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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2019 in Posts

  1. fans will get to see what Fine can do with a real legit O-Line, where he has time to throw and check.
    8 points
  2. Will definitely be watching. Players in the shrine game two years in a row is a good sign for the program.
    6 points
  3. Feeling really good about the trajectory of the team. Not feeling great about the end of that game.
    6 points
  4. Great game. Amazing how much better the team looks as compared to our game against Arkansas. Super Pit looked great on television, announcers were good and the crowd sounded great. Proud of the team. If they keep improving, they can do great things. Reese looked like the player he was at Odessa College last year. Nice to see him contributing, and Draper played well. Too bad he isn't two or three inches taller.
    6 points
  5. Sorry, I find this to be terribly inaccurate statement and not needed. Their star player hit the shot at the end and we had our shooter bring the ball up. I would have like to see Hamlet bring the ball up and then have the option of going to either Gibson or Draper outside, or drive to the basket trying to draw contact.
    6 points
  6. There are many cases where surgery is not needed for a partial tear. It all has to do with knee stability. I am 100% sure he has been working with an orthopedic doctor who is giving him advice based on his injury. I had a partial tear of my ACL with no stability issues. Recovered in 4 months then had another 3 months of heavy PT. Played 2 more years on the offensive line without braces, jumped out of airplanes for 4 years, and then played 3 years of Rugby at UNT with no issues. At 49 it does sound like popcorn when I walk...
    6 points
  7. Good game by the Mean Green. Great hustle outrebounding a taller team of that caliber. Just couldn’t overcome the officiating. The Super Pit can be such a fun experience when there’s a decent crowd. Keep the hustle and defense up and we might do something in conference? Rick
    5 points
  8. Sucks to lose that one but basketball is fun again. On the way home I got angry thinking about where we could be if Benford never happened.
    5 points
  9. The most disappointing thing is we had a Power conference team at home...on the ropes. We just don't get many visits from brand name schools, when the opportunity is there for a win...gotta snatch it.
    5 points
  10. Well, could this game feel any more North Texas?
    5 points
  11. One more ride together for Fine & Hamilton.
    4 points
  12. While that is true, they also accomplished Seth’s mission before he ever laid it out. I’ve never heard him say “our goal is to win more games than we lose”, I have heard him say for 3-4 years now “win our bowl game” and yet he has been blown out in two of the three he has coached in. Don’t get me wrong, I love Seth and hopes he stays long enough to retire from North Texas but he is never going to win a bowl game or conference title without a top-notch defense. It has to be a priority both in coaching and recruiting. My hope is that his choice for DC will remedy this but we won’t know until they come on board. 3 things HAVE to get better with the new DC. Quarterback pressures, turnovers, and tackling. Edit: And aggressiveness, we need an attacking defense again where the opposing offensive players are afraid to catch or run the ball against us for fear of being lit up.
    4 points
  13. We should have won the game. But at least we didn’t get our doors blown off. I hope that experience is enough for those students to come back and bring their friends.
    4 points
  14. Also had three clutch FTs.
    4 points
  15. We didn't have a TO to take at the end...we'd already used them all up.
    4 points
  16. OU lead the first minute and the last minute and basically nothing in between. Still proud of the guys tonight
    4 points
  17. OK, now that the season is over, anyone care to assess the newest version of the Green Brigade? Let me start. Pre-game. We actually have one now. We start with the big announcement of pre-game starting and then the Band opens with a Fanfare. An original North Texas based composition. This is historical. No one has ever done that. Incorporating the spirit/curfew bell outline into the tribute to America routine was fantastic......and also historical. I don't think that has ever been done either. Half time shows If "Fessor Cook" and the GB keep coming up with shows like this....or better then they are really going to be deserving of the brag "Best Band in America".....but they're not there quite yet. In the stands Great energy and great promotion of fan participation. The Band was having fun and it was infectious. 👍 So how does everyone else feel?
    3 points
  18. If I'm a P5....I have to be asking what has Bill Clark actually done? Besides beat up a really bad conference with players no one else was allowed to play with and not play anyone in OOC. He's not unlike Littrell in some regards. Both rebuilt programs from the scrap heap. Both have never beaten anyone of consequence. Both have ridden the hype train fueled on their records vs the worst conference in FBS and their program's history. Clark was just able to do it with different rules. I understand his program was gone for a few years but it's not like their players left. They got to hang onto them and then get other players that didn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. Hell....shutting down their program was actually good for them. What kind of shape would they be in had they kept plodding along before the shutdown....they wouldn't have won the conference, they wouldn't be building a new stadium, etc unless what happened to them had happened. I'm not saying "hey go shut down your program and it will be good." But you can't argue that it hasn't been good for UAB where they sit in 2019. And there's not enough to show from Bill Clark at this point. He hasn't proven anything of substance to warrant a P5 job yet. He's going to have to do it a few more years.
    3 points
  19. Maybe other programs see this too..... He won't be playing his 30 year olds against G5s....maybe they want to see one more year...how he recruits?
    3 points
  20. If I may opine, I think Fine will shine at the Shrine
    3 points
  21. off subject. but got updated list of DC candidates. Good looking group.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. The band is great, but someone over there needs to figure out how to play with the flow of the game. When we are on defense, they play extremely loud on 2nd down. Fantastic. But there has been countless times where they don't make a peep on 3rd. That needs to change. Also if I hear one more peep out of the band when we are on offense I am going to lose my mind. The band should not play on offense. You should be able to hear a pen drop in Apogee when our team is preparing to snap the ball. Not that it makes me some expert, but I was in drumline in high school (even considered trying out for the NT drumline, but decided to move on from that) and even our small school crappy band knew when we were suppose to play in the stands.
    3 points
  24. I hope the last part happens. I hope fans see how we can compete at any level, and show up Saturday.
    3 points
  25. Only at North Texas would records of 22-32 and 42-64 be classified as "working"
    3 points
  26. NT 41 ---------- OU 36 Halftime Excellent twenty minutes by the good guys.
    3 points
  27. Jeff Tedford stepping down at Fresno St as of last night. Health reasons. He had them ranked #18 last year. I think that's a top G5 job.....
    2 points
  28. Oh, I know. I wish we would have had Mo & Draper planted at the 3pt line on the other end, ready to shoot, but I guess you need a guy you can trust to bring the ball up the floor first before finding the shooter.
    2 points
  29. If you do choose to share, I think you should do it in a clean thread. This one got a little out of hand.
    2 points
  30. I think he's defending what Littrell has done here so far, and some people can only see through the lense of our own past... so he has to bring up 1-11. 1 down year is somewhat acceptable (it's a tough pill to swallow, though) when having 9 win seasons in between. Now, if next season is another 6-win or less season, then I'll start getting nervous.
    2 points
  31. You're defending mediocrity. My apologies...Don't let me get in the way.
    2 points
  32. This would be a great hire for them if they do it. heard son interesting names down there. https://thespun.com/college-football/houston-nutt-interested-in-coaching-job
    2 points
  33. This. That's why I don't buy the "Seth will never care about defense" argument. He better start caring about it if this team is going to accomplish the goals he has set out. That starts with knocking it out of the park in hiring the new DC and continuing our upward trend of recruiting defensive players. Honestly tired of getting the absolute hell beaten out of us on defense from bowl games to pretty much every game last season.
    2 points
  34. And lost....... Embarrassingly........ *****
    2 points
  35. Some know how to derail a thread
    2 points
  36. And how many of many wins of the great DD 42 -64 record were against fun belt teams with losing records.....
    2 points
  37. Laugh your ass off all you want. It should sound about like what the 25 Rice fans were doing as we left through the gates back to our cars. Our past two eras of offense first philosophies have earned us an average of 6th place and a slap on the back. Our past two defense-first philosophies earned us 4 conference championships, 5 bowls and 2 bowl wins. And outside of losing Bussey for the season in week 3 who else did we not have by the Charlotte game that made this any more of an injury-plagued season than any other team had at that point of the year? Rick
    2 points
  38. well nUTSAck needs to keep the reporters away and not give him a state issued cell phone, or at least turn off the texting.
    2 points
  39. We are clearly improving. Heartbreaker at the end. Team is coming together, we’ve just gotta figure out how to close out these tight games. The encouraging thing about the team is their defense, rebounding and athleticism. We play tenaciously on the defensive side of the ball. That will serve us well moving forward now that we’re starting to put things together offensively. Atmosphere at the Pit was great. Even though we didn’t get the W, the team put on a show against a name opponent. Fans will be back.
    2 points
  40. Did you really just screen shot Todd Dodge? You think Dodge and Seth are in the same category and level? Lmao Seth is still over 500 as a coach. 3 out of 4 year bowl games. We had an injury plagued year. And are obviously not content. The candidates being thrown around for DC are exciting.
    2 points
  41. We need to be a program that expects These wins regularly, and not one that hopes we can steal it just because we’re at home. looking forward to conference play.
    2 points
  42. Is Smart still on the team?
    2 points
  43. I would have liked a time-out to set up a better final play. I hate losing another winnable game.
    2 points
  44. FUUUUUUCK. It was there! We had them all game and they squeaked it out in the end..... FUUUUU
    2 points
  45. Floor looks great on TV
    2 points
  46. Officials having a rough start
    2 points
  47. Four games, but only for freshmen. Easy.
    2 points
  48. That is very good to hear
    2 points
  49. yeah, i think it's hard for NT students in 2019 to really understand how big things were in 2010-2013
    2 points

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