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KRAM - this comment is for you. So Colony says that because I am not willing (whether I am able to or not is irrelevant) to shell out thousands of dollars for premium seats "I am making the choice to NOT support the program". So maybe you can read this. Even though I buy season tickets, tailgate, bring friends to the games, post on this stupid board....I am not supporting the program....ABSOLUTE B.S.

I'm not defending eppy but I think you're the reason that the program is where it is. You keep looking into the rear view mirror about where UNT used to be and are content with where we are. Look, it's my money. If I choose to spend only $100 on tickets/events when I can spend more SO WHAT. Yes, I would gladly spend more on tickets if we were playing better opponents...why do you think they charge more when we play named opponents????? BECAUSE everyone will pay more.

Or how about this quote from Dozer:

"And then you can let everybody know that you did not contribute one damned dime because you were using your money to buy tortillas and then throwing them."

The immediate assumption is that this person isn't giving or supporting.

It is how you go about it. Just make you donation, season tickets whatever and be quiet. We all don't need to here about the conference, etc etc.

How you change any issue in College Athletics is giving more money plain and simple. Thats how we move up. Its a business.

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KRAM - this comment is for you. So Colony says that because I am not willing (whether I am able to or not is irrelevant) to shell out thousands of dollars for premium seats "I am making the choice to NOT support the program". So maybe you can read this. Even though I buy season tickets, tailgate, bring friends to the games, post on this stupid board....I am not supporting the program....ABSOLUTE B.S.


Daddy...I really am beginning to think you have serious reading comprehension problems. First you direct a response to me that was from the Colony Eagle...OK, so be it, but then you reflect your COMPLETE lack of understanding of what Colony Eagle said. His point had NOTHING to do with you (or anyone) being a supporter of the program IF you (or they) bought the premium seats...his point was that you indicated a "choice" not to support the program it seemed until UNT moves to a different conference. You placed some "conditions" on your support. You made the post, you stated the conditions...the Colony Eagle just responded.

For some reason you are "hung up" on the Club level seating thing...PLEASE...go back and read the posts and really try to understand...IT ISN"T ABOUT HOW MUCH...IT'S ABOUT IF! Could I emphasize that any more for you? I, for one, have never said Club Level seating was the way one reflects support for the program. I think if you will read...there's that word again...my posts you will see that the point is IF not how, and support at whatever level one can do is plenty good enough. I constantly focus on "doing what one can", not how much one does. If that were the case, I would be way down on the list of "supporters" as we have some folks that can throw a ton more $$$$ at the program than I ever could.

So, get the chip off your shoulder and try to understand what is being said. If you buy season tickets (or single game tickets for that matter), bring friends to the game, tailgate, etc., well,.....let it be said hear for all to hear that Daddy Dumpsalot supports the MEAN GREEN.

Look, I do think the rehortic needs to be toned down a bit. MeanGreen61 defined "support" pretty well in his post above. I would find it hard to believe that someone could have a problem with that definition...maybe another point here and there, but it's pretty darn good in my book.

PS the board is not stupid....the posters are not stupid, just some of the postings!

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Where in this post is "thousands of dollars" mentioned?

Dozer, the reference was in regard to me purchasing the thousand dollar packages in the opening thread in which the responses were that I was not supporting the program. Look, I agree that we need donations and donations of all amounts, but to simply say (not you) that because someone doesn't want to give thousands of dollars to the program they are not supporting it, just isn't fair.

I support the program and go to just about every event, I have relatives that were a part of UNT athletics and we belong to the Letterman's club. All that to say that yes I am not going to dish out thousands on a premium package until we play better opponents. This is a fair statement. I am not saying that I/we are not going to be a part of UNT until this happens but you cannot deny that if all of a sudden we joined the CUSA next season that premium seat sales would go up. Were these people not supporting the program previously?

To all: Please don't automatically jump to the conclusions that people are not giving to the program. It is possible to still support the program even though you are not exactly satisfied with where it currently is.

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Dozer, the reference was in regard to me purchasing the thousand dollar packages in the opening thread in which the responses were that I was not supporting the program. Look, I agree that we need donations and donations of all amounts, but to simply say (not you) that because someone doesn't want to give thousands of dollars to the program they are not supporting it, just isn't fair.

I support the program and go to just about every event, I have relatives that were a part of UNT athletics and we belong to the Letterman's club. All that to say that yes I am not going to dish out thousands on a premium package until we play better opponents. This is a fair statement. I am not saying that I/we are not going to be a part of UNT until this happens but you cannot deny that if all of a sudden we joined the CUSA next season that premium seat sales would go up. Were these people not supporting the program previously?

To all: Please don't automatically jump to the conclusions that people are not giving to the program. It is possible to still support the program even though you are not exactly satisfied with where it currently is.

I think the point is if you don't want to buy them, fine, bit don't come on the fan website bashing the pricing, schedule, etc as a reason not to make the purchase. Just don't buy them. Sometimes we all forget this is a public site.

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"Ms. Thompson never admitted it, but sometimes she'd crack a sly smile whenever fights broke out between the special ed students, then catch herself before moving to break it up."

[Edit: not about any specific post, just the general madness that overtakes us so close to the season starting]

Edited by Quoner
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Good thing it's not illegal on GMG to be a douche all the freaking time. It's just frowned upon....like masturbating on an airplane.

I've done both in the last 24 hours.

Just kidding, it wasn't a commercial airplane. It was KingDL1's.

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"Ms. Thompson never admitted it, but sometimes she'd crack a sly smile whenever fights broke out between the special ed students, then catch herself before moving to break it up."

[Edit: not about any specific post, just the general madness that overtakes us so close to the season starting]

Cracking a smile is one thing but a sly smile just seems mean.

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