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Side.Show.Joe last won the day on November 5 2023

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  1. The whole production sucks. Bad camera work. Too often the action isn't even in the frame.
  2. It's very discouraging that our defense is still trash. It's even worse when I think that we also have 3 defenders out today due to recently being incarcerated. I don't see that side of the ball getting any better during halftime, so the offense needs to be near perfect in the second half or we will lose this game.
  3. I'm not drinking the green Kool Aid this season, but I do have a good feeling about this game. We'll find out soon if we won the "Portal Lottery".
  4. Marshall did a fair job of renovating that trailer.
  5. I think we all want to see our team get off to a fast start on offense and defense. If the defense swarms to the ball early, I think that will be a good sign. I'm also hoping Morris gives our big-leg kicker a shot at one of those 70+ yard field goals he's posted on X. Not that I want us to need such an attempt. I just want to see him try it in a game.
  6. I agree, we looked terrible to start last season. But, I think Morris has too much pride to field another team that will start that bad again. And, USA is breaking in a new coach.
  7. I have never been to a physician that had a UNT medical degree hanging on their wall, and sadly, I don't know of anyone that has.
  8. The Heath Science center in Fort Worth is not a real medical school. We don't graduate surgeons and operate a working hospital.
  9. Ha! Yeah, I got distracted and didn't finish before hitting the submit. UNT 38 USA 34
  10. There were things I hoped to see this past off-season, like a new DC, a heavy influx of defensive talent, and a defensive scheme that fits our personal. We didn't get most of that. 6-7
  11. Now they will be the 3rd largest research university in Texas, with a combined enrollment of 40K, and an endowment of well over $1 billion. What is UNT's response? Because not being able to have a medical school is killing UNT's future.
  12. I'll be needing a lot of that if our defense plays like it did last year.
  13. I have nothing personal against them, but they should not have been granted the Texas State name. It implies more stature than their university has earned. Morris needs UNT to post a better record than TS this season.
  14. Southwest Texas State is getting votes, UT-Sorta Almost is a preseason contender for the 5th playoff auto-bid, and we are still hoping we will figure out how to play defense this season. We should not be in this position. Having said that... I'll be at the games and praying Morris has finally solved the "Leach-Coaching-Tree" defensive mystery.
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