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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2023 in all areas

  1. How do you leave Jett Duncan out of this article?? Started every game in 2022 at right tackle. Never graded lower than top 3 among the Offensive line all season, multiple week Offensive line MVP, Team Captain for the Rice game, and was the Offensive player of the week against UAB!
    5 points
  2. So the big money media rights deal paying a depleted PAC 12 adding SMU and maybe SDSU is a done deal right? I am sure those great Southern California viewership numbers for SDSU and DFW area SMU game viewership numbers have media executives salivating to pay the PAC 12 well over 30 million per team. Man, I am going to rush out a bulk buy SMU season tickets to scalp them for all those Cal, Stanford, Colorado and SDSU fans that are going to pack Ford Stadium.
    5 points
  3. 5 points
  4. I transferred from UT. As much as dreamed of being a UT athlete and fan as a youngster, I did not like UT. I came to NT intent on loving my last 2.5 years of college. It started with the first game I saw as a student, ironically Texas. We won on an overtime three-pointer, if I recall correctly. I never looked back. Win or lose, I love my team and I attend every football home game, a few basketball and soccer games and more softball games. I'd rather see any North Texas game than any Texas game, and haven't owned a UT shirt since Dec of 1980. (caveat: I was in the Hammer Squad at FW Southwest. It is in my blood to go to games and make noises, some rude, when there) GMG
    5 points
  5. I often speak with kids that take recruiting visits to universities. They generally come back with free swag, which ranges from stickers to t-shirts... to nice pullover shirts and polos. Today I saw a nice TCU pullover shirt with a zip-up collar. I was informed by the kid that he also received a t-shirt, stickers and water bottle on that TCU visit too. I'm just wondering how strong is our recruiting swag game? For the record, one of these recruits was a football player, one boy runs track, and two were softball players. All four have been on several visits and also taken official visits. I asked these recruits if the quality of swag influenced their opinion of the programs that invited them for visits, and all 4 said "Yes, the quality of the swag was a strong influence on their opinion of how serious that program was about supporting their sports". I polled these kids and asked if there was an item they wish they were given on these trips, and there was a clear winner. All 4 said "pullover hoodies promoting their sport". None of them were given hoodies. One kid told me he'd wear it every day if he got one on a visit. Which makes sense. Most kids in high school wear hoodies on a daily basis.
    4 points
  6. I understand and agree with innocent until proven guilty. That said, where there's smoke there's fire. She made a call to police and told officers what happened. Her public statement later said then that he was defending himself. Defending himself against what? Her? So she implied she was assaulting him first? She also said she didn't mean for him to be arrested which is very common in domestic violence situations. People call for police because they want the immediate violence to stop but they don't want to pursue charges because the other person may be the main breadwinner, they think they love them, or they're afraid of what'll happen when the other person gets out of jail. The report said she had teeth marks and redness, a cut and dry blood, and an abrasion. She never said there wasn't a physical altercation. She just said he may not have been the one who started it and she didn't want him prosecuted. That’s why it was dropped. People getting off with crimes on technicalities doesn't mean they're good people. Just means they beat the system that time. I wouldn't want him at UNT.
    4 points
  7. I took classes while I was in the Marines and then attended UNT. Technically I was a transfer student. A buddy in college started out at a JUCO to save money then transferred to UNT. Us losers went to every home game. If you care more about football than the school there’s this thing called the NFL.
    4 points
  8. Our undefeated and nationally ranked softball team needs your support. Having a ranked sports team beating other ranked teams reflects positively on our entire athletics program. Please, if you can, BE THERE, WEAR GREEN, CHEER LOUDLY. The Tracy Beard Classic. 7:30 Saturday Nighthttp://www.tracybeardcollegeclassic.com/ North Texas Game Schedule Friday, February 17 (Day One) Field 5, 1:30pm South Dakota v North Texas Field 5, 4:00pm UT-Arlington v North Texas Saturday, February 18 (Day Two) Field 5, 1:30pm Sam Houston v North Texas Field 5, 7:30pm #15 Kentucky v #22 North Texas Sunday, Febuary 19 (Day Three) Field 5, 12:30pm McNeese State v North Texas Thank You, and Go Mean Green!
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Without UCLA & USC cheerleaders what’s the point?
    3 points
  11. A couple thoughts: SMU finding out there is one thing their amount of money can't by: media rights. All this back door talk, and they for once cannot wave their budget around. Their money doesn't matter. PAC12 is trying to find leverage for more TV money, and SMU is there only to do the bare minimum: fill up the schedule inventory. So, they'll accept this supposed invite because, hey! PAC12, but everyone else is backing out and it appears we are watching the beginning of the end of the PAC12. This might seem better than AAC right now, but I see regional foes growing with each other (Belt last decade+, for example). We could see some cool stuff happen in this region coming up, and SMU will find itself on the outside looking in because it is so desparate to look relevant on the national scale, it is forgetting where it is rooted.
    3 points
  12. It isn’t just PR. The PAC 12 is in the worst position by far of the P5 conferences. My pure logic base speculation is that Washington and Oregon should really consider taking their football programs independent if they are not going to get 30 million plus with the next PAC 12 deal. There isn’t some anti PAC 12 conspiracy, the math is easy. If Notre Dame’s bargain basement number for football only after the current deal is 40 million with NBC (reports are already out that the opening bid will be at least 60 million and their currently already getting 25 million). Washington/Oregon can schedule any G5 team they want on a whim (including P5 teams Texas Tech, Baylor, and Houston) for recruiting purposes and ratings. If building a complete compelling football schedule isn’t a challenge and your other programs can easily find a conference home, there is no reason not to explore what is financially available for going independent. They could always backtrack and go back to the PAC 12 if they don’t like the bids they get. Minimally it is logical that Oregon and Washington would get 30 million based on deals already signed. Virtually guaranteed afternoon and Saturday evening FBS content for NBC from September till the first Saturday in December. And NBC pays only around 120 million per year 60 million for Notre Dame and 60 million for Oregon/Washington combined.
    3 points
  13. Still trying to find PAC12 outlets, which is hard right now. Can you point us in the right direction?
    3 points
  14. You have some serious issues. Been following Harry's boards for a long time, but not sure I have ever seen anything this stupid. Not sure what someone that transferred in did to you, but I hope one day you can get over yourself it. Maybe you should change your user name to NTWeLove, except for transfers.
    3 points
  15. . I’m sure there is room in the budget to pay for a some shirts and a few stickers. Besides having these young and desirable players seen wearing green- even if they don’t end up in Denton, is not a bad thing.
    3 points
  16. I feel like if you can die for your country you should be able to drink and smoke dope responsibly.
    3 points
  17. I thought it was a great listen! I appreciated his nod to Womack and the previous S&C staff. Glad to have him on board.
    3 points
  18. Students will come when they feel seating is limited or they are missing out on an important event. I say forget marketing to students! Put all our efforts and AD resource$ into marketing to Alumni, adults, groups...non-campus fans (Denton, DFW area suburbs). When college stadiums are full of adults, and students feel they only have limited seating THEN the game will be an event and must-see to students!
    3 points
  19. push football games back to 6 pm because students are not going to cook in the sun at 3 pm.
    3 points
  20. Our attendance at every sports venue is not good. I see Alumni are starting to show but how do we get the students to the games. Men’s Basketball is winning and ranked 12th in the Mid-Major. Softball is ranked 22nd in the nation and soccer is a winning program. The new football staff are putting pieces of the puzzle together for a run in the first AAC season, but how do we get butts in the stands. I have an idea, but it takes every organization on campus( Sports, Greek, Band, etc) along with Prez Smatresk and Mr Mosley’s staff. We need a campus challenge. It should be based on participation to all sports activities and other items such as plays, music performances, etc. We should have weekly, monthly, and semester prizes to the organization with the most attendance to other activities on campus. Our coaches and leaders of these organizations should be making it a requirement to attend at least one activity a week that is not the one you are involved in. An individual would need to post his/her attendance to said activity on social media and tag the organization they are from, the sport or other activity they are attending, and the Prez and Mosley staff. These are then tallied to see which organization(s) have the most school spirit. They then get either a party, recognized at a sporting event, 10points on an upcoming test/assignment, etc. I know some organizations are smaller so you would have to do it by percentage. Such as 80% of this organization went to at least two activities this week. If you go to an away game you get double the points, or something like that. Having a campus competition, I believe, will help build hype for UNT. Hell, I didn’t go to UNT, but have been to a home and road basketball game, road softball game, and home soccer game. I go to most football games due to my son playing but you get the point. I’m invested in UNT’s success. They gave my son a full ride scholarship, it’s the least I could do. Thoughts on how we can get our stadiums full?
    2 points
  21. I like the jersey given out to the freshman class each year.
    2 points
  22. I don't know, but I live in Denton and can assure you it's much cheaper.
    2 points
  23. How well are the new students being indoctrinated on athletics at boot camp? Get them enthused with band and cheerleaders present. Form competition between dorms and organizations. Have game day reminders displayed on campus. Free Wing Zone tickets to DISD elementary students on a given day when accompanied by a parent. Discounted tickets to middle and high school students. If we can't get enough students there work on the townspeople. No day games until late October to avoid the blistering sun that the student side faces. Hold pep rallies on campus the Friday before a home game. Deeply discount Wing Section tickets. As RV used to say, "An empty seat can't buy a hot dog."
    2 points
  24. Dave Campbell's top 10 transfer pickups in Texas.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. I think we can all just be glad you aren't making any decisions at any level.
    2 points
  27. There's significant question of what SMU brings to the PAC12... ...to provide inventory. ...the value of the conference is significantly lower than what they thought...
    2 points
  28. For more background on the sinking ship that SMU fan…err I mean fans can’t wait to ride down with. 😂
    2 points
  29. Especially as the market for televised FBS games changes. An unintended consequence of having a 12 team playoff and losing historical conference rivalries will be diminished viewership. All of these moves except for the playoff are short sighted and greedy for the big brand schools. Outside of the matchups of the featuring the upper half, upper 1/3 of Big 10 schools, and 4 anchor schools of the PAC 12 none of the conference game catalogs drive eyeballs to screens. Now that the PAC 12 is the only P5 shopping for a new deal media outlet executives and looking at that data. My teenage boys were VAGUELY interested in the Super Bowl this year. A generation ago in Texas that was a rarity. If they don’t go a school with a passionate football tradition, I don’t see them becoming regular FBS game viewers. Most people don’t go to 4 Year universities let alone universities than play FBS football. The long term prospects for regular season FBS game viewership are poor (especially the first 6 weeks of the season among all but the best big brands). Who really going to rush to a streaming service or cable network to watch unranked 4-2 UCLA vs 3-2 Nebraska other than diehard fans?
    2 points
  30. I don’t understand why a school would need to be desperate to hire a proven great coach with no criminal history. Guilty until proven innocent has already cost him his dream job, it should not prevent him from getting another one.
    2 points
  31. Us losers had floor seats back in the day.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. While I was there me and several other losers went to many games and supported the program.
    2 points
  34. I hope they stay. I want to play the ass holes every year.
    2 points
  35. Shorter has amazing tenacity, especially when he gets close to the goal line. He's tough as iron but he does take a pounding. There are times when I think his fighting for additional yardage leaves him vulnerable to more hits with some of them being injurious. Not meaning to be untrue to my Texas roots, but there may be times when it's beneficial just to step out of bounds.
    2 points
  36. Students will go where there's beer, music, and people to meet. What's key for us is how to help them do that safely before, and after our games. I suggest providing well lit designated party areas for the organizations that apply, provide them power for music which is cut during the games, and strictly police those areas to keep thievery and binge drinking from happening during the games. They'll also need power for post-game parties and lighting for when they pick up their tents, tables, and chairs. .
    2 points
  37. Agree. It seems they could just reuse the current large video board on top of the new AC roof (in yellow). It would be almost where it is, setback maybe 20 feet and just elevated another story.
    2 points
  38. Try moving to a P5 conference. It should boost attendance
    2 points
  39. That's why he was fired. I have no idea if he was guilty, it's irrelevant. Stop looking for things to get offended by
    2 points
  40. We? Didn't realize you were a fan of the program. No, I would hope our leadership had the fortitude to seriously review the entire situation prior to making the jump. smu is so Dallas, always worried about appearances. If the PAC loses four teams to the Big10 and four to the Big XII, which is a distinct possibility considering the PAC12's inability to secure a broadcast deal, then what is the attraction?
    2 points

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