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1. I'm sorry, I meant enforcement of regulations. And you're right Bill Clinton is the best conservative president this country has ever had.

2. Why is it that if I'm sitting at a red light and an accident occurs that is none of my fault, the police show up and it's my my tax dollars at work. The fire dept shows up and it my tax dollars at work. But as soon as the ambulance shows up there's money out of my pocket?

3. Yeah our standing in the world does matter. I'd like to have good relations with countries we might trade goods and services with. The better question is why would you NOT want good relations? Do you just like picking fights? I'd like to live side by side with my fellow man, not gun to gun.

4 & 5. Infrastructure is more than roads and bridges. If we had invested all the money in the Iraq war into alternative forms of energy, we would have created a lot of jobs. We would have reduced a lot of pollution (global warming theories aside, if you put pollutants in the air, it's bad for the enviroment). And we would have stopped supporting the nations that wish to harm us.

6. Spin it. Spin it like your dark lord an master Karl Tove taught you. Who said free? I certainly didn't. I said afford. If my kid wants to go to college, of course we should pay for it, but it shouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. I worked my ass off frying fish at Long John Silver's to get through college. There is no way you could do that now. I am the youngest of 4 kids and the cost of our college education grew by leaps and bounds from the oldest to me. College is most definitely not cheap.

1) really?? So, are you a Reagan fan or not??

2) So, there should be no national health care, just municipal health care? So those Bas___ds in Highland Park would still get the better of things!!!

3) We could have great relations with Iran. Are you ready to accept Allah into your life?

4 & 5) See...The New Deal. It only kept us in a depression for years.

6) Do you want free education or not? So confusing. I'm assuming you learned a valuable lesson while working your way through college (work ethic). Why would you want to rob your children of the same lesson?

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Lifer, KRAM1, I don't see you rushing (no pun intended) to your keyboard when Limbaugh screws up.

It's the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. FAIL.

Not a huge Rush Limbaugh fan, but considering the website you linked, I could care less. The Puffington Post, or whatever it is called is pretty worthless and maybe a step up from the Daily World News rag you can pick up in the supermarket.

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We can cite errors in political speeches all day long. I just find it amusing that Lifer and KRAM, who start the vast majority of political threads on this forum, would not even think of correcting their beloved Limbaugh.

I'm not completely up to date on why Limbaugh was speaking, but wasn't he presented the "Defender of the Constitution" award, or some such thing? If I were being presented that award I'd make sure to quote the correct text and not another.

"But then again, I'm a reader" - Bill Hicks.

Again, not a Limbaugh fan and I am far from the one that starts political threads. Yes, I am not a fan of today's Democratic (Socialist) Party their extreme liberal beliefs. You'll have to pick your fight with someone else.

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What Obama is doing/wants/whatever you batshit crazy wingnuts thinks he wants is NOT socialism. Until you get that through your thick skulls you are hopeless. Each and every one of you. Come back and talk to me when you realize that he's a capitalist with a different point of view. Until then you're all traitors for wanting him or his policies to fail. Traitors.

What is it with you not being able to engage in a debate without calling people names? Jesus...

Nationalization of the banks is SOCIALISM.

Taking more from the producers and redistributing it is SOCIALISM.

Promoting the government take-over of an entire insustry is SOCIALISM.

These are facts. Now, he may not be trying to turn us into a totally socialist society, THAT we might argue... but these policies are socialist. We know historically, both by studying our history and the history of other countries that these policies lead to a less secure economy and more government control over our lives. Those of us who oppose these ideals are certainly not traitors, any more than you were a traitor for disagreeing with President Bush's policies.

...maybe we shouldn't say we want these policies to fail - maybe we should just all say that we know they will. ...and then discuss how we're going to fix the problem once those with our ideals are back in a place to do so.

EagleD, regarding your points, Conservatism and Conservative economic principals did not fail under Bush. Quite the reverse is true. Bush was the most liberal Republican President in the history of this country when it came to fiscal matters. He oversaw the largest government entitlement program in history. Most conservatives are disgusted at the Republican party for moving away from conservative principals, specifically fiscal policy, which is what Mr. Limbaugh was saying in the speech that most of you didn't hear, but was nit-picked by a left-wing whackjob of a website. So, you're wrong when you say that the ideas and policies being proped up by those of us who object to run-away government spending and leveraging debts that will impact the futures of our children and grandchildren have failed over the past few years. They weren't in place over the last few years.

In addition, history has shown us that the Congress has much more pull over the direction of the economy than the President did, and one could argue that things were pretty good before 2006, despite a recession in 2000 and the largest terrorist attack in history in 2001.

Regarding Rush's mistake - Fine. He misquoted a founding document. Point accepted. Let's argue some substance and quit calling each other names.

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Why would you want him to fail?

If he succeeds then we'll get out of the financial disaster that deregulation (corporate welfare) got us into.

If he succeeds then every American will be able to get medical treatment, not just the ones fortunate to have jobs. Health care facilities might stay open!

If he succeeds then our standing across the world will be repaired. A standing we lost when we started a controversial and costly war.

If he succeeds we can rebuild our infrastructure thereby creating more jobs.

If he succeeds we can create newer forms of energy thereby lessening our dependance of foreign oil.

If he succeeds my kid will be able to go to college w/o me having to worry about my retirement.

Why would you not want any of that?

Hey man, I freaking railed against George W. Bush from the day he took office, and much before that. But if his system had worked, I would have said, you know you're right. We are better off. But we tried it you're way. And your way FAILED!!!!!! It FAILED!!!!!!!!!! IT FREAKING FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can't deregulate corporate America because the tempt for greed is too much for most people. If you give corporations the option of a.) better for my country or b.) better for my pocketbook, they will always choose pocketbook. Government is OK if there is proper oversight. But to give the reigns over to corporate America with no policing, especially with their track record, is asinine!

We want the same results, I just don't agree with Big Government, tax the crap out of your citizens, we are all equal, socialist/left leaning B.S. is the answer. I think Obama's platform will fail because it is the wrong was to attack this problem not because I'm a traitor. I really thought you might be above the typical liberal name calling, but I guess I was wrong.

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1) really?? So, are you a Reagan fan or not??

2) So, there should be no national health care, just municipal health care? So those Bas___ds in Highland Park would still get the better of things!!!

3) We could have great relations with Iran. Are you ready to accept Allah into your life?

4 & 5) See...The New Deal. It only kept us in a depression for years.

6) Do you want free education or not? So confusing. I'm assuming you learned a valuable lesson while working your way through college (work ethic). Why would you want to rob your children of the same lesson?

1. Didn't Reagan raise taxes? A LOT! from the national review.

2. How do you figure?

3. When countries hate us they do things like BOMB US! Remember 9/11. I'm sure you do. Your party references at the drop of a hat, nevermind that it was George W. Bush who was charged with keeping America safe and HE FAILED! Again, George W. Bush did not keep America safe during his presidency. HE FAILED!

4. Again, a repub, Hoover, put us in a depression, and a dem, Roosevelt, got us out, and you can spin this how?

5. No I don't want a free education. I never said I did. READ! I did learn a valuable lesson, the cost of an education is way too high! And I hope my kids have my same work ethic (or better) that I have, but my point, that you seem to miss, is you cannot take that path anymore.

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Again, not a Limbaugh fan and I am far from the one that starts political threads. Yes, I am not a fan of today's Democratic (Socialist) Party their extreme liberal beliefs. You'll have to pick your fight with someone else.

Dude, I'm so sorry. I meant Flyer not Lifer. My bad. It truly was my mistake.

Edited by EagleD
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1. I'm sorry, I meant enforcement of regulations. And you're right Bill Clinton is the best conservative president this country has ever had.

2. Why is it that if I'm sitting at a red light and an accident occurs that is none of my fault, the police show up and it's my my tax dollars at work. The fire dept shows up and it my tax dollars at work. But as soon as the ambulance shows up there's money out of my pocket?

3. Yeah our standing in the world does matter. I'd like to have good relations with countries we might trade goods and services with. The better question is why would you NOT want good relations? Do you just like picking fights? I'd like to live side by side with my fellow man, not gun to gun.

4 & 5. Infrastructure is more than roads and bridges. If we had invested all the money in the Iraq war into alternative forms of energy, we would have created a lot of jobs. We would have reduced a lot of pollution (global warming theories aside, if you put pollutants in the air, it's bad for the enviroment). And we would have stopped supporting the nations that wish to harm us.

6. Spin it. Spin it like your dark lord an master Karl Tove taught you. Who said free? I certainly didn't. I said afford. If my kid wants to go to college, of course we should pay for it, but it shouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. I worked my ass off frying fish at Long John Silver's to get through college. There is no way you could do that now. I am the youngest of 4 kids and the cost of our college education grew by leaps and bounds from the oldest to me. College is most definitely not cheap.

1. Bill Clinton wasn't horrible. And after his first 2 years, he had a Gingrich Congress keeping him in check.

2. The police show up to direct traffic and clear the wreck. The fire department shows up to put out any fires and because most people do not have the jaws of life in their trunk. Both of these serve the public interest. The ambulance shows up to treat YOU, only YOU.

3. I never said I didn't want good relations, I merely said that if a country doesn't like us... WHO CARES? I want good relations with my family, friends, classmates and co-workers. Not everyone likes me. And I don't sit around and worry about it.

4 and 5. Man, if we had only invested $10 billion in a flight to the moon in 1960, we'd all be driving hovercars today. Oil is the most efficient energy source today, and we have enough in America to last 200 years if the politicians would allow us to drill. "Alternative" energies have been researched privately for 100 years. If there was a better way to do it, a private corporation would have invented it by now.

6. College is quite affordable. UNT costs $6,767 to live on campus each semester. That's $1127 a month. Most people can't pay rent and eat on that amount, yet you can at UNT AND get your education. If you truly cannot afford that, there are grants and scholarships.

Sir, I have held these beliefs LONG before I knew who Karl Rove was. They are deep-seeded beliefs that as an individual, I own the money I earn. Government does not GIVE me money when they cut taxes, they simply don't steal as much. When they give that money to people who refuse to work hard like the rest of us, it pisses me off.

I contribute to society with my labor, which provides vital services to my community and my country. I am paid well for that work, and I use that money to provide a home, food, medical insurance, transportation, clothing, and entertainment for my family. I believe that I should control my own destiny, plan for my future, and care for the people close to me. I choose to give to the charities that I feel make an impact for those who struggle. And I believe it is the moral responsibility of the rich and middle-class to give to charities (and they do!).

My reasons for being a conservative are simple. I believe government should provide only the services directed by the Constitution. I believe in personal responsibility, and I believe in social responsibility of my own choosing. I believe that if taxes are necessary, they should be levied as close to the individual as possible (city and state) in order to provide for the needs of their own community. I believe federal spending is wasteful. I believe in the power of the profit incentive, not for the few individuals at the top but for all who choose to invest and share risk in a venture. And I believe when those ventures fail, they should be allowed to fail and damn the consequences that fall on us. That is part of the lesson of failure.

This "Stimulus Bill" will do very little to grow the economy. Almost 70% of it is going to social programs (Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment, and "tax cuts" for people who don't pay income taxes). I would have been OK with a $300 billion highways, roads, and bridges bill. But our government is using the financial crisis as cover to expand and grow government, and everytime government grows it takes a little more freedom from you and me. I am no traitor, any more than the hippies who opposed Bush and the War on Terror are traitors.

Edited by UNTflyer
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1. Didn't Reagan raise taxes? A LOT! from the national review.

2. How do you figure?

3. When countries hate us they do things like BOMB US! Remember 9/11. I'm sure you do. Your party references at the drop of a hat, nevermind that it was George W. Bush who was charged with keeping America safe and HE FAILED! Again, George W. Bush did not keep America safe during his presidency. HE FAILED!

4. Again, a repub, Hoover, put us in a depression, and a dem, Roosevelt, got us out, and you can spin this how?

5. No I don't want a free education. I never said I did. READ! I did learn a valuable lesson, the cost of an education is way too high! And I hope my kids have my same work ethic (or better) that I have, but my point, that you seem to miss, is you cannot take that path anymore.

1. He lowered income taxes.

3. And as Dems love to point out, it wasn't a country who attacked us on 9/11, it was a terrorist group. And Jesus Christ, can you get any more over the top here?

4. No, Roosevelt did not get us out the Depression. This is one of the biggest Democrat fallacies in history. The Depression didn't end until after Roosevelt was dead, and even then it had NOTHING to do with his policies but rather the fact that every other industrialized nation in the world were piles of rubble.

5. The cost of education is not too high, especially when one considers the return on the investment.

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EagleD, regarding your points, Conservatism and Conservative economic principals did not fail under Bush. Quite the reverse is true. Bush was the most liberal Republican President in the history of this country when it came to fiscal matters. He oversaw the largest government entitlement program in history. Most conservatives are disgusted at the Republican party for moving away from conservative principals, specifically fiscal policy, which is what Mr. Limbaugh was saying in the speech that most of you didn't hear, but was nit-picked by a left-wing whackjob of a website. So, you're wrong when you say that the ideas and policies being proped up by those of us who object to run-away government spending and leveraging debts that will impact the futures of our children and grandchildren have failed over the past few years. They weren't in place over the last few years.

But when Bush was in office, what was Limbaugh's rhetoric? He could have spoken up then, but he didn't, b/c as Reagan demanded, you don't criticize people in your own party (that was a terrible paraphrase.) After the '06 election Limbaugh said he had been carrying the water for people who didn't deserve it. In other words he supported people just b/c they were of the same party, not b/c he believed in their ability to pass useful legislation. That greatly diminishes his legitimacy in my book.

And if Bush had demanded oversight with all of his entitlement programs, much of this waste and corruption would have been averted.

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But when Bush was in office, what was Limbaugh's rhetoric? He could have spoken up then, but he didn't, b/c as Reagan demanded, you don't criticize people in your own party (that was a terrible paraphrase.)

Wow, it's clear you don't listen to Rush. He was very critical of Bush and Republicans in general in his 2nd term.

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Sir, I have held these beliefs LONG before I knew who Karl Rove was. They are deep-seeded beliefs that as an individual, I own the money I earn. Government does not GIVE me money when they cut taxes, they simply don't steal as much. When they give that money to people who refuse to work hard like the rest of us, it pisses me off.

Thank you. You have just summed up the over-generalized, haves vs. have nots, mantra that ensures I will never vote Republican.

As to your other points regarding capitalism I take exception only with the assumption regarding alternative fuels that "If there was a better way to do it, a private corporation would have invented it by now." Why do you think big oil has a lobby? Do you think it's to guarantee free competition in the marketplace?

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Thank you. You have just summed up the over-generalized, haves vs. have nots, mantra that ensures I will never vote Republican.

As to your other points regarding capitalism I take exception only with the assumption regarding alternative fuels that "If there was a better way to do it, a private corporation would have invented it by now." Why do you think big oil has a lobby? Do you think it's to guarantee free competition in the marketplace?

I would have thought that as a cop, you would be a first hand witness to the lazy and unmotivated that suck government funds from taxpayers. If you think I was trying to imply that everyone who is poor is lazy, it was not my intention. But, you cannot deny that many of them are.

I believe that anything profitable that gives value to the consumer has a market. The fact is that after 40 years of research, solar panels still have a buyback period of something like 13 years. It's why people don't buy them, it's why there is no market for them except for commercial and government use. It has nothing to do with oil lobbyists.

Edited by UNTflyer
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Hey, I was wondering where you got that from. And don't get me wrong; Flyer, you're a good man; I just have policy differences with you at this time (I started out as a Republican in the Goldwater days).

The true comedy in this thread is, I started it by pointing out a factual error by Limbaugh. In doing so made a factual error myself. Fial. I mean Fail.

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1. Didn't Reagan raise taxes? A LOT! from the national review.

2. How do you figure?

3. When countries hate us they do things like BOMB US! Remember 9/11. I'm sure you do. Your party references at the drop of a hat, nevermind that it was George W. Bush who was charged with keeping America safe and HE FAILED! Again, George W. Bush did not keep America safe during his presidency. HE FAILED!

4. Again, a repub, Hoover, put us in a depression, and a dem, Roosevelt, got us out, and you can spin this how?

5. No I don't want a free education. I never said I did. READ! I did learn a valuable lesson, the cost of an education is way too high! And I hope my kids have my same work ethic (or better) that I have, but my point, that you seem to miss, is you cannot take that path anymore.

1) Still no answer. Was Reagan a successful President or not?

2) Your police and fire protection is provided by Municipal taxes! You really don't understand this? So, if you live in a poor community, good luck with that health care.

3) They will hate us until we convert to Islam, regardless of who is President or what our policies are. That is who they are. I guess we could just become France and give up. Again, are you ready to accept Allah?

4) Any economist will tell you that WWII got us out of the depression.

5) I think many on this board are currently paying their way through college. It can be done, it is just a matter of will and sacrifice.

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1) Still no answer. Was Reagan a successful President or not?

2) Your police and fire protection is provided by Municipal taxes! You really don't understand this? So, if you live in a poor community, good luck with that health care.

3) They will hate us until we convert to Islam, regardless of who is President or what our policies are. That is who they are. I guess we could just become France and give up. Again, are you ready to accept Allah?

4) Any economist will tell you that WWII got us out of the depression.

5) I think many on this board are currently paying their way through college. It can be done, it is just a matter of will and sacrifice.

1. Sure, Reagan is a perfect example of how you can raise taxes, and expand government to make it work for you. Unless you are an Air Traffic Controller, then all bets are off.

2. Healthcare would be a much broader scope. The term "Universal" comes to mind.

3. I'm no more ready to accept Allah than I am any other diety, but I repect your right to worship. I have a number of Muslim friends who respect my religious choice and we discuss religion in an open and meaningful forum. To lump all Mulsims together is to say all Chritians are Southern Baptist. There are extremist in every religion. If you don't believe it happens in Christianity look up the Crusades.

4. Partially true. WWII did ultimately get us out of the depression, but the New Deal and Roosevelt's works programs had us steered toward recovery. Hoover wanted balance the freaking budget! Are you kidding me?

5. Sure it can be done, but it's getting increasingly more difficult, and at the rate of rising tuition costs, you won't be able to do that much longer.

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But when Bush was in office, what was Limbaugh's rhetoric? He could have spoken up then, but he didn't, b/c as Reagan demanded, you don't criticize people in your own party (that was a terrible paraphrase.) After the '06 election Limbaugh said he had been carrying the water for people who didn't deserve it. In other words he supported people just b/c they were of the same party, not b/c he believed in their ability to pass useful legislation. That greatly diminishes his legitimacy in my book.

I didn't realize this was a discussion about his legitimacy, to be frank. Though, I think he supported Repubilcans despite how flawed they were because it was better than the alternitive. I think we have all done that if we're politically active... ...we vote for people not because we always think they are great, but sometimes because it is the lesser of two evils?

And if Bush had demanded oversight with all of his entitlement programs, much of this waste and corruption would have been averted.

Oh, give it a rest. Medicare and Social Security have more oversight than any two entitlement programs in this nation and they have been overseen by Presidents of both parties, and they are the most wasteful and corrupted programs we have today in this country. Bureaucracy breeds corruption and waste. Every government program, I don't care what President or congress created or oversaw them, is corrupt and wasteful, even the ones mandated under the constitution. The founders KNEW this would be the case which is why they limited their size and scope. That protection is a firewall we blew through long ago.

This myth you cling to that Government oversight is the solution to all of our government and economic problems is just that. A myth. The most inefficient entity in this country is our Federal Government.

Thank you. You have just summed up the over-generalized, haves vs. have nots, mantra that ensures I will never vote Republican.

Why does this bother you so much. It isn't about have and have nots. It is about the simple fact that I sacrafice time and talent for what I earn and you sacrafice time and talent for what you earn and those of us who are conservative feel we should be able to keep more of what we earn and take care of more of our own need rather than give ever growing portions to the government so they can oversee for these same needs. Most conservatives are all for charity and for saftey nets for those who have hard times that many of us (yeah, even us conservatives) have from time to time. But we don't believe Government should be providing for all of our needs all of the time. Laziness IS a big reason for the situations many in this country find themselves in. Are there some hard working poor folks? Absolutely, we should be helping them bridge the gap and survive. But neither they or the ultra-rich should be having to sacrafice to keep a roof over the head of someone who simply won't get off his dead ass and work.

As to your other points regarding capitalism I take exception only with the assumption regarding alternative fuels that "If there was a better way to do it, a private corporation would have invented it by now." Why do you think big oil has a lobby? Do you think it's to guarantee free competition in the marketplace?

The oil lobby has nothing to do with the demand and profitability of alternitive energy sources. Flyer is right on when he says private companies have been working on these technologies for decades, and if there is demand and a profit to be made, private industry would be on it like locusts. Remember, they are evil, greedy, selfcentered capitalist pigs. LOL! The market is a funny thing. If there is money to be made, the free market is handling its own business just fine.

4. Again, a repub, Hoover, put us in a depression, and a dem, Roosevelt, got us out, and you can spin this how?

Old myths never die; they just keep showing up in economics and political science textbooks. With only an occasional exception, it is there you will find what may be the 20th century’s greatest myth: Capitalism and the free-market economy were responsible for the Great Depression, and only government intervention brought about America’s economic recovery. A Modern Fairy Tale According to this simplistic perspective, an important pillar of capitalism, the stock market, crashed and dragged America into depression. President Herbert Hoover, an advocate of “hands-off,” or laissez-faire, economic policy, refused to use the power of government and conditions worsened as a result. It was up to Hoover’s successor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to ride in on the white horse of government intervention and steer the nation toward recovery. The apparent lesson to be drawn is that capitalism cannot be trusted; government needs to take an active role in the economy to save us from inevitable decline.

But those who propagate this version of history might just as well top off their remarks by saying, “And Goldilocks found her way out of the forest, Dorothy made it from Oz back to Kansas, and Little Red Riding Hood won the New York State Lottery.” The popular account of the Depression as outlined above belongs in a book of fairy tales and not in a serious discussion of economic history.

Did Hoover really subscribe to a “hands-off-the-economy,” free-market philosophy? His opponent in the 1932 election, Franklin Roosevelt, didn’t think so. During the campaign, Roosevelt blasted Hoover for spending and taxing too much, boosting the national debt, choking off trade, and putting millions on the dole. He accused the president of “reckless and extravagant” spending, of thinking “that we ought to center control of everything in Washington as rapidly as possible,” and of presiding over “the greatest spending administration in peacetime in all of history.” Roosevelt’s running mate, John Nance Garner, charged that Hoover was “leading the country down the path of socialism.”8 Contrary to the conventional view about Hoover, Roosevelt and Garner were absolutely right. The crowning folly of the Hoover administration was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, passed in June 1930. It came on top of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922, which had already put American agriculture in a tailspin during the preceding decade. The most protectionist legislation in U.S. history, Smoot-Hawley virtually closed the borders to foreign goods and ignited a vicious international trade war.

President Herbert Hoover is mistakenly presented in standard history texts as a laissezfaire president, but he signed into law so many costly and foolish bills that one of Franklin Roosevelt’s top aides later said that “practically the whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs that Hoover started.”

Spin that.

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