school all along, that is not the reason most people come to UNT. Most people choose UNT (undergrads at least) because it is a place that first-generation college students come...people who were like myself...doing it completely on their own. I got a pat on the back and a word of encouragement from my family, but not one dime of support. UNT is a place for the underdog to make something out of his/her life...to turn the tide of their future, for oneself and for the family that comes after us. I am a UNT fan because I like being a part of a pick-yourself-up kind of school. My kids won't have to look at their parents (my wife is a first-gen UNT grad too) and wonder what it would be like to have college educated parents...and how different life could be. Hopefully for my kids, UNT will be their destination school. That's why.

You know what? This is the single best post I have ever read on an internet board that deals with college sports. Nothing can explain my feeling about UNT any better. Bravo, because you just hit one outta the park. I, too, got thru school on my own hard work, and am the only college-degreed member of my family. I now have a son and another on the way, and they will understand just what UNT did for me--and for them, too. When I see us get killed by a big-name school (tonight) or just lose a game to a school that most people have never even heard of (i.e. FAU), it just kills me because I want us all to enjoy for just a moment what it must feel like to have a team that we can brag about because of true success. (BTW, It must have been so amazing to be a UNT fan back during the Fry years.) And, I often think that it may not be in the cards for us to ever reach those heights again, as we really just don't have the resources that so many of our more-noticed brethren (i.e., Texas, A&M, Tech) have. But, to me, UNT represents a fresh start--a place that represents opportunities-for everybody. That's why.

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88 that is great!

When I was young I always wanted to go to UT, but I hated the color orange. Throughout my high school years I was a very average student and UNT was one of the few schools I could get into. It was close to home and I was more into working than going through the whole college experience anyway. So I ended up at NTSU out of convenience to Dallas and opportunity. I began attending college football games right off the bat and quickly realized that somewhere between the fun of high school and the adult I thought I was, laid an amazing life-changing experience. I have always loved sports and the fact that UNT was able to offer me the opportunity to grow, learn, engage and develop made me fiercely loyal to the Mean Green. So all of a sudden all the worlds were blending - I continued to grow in my career, obtain my education, make friends, and release my passion for sports. Like 88 I too appreciated the fact that the Mean Green always had odds stacked against it and made lemonade from bad lemons. I felt like I could personally relate to UNT which only increased my loyalty. Living through our successful and challenging 1AA days, through our transition from 1AA to 1A, stadium expansion and multiple conference homes. It made the meteoric rise of the early part of this decade all the more special. I hurt right now after our first month of Dodge Ball, but a question like this brings it all into perspective. This years pain will be rewarded with some truly special memories ahead!

Tear up Lafayette!


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I'm paid to be the biggest fan.

No really, though. I think the potential of our university is spectacular. I'm so proud to be the president at a school where we turn out some of the greatest students in music, engineering, business, psychology, photography, graphic design, disaster relief, and journalism. To judge our college on the performance of our football team is ignorant.

Why am I a UNT fan? Because I'm the student body president at one of the best schools in the entire state. And that's something I don't dare take lightly.

Edited by infuryum
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Wow, some real tear jerkers, paid my whole way for two degrees, no loans no nothing, no big deal. I had a choice but I decided to save my college fund. Worked at UPS while in school. But by far and wide the majority of students don't pay their own way while in school at UNT. Whether it be scholarship, personal college fund, parents or student loans to be paid off after graduation.

I am a fan simply because I am proud that UNT is my alma mater.

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Wow, some real tear jerkers, paid my whole way for two degrees, no loans no nothing, no big deal. I had a choice but I decided to save my college fund. Worked at UPS while in school. But by far and wide the majority of students don't pay their own way while in school at UNT. Whether it be scholarship, personal college fund, parents or student loans to be paid off after graduation.

I am a fan simply because I am proud that UNT is my alma mater.

Uh, I think college loans ARE paying your own way...but no doubt there are a lot of different kinds of students at UNT, but UNT does have a larger percentage of first generation students (most of whom pay their own way without parental support) than any of the UTs and A&Ms of this world. We are a make-something-of-yourself university.

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Uh, I think college loans ARE paying your own way...but no doubt there are a lot of different kinds of students at UNT, but UNT does have a larger percentage of first generation students (most of whom pay their own way without parental support) than any of the UTs and A&Ms of this world. We are a make-something-of-yourself university.

I guess it depends on who pays off your loans,(working your way through school without loans is different to me) but do you have stats for your argument or is that your belief. Because if you include loans I know plenty at UT and ATM and I know very few that were legacies. Not to say you are wrong it just sounds like an assumption. I would love to see them it sounds pretty interesting.

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I was briefly a fan in the late 80s/early 90s (???) when my former next door neighbor , Greg Young ( a DE transfer from Texas A&M) started playing for the Mean Green.Anyone remember him ??

Lost interest when he stopped playing , but started following the team again when I decided to transfer to Denton via Midwestern State in 1999.

I then noticed this little,big DT nicked named " Booger" and fell in love with UNT football. As hard as it is to be fan , I wouldn't change it for the world.

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For me, there is definately a distinction between why I am a UNT fan in general and why I am a UNT football fan. I am a UNT fan in general because I am the first person in my family to go to a university. That makes my family one of the biggest fans of UNT there could be. I have had the chance to tour the A&M campus fairly extensively, I have seen the UT campus, and I have visited several other campuses in the state and I believe that the UNT campus is one of the best looking campuses in the state. Do you see albino squirrels taking up residence at any other Texas universities? No, therefore I make the assumption that UNT is heavily preferred by the animals of Texas as well. I think UNT has a great social environment for those students who choose to actively participate in the UNT community (this excludes all those who walk around with Ipods stuck in their ears who aviod eye contact).

As for being a UNT football fan, I have different reasons... I guess I am simply a football nut. I don't see why someone who is active in the UNT community wouldn't cheer on the football team. It's nice to see the potential the university has to grow and expand not only in the academic community, but in sports as well. Our basketball team made the NCAA tournament last season which is a heckuva thing to do. I think we are taking steps in the right direction with the football program. If you look at other football programs in Texas and around the country, they all had to make the same steps and grow to be competitive. Hiring the best high school coach in the state was a gutsy move, but one that drew the attention of a lot of people. Given a few years to do some major recruiting, Dodge has a shot at fielding a competitive team. Nobody turns around a program in just one year. It's all just a process. Go Mean Green!

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For me, there is definately a distinction between why I am a UNT fan in general and why I am a UNT football fan. I am a UNT fan in general because I am the first person in my family to go to a university. That makes my family one of the biggest fans of UNT there could be. I have had the chance to tour the A&M campus fairly extensively, I have seen the UT campus, and I have visited several other campuses in the state and I believe that the UNT campus is one of the best looking campuses in the state. Do you see albino squirrels taking up residence at any other Texas universities? No, therefore I make the assumption that UNT is heavily preferred by the animals of Texas as well. I think UNT has a great social environment for those students who choose to actively participate in the UNT community (this excludes all those who walk around with Ipods stuck in their ears who aviod eye contact).

As for being a UNT football fan, I have different reasons... I guess I am simply a football nut. I don't see why someone who is active in the UNT community wouldn't cheer on the football team. It's nice to see the potential the university has to grow and expand not only in the academic community, but in sports as well. Our basketball team made the NCAA tournament last season which is a heckuva thing to do. I think we are taking steps in the right direction with the football program. If you look at other football programs in Texas and around the country, they all had to make the same steps and grow to be competitive. Hiring the best high school coach in the state was a gutsy move, but one that drew the attention of a lot of people. Given a few years to do some major recruiting, Dodge has a shot at fielding a competitive team. Nobody turns around a program in just one year. It's all just a process. Go Mean Green!

Welcome to the Board!

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Guest Aquila_Viridis

NT gave me a second chance after I partied out at Missouri. I went to NT with the intent to transfer, but liked it so much I decided to stay. Good thing, because the next year I met my (now) wife of 17 years, and the year after that, my NT degree got me into arguably the nation's best public law school, the University of Virginia.

The DFW metropolitan area is one of the most significant regions for our nation's economy. It deserves a top-tier public university.

Athletics is one measuring stick by which many people judge a university's effectiveness. Abject failure in that pursuit is taken to mean that there are abject failures in other pursuits, except by the intelligentsia. It seems silly to me, given the student population and demographics of our school, that we appear to be trying so hard to appeal to that rare group. Further, competitive athletic programs are a lighting rod for pride and community among students and alumni. Non-competitive programs have a deadening effect.

I personally enjoy watching great plays, particularly on the football field. I enjoy them a lot more when done by the team I support. Further, watching great plays made AGAINST the team I support has a deadening effect. I prefer to avoid those.

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Like most of the fans here I am a fan only because of association. I am a transplant from California and yes I grew up a USC fan but I now bleed Green. I gave 2yrs of my life to UNT and I wouldn't change it for anything. I have the best friends that anyone could ask for and I got a wife all from UNT. I have been here 10yrs I am am not going anywhere. I am looking forward to the future of NORTH TEXAS but for now I am going to sit back and yes my gut is going to hurt with each loss but I am going to enjoy each day that I can cheer for the MEAN GREEN!! It is the least I can do for what I got out of here!!!!!!!

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Hold 2 degrees from UNT, was a student assistant coach for a year, Captain of Bowling Team for 3 years, and lived a residence hall for the first 3 years of marriage, along with my daughter's year.

Also I guess love the torture of following UNT sports :D

In all seriousness UNT made a huge turn in athletics starting in 2001 when RV was hired and has con't the progress but man those years of purgatory in I-AA, Helwig as an AD, and Lack of campus staff support has made it tough, but the ride sure can be fun.

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My family moved to Denton in August of 1965, 3 months prior to my arrival on earth, when my father took a position at then North Texas State University. I was carried to my first game as a baby during the Joe Greene, Steve Ramsey, Ron Shanklin, Coach Mitchell era, but unfortunately don't remember any of that.

My first memories from the games probably occur around the age of 5. My dad used to go to the grocery store and buy peanuts, we would roast them at home and haul them to the games. I thought Fouts was the greatest thing ever since I had never been exposed to another stadium. Our family became good friends with Coach Mitchell, Coach Rust and Coach Fry, so I got to run around on the field at practice. That alone probably made the Mean Green Eagles bigger in my eyes than the Cowboys.

My favorite memory is probably the Florida State game in the snow. I got into to a snowball fight with some of my friends after the game down on the field, back when the track was cinder is the turf was natural. Anyway, a couple FSU players wander out of their dressing room and were kicking around the snow. One of my friends ask what they were doing, and they stated that they had never seen snow in person until that game. Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew me and my 10 year old buddies were in a massive snowball fight with about 10 FSU players.

My parents were always season ticket holders and my brother used to sell drinks in the stands, which was my dream job next to being a ballboy. Anyway, I just always followed NTSU because they were my team.

Of course, I attend NTSU/UNT and graduated and have always had a connection to the university. NT provided for my family when my father worked there and has allowed me to provide for mine. I miss living in the Denton area, because it is now tough to attend games and all the other activities on campus. I've watched NT grow from a teacher's college into one of, in my opinion, the best universities in the state. The potential has always been there, but the frustration has been almost unbearable watching the school almost disreguard athletics. There is no reason NT shouldn't have a program like Tech or A&M with the support to match.

I am excited about Dr. B, RV, Coach Dodge and the future. While they are fine universities, there is no reason NT should be considered a step behind TCU or SMU in the Metroplex. With the current administration in place I foresee great things for the athletic program at NT. It should be the window to our university. A window that will allow many more to realize what a great school NT is.

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Boy, those are some great stories some of you have. My story is simply: I go to UNT + I like football = I am a lifelong UNT fan. I don't see why that equation doesn't work for everyone. Admittedly, as one poster noted, it involves a morbid masochism to cheer on UNT football. One time, my parents (Penn State grads) came to meet my sister (KU grad) and me at Texas Stadium for a game when UNT got thoroughly whupped by a mediocre KU team. My Dad, perceiving my agony (wouldn't have taken Sigmund Freud), asked me, "Why did a guy who likes football as much as you go to North Texas? Why didn't you go to Florida State or something?" I guess I had to answer that I actually did not go to UNT for the football. I hope that in future years, the football team can be a real selling point for the school, like UT or A&M.

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