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  1. https://nfltraderumors.co/packers-request-interview-with-ravens-lb-coach-zach-orr-for-dc-vacancy/
    10 points
  2. Take off UT Dallas which is in Richardson and University of Dallas which is in Irving and add Dallas Baptist University and Paul Quinn College.
    5 points
  3. These people would all like a word...and I'm pretty sure they would have each brought more fans to the pit.
    5 points
  4. Wow this is a crazy thread. Todd will be inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame. He accomplished a lot. Don’t act like he wasn’t starting out in places like Cameron TX. Incredible HS coach. NT just didn’t work out but man, let it go. If you wanna know what kinda mettle he has just look at the way Riley played so hard for us. They aren’t just pretty boys. They do the work and they’ve earned respect.
    5 points
  5. This is just sour grapes. Tom Rapp didn’t win squat at Carroll before Dodge got there. Ledbetter won 4 3A titles in 16 years. Dodge won 4 5A titles in 7 years. Westlake had only won a single title before Dodge got there and that was way back in 1996 with a future NFL hall of famer at quarterback. He won 3 there. Coppell has tremendous resources and hasn’t won any state titles. Rip him if you want for the college stuff but he is a very good high school coach.
    5 points
  6. Love this for Zach. Such a great player, and well on his way to becoming an NFL great before his career was cut short. Glad to see teams value his coaching ability too.
    4 points
  7. https://247sports.com/Player/Quinton-Hammonds-46135463/ https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=552091c792bf3734&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1014US1014&sxsrf=ACQVn0_AoakIs1FVGopH5UhgY1CW9DvLRg:1706568426770&q=quinton+hammonds+football&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj58vLm1oOEAxWlJEQIHTMICzMQ0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=1280&bih=551&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:40cf1d4e,vid:Zor23nUJzv0,st:0 https://www.hudl.com/profile/15996370/Quinton-Hammonds
    4 points
  8. I don't know what to tell you save that decades of basketball coaches disagree.
    4 points
  9. What would you call someone who led his teams to 7 state titles then?
    4 points
  10. Impressive win and crowd. Our next game is the one that counts though.
    3 points
  11. That performance gets so much cooler when Toby shows up. Nice of him to use some of his star power to lift up a boy band member trying to make it solo.
    3 points
  12. Yeah, you gotta have juice off the bench. Otherwise, you're going to war with 1 magazine.
    3 points
  13. A. we're talking about basketball. it is different than those other sports, for a variety of reasons. B. no one is arguing that your "best" player shouldn't be starting. we're arguing that your "5 best" players need not be. Jet Terry started 10 games in the Mav's championship season. he was the team's second leading scorer. THJ has started 9 games this season. he's the Mav's third leading scorer. (though if ego didn't play a role, I'd make the case that Kai would be more an ideal 6th man) my dude, there's a literal award for coming off the bench. doubt you can make a case for any of these players being only the 6th best player on the roster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA_Sixth_Man_of_the_Year_Award since I'm sensing just another double-down and probably another terrible analogy, I'm done after this post.
    3 points
  14. and it's historically typically been a TP/Edwards type player...a player with a point guard frame/handle but a scorer's mentality. Jet Terry, Jamal Crawford, Sweet Lou Williams all leap to mind
    3 points
  15. I love how his sound has changed ever-so-slightly over the years (as any artist grows), but he certainly hasn't sold out to any kind of pop sound, when I bet he's been approached with big checks quite a bit to do so. And now, his style is an influence on pop sound.
    3 points
  16. I don’t get the hate. He never said a bad thing about North Texas even though this was the down point of his career. He made some mistakes here, our administration made some mistakes and it is now time to move on. I hope he does well and does send some good kids our direction.
    3 points
  17. Another one possession loss to FAU is frustrating, and having Rubin out the majority of conference play so far sucks. However, even if we aren't the most flashy team, I am confident come March. With seven losses already, though, we're probably close to the point of having to win the conference tournament to get to the Big Dance. So let's fast forward to then for a minute. Top 4 seed to get a double bye should be the goal, and I think that's doable. Our goal as fans should be to get to Dickies Arena in Fort Worth and provide the homecourt advantage no other team will have. I think Memphis will bring a good number of fans, but we've already seen how SMU shows up to support during the conference tournament: Even if they stay at the top, I doubt Charlotte or South Florida will bring many people. UAB will probably have a decent showing considering the distance and FAU will have some thanks to their big run last year. I want us to pack the place so hard and loud that we sweep three teams in the tourney and clinch a ticket to the dance. I want us to be so much of a factor that other conference fans moan and bitch and beg the AAC to move the conference tournament to a more central location like Birmingham/Memphis. And really, if we get a top four seed, more specifically a 2/3 seed, there's no reason not to support. The second seed would play their first game at 6pm on Friday, 3/15. The third seed would play at 8. Of course, the semis and championship would fall on Saturday and Sunday.
    2 points
  18. I still don't understand why we waste time even discussing them. Next topic please.
    2 points
  19. As a born and raised Dallasite who spent most of his childhood in the area of Midway and Walnut Hill, I can proudly tell you nobody in Dallas gives a damn about SMU.
    2 points
  20. I don't get you dude. Do you have an axe to grind w/Hodge? Maybe Hodge is starting Moulaye over Allen because it's "The North Texas Way" (I dunno where that came from). It's his ship now. If it's working, why change it? Allen is certainly still eating. And obviously, he's out there in crunch time... at the end of the game (which is what this discussion was about, originally).
    2 points
  21. 0-6 Shockers win 77-72. Hahahahahahahahaha I know it helps us to have SMU win, but I just can’t pull for the Phonies.
    2 points
  22. HUGE difference within the comparison you attempt to sarcastically throw out there....people in Dallas actually care about and claim the "Arlington Cowboys" as their own.
    2 points
  23. I'm torn. I absolutely hate the Packers, but I wouldn't be able to hate them as much if Zach became their DC. I'd only be able to truly hate their offense. :( I guess there's always their fans.
    2 points
  24. They would cry like stuck pigs if they actually were ceded to Dallas.
    2 points
  25. it's probably six of one, half dozen of the other. SMU (currently 38 NET) winning (and continuing to win) maaaaaybe pushes them into top 30 NET, which would make our win in Denton a Quad 1 win...but so long as they stay top 75 the game at Moody will be Quad 1. the Wichita St. (148) game is pretty squarely a Quad 3 game...but maaaaaybe if they go on a heater it could push to Quad 2 but also...I mean...we don't have an at-large resume...maybe it could affect NIT consideration, I don't know.
    2 points
  26. Like we've seen over the past few seasons with JJ Murray starting over Tylor Perry, the starters should be the ones who will best set the coach's desired tone for the early stages of the game. In JJ/TP's case, obviously coach McCasland and coach Hodge wanted a defensive tone. Then, when they feel the game is going as desired, or we're falling behind & need a sparkplug, sub JJ, and insert TP. Likewise, at the end of the game, if NT is holding a lead & need stops, insert JJ to lock them down. If NT is in a slugfest/shootout at the end of the game, keep TP in to hit clutch shots. You're just using your personnel's strengths to accomplish the desired results. "Best Players start", works most times, but not all the time.
    2 points
  27. oh for sure priority number one needs to be replacing Allen. what a find he's been...A+ to the coaching/scouting staff. I don't recall a big man with better hands here in my 20+ years following UNT basketball. Allen and Rubin are the only two players out of eligibility at the end of the year...but we're only on 12 scholarships so we'll have three to give assuming no transfers out (kinda hope we have one/two transfer out). Taylor and Mason are coming in...so if there is just the one to give, then I'm with you on it needs to go to a transfer portal big. gotta then hope either Taylor or Moore can slide into significant minutes at the point.
    2 points
  28. Based on limited viewing, I agree with the announcers that Davis is the best player in the conference.
    2 points
  29. Lot of bitching for a team that has performed way above expected.
    2 points
  30. Yeah back then you couldn't just go throwing axes without becoming the subject of a Dateline episode.
    2 points
  31. Tobe totally kicked ass Saturday night! Proud of what he has accomplished! Was a hell of a linebacker for UNT
    2 points
  32. They should double that easily when Duke comes to town.
    2 points
  33. I talked to Todd last week and he told me he was going to take this job. I didn't mention it over here, because of the hatred that a few still have for him. I told him, that I take abuse from a few over here for using his handle as my posting name, he said that will change, when he sends UNT some good players in the future.
    2 points
  34. Sorry, but discrediting what he has done at the high school level just reeks of sour grapes. You know, he didn’t do well here, but let’s not act like he is a poor HS coach.
    2 points
  35. Maybe Lovejoy isn’t satisfied with 12-2 and wants to win a state title. Westlake and Southlake seemed to enjoy the number of football state titles Todd Dodge won them that was not matched by any other coach for those schools before or since.
    2 points
  36. Keep going. You'll think of more reasons to hate them.
    1 point
  37. With us losing at least Allen, I want to see us bring in a big man (6'10" or taller) that can efficiently score in the paint. Someone that can force other teams to double him in the paint and get more open shots for our good 3-point shooters. Though admittedly I don't know how many guys like that we're available in the portal this year, and how many we could realistically land.
    1 point
  38. It hurt to watch this one yesterday, but we just got 'out-dude'd. Remember all those times that North Texas played tight games with opponents only to have Hamlet or Perry rip the opponents heart out at the last second? That's what FAU just did to us. Don't exactly know how if happened, but FAU got real effin good, real effin fast. Props to them and hopefully we can come out on top next time
    1 point
  39. the Boise loss is at least a Quad 1 loss...same with St. John's and Miss State (we didn't play Dayton, btw). LSU is Quad 2...Fordham a Quad 3 loss. I am loving the competitive balance in this conference, but I don't think anyone, least of all Charlotte did enough in non-con to make this a three bid league if either Memphis or FAU win the tournament.
    1 point
  40. Trivia question: Since Chandler Morris has been in college, his father has coached at Auburn, South Florida, and Clemson. Which of these schools did Chandler Morris attend while his father coached there?
    1 point
  41. They were trying to rub that stupid "Dallas" theme in our face, which is laughable because they have no fans outside the Park Cities. The school is not even in Dallas! I was also surprised the refs let them play with the black unis vs our dark green unis. There wasn't a lot of contrast between the teams on TV with the poor Pit lighting.
    1 point
  42. Pretty sure they all count.
    1 point
  43. 1 point

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