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Has the Corona Virus infected anyone you know?

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27 minutes ago, ColoradoEagle said:

It's really not.

Says people who probably are not watching their life savings disappear or business they’ve worked their entire lives for decay, or watching the clock tick as they wait for word for when they can reschedule to have their coronary artery bypass, cancer resection, cardiac catheterization or tumor biopsy done.




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3 minutes ago, FirefightnRick said:

Says people who probably are not watching their life savings disappear or business they’ve worked their entire lives for decay, or watching the clock tick as they wait for word for when they can reschedule to have their coronary artery bypass, cancer resection, cardiac catheterization or tumor biopsy done.

Says someone who's married to a person with an auto immune disease.

Elective surgeries have resumed.

I understand the economic realities, and wish that Congress would do more to address the "little people" instead of working to make their rich friends richer with these stimulus bills.

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2 minutes ago, FirefightnRick said:

Says people who probably are not watching their life savings disappear or business they’ve worked their entire lives for decay, or watching the clock tick as they wait for word for when they can reschedule to have their coronary artery bypass, cancer resection, cardiac catheterization or tumor biopsy done.




If you have to cut and paste part of every post like a proud momma bird serving dinner, at least fix the font sizes back. 

Also, catching up a bit this morning, so just want to confirm that everyone who disagrees with you on this topic does not travel (but might possibly understand population density a bit better), make investments, care about retirement, own or partially own a business, or faced a terminal illness or even ultimate loss directly or through people they love?

And these bold claims are from someone who seems to stick to Tarrant County, doesn't discuss travel much beyond the footprint of CUSA and has a tax payer funded career? 

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3 minutes ago, ColoradoEagle said:

.Elective surgeries have resumed.

A quick note about this surgery regulation, without getting too personal: 

I’m  scheduled to meet a cardiologist, and it can’t happen until this regulation is lifted. I can see my PCP and he recommends a cardiologist to investigate some chest stuff, but the cardiologist can’t even see me until this regulation is lifted. Not even to take a look.

im not getting a surgery. I’m just needed a specialist to check something out. And it’s not allowed.

i find that kinda strange (and, obviously, frustrating).

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16 minutes ago, Quoner said:

If you have to cut and paste part of every post like a proud momma bird serving dinner, at least fix the font sizes back. 

Also, catching up a bit this morning, so just want to confirm that everyone who disagrees with you on this topic does not travel (but might possibly understand population density a bit better), make investments, care about retirement, own or partially own a business, or faced a terminal illness or even ultimate loss directly or through people they love?

And these bold claims are from someone who seems to stick to Tarrant County, doesn't discuss travel much beyond the footprint of CUSA and has a tax payer funded career? 

Man alive that’s the drippiest drip drip of snark I’ve read today.  

Doesnt change anything about the delays of elective procedures and seeing the world of Murica, but snarky just the same

. Do you feel better?



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35 minutes ago, FirefightnRick said:

Man alive that’s the drippiest drip drip of snark I’ve read today.  

Doesnt change anything about the delays of elective procedures and seeing the world of Murica, but snarky just the same

. Do you feel better?



Nope. Same sense of shame and self-loathing I feel every time I hit "Submit Reply" on this website for the last decade and a half. Thanks for checking, though! 

Accepting your premise of what the flu is is a completely non-dependent choice when it comes to elective procedures and the economic impact of all this. It's like saying you must accept the thesis of my high school paper on how the real finale of Wild Things was the pool scene and not the twist ending or else we will never show movies again. 

@ColoradoEagle is right. Hearing both sides sucks and I miss how the greatest generation would just shut down bullshit directly instead of playing the newly trademarked "hey, hey, just asking questions here" equivalency card for bad ideas their kids created.

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On 3/29/2020 at 11:21 AM, FirefightnRick said:

Besides a lack of reading comprehension you still somehow know better than an entire group of lab- working scientists in France?

Its as if your rooting for the Chinese flu to wipe out the world?.




Nailed it. It's also warm again today, so look out virus! Score another slam dunk for anti-intellectualism and being the loudest voice in the room!

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14 minutes ago, FirefightnRick said:

You have the nicest way of saying...”I disagree”.  I always look forward to it.



Because you hyped a drug that didn't help as a definitive solution because the president did while shitting on people who rightfully called you on it. It's not a matter of opinion - it was dumb, testing has found it was super dumb, and now the country bought 29 million does of these now-proven unhelpful pills for blurry reasons while it was hyped in press briefings and a certain news network because #fiscalresponsibility I guess?

You and a few others ran off @SteaminWillieBeamin for pushing back and have been shitting on @CMJ at every turn for I guess being a "pussy" for taking this seriously and following data closely. I will also note they are grown men and can handle themselves, but sometimes you just want to take up for your friends in an absurd situation.

I'll never understand how anyone wants to carry water for some of the most ill-intentioned people on earth (most politicians on both sides) because they wear your team's colors. It's performative and now you're getting it back and kind of going whoa, whoa this sucks. I don't think either side has handled this effectively, but two months of downplaying by the party currently in power (and an entirely lost month of February), followed by the last 6 weeks and a new wave of absurdity on the horizon. Unfortunately for that group, there are 20 pages of posts (plus a few other threads) from this time period with info that's getting proven wrong by the day that they are probably going to get pulled when appropriate. It's also super hard to reconcile your reaction to Ebola the more you downplay Covid-19, so there are some real questions and fascination behind all the snark. 

In real life, we know each other, we can text each other and if we were debating playcalling or running the option, we'd have a damn blast. Adults can disagree. 

That said, Political Rick gets what he gives and we'll never agree on most things publicly, but are probably more aligned than any GMG exchange. Besides, isn't this not a place for the timid or shy or whatever because shit got more and more vitriolic for the entire Obama presidency and how here we are (pour one out for TFLF and 90.) Maybe this is a time for us both to look inwards and change our approach in all these threads and we can have a gentlemen's agreement to be best?

PS: You and Trump were wrong about hydroxychloroquine. 😘

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It would have treated many more if it had been able to treat corona patients from the beginning.  They were sent to to treat everyone non-Covid related and then because that wasn't helping ease the burden at all they were allowed to treat Conavirus patients as well.

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46 minutes ago, FirefightnRick said:

USNS Comfort hospital ship to leave NYC, return home to Norfolk



Treated 179 patients.



Personally, I thought this was strange.  But it seemed to fit the shoot-from-hip-and-do-something-big mantra that Trump is wired to.  And it was patriotic, which people love.


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50 minutes ago, FirefightnRick said:


.USNS Comfort hospital ship to leave NYC, return home to Norfolk



Treated 179 patients.





hospital at nrg stadium was also closed due to not needing it.


i really think this is overblown...granted, people may get sick, people may die, but we dont shutdown the country due to maybe's.  absolutes are needed.  we need to open back up...people need to work and make money to survive.  if you don't like it, don't go out.  delivery services are everywhere. i really don't get it....but i'm a beer drinking texan that understands that my choices are my choices and i don't blame others for my life

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5 minutes ago, THOR said:

i really think this is overblown...granted, people may get sick, people may die, but we dont shutdown the country due to maybe's.  absolutes are needed.  we need to open back up...people need to work and make money to survive.  if you don't like it, don't go out.  delivery services are everywhere. i really don't get it....but i'm a beer drinking texan that understands that my choices are my choices and i don't blame others for my life

Medical experts say that opening up the country too early will result in overloading the healthcare system. And it's not "people may die", people will die. So far almost 50,000 Americans have died.

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What amazes me is people saying that because we haven't had 500K deaths yet that it is all a sham.


It's like saying that because a hurricane doesn't kill thousands of people they shouldn't have had evacuation orders in place.  Of course those hundreds or thousands didn't die because they all got out of Dodge in the first place.

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51 minutes ago, ColoradoEagle said:

Medical experts say that opening up the country too early will result in overloading the healthcare system. And it's not "people may die", people will die. So far almost 50,000 Americans have died.

and medical experts have said to open it up a bit....there are experts on both sides.  



we don't shutdown the country when people die of other issues...why are we doing this now?

21 minutes ago, greenminer said:

Thoughts on NYC?

they should probably stay home...too many people living on top of each other, but why do we make the rest of the country suffer because of nyc?



and i get i may be in the minority, but we can't live in fear, we can't leave the economy shut down, we can't stay home for 1-2 before a vaccine is available.  i don't know the answer, i know i'm not thinking like most others, but it seems simple to me.  if you don't want to be exposed, stay home.  let those that don't have underlying conditions, are old as shit, are subjective to being negatively affected help the economy.

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12 minutes ago, CMJ said:

What amazes me is people saying that because we haven't had 500K deaths yet that it is all a sham.


It's like saying that because a hurricane doesn't kill thousands of people they shouldn't have had evacuation orders in place.  Of course those hundreds or thousands didn't die because they all got out of Dodge in the first place.

so do you think that for every threat we should shutdown stuff and evacuate? 

the usa has had just over 50k deaths....why jump to 500k?

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2 minutes ago, THOR said:

and medical experts have said to open it up a bit....there are experts on both sides.  

I'm less than two minutes into the video and Fauci is saying, "a really, very gradual step-by-step ... where you have to fill certain criteria before you go to phase 1. I don't have time to watch the entire video right now, but I'm not seeing anything saying "open all the doors!" similar to Kemp in Georgia.


we don't shutdown the country when people die of other issues...why are we doing this now?

Because car accidents, cancer, and morbid obesity are not highly contagious. 

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5 minutes ago, ColoradoEagle said:

I'm less than two minutes into the video and Fauci is saying, "a really, very gradual step-by-step ... where you have to fill certain criteria before you go to phase 1. I don't have time to watch the entire video right now, but I'm not seeing anything saying "open all the doors!" similar to Kemp in Georgia.

Because car accidents, cancer, and morbid obesity are not highly contagious. 

totally agree on not opening it up totally...baby steps...but we still open it.  sorry if i was clear on that.  it was still an expert, like you said were saying to keep it closed due to overwhelming the hospitals.  experts are easy to find on each side that we want.


and agree that those things are not contagious, but it's still the same to me.  if you don't want to chance catching something, don't go out (especially if you're old or have an underlying condition) and if you don't want to be in an accident/obese don't drive or eat fast food/not excercise.  this all comes down to personal choices.  i'm totally fine with going out every day and do what i need.  will that bite my ass?  maybe, i don't know.  am i willing to take that chance?  ya...and i have a wife and older kids.  hate me for that, cool, but i don't see any reason to shutdown our country due to a fear of sickness

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23 minutes ago, THOR said:

so do you think that for every threat we should shutdown stuff and evacuate? 

the usa has had just over 50k deaths....why jump to 500k?

Because if we did nothing at least that many would have died.


And no....I don't think every threat deserves a shut down.  But when despite a massive shut down we're tracking on course for about 70K dead (at the moment) -- there is no doubt the number would have been far higher without one.

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20 minutes ago, CMJ said:

Because if we did nothing at least that many would have died.


And no....I don't think every threat deserves a shut down.  But when despite a massive shut down we're tracking on course for about 70K dead (at the moment) -- there is no doubt the number would have been far higher without one.

luckily someone in charge shut the states down then when they did.  so what number says we should shut it down?  does a random al queda threat cause us to shutdown?  does a north korean threat shut us down?  not trying to argue, but at what point do we not shut things down because of a threat?  yes, people die...sucks...a friend of mine died last week...sucks...but if we live in fear, how do we live?  we went to war due to lusitania (over 100k died), ww2 and douchebaging hitler (400k+), etc...if we do nothing, and i believe staying home(yes, i know that is something, but not for the people that need work and the economy) is doing nothing for our country, what does that prove? 


sorry for the questions and maybe i am just a dense older guy that drinks beer, but damn, we can't just stay home and do nothing.  


edit for humor:  did ya'll know that if you say fuc* it changes it to douchebag?  that's awesome!!!

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