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Abc News Exclusive: Two Men On United Flight From Chicago

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U.S. officials said the two appeared to be travelling with what were termed "mock bombs" in their luggage. "This was almost certainly a dry run, a test," said one senior law enforcement official.

The men were identified as Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi, of Detroit, MI, and Hezem al Murisi, the officials said. A neighbor of al Soofi told ABC News he is from Yemen.


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You've got to be kidding me :

It was then they discovered suspicious items in his bag, a cell phone taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, multiple cell phones and watches taped together, and a knife and box cutter, according to another U.S. official who had been briefed on the investigation.Kip Hawley, the former Transportation Security administrator, said it is not unusual to find items like watches and cell phones bound together on flights to countries like Yemen.

The U.S. does not expect to charge the men, a law enforcement official said.

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Ohh, why not...just for the hell of it...

What crime do you charge?

Terroristic Threat : causes a person or group to be in fear of bodily harm

I would say this , unles you would want to fly with either on any future flights

Edited by NT03
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Terroristic Threat : causes a person or group to be in fear of bodily harm

I would say this , unles you would want to fly with either on any future flights

The problem is that to some a turban and/or a beard would suffice under that definition.

I feel I'm asking a very legitimate question...if there is outrage over in-action, tell me what action ought to be taken within the laws of our country.

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The problem is that to some a turban and/or a beard would suffice under that definition.

I feel I'm asking a very legitimate question...if there is outrage over in-action, tell me what action ought to be taken within the laws of our country.

I would think all it would take is for someone on that flight to say they felt in fear & file a complaint, but I don't know.

a terroristic threat can be something as small as a misdemeanor crime , which the 2 men's lawyors could probably get it down to.

Maybe if everyone on board did file , say 100 people , than that would be 100 counts.. either way they would probably get out of any jail time.

I don't know , I don't pretend to be a lawyor. The law does state though that if someone puts you in fear of bodily harm then that is a threat & I'm sure not one person on that flight felt safe after hearing what they found

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I would think this is akin to "yelling fire in a crowded movie theater" when there is no fire. Hold them long enough to get the answers as to why that crap was in their luggage and tied together like it was, then we can decide if it was a "pre-planning event" a "dry run" or just two pretty stupid guys flying to that beautiful vacation oasis of Yemen. One would think there would be some way to hold the guys for at least, say, 72 hours. That should be time (between the meals, rest time, exercise time, court appointed lawyer time,naps, breaks, prayer time, etc. some ACLU lawyer gets them while in custody) to find out what they were, or were not, thinking. I do not advocate drumming up any charges or faking anything, but what legal options are available should be used to the fullest to find out what the intent may or may not have been.

I cannot believe anyone, in this day and age, is stupid enough to attempt to board a commercial flight with stuff like this in their luggage. It's too bad that being THAT stupid isn't a crime. Do they speak/read English? have they been in the US for any length of time? Are they legal? Citizens perhaps? If not, well, let's see what immigration laws might apply. They better hope they are not civilians as the ACLU and many judges these days could care less about citizens, it's the illegals they are concerned about...and the criminals, of course. To heck with those pesky citizens.

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Ohh, why not...just for the hell of it...

What crime do you charge?

Since just about everything to do with flying can get you arrested for some dumb rule there must be some rule (and remember kids, most flying "rules" are backed up with federal laws) they broke by including simulated explosives in their luggage.

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I say this not as the dirty, commie liberal that I am...but, as the airline employee who has dealt with somewhat similar situations: "Ahhhh, xenophobia at it's finest".

I have seen bags belonging to Middle Eastern passengers (always to NY-LaGuardia, for some reason) rip apart on the ramp from overloading...and, you wouldn't believe some of the weird crap that has come falling out. Quite literally, a kitchen sink fell out of one. I can't speak to the reasoning or possible cultural difference, but oddly bound and just plain odd items are in people's baggage all the time.

Stupid crap like this, and worse, happens every single day. The stories I could tell of security breaches and diversions due to security issues that never make the news. And, if these were white guys, it would never have made the news. Ask me how many hidden, undeclared guns, ammunition, and knives the TSA confiscated, reported, and turned over to us (almost always belonging to white males). Who knows what these mens' intentions were...that won't stop xenophobic America from speculating. Of course, who knows what the intentions of those middle-aged, white males trying to take their "more traditional" weapons with them could have been...but, we won't bat an eye because they're "one of us".

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I say this not as the dirty, commie liberal that I am...but, as the airline employee who has dealt with somewhat similar situations: "Ahhhh, xenophobia at it's finest".

I have seen bags belonging to Middle Eastern passengers (always to NY-LaGuardia, for some reason) rip apart on the ramp from overloading...and, you wouldn't believe some of the weird crap that has come falling out. Quite literally, a kitchen sink fell out of one. I can't speak to the reasoning or possible cultural difference, but oddly bound and just plain odd items are in people's baggage all the time.

Stupid crap like this, and worse, happens every single day. The stories I could tell of security breaches and diversions due to security issues that never make the news. And, if these were white guys, it would never have made the news. Ask me how many hidden, undeclared guns, ammunition, and knives the TSA confiscated, reported, and turned over to us (almost always belonging to white males). Who knows what these mens' intentions were...that won't stop xenophobic America from speculating. Of course, who knows what the intentions of those middle-aged, white males trying to take their "more traditional" weapons with them could have been...but, we won't bat an eye because they're "one of us".

White guys aren't crashing planes into buildings and lighting up some shoe bombs.

But, I actually agree with you on one point, even though you are a pinko commie. They take things back home with them that relatives of their home country cannot purchase or find there. They were headed to Yemen. Yes, a terrorist country, but also a third world country where I bet you just can't walk into the store and buy yourself an iphone.

Speculating doesn't make it better. No one knows all the facts surrounding this thing, only what the press has reported (which, more aften than not, is not 100% accurate). If they are guilty of a crime, they will be charged. If they aren't, then they won't.

You better believe that these jihadists' pasts will be picked apart by the FBI and CIA. If there are terrorist connections and there is a crime that can be charged, it will be charged.

Edited by UNT90
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White guys aren't crashing planes into buildings and lighting up some shoe bombs.

But, I actually agree with you on one point, even though you are a pinko commie. They take things back home with them that relatives of their home country cannot purchase or find there. They were headed to Yemen. Yes, a terrorist country, but also a third world country where I bet you just can't walk into the store and buy yourself an iphone.

Speculating doesn't make it better. No one knows all the facts surrounding this thing, only what the press has reported (which, more aften than not, is not 100% accurate). If they are guilty of a crime, they will be charged. If they aren't, then they won't.

You better believe that these jihadists' pasts will be picked apart by the FBI and CIA. If there are terrorist connections and there is a crime that can be charged, it will be charged.

While not on an airplane, Tim McVay comes to mind. Stupidity is not confined to any race or religion.

I do, however, believe in taking no chances and see absolutely nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution regarding certain situations.

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While not on an airplane, Tim McVay comes to mind. Stupidity is not confined to any race or religion.

I do, however, believe in taking no chances and see absolutely nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution regarding certain situations.

And the guy who bombed the Atlanta Olympics.

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Niether McVey of the Olympic bombing had anything to do with airplanes, right?

CBL, surely there is a better example than accusing our fine men and women who serve in the military of being equal to the 9:11 terrorist?? How dare you, sir (que the patriotic music)

I appreciate your vote.

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Dude. Ease up on this one. Your original statement was a little too broad to the point of being inflammatory.

It's a crazy thing.

you are right. I should have said white guys crashing COMMERCIAL planes with other passengers into bldgs after murdering the pilots, but I figured most in here were smart enough to get that.

Football loving season peace?

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Really? So there is a white guy that intentionally crashed a commercial airliner into a building?

If not, then the statement isn't ignorant, just simple true.

Well you may want to ask the people of Austin, TX and Tampa, FL about white boys crashing things into buildings.

So yes my statement is true while yours is ignorant.

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Even if their crime is not punishable by jail time, I would certainly think that the airline has the right to ban them from any future flight.

Anyone who tapes two unassociated items together to give the appearance of a bomb should not be allowed on any FAA regulated airline.

I'm sure they are at the top of the no-fly list.

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