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14 years in office is way too long.. (he will be when finishing this term .. and apparently wants more time ) . Rylander, K.B. Hutcheson or any of the Democrats he defeated would have been far better. He continues to veto so much money for education that had been passed by the legislature and wants even more tax cuts for business ($1.6 billion more now) despite the fact Texas is about 46th or 48th in state taxes per capita. But NO tax cuts for most of us ... sales, tobacco, gasoline, or alcohol..just for business, besides when he cuts taxes for a business it is not passed on to just Texans ( if it is passed on) but to everyone nationally or internationally. ... so we Texans get to pay even more local property taxes in for schools etc. and get nothing in return. He wants none of the education money cut from last budget returned to education.


Article in DMN and other papers is about how much money he is getting kicked back... maybe legally but sure not ethically. Only two other Texas governors have served as much as 8 years.. Bill Clements (of SMU fame) with two split terms and Allen Shivers back in the 1950's. Perry is hoping for 18 years apparently (many Kings didn't get that many years)

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-- Maybe that is fairly obvious by reading some posts here... hahaha. We are in the bottom 10 of 50 states on that issue in public schools.... and maybe it shows. So you think state colleges should kick up the tuition even more... it has tripled since Perry walked in. Most third world countries spent less and they are third world because of it.

We could cut more... some small schools have eliminated all sports and UIL activities (no funds) ... So you think reading, writing and rithmetic is the way to go... cut band, choir, art, football, baseball, basketball, absolutely foreign languages (Real Americans should speak only English) , that is exactly what charter schools do (Perry loves them)... also maybe those infidels that teach science classes that don't believe the world started in 5000 BC etc. ....then education would cost less....... He seems to want people to quit traditional public schools and go private... and pay, instead of using tax money ... pretty much back to what was happening in 1776 .... a true conservative .. no change ... our forefathers didn't play football etc. we should do as they did ).

We didn't even have public fire departments until that radical left-winger and British-traitor Ben Franklin started one.

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--- I am sure Perry had a lot to do with all this oil activity out here in West Texas and our 2.8% unemployment (only people here without a job are people who can't pass drug or background checks )... If it wasn't for Perry they would be drilling in Maine or Oregon? His presence has zero to do with the Texas economy... I am sure the Houston Texans would not have made the playoffs the past two years either if he had not been Gov... [ get real ]

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And the fact that your paycheck and benefit package is dependent on this funding doesn't affect your positions on the issue at all, right? ;-)


Very little... I am retired....(plus own land) .. I now teach two classes (mostly for something to do except watch TV) and pay isn't a lot and it doesn't mean that much anymore to me.... it does to my friends. Like I keep saying you don't understand me at all. I am conservative financially but not so much otherwise...Don't run up debts ( see start in 2001) or have useless expenses but pay for things that needs to be paid for. Plus the wife is public school retired but teaches in a very expensive private school so nothing the state does has any effect on her... except drive people away from public school and to her..( not a bad thing for her ) We just get to pay more local taxes. You make way too many assumptions about things .... often about subjects you know nothing really about.

Plus I am not one of these idiots that walks in and votes straight party without knowing why they voted for anyone. .... granted I do lean more one way that the other... but it is more about what the candidates believe, say, and DO. There are turkeys on both sides and some good ones also. I am very open about what I do .... I have no clue what you do but you spend a lot of time on this site to be supposedly working. I am even guessing you have no kids in school either since you claim two hometowns and a girlfriend.... so you care nothing about education.


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--- I am sure Perry had a lot to do with all this oil activity out here in West Texas and our 2.8% unemployment (only people here without a job are people who can't pass drug or background checks )... If it wasn't for Perry they would be drilling in Maine or Oregon? His presence has zero to do with the Texas economy... I am sure the Houston Texans would not have made the playoffs the past two years either if he had not been Gov... [ get real ]

Oh...so his presence only effects education, but not business? Hmmm. What a magical man.

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I'll go ahead a address education:

If you do not work on study habits with your own kids when they are young, no amount of money will make them better students.

The reality is that many, many kids' parents do not work with them academically at home, with extra work beyond what the kid is doing at school. We choose to give our kids extra work. And, because we have done it since they were preschoolers, it doesn't seem extra to them.

I'm too old to worry about what is happening in the lives of others. I have two kids and am responsible for them no matter what is happening at their schools. In my opinion, we overpay for what we get in Frisco, so I'm happy to be teaching them at home as well.

If other parents - for whatever reason - do not work with their own kids, that isn't my problem. And, it isn't Rick Perry's problem either.

I hope that someday America will again be filled with people who will be personally responsible for their kids. You look at what has happened to the education system and it's nothing but a picture of parental give up - the amount of free meals given, the inability to enforce discipline, the teaching of time wasting subjects instead of math, reading, and writing.

If I ever were to register to vote again, I'd gladly vote for a politician like Rick Perry who doesn't cave to the whining education establishment. My kids belong to me and their education is my responsibility, not the responsibility of the local ISD or state government. Whatever the local ISD feeds them, we filter and augment when necessary. People need to get off their butts and do the same.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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we overpay for what we get in Frisco, so I'm happy to be teaching them at home as well.

Oh how I miss the semi-annual PTA extortion letters! "Send us a check for $500 per child or else!"

Lewisville ISD, quite a bit lower in pecking order, but much, much easier to deal with, and with the kid being in all pre-AP, it's still a decent education.

But yeah, I worked with all kinds of school districts in California and Texas for several years. If there is one common factor that dictates overall success in a given school or district, it is parental involvement or lack thereof. All other variables seem to pale in comparison.

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I'll go ahead a address education:

If you do not work on study habits with your own kids when they are young, no amount of money will make them better students.

The reality is that many, many kids' parents do not work with them academically at home, with extra work beyond what the kid is doing at school. We choose to give our kids extra work. And, because we have done it since they were preschoolers, it doesn't seem extra to them.

I'm too old to worry about what is happening in the lives of others. I have two kids and am responsible for them no matter what is happening at their schools. In my opinion, we overpay for what we get in Frisco, so I'm happy to be teaching them at home as well.

If other parents - for whatever reason - do not work with their own kids, that isn't my problem. And, it isn't Rick Perry's problem either.

I hope that someday America will again be filled with people who will be personally responsible for their kids. You look at what has happened to the education system and it's nothing but a picture of parental give up - the amount of free meals given, the inability to enforce discipline, the teaching of time wasting subjects instead of math, reading, and writing.

If I ever were to register to vote again, I'd gladly vote for a politician like Rick Perry who doesn't cave to the whining education establishment. My kids belong to me and their education is my responsibility, not the responsibility of the local ISD or state government. Whatever the local ISD feeds them, we filter and augment when necessary. People need to get off their butts and do the same.

There are parts of this and other posts in this thread I agree with and other parts that I don't, but the big piece I agree with is parental involvement. It doesn't matter if you are a peer, or a tutor, or a teacher, no matter how positive you may try to stay there has been this overwhelming sentiment that "I deserve an education" which is often meant to be a diploma or degree. No, jackhole, you deserve a CHANCE to get it. What you do to use or waste that chance is your own doing, and sadly it does seem that parents are handing that attitude down to their kids. "You're entitled to this already, it's already yours, blahblahblah".

My first son is about to start kindergarten and we've already started working on reading, writing, French, Spanish, German, addition, subtraction, multiplication, art, music, science, soccer, wrestling, kickboxing, and swimming. This is, of course, in addition to regular discussions about personal growth and responsibility. This is because I absolutely agree with TFLF and would even take it a step further. The only thing everyone is, or at least should be, entitled to is the opportunity to run with something, whatever that opportunity may be. Parental involvement makes it more likely that the child in question will grow to appreciate that, and one without that guidance will instead either choose to do nothing noteworthy or, conversely, expect everything to be handed to them without striving for it.

I also agree that providing opportunities for growth in a wide range of subjects is a great focus of both public and private education. I understand the convoluted personal and political arguments for and against different types of education, and the funding thereof, but I also understand that if one chooses to thrive, and especially if they have supportive AND PREPARED parents behind them, then their choice will become reality at a far greater rate than those who simply expect it rather than driving towards it with all of the might of their will.

Edited by JesseMartin
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14 years in office is way too long.. (he will be when finishing this term .. and apparently wants more time ) . Rylander, K.B. Hutcheson or any of the Democrats he defeated would have been far better. He continues to veto so much money for education that had been passed by the legislature and wants even more tax cuts for business ($1.6 billion more now) despite the fact Texas is about 46th or 48th in state taxes per capita. But NO tax cuts for most of us ... sales, tobacco, gasoline, or alcohol..just for business, besides when he cuts taxes for a business it is not passed on to just Texans ( if it is passed on) but to everyone nationally or internationally. ... so we Texans get to pay even more local property taxes in for schools etc. and get nothing in return. He wants none of the education money cut from last budget returned to education.


Article in DMN and other papers is about how much money he is getting kicked back... maybe legally but sure not ethically. Only two other Texas governors have served as much as 8 years.. Bill Clements (of SMU fame) with two split terms and Allen Shivers back in the 1950's. Perry is hoping for 18 years apparently (many Kings didn't get that many years)

WOW, this DMN article is terrible, at first I thought I was reading about Obama !

Edited by houstonmeangreen
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-- Maybe that is fairly obvious by reading some posts here... hahaha. We are in the bottom 10 of 50 states on that issue in public schools.... and maybe it shows. So you think state colleges should kick up the tuition even more... it has tripled since Perry walked in. Most third world countries spent less and they are third world because of it.

We could cut more... some small schools have eliminated all sports and UIL activities (no funds) ... So you think reading, writing and rithmetic is the way to go... cut band, choir, art, football, baseball, basketball, absolutely foreign languages (Real Americans should speak only English) , that is exactly what charter schools do (Perry loves them)... also maybe those infidels that teach science classes that don't believe the world started in 5000 BC etc. ....then education would cost less....... He seems to want people to quit traditional public schools and go private... and pay, instead of using tax money ... pretty much back to what was happening in 1776 .... a true conservative .. no change ... our forefathers didn't play football etc. we should do as they did ).

We didn't even have public fire departments until that radical left-winger and British-traitor Ben Franklin started one.

Charter schools are funded by our tax money and run by anyone who can get a charter. Seventy -two % of them have failed, yet the legislature is being ask to increase the number of charter schools. I have a friend who investigated charter schools for TEA and he can tell some real interesting stories about some of his investigations. In one case he was told if he came back to the school he would be killed. A few days ago there was a story in the Dallas news about some of the mishandling of public funds by some of the schools. The Winfree charter school was (is) paying the founders sister over $300,000 a year for some secretaral job ?, and she does not even have a degree. Lot's of this type thing through the state.

By the way what public scools have dropped sports programs and UIL activites because of a lack of money ?

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-- I can't remember their names but was on TV last winter... one had started basketball and then quit at before Christmas and dropped all UIL activities... They were class A size if I remember right may have also been in west Texas and travel costs become very expensive as well... That is one reason many don't do some activities... travel expense... and cutbacks just did those problems in.. Large districts just enlarge classes to find funds... they can't. There were others that had dropped it or other sports/activities as well but I don't think they had started them first.

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If other parents - for whatever reason - do not work with their own kids, that isn't my problem. And, it isn't Rick Perry's problem either.

The success of Texas depends on all children being able to contribute - not just yours. Every child that is not educated is your problem and mine.

Throwing money at education isn't the solution. BUT, adequate funding is a necessary component in that solution. We need to train good teachers. We need to pay good teachers good salaries. We need to provide safe facilities. We need to provide excellent textbooks. All of this costs money. We need to quit whining about paying our fair share of the cost of the most important thing our government does - educate our children.

Edited by GTWT
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The success of Texas depends on all children being able to contribute - not just yours. Every child that is not educated is your problem and mine.

Throwing money at education isn't the solution. BUT, adequate funding is a necessary component in that solution. We need to train good teachers. We need to pay good teachers good salaries. We need to provide safe facilities. We need to provide excellent textbooks. All of this costs money. We need to quit whining about paying our fair share of the cost of the most important thing our government does - educate our children.

Despite what common sense and every teacher will tell you, that a supportive home life breeds success in the class room...(which is what TFLF is saying).., these uneducated kids just aren't receiving enough from the rest of us are they?


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The success of Texas depends on all children being able to contribute - not just yours. Every child that is not educated is your problem and mine.

Throwing money at education isn't the solution. BUT, adequate funding is a necessary component in that solution. We need to train good teachers. We need to pay good teachers good salaries. We need to provide safe facilities. We need to provide excellent textbooks. All of this costs money. We need to quit whining about paying our fair share of the cost of the most important thing our government does - educate our children.

Baloney. If money were the problem, it would have long ago been solved. Remember, the lottery was supposed to take care of all education funding woes.

The most important thing the government does is make sure there is a competitive business environment. Homeschoolers have more than proven that the government isn't doing the best job educating.

If parents are not going to get in the game for their own children's education, that isn't my problem. It's their kids' problem. My kids will be able to get into good colleges, and they will be able to get jobs and have careers.

Some of you have these vivid imaginations that other people are responsbile for your children. My kids are my responsibility. Whatever information is fed them by the Frisco ISD, we filter at home, and augment as necessary.

If you are too lazy to keep up with your kids' education, that is not my problem. You either make your kids' education your own priority or you don't. It is not a problem for me.

Abe Lincoln sat in the floor of a dirt cabin. Some kids just got paid $1.1 billion for Tumblr after his own mother realized school was a waste of time for his talents. You don't need piles of money to educate kids. You yourself need to follow what they are doing, fill in, and recognize what their strengths are and champion them.

Running around trying to blame politicians for kids' failure is the height of lazy thinking. The success or failure of a child begins and ends at home. If you expect Hillary Clinton's village to raise your kids, then you gamble on what you get. We don't gamble on our kids' future; we are helping make it a success for them every day.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Like it or not, you & your children are citizens of this country. As such you have a stake in her success - success which depends in large part on the education of our children - all our children.

And no, the primary role of government is not just to promote business. The role of government is to promote the present & future well-being of the governed. That well-being includes education, medical care, a healthy environment, and so much more. All of that is expensive but not providing those things costs so much more.

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Some of you have these vivid imaginations that other people are responsbile for your children. My kids are my responsibility. Whatever information is fed them by the Frisco ISD, we filter at home, and augment as necessary.

If you are too lazy to keep up with your kids' education, that is not my problem.

It's the a utopian world the left lives in. The government is responsible for everything, at yours and my expense.


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Like it or not, you & your children are citizens of this country. As such you have a stake in their success - success which depends in large part on the education of our children - all our children.

As someone that is not married and does not have any children, I always thought my contribution to my community's educating youth (and therefore the success, as a whole, of our country) was through the taxes I pay. What I assume is that educators are properly and responsibly using the taxes I contribute to educate our youth.

If there is a deficiency in educating our youth, I think what tends to be thrown aside is determining what's working and what's not. Rather than do the hard work on performing this due diligence, the easier and sadly more common thing is to just throw more money at the problem. It's a poor business plan straight out of the gate. The US has a high per capita on education spending yet we seem to lag behind other countries that spend less educating their youth.

I'll go ahead and make it clear that I am not saying we need to slash spending on education but I think our government (at all levels -- city, state, and federal) could be better stewards of our children with the funds they are already given. If they prove the can improve what is coming out of our schools then I think we can open a healthy conversation on whether they deserve more money.

Edited by UNTFan23
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