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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2011 in Posts

  1. Is that you posting as MeangreenGem over there? Whoever that is, please stop. Your an embarrassment to the fan base and making us a laughing stock over there.
    8 points
  2. According to his facebook, he didnt tear anything.... Good News
    7 points
  3. The thing is your giving them ammo. No they don't make the decisions, but there is nothing good that can come from talking about our school in that way. IMO you should never go to another conference board and bash anyone, even if they bash you. Your a guest there, show humility and people will eventually come around and be courteous. Your just adding fuel to the fire.
    6 points
  4. Guys let's cut the crap here, okay. WKU has won five in a row in the Sun Belt. Again, Belt is Belt. Need I remind you all that FCS Indiana State took WKU apart 44-16 at WKU earlier in the year? I don't care how "good" WKU looked while LSU ran a scrimmage offense at them all night. Belt is still Belt. And, if Indiana State can run roughshod over WKU at their own house, we can surely do it here. WKU by 10 my ass. Us by 10 and probably 20. Hell, the Sycamores beat 'em by 28! They better sack up, too, because Mr. Three DWIs will hear it from our student section.
    5 points
  5. Agreed. It doesn't matter that decision makers don't base decisions on smack boards. It still makes UNT look ridiculous to other fans. It gives them more fuel to make fun of us. Never mind the fact that its annoying to the members of that board as well. I cringe every time I check out another board and see that. It affects our public image no matter how you argue it.
    5 points
  6. Is it just me, or does dude look like he wet his pants in this pic?
    4 points
  7. Well Bowen is not an idiot, but it is quite obvious his replacement at WKU is a drunk.
    4 points
  8. Is it possible to "decapitate" a knee ?
    4 points
  9. Ladies win it 63-50 in front of 900 at home. So Coach Aston wins her debut on the road and at home. One more win and she will be more than half way to matching all the wins for last year. NT Ladies are 2-0 for the first time since 2005 I believe? Nice start! Rick
    4 points
  10. Should we play AC/DC's "Have a Drink On Me" when they enter the field?
    3 points
  11. my apologies to those of you that may have tuned in hoping to see the aggies...hope i didnt ruin your evening.
    3 points
  12. Hey, makes sense that their DC would want to be as close to the club level area as possible since they serve alcohol there!!
    2 points
  13. Well Alumni, looks like we have our work cut out for us :-)
    2 points
  14. I'll take 23 take-aways and 26 sacks through 10 games, thank you.
    2 points
  15. Ridiculous bullsh*t from the WKU press releases...remember, these are adults: From Lance Guidry: "I would like to apologize to my family, our players, coaching staff, administration and fans for the undue attention my poor judgment has caused. Our football team put forth a tremendous effort against the nation's top ranked team, and I have done a disservice to our entire program by shifting the focus away from where it belongs." Comment: Uh, Lance...drunk driving is cause for attention, son. Also, the point should be the danger you have caused on the road multiple times, not how WKU performed against LSU. Can the routine. Also, if you "would like to apologize" then go ahead and do so. Nothing's preventing you. From Willie Taggart: "While Coach Guidry did not miss any meetings or functions while he was away from our team hotel, his conduct was certainly not consistent with our value system and how we must operate. He understands the seriousness of his actions, and he and I spoke to our entire team about this before we left the stadium last night. This type of conduct is not acceptable, there will be disciplinary measures as a result, and they will be handled internally. Our football team is a family, and families stick together during challenging times. We have two very important games remaining, and our program will be focused on finishing the season strong and reaching our goal of winning a Sun Belt Conference championship." Comment: What a relief that Coach Guidry was at all the meetings and functions. What you do in front of people is as important as what you do when no one is looking. In fact, at WKU, it's a wash - you act right in public and make the meetings and function, we'll let whatever you do in your free time slide without penalty of missing games. It's good that the team got to hear Coach Guidry talk after the game Saturday night. It was important for the WKU players to see that drinking and driving will not keep the coaches off the sideline. Accountability is never to be public, shameful, or meaningful. Finally, it's good that Coach Taggart can brush it all aside by handling it "internally" so as not to impede progress towards a possible championship. Rings and trophies are far more important than punishing someone for driving drunk and endangering the lives of others. From Ross Bjork, Director of Athletics...this one's long and, by far, the most full of crap: "I am personally disappointed in Lance’s actions during our trip to Baton Rouge. Lance is a great football coach and has brought great energy to our team and defense since he arrived." Comment: How awful. Because a guy can coach and get kids excited, we thought he was Jesus. You must have been shattered. "Right away, Lance was very forthcoming, remorseful and accepted total responsibility for his actions...In terms of Saturday's game, we assessed all of our options and felt it was in the best interest of our student-athletes to have Lance coach them against LSU. Removing Lance from the sideline would have been a detriment to our players who have worked so hard to be in this competitive position so late in the season. Lance’s punishment should not be at the expense of our student-athletes. Because of Lance’s contriteness and honesty after the arrest and the information we gathered, it was decided that he would coach the game." Comment: We never want to be mistaken for people who try to show kids that you pay for mistakes. Our lesson to the kids should be plain: Football is so important that drunk driving should not keep you out of the big game. Just say you're sorry and suit up. After all, other people have worked so hard. Your continual reckless disregard for human life over a period of years outside of a football stadium should have no bearing on what happens inside a football stadium. “When all university employees are hired, outsourced criminal background checks are performed.... Comment: We checked and found nothing, and even so...we don't even do the background checks ourselves. So, if there was something we hadn't found, it wouldn't be our fault anyway, it would be the third party vendor's fault. Unfortunately, mistakes are a part of life, and how you deal with them will determine much about the future and how we all make decisions as a leader. Lance owned this mistake from the moment we became aware of it, and he understands as a public figure the standards are different from others. I am convinced he will learn from this and our team and staff will be focused on the last two games of the regular season as we compete for a championship. Comment: It's unfortunate that they make police reports public so that we have to be going through the motions here. We've already told you Lance is sorry, and by letting him coach we are giving our players the example we cherish at WKU - words speak louder than actions. Our athletes need to understand that the important thing is pursuing championships, not whether you've piled up a DWI or two over the years. FREEBIE: Big Ten, take that old trophy with Joe Pa's name on it out of the trash can and give it to WKU - they're trying real hard to earn it...because their student athletes are working so hard, you understand. When athletes work hard, coaches can't be held responsible for piling up DWIs.
    2 points
  16. No one told me any of this.
    2 points
  17. Few people know this, but Lee Corso was actually the second man to appear nude in Playgirl.
    2 points
  18. Never question Dunbar.
    2 points
  19. Heard him say today in class that he's going to try to practice. He didn't seem to be in pain or limping.
    2 points
  20. So, you are telling me we have a men's basketball team? And they play Texas Tech in Lubbock Wednesday(tomorrow?). And we had the 30th ranked recruiting class in the country + Roger Franklin(4* xfer) + Tony Mitchell(5* xfer starting in December?) Wow... I wonder if we should all pay attention... So, there is a watching party at Buffalo Wild Wings in McKinney, TX where they have drink specials...and well, wings? I think those drink specials are for beer... could this be? I don't know if we'll win since our team is pretty young...but, watching them against an NAIA team, they looked raw but talented... Not sure what you can take out of the opener... probably nothing. Can't wait to see them take on the Tech'sters. Go Mean Green
    2 points
  21. I heard about this game in at least 3 different ways: ** There was no Coach Dan show tonight because of the WBB game. This was discussed during the Troy game by MGRN. ** Hank mentioned the WBB game at least twice during the radio broadcast of the Troy game on the MGRN. ** Twitter....during the day, and then I got about 30 tweets from the game. Felt like I was there, while I was dining with a customer in STL. GMG
    2 points
  22. Plus 1,000 if I could. Anyone going over to another conference's or school's board who vomits tons of univited UNT specific information accomplishes nothing except to make us look ridiculous. Combine it with fonts of varying size, colors, and tons of emoticons makes us look beyond ridiculous. It's probably OK to participate if 1) they bring us up and 2) they state something about us that is wrong or off. Even then you should just correct them and be quick, clear and polite about it.
    2 points
  23. If the A.D. has someone's e-mail address, they need to e-mail them about things like this. Whether or not they ask for it.
    2 points
  24. Fan travel again is not a good excuse. If you want to travel for a game then you'll go...it is only every other year so there's plenty of opportunities for travel planning. The MWC in all levels trumps the SBC. Perception makes a huge difference. There is no question we need to jump on a MWC offer if it ever came calling. I'm one that thinks I'd rather be in the MWC over CUSA even if there's no Houston, SMU, and UCF.
    2 points
  25. 1 point
  26. Section 103 does rock... Just stating a fact
    1 point
  27. Dunbar did have a knee decapitation once. Ran for 200 yards in that game. He's one tough dude.
    1 point
  28. We're obviously standing on the edge of time.
    1 point
  29. No worries. The night goes into morning--just another day.
    1 point
  30. Are you trying to say we gave without taking? Why are they trying to send us away?
    1 point
  31. Let's see...one in 1990...another in 2003...this one in 2011. They're getting closer together. Gee, I wonder if these are the only three times in his life he's gotten behind the wheel drunk? Probably. Look, this is college athletics. They won't do anything about this guy until he injures or kills someone. WKU's already taking the easy way out, "It didn't come out in the back ground check." Oh, okay. They've done all they legally can. But, surprise. Somehow news outlets can discover within 24 hours he'd had two others in spite of their "background check." Accountability: Not at Penn State. Not at Western Kentucky. "Oh, Fake Lonnie...you're such a priggish hard ass. No one was hurt." Oh, good. Well, keep letting him go without consequences until someone does get hurt. There aren't enough drunk driving accidents these days. Let's keep all the ticking time bombs on the streets. After he kills or maims someone, we can be as sanctimonious as they are at Penn State...praying for the victims they ignored for at least nine years...reading a special letter from Joe Pa before the game. Someday we can all pray for the victims of Coach Guidry's drunk driving. All the families affected...right, Penn State? Coach Guidry can write a special letter for the players to read before the game. Coach Taggart can mewl to the press about wishing he had "done more." Frauds.
    1 point
  32. 11 THOUSAND posts and you're saying that there's something ELSE, outside of the Mean Green, that gets the majority of your attention?! I call BS.
    1 point
  33. Aww, he was just takin' a slug of Pappy's corn squeezin'. Medicinal purposes.
    1 point
  34. Students: you MUST use this as ammo in your heckling.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Forced 21 Lobo turn overs and leading by 10 Rick
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Anyone who hates on Tyler Hall is just jealous of his basketball skills! Nuff Said!
    1 point
  39. What has president Obama done that is so uber liberal that the American people haven't been in favor of? I know you'll say the healthcare bill, maybe making people have healthcare is a very liberal ideal, but making them pay into private insurance companies isn't. What else, don't ask don't tell repeal? A large majority of Americans wanted that. Bailing out the auto industries? Which saved thousands of people from being out of work? Bailing out the banks (which would have happened under any president in that situation)? That averted an even more catastrophic economic collapse. I don't think these are exactly far left things, they are things that had to be done. I don't get the whole he's an uber liberal thing, I don't agree with everything he's done, but I find it hard to take an argument that he's governed far left to seriously.
    1 point
  40. No, it's not. ESPN is not designed to represent one particular university, KNTU is. Whatever contractual obligations KNTU enters should be done with the understanding that UNT comes first.
    1 point
  41. I don't know, but I think a local FBS team should always get their score mentioned during a newscast, even if its in a suck league or against a bad team. I saw too many SMU scores and video against powerhouses like UAB or Tulane when they were terrible. But I also realize we weren't ever in the popular group (old SWC), so our reputation doesn't get to precede like every other FBS team in this state (sans UTEP).
    1 point
  42. James Hamilton is the next Seneca Wallace
    1 point
  43. This thread is about the MWC, not CUSA. Perception of a conference goes as the teams within it go. Look at that current MWC lineup, removing Boise and Air Force. It's the old WAC. It's not about beating ranked teams....it's about winning all of your games-no matter the opponent. The old WAC blows. You are living in the 70s and need to catchup...
    1 point
  44. No, the left doesn't want Romney. He would have the best chance at beating Obama than any other candidate. The left would love to run against a more conservative candidate that would be too far right for the middle. Cain wouldn't stand a chance in the general.
    1 point
  45. Having lived in Abilene for almost three years (Imoved there from Denton)I can attest that ACU has some VERY strict rules and some pretty nice facilities. I know a number of people that went to school there. That school has produced some of the most straight laced, bible thumping people, and some of the biggest partiers I have ever been around. I am very proud to say I don't live in that town any more. Some people love it, but it just wasn't my flavor, and I avoid it like the plague. Denton is a MUCH better town! Ahh...Old times...
    1 point

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