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UNT 90 Grad

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90 is pessimistic, hates all things RV, and assumes everything RV touches will fail based on his experiences.

Seuss is optimistic and is enthusiastic about the program outside of his feelings for the person running the athletics department.

90 is a whipped dog, Seuss hasn't been beaten down as many times as 90 so he still exudes positivity.

I understand 90's perspective but I appreciate Seuss's perspective more because what is the point of coming on the board and caring about this program if you expect to fail regardless of any changes made.

Because I'm MONETARILY invested. If I hadn't purchased club seats, I would do what so many before have done, simply walk away until RV is no longer AD, and only come back if the next AD hire new what they were doing and had a plan.

Unfortunately, I have sunk a considerable portion of my income into club seats. The return on investment has quite frankly sucked. And just when I may have figured out a way to divorce myself temporarily from this program while maintaining the investment, RV gives some rambling statement that indicates a massive increase in MGC donation level will be required to keep those club seats.

So I don't have the option to walk away right now. If I did, I would have. 

I would advise anyone considering purchasing club seats to wait until UNT has a new AD. Otherwise, you will just be throwing money in the trash. 

I'll be here until RV is gone or I walk away. If I was just a regular season ticket holder and MGC member, I would have left before last year. 

Edited by UNT90
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Question it, and prepared to be insulted. So dumb.

The irony of this comment is just so thick.  Talk about pot calling kettle.  Folks disagree with you and you are so quick with a response calling someone a snot nosed juvenile or a RV lover, etc....  You have become comedy gold for the rest of us.  I tell you to call the ticket office to get an answer ans all of a sudden I am a disciple of RV's school of marketing.  You blind hatred has, well, blinded you.

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The irony of this comment is just so thick.  Talk about pot calling kettle.  Folks disagree with you and you are so quick with a response calling someone a snot nosed juvenile or a RV lover, etc....  You have become comedy gold for the rest of us.  I tell you to call the ticket office to get an answer ans all of a sudden I am a disciple of RV's school of marketing.  You blind hatred has, well, blinded you.

Apparently you didn't read the post that warranted that mocking response, or you just chose to attempt to pigeonhole me into what you want me to be.

Kinda sad.

And just for the record, I should call the ticket office about an increase that hasn't been announced, they haven't sent out literature about, and RV couldn't coherently explain?

Take a guess how that conversation will go, after I spend 20 minutes on hold...

As far as comedy gold, you also provide it by accepting losing as a way of life. 

Edited by UNT90
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Where did you ever get that accept losing.  Talk about pigeon-holing.  

Yes, if you have a question about ticket prices, go to the ticket office to get an answer, not a fan message board where it comes across as just more bitching about RV.

You name call and act childish towards anyone that doesn't share your views.  I am not a fan of RV as I think he has accomplished all he is capable of at UNT.  I am appreciative of the advances in facilities, etc... under his leadership but it is now time for a change.  I just think there are more effective means than flying banners and acting childish on a message board.

Honestly, I don't know why I, or any other poster, continues to respond to your constant drivel.

Nor I to yours. 

I'm glad you see how pigeonholing works, now maybe some self examination is in order, as you inserted yourself into this conversation and accused me of blind hatred, which is just dumb.

I have never commented on anything about RV except his job performance, which absolutely sucks. Others on here have made personal comments about RV, which I find out of line. But you don't agree with me, so you label me. How does that make you feel? 

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Labelling? Umm, okay.

I feel great, thanks for asking.

Yes, labeling.  

I don't believe this program can be successful with RV as the AD. 15 years bear that out. I don't think Littrell will automatically be successful here, and I don't think the current AD will give him the tools to be successful. Frankly, if he succeeds it would be a major miracle and a P5 should snap him up quickly. He faces steep odds. 

If that makes me full of "blind hatred," so be it.

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90 is pessimistic, hates all things RV, and assumes everything RV touches will fail based on his experiences.

Seuss is optimistic and is enthusiastic about the program outside of his feelings for the person running the athletics department.

90 is a whipped dog, Seuss hasn't been beaten down as many times as 90 so he still exudes positivity.

I understand 90's perspective but I appreciate Seuss's perspective more because what is the point of coming on the board and caring about this program if you expect to fail regardless of any changes made.

It's December and the days are getting shorter and cooler. 

UNT90 - if RV didn't do such a terrible job scheduling the seasons, that wouldn't happen. 


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