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I propose an amendment to the second amendment

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "

and the right to be a dumbass while keeping and bearing arms shall not be infringed......as long as you don't kill someone else in the process.




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I still think we should focus on the "well-regulated militia" part.  Everybody who wants a gun signs up to be a part of their state's militia.  Then not only do they get to have their guns, but if either we get invaded OR the nuts turn out to be right and the Fed tries to impose martial law, they're already organized and ready to go.  And if you're enough of a dumbass, your state's citizen-run militia (therefore keeping the government out of it) can have its own tests to determine who's too much of a jackass.  That way the NRA isn't likely to touch is, because it's all the gun owners and enthusiasts who are the ones saying, "Yeah...don't let this moron have a gun."

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No, but it doesn't say anything about that in the 1st Amendment.  The entire basis of the 2nd Amendment is the well-regulated militia.  So you sign up "just in case" and then get yer guns...and instead of being regulated by the government, you get regulated by the 1st Volunteer Firing Squad of the Black Hills or wherever.  Of course that could still qualify as "government of the people" to some, but not in the grander sense.

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I'll never understand gun owners -- particularly of the variety who collects so many as to be defined as a personal armory.

Then again, I don't understand needlepoint, and I have no desire to outlaw, regulate, or otherwise legislate the cross stitch.

So I don't own guns, I don't shoot guns, I am in no way entertained by guns, I feel zero need for them in my life.  But I also have zero care who carries, stores, collects, possesses, transports, hell, smokes out of pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortar launchers, tanks, missile silos, and/or slingshots.  

The response will be that needlepoint doesn't kill people, to which I counter that I have a much. much greater irrational fear of old ladies wielding sharp objects than I do of mythical melanin man crashing through my front door and violating my German Shepherd with Obama banned ammunition.

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Then again, I don't understand needlepoint, and I have no desire to outlaw, regulate, or otherwise legislate the cross stitch.

I think we all know this is a lie. You have repeatedly shown bias towards crochet. You are trying to cover up your secret mission to outlaw needlepoint and I, for one, wont stand for it. 

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Sure, just another step towards banning it entirely. Your socialist, leftist, pinko, commie, Marxist agenda will never come to pass. NEEDLEPOINT IS FREEDOM!

See! Now you are getting it!

My work here is done 


<not really>

<<to the "work here is done" part>>

<<<Is this kind of like PSSS?>>>

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