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Mean Green win again


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The Mean Green beat Southeast Missouri State at the Super Pit tonight 69-62.

The team now has it's best start through 9 games since 1980!

Freshman Quincy Williams had a good night in the post, scoring 14 points and 8 rebounds in his second start. SEMO made this game ugly, and they were able to hang around because of it, but the Mean Green were just too much. It's good to not only win games going away, but tough out the ugly ones too.

Edited by Coach
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Here is what I wrote on the Belt board, someone let me know if I got anything wrong so I can edit it, thanks:

I know that a 6-3 record isn't crap to a lot of your schools for basketball but it has been 24 seasons (1980-1981 season) since NT started off 6-3. With the 6 point win over SEMO tonight our only losses are to UT (Austin), TCU, and Alabama. We are playing a lot of new faces on our squad and lost our dominating center from last year (Shawnson Johnson)...

This is a whole new territory for my generation, back in the 80's, I hear that there was some great basketball at North Texas but as long as I have been following the Mean Green I have never seen us have much more than a .500 season. My first year as a fan we got knocked off by NLU (now ULM) in the SLC finals and since then we have had one .500 season a couple of years ago when it was Johnny Jones' first season... that is about it. 69-62 win tonight, I had to listen to it on the radio because there is snow and ice everywhere on the roads and I-35 is literally shut down from Ft Worth to Denton right now. The win sounded sloppy but this team is winning the slick games and the sloppy games. We got embarassed by UT on TV but we should have beat TCU, we totally lost that game at the charity stripe. I think we missed 20 free throws in that game... one of the most frustrating games I have ever watched just "slip away" from us...

Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that the road to the Final Four goes through DENTON this year, lol... We have the SBC championship in Denton this year... should be interesting... next up is UT-Chatanooga. They seem like a feisty bunch and they have a good season going on with a win over the other big state UT (Tenn)... That is a tourney so we will see how things go with that. Tough opponent/game to have first in a tourney but they are giving us a return trip to Denton next year as our reward for playing them first in the tourney.

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An ugly win for sure. Like Coach said, it is a good sign when you can win games in which you play relatively poorly in. It is these games that show if your team has what it takes to pull out a win, and that is necessary for a team to take the next step. I believe that last year's team would have lost this game, because last year when we couldn't make our shots we lost.

30 point wins with lots of fireworks are a blast, but many times a win like tonight's means more than a blowout win.

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For those of you that were not able to make it tonight; the pit was pretty empty. There were only 4 cheerleaders, and 2 dancers. It was a very quiet night at the pit. Also, no band tonight either.

I honestly believe that the crowd plays a major factor in our team's performance. Tonight felt very "odd" and the team worked very hard and played very hard to build some momentum, and it came towards the end of the game.

I do think that it shows that we have a team that can get in the trenches and slug it out and make a win happen even when we are not playing our "A" game.

SEMO did have about 3-4 players put up some pretty impressive #'s tonight. One of them was the Goner kid who fouled out, and Brett? who hit some 3's.

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Coach Jones made it a point to thank those people that made it to the game in the postgame interview. I think Johnny is aware that the team seems to respond better to a larger, more energetic crowd. After this game the Mean Green will be road warriors. I'm hoping for some good games, as tonight seems to have been a good indication that we might. I'm hoping for a hearty "homecoming" when the team returns to the Pit for the conference slate on Jan. 20 versus Arkansas Little Rock. I know I'll clear my schedule for the Saturday game on the 22nd versus Arkansas State.

Go Mean Green!!!

Edited by UNTFan23
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Well, I was on my way to the game, but:

More than halfway to Denton from McKinney down 380, I caught traffic. The highway was at a dead standstill in both directions, from an accident. I hit it at about 7:10, I turned around at 8:10. In that 1 hour, I did not even move a mile. I love winter weather, but I wish people would learn to drive in it. mad.gif

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I was one of the few there for the seven point win, and although it was a pretty boring game, I'll certainly take it. It almost seemed as if our guys were just coasting and keeping the game close.

It took forever for us to get there from Coppell. The return trip wasn't bad at all. I hope that the team can pick up the intensity from here on out.

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Coach Jones went out of his way to make sure that the people that did brave the weather were thanked for coming...We...the six or seven of us that went tonight for pit crew where hanging around after the game waiting on Effin so we could go eat and Coach Jones as well as most of the players and the other coaches stopped by and thanked us for being there. He said even just alittle bit rowdyness from the smallest group of people can help the team out....I was impressed how many players had something to say about it tonight....the game may not have been the most exciting of the season but it DEF. showed this team can fight and when a close game...I am stoked...if you aren't believin yet...get to it....

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For those of you that were not able to make it tonight; the pit was pretty empty. There were only 4 cheerleaders, and 2 dancers. It was a very quiet night at the pit. Also, no band tonight either.

I honestly believe that the crowd plays a major factor in our team's performance. Tonight felt very "odd"  and the team worked very hard and played very hard to build some momentum, and it came towards the end of the game.

I do think that it shows that we have a team that can get in the trenches and slug it out and make a win happen even when we are not playing our "A" game.

SEMO did have about 3-4 players put up some pretty impressive #'s tonight. One of them was the Goner kid who fouled out, and Brett? who hit some 3's.

The fact that most of the students are home for the holidays plays factor into this. Also the weather didn't help either. But thankfully the way the schedule worked out, this is the only game that the men's team will play at the Super Pit during the school's winter break.

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Star Telegram article

He brings up a great stat that is very encouraging, which is that we shot 18 for 20 from the charity stripe in the second half. I was starting to worry that we might regress to last year's poor FT shooting after the TCU game, but this is a good sign that won't happen. Last year's team lost a lot of games because they couldn't make FTs, especially late in games, which is why last night's game is so encouraging.

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To be honest, the loss of Justin Barnett will help this team. It's good to see Quincy Williams and Jeffrey Simpson get quality playing time. Simpson is a good player who needs more minutes to show what he's got. He's just not comfortable yet. He's capable of hitting the medium range jumper and of blocking many shots. When Barnett returns, then we'll have 3 players who can all play quality minutes.

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Yes Darrell, he WAS talking about YOU! tongue.gif

Huh? I go to the basketball games. In fact, I haven't missed a men's game this year and did not miss any last season. How many BB games have you made this year?

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Huh? I go to the basketball games. In fact, I haven't missed a men's game this year and did not miss any last season. How many BB games have you made this year?

Not you. The reference was about "a UNT coach that actually appreciates the fans?". DD would get more fan love if just acknowledged them instead of talking like we are bad cousins.

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Not you. The reference was about "a UNT coach that actually appreciates the fans?". DD would get more fan love if just acknowledged them instead of talking like we are bad cousins.

You suffer from selective memory, I see. DD has thanked the fans who support the team and show up to games, but you don't remember that. That is probably because it hits close to home when DD refers to the people who start with the negativity every time every single thing doesn't go our way. I can't remember the last time you posted at GMG.com when you didn't have something you could be negative about. When the football team started winning and continued it's amazing conference winning streak, you disappeared. However, you did make an appearance when the occasional thread popped up that gave you the opportunity to bash the coaches.

You are currently posting on the basketball board not to discuss basketball, of course, but because an opportunity presented itself to bash DD. Which really gets to me because the basketball board was a place where we didn't have to put up with crap from people like you. It is the football offseason, the perfect time to go to the football board and talk about how horrible our 4 time conference coach of the year who recruits the likes of Jamario Thomas, and let us discuss Mean Green basketball in peace.

Also, a special thanks goes out to Baby Arm for starting this here on the basketball board. We know you don't care about basketball, so please don't come here and start this kind of crap here. I expect to see that nonsense when I go to the football board, but not when I come to the basketball board.

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Wait a second... I'm getting grief for being sardonic with a veiled referrence to football coach on the basketball board???? I've seen ENTIRE threads about basketball on the football board? Where's the outrage there?????

LoveMG gets the sarcasm directed at Dickey, it took LoveMG to point it out for E-Bone to get it.

But since E-Bone opened up this can of worms.......My post was more props to Coach Jones. Here we have a coach that realizes and appreciates the fans. My post wasn't a chance to bash DD, it was to point out through comparison how much mileage that kind of action has. Jones thanking the fans, (even the limited support they got) is fantastic. Its much better from a fan standpoint for him to thank the fans for filled seats than to waste energy complaining about the empty ones. This is something Dickey doesn't do. I've lost count of how many times DD has made comments dennegrating the fan's support. And don't go making this all about how fans go negative against DD. When a coach does negetive things, i.e. losing to 65-0, losing at home to FAU, Not beating a team with a winning record with the exeception of Cinncy in 2002, teams being utterly unprepared and non-competitive in OOC game after game after game, etc and then put's down the fan support he does have...... the fans have every right to react negativly

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Also, a special thanks goes out to Baby Arm for starting this here on the basketball board. We know you don't care about basketball, so please don't come here and start this kind of crap here. I expect to see that nonsense when I go to the football board, but not when I come to the basketball board.

If you don't like our opinions, DONT READ THEM! The fact remains despite all your drivel that JJ knows how to complement fans and DD knows how to turn them off. That is relative to this forum even if you do not like it. Are you 12 or 14?

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If you don't like our opinions, DONT READ THEM! The fact remains despite all your drivel that JJ knows how to complement fans and DD knows how to turn them off. That is relative to this forum even if you do not like it. Are you 12 or 14?

It's funny how the individual who only comes out from beneath his rock when there is something he can be negative about asks me how old I am. Also, ye old and wise one, how can I know if I don't like certain opinions if I don't read them? rolleyes.gif

I read the basketball board because I am a Mean Green basketball fan. This is probably the first time you have been to the basketball board in a very long time, and it is *surprise* to bash DD. Which goes right along with the profile you have created for yourself, which is a person who only shows his "face" when there is something or someone he can bash.

DD hasn't turned me off because when he thanks the fans who support the team no matter what, I know he is talking about me. When he refers to the fans who look for any little thing to bash him and the team about, I know he isn't talking about me. I can see how you would have the opposite viewpoint as me on that issue.

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Wait a second...  I'm getting grief for being sardonic with a veiled referrence to football coach on the basketball board????    I've seen ENTIRE threads about basketball on the football board?  Where's the outrage there?????

Yes, we know you have seen threads on the football board about basketball and that it drives you crazy. Which is why you can see why I was so surpised to see you and the word basketball in the same thread without you saying "doesn't this blong on the basketball board???!?!". I then noticed that you had come to the basketball board to bash DD, because you would have no reason to talk basketball seeing as how you don't give a crap about NT basketball.

The reason those threads are allowed to be on the football board from time to time is to create awareness about something other than football. Many supposed Mean Green athletics supporters only care about football, which is probably why we aren't in CUSA right now. It takes more than football for the athletic department to thrive, and we will all see this when we finally move up to a better conference in large part due to improved basketball and a baseball team.

Also, you contradict yourself in your post by saying

LoveMG gets the sarcasm directed at Dickey, it took LoveMG to point it out for E-Bone to get it.

and then saying

My post was more props to Coach Jones. Here we have a coach that realizes and appreciates the fans. My post wasn't a chance to bash DD

BTW, I got your sarcastic remark directed at DD, and that is what "opened up this can of worms". Leave that crap for the football board and let the NT athletics supporters at least one place where we can have rational discussions.

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because you would have no reason to talk basketball seeing as how you don't give a crap about NT basketball.


whoever said I don't care about basketball? You assume that because I wonder why the bball supporters feel the have to post on the football board or their posts would be ignored? That's quite a leap!

Many supposed Mean Green athletics supporters only care about football, which is probably why we aren't in CUSA right now.

Oh I see, so now it's those football fan's fault for us not being in CUSA.... Geez, you sound more and more like your hero Dickey. Blame the fans first. Especially the ones that show an interest, show up at games, buy season tickets, join the Mean Green Club. Yeah, it's those bastards that are holding this athletic department down <_< I guess those "supposed" supporters aren't true fans in your eyes because they like football more than basketball? I guess we should minimize the support they give because it doesn't meet with your preconceived conception of what a true fan is?

Also, you contradict yourself in your post by saying

and then saying

Ok, I have to admit I can't see what is contradictory in those two statements? What's your point again????

Leave that crap for the football board and let the NT athletics supporters at least one place where we can have rational discussions.

Rational????? you're the one that flew off the handle on that little comment. Accuse me on not caring about the basketball team? Denegrate the support of football fans....Yeah, THAT'S rational <_<

Edited by Baby Arm!
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e-bone, calm down. You sure are comfortable making assumptions about people you have probably never met. I am a season ticket holder and agree with everything LoveMG and baby arm have posted. I also agree with most of your posts except for your hammering of other posters for stating their opinions about the difference in the BASKETBALL coach and the football coach. JJ tends to stress the positive and build from there, while the other coach tends to overlook the ones that are there to support his team and throws daggers at the ones that don't show up. I like JJ's approach and see it filling more seats.

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