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Coach Mac Called as "Mediator" in OSU/QB Divorce

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The transfer game reached absurd levels of curiosity when Mike Gundy restricted quarterback Wes Lunt from 37 schools and three whole conferences. . . .

Mediation is necessary. After all, there were high hopes for this union when that National Letter of Intent came through the Oklahoma State football fax machine in February 2012. But the quarterback wants to play, and the coach doesn't want to lose an edge. That's why we've called "1-800-No-Fault-Transfer" to help provide some clarity -- and a few guidelines -- to this split. Future transfers, please call. No-Fault-Transfer has sought divorce mediation (or just some general thoughts about transfers) from North Texas' Dan McCarney, Fresno State's Tim DeRuyter and friend of the SEC Houston Nutt.


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Maybe Mac can seduce him and he will come and play at UNT.

You know, there are some words that should never be associated with certain people. And after reading your humorous comment over and over, I've decided that the word "seduce" is a word that should never be used in a sentence with (or about) Coach McCarney......even in jest.

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You know, there are some words that should never be associated with certain people. And after reading your humorous comment over and over, I've decided that the word "seduce" is a word that should never be used in a sentence with (or about) Coach McCarney......even in jest.

Seduce really just means to lead astray. It does not have to be about sex.

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