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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2014 in all areas

  1. George Dunham, voice of North Texas football....Craig Miller, voice of negativity.
    5 points
  2. If they do this, then the NCAA needs to play hardball with them. No games between NCAA teams and the P5, and no access to the NCAA tournament for teams that have a football team not in the NCAA.
    4 points
  3. The P5 are slowly destroying what so many of us love about college sports.
    4 points
  4. I like them both. They are great. I will go with Dunham for the obvious. I love that everyone on the morning show made it to the semi's including Gordo who practically knows nothing about sports.
    4 points
  5. For what we've paid him vs the success he's made, I'd say he's overpaid by double. His recruiting has been abysmal and he even admitted to recruiting guys not offered by Power schools because he thought they would never commit. You miss all shots you don't take. The marginal winning is the only upside but it hasn't increased crowds and revenue at all.
    4 points
  6. "We're cheating. Let us cheat on our own!"
    3 points
  7. June Jones needs more money like Craig James needs more hookers.
    3 points
  8. I would of preferred this not have happened, but now they have no excuses.
    3 points
  9. Gotta go with the big Y--Mason Y'Barbo.
    3 points
  10. And didn't you strongly imply I was much worse than Hitler on Facebook the other day?
    3 points
  11. So someone that nobody remembers, that didnt graduate from SMU, and is not prominent in the DFW community (that I know of, anyway) says that Jones deserves more money, and the DMN thinks that deserves an article? Maybe there is a conspiracy, after all. <ninjaface thingy>
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. was planning on claiming Tillman Johnson, but he was claimed early... deciding between James Jones and Zac Whitfield - I'm rolling with #13 James Jones
    3 points
  14. *edit - Bob is the commissioner of the Big12* Anyone hear this interview this morning?? I'll recap as best as I can recall: There is systemic cheating in Major College sports and everyone knows it is going on. Individuals (read - boosters) are routinely playing players and getting away with it. The Big5 want to do things that the little guys (non-P5) don't wan't us or won't allow us to do We will propose to break away from the non-Big5 at the NCAA meetings on Aug. 7th of 2014 I'm fine if the little guys want to play their ball in the spring, whatever. We really don't care what you do, just go away. (paraphrased) If they don't allow us to do what we want and make our own rules, we will break away from the NCAA and get our own "autonomy" from the non-Big5. He calls them(selves) "high visibility" conferences. What a crock. Very curious to see how this plays out. We may have 2 D1 conferences sooner than we think!
    2 points
  15. I am new here and don't know you, but you deserve a raise. You seem like a go getter, a real stand up guy.
    2 points
  16. Thanks Harry. I don't mind when people disagree with my views. It happens when you put your views on a podcast or write-up. So no worries there Sir. I try to get people to think outside of the box sometimes. Yes the DL has questions, but I feel like the LBs are replacing just as much. Go watch just how much ground Will Wright and Zach Orr covered last year. Wright had some tough assignments for a LB. Marshall and Ellis have just as much if not more athleticism as Wright, but can they make the reads in a hurry. Same thing for Scott. A lot is being put on his shoulders. It helps to have Akunne though and Mr. Skladany coaching them. On the DL a lot of people get caught up on size. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I've looked at the comparison of weight differential vs how many rush yards UNT gave up. There wasn't anything to really grab on and say that weight differential has a direct effect. I believe we have 4 guys in a rotation at DE now we just need to find 2 more guys to add to the rotation at DT. Plus I trust our coaching at this position too.
    2 points
  17. I don't think that's necessarily true. There are only about 60 teams total in the P5 conferences. To make it any kind of playoff, it would have to be limited to a sweet 16. Also 3 of the last 4 winners were not in P5 conferences this year.
    2 points
  18. Went ahead and subbed on BeyondPod and will listen to the ep tonight. Thanks for the content!
    2 points
  19. Tried to verify if Abdul Beecham did commit. Nothing concrete posted on his twitter or other media. I hope its true and we get this kid. I think he is VASTLY underrated. He has nice HUDL Film. Here is some interesting info I found on him: 6'3" 286lbs Play's OG, OT and OC 3 year Starter 1st Team All District (2013) 1st Team All Area (2013) 2nd Team All State TSWA (2013) Pre-Season Class 6A All State DCTF (2014) 92nd ranked OG for Class of 2015 (247 Sports) 15 D-1 Colleges of Interest (Rivals) http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/recruiting/player-Abdul-Beecham-151626 I wonder if he will be in attendance at The Friday Night Lights Camp???
    2 points
  20. I'd be fine not watching any college ball except UNT. Then again, that's all I really watch now. These arrogant SOBs have and continue to destroy what use to be a great sport. His threat is the equivalent of relegating us and half of D1 schools to D1aa again. Been there done that. So have you in 93 & 94 I'm assuming? Its an inferior product. I am sick of the bs out of college football. I love our team but I won't waste money traveling to away games or watching us get our asses handed to us by the P5 schools who would pay bigger money for talent than us. (Rest assured the rules would limit us, just like scholarships in D1aa.) Or because they believe we should be honored to play them and be thankful for the beat down. No thanks. If we get the boot downward again I'm done with college football forever. I'll still take my girls to UNT home games, UNT soccer games and hopefully baseball soon. As far as football, we have a professional league. It's the NFL. I could give a crap to watch some semi pro NCAA football league if UNT is downgraded again. It sucks but it's honestly how I feel. We'd have no one to blame but ourselves and the institutional stupidity of UNT not investing in athletics decades ago. The whole thing is a bummer if it occurs. Then again, this POS could be laying out this nonsense as a scare tactic to push another agenda, such as pay, to get his way.
    2 points
  21. I don't see how breaking away, paying players etc. stops the cheating. If boosters are willing to pay recruits now, they'll be just as willing later and the cheating continues.
    2 points
  22. Fine? No, I would not be fine ignoring college football. I much prefer it to the NFL. But at whatever levels they begin to pay college players above a small stipend, I will ignore college football. And I assume that North Texas and C-USA will not be part of that, so I will continue to follow them. However, with a complete separation from the big boys, it will not be nearly as interesting.
    2 points
  23. This, except that it isn't happening so slowly now. This whole thing is so sad. It's going to ruin college sports if the P5 gets their way. I have no interest in watching any P5 vs P5 games anymore. Edit: It is imperative that we kick UT's teeth in.
    2 points
  24. Lol. Yep..lots of Sig Eps. It's a nice "Balanced" section.
    2 points
  25. Couldn't have said it better myself. Call their bluff. If they really want fairness, how about all additional revenue (outside of what is needed to run an athletic dept.) generated by college sports be reallocated to improve the universities and decrease tuition costs. Put a cap on athletic spending and coaches salaries. I bet they will complain that it's too fair then.
    2 points
  26. In the case of the Ukraine the inability of the US to push our European allies towards more severe economic sanctions has more to do with the greater ties Europe has with Russia. Sanctions against Russia will be met with Russia cutting off the supply of natural gas to Europe. No big deal for us, but for the Europeans it could make for a cold winter. Every country should be expected to act in its own best interest. When the best interests of the US & it's allies are not coincident it is unreasonable to expect cooperation regardless of who is president.
    2 points
  27. Can't wait for a Gordo vs. Georgio final.
    2 points
  28. I don't understand this article's existence. An unremarkable QB who played for SMU for a year, some 5 years before June Jones arrived, thinks Jones should be paid more and someone at the DMN felt it warranted an article? Do I have it right?
    2 points
  29. Yep, I watched a practice the week before the Idaho game without any problem from outside the fence. You can't be on the sideline, but you can see everything. I didn't have the problem Christopher had, and I was there for 45 minutes.
    2 points
  30. If someone really liked him they'd have probably claimed him already.
    2 points
  31. Eh, you do this though and Mr. Conley the football ops manager or RV will kindly ask you to leave. Made that mistake once during a break in a summer bike ride with a friend.
    2 points
  32. Podcast is up and posted to that link. Thanks again Chris.
    2 points
  33. John Schilleci is my pick this year.
    2 points
  34. I think he deserves triple his salary and a 20 year extension. He has led SMU to the only "shining" moments in their history where they weren't blatantly cheating. That their fans have these delusions that somehow 1) Dallas people care about them and 2) They belong with their old SWC brethren, is all the more reason to keep him around.
    2 points
  35. I have no problem with this and look forward to the DMN article that quotes Harry saying Mac needs more money.
    2 points
  36. What a shame if UNT does not send the Green Brigade to represent our University.
    2 points
  37. The waffle Wagon is on a 2 week hiatus...started last week...love that wagon...they know me by name...owner is an ex military badass. ..
    2 points
  38. It's the hair products. Soul Glo provides that perfectly drippy look that all the ladies love and the guys envy.
    2 points
  39. Wait. You have 6 friends? Way to bury the lead.
    2 points
  40. Pretty much. If we were really the world's policeman, we'd be much more involved in Africa as well. How many countries are fighting over there at any one time (especially internally)? We show up where it in some way benefits us. BTW - there is nothing wrong with that. We could never police the whole world. Not even with our seemingly limitless capabilities.
    2 points
  41. If no one takes Dajon I'll gladly get bunkbeds and have 2014's offensive and defensive MVPs under one roof.
    2 points
  42. My only comment is keep it coming.
    2 points
  43. G5s have no one to blame but themselves for not filing a class action lawsuit when it became clearly apparent that the BCS crap was depriving the G5s of a chance to compete and grossly widening the gap between the P5 and G5. G5s were more than happy to take the scraps (beat down money games) and whore themselves out to these programs. We will do it twice next year alone. All to have some scraps thrown their way to be kept away from the competitive table. Co-dependency sucks.
    1 point
  44. Man, this list is just a who's who of college basketball powerhouses, isn't it? However, if the list included NAIA or NCAA Division II teams, that double digit victory total wouldn't even have improved by one in the last two years, either, IIRC.
    1 point
  45. Yeah but Gordo won it last year and might win it again this year, he's very popular and the closest they have to a national celebrity with his YouTube videos besides maybe Corby and his Shaq video. Lots of people, including myself, listen to the Ticket for the comedy and not necessarily sports all the time. That's the reason why I tune out Norm every day.
    1 point
  46. Look for Indiana, Kansas, Boston College, Iowa State, etc. to be in high demand.
    1 point
  47. Depends on what branch of the conservative thought. Paleoconservatives are mostly against meddling in foreign affairs.
    1 point
  48. Not surprised at all that you feel governments don't serve at that pleasure of those they govern. We are the "world's policemen" and have been since the end of WWII. That fact that you either don't understand that or are willing to accept Pres. Obama abdicating that responsibility says a lot about your world view (also tells me your radical stance on global warming is far more politically driven than having anything to do with actual science, but I digress). Your attitude is what scares me about the far left. The thought that if the US just "leaves everyone alone they won't bother us." It's naive, dangerous, and historically stupid.
    1 point
  49. The choices were steak or fish. I had the lasagna. How is this football related again?
    1 point
  50. Section 106 shall henceforth be referred to as: Section 10SigEp
    1 point

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