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  1. http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/college-sports/headlines/20130107-photos-a-look-at-sportsdaydfw.com-s-2012-all-texas-defensive-team.ece?ssimg=847386#ssTop847397 This post has been promoted to an article
    4 points
  2. How did A&M's players do? /GMG'd
    4 points
  3. It is simple when you have the cats to line up and do what they do...now if we could just get those guys on campus! Ha
    4 points
  4. "Coach, with an older, deeper, and more talented roster than last year, how do you explain the team's lack of results on the court?" That's how you ask a question like that.
    4 points
  5. "I think the thing is still wide open".
    3 points
  6. The five "mid major" conferences remind me of the guys I used to interrogate after a drug warrant. Each of them, in a separate room, could be convinced that there was only one who could "save" him/herself by cooperating. Each an every time they sold eachother out...and all still went to jail. Often times, if they'd all just kept their mouths shut, they'd have all been ok.
    3 points
  7. There is no try. Only do or be substituted. And, yes, a miniscus tear can be recovered from. I tore mine about 5 years ago. After seeing a sports medicine and having a scan done his prognosis was "we could work on it or you could let it heal on its own."
    3 points
  8. I don't care about the Cowboys (although prefer to see the local team make good) - I root for a non-Texas team and rarely bring it up. But, big news, I am specifically rooting against *you* this weekend because you are terrible (at least in regards to this crap.) Funny how we rarely heard about the inferiority complex here for years until America's #1 bad boy of in-game cussing showed up and learned us a lesson or two about sports rootin'? I also blame you for Cougar King.
    3 points
  9. I'll be sure to let my superiors know that my being assigned to work is frowned upon by UNT athetics' resident unpaid mouthpiece. I'm sure they'll get right on allowing me to show up so that I can ask the tough penetrating questions. Tell me, since you believe that NOBODY should be fired for lack of performance...if DPD decides to let me go because I didn't show up to work, will you pump some sunshine up their asses on my behalf? I know, why don't you suggest to them that I was underperforming because they didn't throw more money at me? You know, a few of them are NT grads. Don't miss your chance to tell them how our sports teams are underperforming because they're not writing checks. Oooor, you could finally come to the realization that a great many people are frustrated...don't give a rat's ass about your browbeating...and will continue to vent on a FAN MESSAGE BOARD, despite your silly protestations. I don't respond to you because I dislike you. I think you're swell. Silly, but swell. I respond because it amuses me to see you perpetually trot out the same company line as if an "S" is gonna magically appear on your chest and you'll get a cookie at the next quarterly meeting (those still happen, right?). You're a caricature, a sadly skewed depiction of a cheerleader chanting to an empty stadium.
    3 points
  10. It should. I seriously doubt UNT markets its Athletic Dept like these people do. UTSA knows what they are doing as evidenced by their seamless entry into FBS football.
    2 points
  11. A green light, if you will.
    2 points
  12. Well, how can you expect to compete in the ratings when you are up against the beginning of the 24-hours of A Christmas Story marathon on TBS?
    2 points
  13. LOL! (but not too loud lest the kids hear, right)? GMG!
    2 points
  14. Just a question....would you be leading the exodus?
    2 points
  15. There's some good news/bad news as it pertains to Antoine and TCU. Bad News is Josh Boyce is leaving early for the NFL and S Jaime Byrd is transferring out. So that both pushes a WR up their depth chart and opens up a scholly for Antoine. Good News is Quincy Adoboyejo decommitted from A&M and likes TCU and Tech. If TCU decides to target a WR he would definitely be their priority over Antoine. While TCU is still stacked at WR, they could use a 2013 recruit as a redshirt guy as their WR corps will consist of 5 JRs and 2 Sophs.
    2 points
  16. I've been in favor of a "draft" of some sort for years. I think all kids should either sign up for military duty as a full time or a reserve, become a police explorer or junior fire fighter, volunteer at a hostpital, join the peace corp, habitiat for humanity, etc. for a couple of years. Some of those options would allow for kids to go to college or join the workforce while they complete their requirement. I think all of us need to learn that we should serve our fellow man.
    2 points
  17. That might not be so bad...
    2 points
  18. I'm a North Texas fan, thank you. Which is not exactly a glamorous title. But it's where I CHOSE to go to school. It wasn't a backup plan. It's where my money goes. It's where my heart lies. I find it strange our alleged super fans are posting topic after topic fawning over the Aggies, but hey, maybe that's just the Mean Green in me.
    2 points
  19. I wouldn't favor a "draft" into the military per se, but I'd be all the way on board with a "service" requirement on your 18th birthday. A year, a set amount of hours, something of the like required to be served in either the military (if that is your choice) or another service organization like Habitat for Humanity, the Red Cross, FEMA volunteers, etc. At the conclusion of your "service" either college would be paid for, a housing credit could be given or some other comparable tangible assistance could be provided (a childcare voucher, assistance with a vehicle purchase, etc.) Just no issuance of a blank check. I just think it would benefit us a if we required 18 year olds to spend a period of time doing for others and then rewarded them with the means to do for themselves. Besides, when something like Katrina or Sandy Hook occurs, having a ready made assemblage of personnel would do wonders. This would hopefully satisfy those who'd want to label such a plan a "handout", as the govt (federal, state or local) would be getting labor on the front end.
    1 point
  20. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/professor-draws-fire-sandy-hook-conspiracy-comments-article-1.1236230 This dummy is a professor at FAU.
    1 point
  21. Benford suspended the photographer
    1 point
  22. I never thought of "the prisoner's delima" in relatiion to conference changes but it is perfect fit! Emmitt is a wise man, but we already knew that.
    1 point
  23. So long as organizations like the Peace Corps and Army Corps of Engineers are considered options and enrolled college students are exempt, I say draft away.
    1 point
  24. Never had one, never will. http://youtu.be/ewpYq9rgg3w
    1 point
  25. I will defentitely be there! Either as player or volunteer , whatever you need. I also have something to add to the auction this year Looking forward to it
    1 point
  26. For every single right wing nut in America's universities, there are at least a hundred on the left wing coming up with even crazier junk--e.g., Dana Cloud, Ward Churchill, Jose Angel Gutierrez--most of whom we'll never hear of, because people rarely pay attention when a professor is a nut, as long as he is a left-wing nut. But yes, this guy is a nut.
    1 point
  27. As someone who watches The First 48 often, I can understand this analogy.
    1 point
  28. Next time you go, ask her if she will "milk your prostate". If you don't know what that is, she probably does.
    1 point
  29. Plumm, Please pay more attention. They said your friend had an INFECTIOUS smile. That's all. She probably thought she was going to get robbed.
    1 point
  30. no waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy maaaaaaaaaaaaan... the government's not gonna put a gps chip in meeeee...
    1 point
  31. fixed Anyone ever tried the flu shot nasal spray thing? I won't ever go near a needle by choice, but a nose spray? That I can get behind.
    1 point
  32. My kids read this board and they don't want to hear about you getting a thumb up your butt...unless you have pictures of the girls.
    1 point
  33. Good one, Denny! But I do have a cute little female doctor and thanks for the reminder! (Can I say that here)? GMG! PS: I may be 62 yrs old but I ain't dead yet.
    1 point
  34. Plum, while you were in the shop did they check your Prostate Health?
    1 point
  35. Taking it all a step further. The old Mountain States Conference produced current MWC members Colorado State, Utah State, Wyoming and New Mexico. Other members were BYU, Utah, Colorado, Denver and Montana. Basically the core is the old Mountain States minus two that moved to the bigs, an indy, one that dumped football and one that went down a level in football.
    1 point
  36. UALR owns a 16-9 record against us. So, they win about 2 thirds of the time. Actually, that's better than I remembered it being. I think at one point they'd won nearly 80% of the times we played.
    1 point
  37. It's not that mysterious. The tuition and fees are waived through athletic scholarships at either 100% or 50% rates for most athletes in the NCAA. Walk-ons and non-scholarship athletes can receive these benefits if another student fails to meet the requirements of the University, the state, or the NCAA, thus opening up the spot for whomever the coaches determine to be the next worthy candidate. The boarding costs are absorbed by Housing and Residence Life, and as each sport has a mandated maximum of scholarship athletes intended to receive these benefits, that number of occupancies (not rooms, as each has 1-2 roommates) is designated as such and reserved in advance of determining available occupancy for any given semester. So the only remaining question is whether UNT's current Athletics budget is covered by the designated Athletics fee, or if staffing, facilities, and maintenance are still included in the Student Service Fee.
    1 point
  38. I would like to see a lot of things happen next year. If they don't happen, this train is gonna derail. #2013ORBUST? #REALLY?HASHTAGSINATHREAD?
    1 point
  39. I know he's become a controversial player off the field at this point, but I really want to see Antoine Jimmerson take over and be our starting running back. 20+ carries a game with our offensive line as good as we are could give us this effect of just smashing you play after play, then opening up the play action. Without going too much into the qb debate, this would make their job much easier and our offense much harder to stop, as long as that passing game is improved from last year.
    1 point
  40. To run a smashmouth offense, you've gotta have the hosses. And a constant deep threat that the defense has to respect. And Fake, I'm shocked to see you made a post about running a smashmouth offense without one mention of a fullback.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I was thinking this last night when watching Alabama vs. Notre Dame. Alabama didn't do anything crazy - they just did everything really well and executed consistently. Looks like what Mac is trying to build here and I couldn't be happier. You just have to have good players in every position to make it work which we haven't had. Hopefully this is the year he can make the plan come to life.
    1 point
  43. Honestly, I would like to see us hold on to Kidsy and pick up three more DL's.
    1 point
  44. One good reason to recruit Texas high school talent is because the scholarship of a Texas resident is cheaper. My understanding is that out of state recruits, even those on scholarship, must pay out of state tuition. To say nothing of the fact that a Texas athlete is more likely to bring his Texas friends and family to watch him play.
    1 point
  45. I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me, why 100 round magazines are needed, except to kill people?
    1 point
  46. We all had a taste of that type of a change here on the football front when Chico took over as the interim HC as well.
    1 point
  47. If nBE is becoming the league where the old CUSA private institutions (Rice, SMU, Tulsa, Tulane) band together...and UH is mad at SMU for not taking a serious look at MWC as a joint package...and UTEP wants in to the MWC... Is there a chance that UH, UTEP, and UNT work out a package deal to give the MWC a solid footprint in Texas? The three schools are all fairly similar public institutions and would certainly build some great rivalries. Seriously, look how much CougarKing has single handedly stirred the pot on this forum...imagine if we were actually in a conference with UH and UTEP and how full those stadiums could be after a few years of conference to heat things up. The private institutions can band together and go to nBE while UH, UTEP, and UNT go to MWC.
    1 point

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