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Fee Challenge


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There's been a lot of talk about raising the athletics fee at UNT to the state maximum of $20/hr. Let's just say that it's not going to happen. An increase is coming, but it won't be anywhere near a $14/hr increase. My best estimate is it will be somewhere in the range of $4-8/hr.

I would like to point out that the students currently contribute to the UNT athletic budget a total dollar amount that is twice as much as the total donation dollar amount. Our "problem" isn't that students aren't paying enough... our problem is that we have an DFW alumni base of over 100,000 that aren't paying squat due to years of apathy. With total contributions of $2.6 million in 2004, that comes out to $26/year for every living alum in the DFW area.

$26 a year. That's 50 cents a week.

EVERY STUDENT at UNT currently pays $180 a year. To put "the problem" on the students is just wrong. I challenge every MGC donor to match the upcoming fee increase dollar for dollar. If fees are raised $120/year, reach into your wallet and pay up an extra $120.

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There's been a lot of talk about raising the athletics fee at UNT to the state maximum of $20/hr. Let's just say that it's not going to happen. An increase is coming, but it won't be anywhere near a $14/hr increase. My best estimate is it will be somewhere in the range of $4-8/hr.

I would like to point out that the students currently contribute to the UNT athletic budget a total dollar amount that is twice as much as the total donation dollar amount. Our "problem" isn't that students aren't paying enough... our problem is that we have an DFW alumni base of over 100,000 that aren't paying squat due to years of apathy. With total contributions of $2.6 million in 2004, that comes out to $26/year for every living alum in the DFW area.

$26 a year. That's 50 cents a week.

EVERY STUDENT at UNT currently pays $180 a year. To put "the problem" on the students is just wrong. I challenge every MGC donor to match the upcoming fee increase dollar for dollar. If fees are raised $120/year, reach into your wallet and pay up an extra $120.

That's basically what I've been trying to get at. If we're going to raise the student fee, season and single game ticket prices should go up an equitable amount.

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There's been a lot of talk about raising the athletics fee at UNT to the state maximum of $20/hr. Let's just say that it's not going to happen. An increase is coming, but it won't be anywhere near a $14/hr increase. My best estimate is it will be somewhere in the range of $4-8/hr.

I would like to point out that the students currently contribute to the UNT athletic budget a total dollar amount that is twice as much as the total donation dollar amount. Our "problem" isn't that students aren't paying enough... our problem is that we have an DFW alumni base of over 100,000 that aren't paying squat due to years of apathy. With total contributions of $2.6 million in 2004, that comes out to $26/year for every living alum in the DFW area.

$26 a year. That's 50 cents a week.

EVERY STUDENT at UNT currently pays $180 a year. To put "the problem" on the students is just wrong. I challenge every MGC donor to match the upcoming fee increase dollar for dollar. If fees are raised $120/year, reach into your wallet and pay up an extra $120.

The student fees are required only while the student is in school. Their real test of $ loyalty comes when they graduate. All alums paid these fees while they were in school too, yes, at different rates for different times. However, the alums that currently support athletics are paying above and well beyond what any student is asked to pay now. It's not the MGC donors who should match any increase, it's finding non supporters to just begin supporting the program financially at any level. Apples and oranges.

Edited by NT80
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That's basically what I've been trying to get at. If we're going to raise the student fee, season and single game ticket prices should go up an equitable amount.

That sounds great too. Anything less than the state max shows that we just want the bare minimum to get the job done. I scares me to hear Flyer bringing this up though, because he probably is hearing the chatter of students/SGA people.

Have the students invest in their school, and you will see alumni giving levels grow (not overnight).

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That sounds great too. Anything less than the state max shows that we just want the bare minimum to get the job done. I scares me to hear Flyer bringing this up though, because he probably is hearing the chatter of students/SGA people.

Have the students invest in their school, and you will see alumni giving levels grow (not overnight).

We're getting the bare minimum right now. I don't think a 66% increase in student fees is anything to sneeze at.

All this talk about the commitment of Texas State students because they raised their fees to the state maximum... well they HAD TO, because they collect a measly 1/2 million in donations and have almost 10,000 fewer students.

People point to South Florida and Central Florida. They are each competing with a $20 million budget. We can almost reach that level with just a $4 increase in fees. We need MGC members and alumni to give a little more as well. And we need ticket sales, especially for basketball!

I guess my point is that we don't NEED to go to the state maximum.

Edited by UNTflyer
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I think it's a mistake in even mentioning the 90,000 alumni in the DFW area, or the hundred and something thousand living alumni and what they need to do and how they need to also step up etc? They need to be nearly written off for the most part and a mindset of starting over needs to begin. There has been too much damage for far too long to draw any substantial amount of those folks back in to the point that they will donate. Forget about that once and for all.

The concentration should start now with the 4 to 8 thousand of us that show up rain or shine, and with the new kids currently enrolled. With that I certainly don't mind an increase for tickets if that is what is expected of me, even though I have paid much more over the years during my support of this program since graduation than those currently enrolled will pay in fees to the athletic dept over the course of college careers.


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The program is already getting a lot more out of season ticket holders than in the past. Remember when you could just buy tickets in Section E and that was it? First come first serve? That was a couple of years ago. Heck, even last year you could get tickets in D or F without a donation. Section E ticket holders all are $500 level MGC members now and D & F are $250 dollar members. We are getting there - and it is happening pretty fast if you ask me. The ticket price is still relatively low but if you add in the donation, it is not cheap. In fact, $500 donation plus 2 tickets in Section E is more than my half season with the Mavs!!! And it is Sold out -.... at NORTH TEXAS! I would say that is progress!

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Adler most of these guys just do not get it. And for you older guys like myself.


Not that many "money people" out there are going to contribute to what they see as a student body that does not really care. And belive me we do have "money" people out there. I know many but they have no interest in sending money to what has been an embarrassing athletic history. Even with what I see as an old timer as some great strides and hires we are not going to get many of the old alums back. So we might as well get realistic about going back to that well. If we were to max the fees and get the money needed to fund a good division 1 program then maybe some will see the light. But we cannot carry on with the status quo or we will get the status quo. Somebody has to kick start this program and cash is the way. Time to pull out the stops now. Max the fee, originate an agressive alum donation plan for a mid size kick ass stadium and bring every butt we can to all the games. Dodge can take us to a new level but he needs a staduim and funds. We shuld have been implementing a fee all along and raised it as the years went by and there would not be a peep. Desparate times call for desparate measures. If you think we are not in those times then stick your head in the sand and shout it to the housetops about how your alma mater has a great music program. Feel the pride and then turn on the UT game for some good collage football.

Or get the cash in house and stop making excuse that we do not need any extreme fixes. Stop saying we can get by on this so we can be all we can be. Which is probaly a very good mid major program that is a blast to come and see exciting div 1 football (and other sports). We will have a state of the art stadium that includes some new and old traditions. The old golf course should be a great canvas to design the best tailgaiting park in the country. Occasionally we will bring in some fun teams to watch and we will occasionall provide the faithfull with some upsets that will make headlines on gameday. None of this can happen without a financial windfall. If we could all sit down with RV or Todd and have a beer I am sure they would eventuall tell us the same thing. Money cannot buy you a national championship but it can put you swimming with the sharks and that is all I want us to be doing, not hanging with the small fry.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we can get by with what we have.

I'm saying that UNT students contribute THREE TIMES what students contribute at Texas. They contribute $6 million more a year than A&M students contribute. They contribute $1.1 million more than Florida students.

Now, we're going to ask the students to give more. At a minimum, we're going to ask for $4/hr, that will make total student contributions about $10.2 million. I'm going to push for a little more. We will also generate more revenue from tickets sales and higher minimum donations for the new stadium.

But $14/hr is just off the table - it simply isn't even being considered. The students are going to do their part - will the alumni, sponsors, and MGC do theirs?

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we can get by with what we have.

I'm saying that UNT students contribute THREE TIMES what students contribute at Texas. They contribute $6 million more a year than A&M students contribute. They contribute $1.1 million more than Florida students.

Now, we're going to ask the students to give more. At a minimum, we're going to ask for $4/hr, that will make total student contributions about $10.2 million. I'm going to push for a little more. We will also generate more revenue from tickets sales and higher minimum donations for the new stadium.

But $14/hr is just off the table - it simply isn't even being considered. The students are going to do their part - will the alumni, sponsors, and MGC do theirs?

So are you saying there will be no vote by the students like we have been lead to believe?

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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So the vote then will be for a $4 dollar increase? And if so, is this enough to get the stadium built by 2010?

I can't say for certain that the vote will be for $4. A solid number has not been determined, but $4/hr will get us the funding for a stadium.

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The students are going to do their part - will the alumni, sponsors, and MGC do theirs?

I would give more if some definitive stadium plans and timelines were communicated to us, and not just rumors of "something in the works". 40 years of patience watching this program is wearing very thin. Imagine how long ago the non-hardcore fans gave up? <_<

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I would give more if some definitive stadium plans and timelines were communicated to us, and not just rumors of "something in the works". 40 years of patience watching this program is wearing very thin. Imagine how long ago the non-hardcore fans gave up? <_<

I think what Flyer, and a lot of students who might oppose this fee, don't realize is that IF there is a new stadium going up you will see hordes of new MGC members wanting to get in on the ground floor, alums who never had faith (and for good reason) who will come back into the fold, and...perhaps most importantly...those of us who already give will give significantly more because our "little engine that could" finally is.

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I think what Flyer, and a lot of students who might oppose this fee, don't realize is that IF there is a new stadium going up you will see hordes of new MGC members wanting to get in on the ground floor, alums who never had faith (and for good reason) who will come back into the fold, and...perhaps most importantly...those of us who already give will give significantly more because our "little engine that could" finally is.

Well said Emmitt, but to ask 18 to 21 year olds to project past this weekend is nearly impossible. Comparing student fees at UT and A$M is just ludicrous. Might I also point out that our students pay nada, 0, zilch, for tickets to anything. FB tickets at UT are over $50. Their students are glad to pay it. This po but proud liberal arts attitude will land us right back in the Southland and scrambling to compete there just as has been so eloquently put to music. It is a shame that all the thousands of dollars donated and paid for tickets by people on this board (for in my case 50 years now) has the fate of its football program pegged to some hippie throwbacks who are too selfish to see reality. A quick fix just to build a stadium only sugar coats a serious lack of athletic budget. We are now losing employees to MTSU, Murray State, etc. Where does this all stop? If you truly want to inject poison into a patient on life support pass a $4. increase and keep bragging about being the cheapest around. You will soon be viewed as a first class four year community college and none but the jazzheads will give a toot about your little ole' music school. Those that will have killed athletics can go on with their drinkin' and dope smoking and wonder why no one gives any credence to their degree when they finally come out of the haze.

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I can't say for certain that the vote will be for $4. A solid number has not been determined, but $4/hr will get us the funding for a stadium.

Well, I would hope that they go to the students with at least double what is "needed" to build the stadium. That way, if it fails, the SA can vote in the $4 increase. What is the SA going to do if the $4 increase is pitched to the students and fails the referendum vote? You said there was a backup plan, but apparently this is not it??

Also, What will a $4 increase per credit hour bring us to as a total? $10/hr?

As far as alumni donating more money to the program, I think that a new stadium will command an entirely new ticket pricing scheme---which will force alums to give the increase you're talking about, Flyer, if they already aren't donating beyond the cost of season tickets. That said, I'm in.

Also, if the fee increase is brought before the students, I'd hope to see all the status quo talk silenced for a bit---no matter what the actual increase asked for is. The last thing we need is to splinter our core support at such a critical time. Students will undoubtedly check this site....don't let it get to the point where it looks like the alumns don't have their backs.

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Students will undoubtedly check this site....don't let it get to the point where it looks like the alumns don't have their backs.

Well, with comments like "hippie throwbacks" could you blame if they thought they didn't??

Seriously, $10 million dollars in students fees isn't enough? I am trying to find ANY program in the country that collects more than $10 million from the students, and I just can't do it. And some of you guys want the students to cough up $20.4 million a year?

And so, here we are. We are at the crossroads, and from what I've seen so far this small increase will pass easily. And the alumni are going to complain that the students aren't doing enough, even though they provide 66% of the funding for athletics. Unbelievable.

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Well, with comments like "hippie throwbacks" could you blame if they thought they didn't??

Seriously, $10 million dollars in students fees isn't enough? I am trying to find ANY program in the country that collects more than $10 million from the students, and I just can't do it. And some of you guys want the students to cough up $20.4 million a year?

And so, here we are. We are at the crossroads, and from what I've seen so far this small increase will pass easily. And the alumni are going to complain that the students aren't doing enough, even though they provide 66% of the funding for athletics. Unbelievable.

That's what I mean. Once the public phase of this begins, we need to circle the wagons and support whatever the SA puts out there for the students to vote on. In-fighting, at that point, will do nothing but hurt the chances for this fee to pass.

Edited by TIgreen01
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