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Craig James Threatened To Sue, Tt Memo States


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Today's star telegram article

A TT University System attorney's memo stated the father of an injured FB player threatened to sue the university if it didn't investigae then coach Mike Leach.

In a memo to Texas Attorney General TT System attorney says the threat came during a December exchange with Craig James.

Adam was recovering from a concusion when he says Leach twice ordered him to stand for hours in a dark place during practice.

The memo, which the Lubbock newspaper obtained in response to an open record...says Craig James threatend to sue TT if it didn't investigate Leach's treatment of his son.

A spokesman for Craig Jones says his client denied making such a threat.

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A spokesman for Craig Jones says his client denied making such a threat.

Wow! Craig James passed up an opportunity to run his mouth? That's a first!

How is James still even on TV? He has always seemed like a below average broadcaster in any capacity and trouble always seems to arrive just after he does.

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A spokesman for Craig Jones says his client denied making such a threat.

I am sure Craig is worried that he will take more hits to his political campaign, I am betting this mess will cost him any state wide election or primary.

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Today's star telegram article

A TT University System attorney's memo stated the father of an injured FB player threatened to sue the university if it didn't investigae then coach Mike Leach.

In a memo to Texas Attorney General TT System attorney says the threat came during a December exchange with Craig James.

Adam was recovering from a concusion when he says Leach twice ordered him to stand for hours in a dark place during practice.

The memo, which the Lubbock newspaper obtained in response to an open record...says Craig James threatend to sue TT if it didn't investigate Leach's treatment of his son.

A spokesman for Craig Jones says his client denied making such a threat.

someone is lying
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And we all know the great credability of Craig James. Being a liar will probably work to his benefit as a politician, not to mention being used to taking under the table money in his collegate days. What a great representative ESPN has chosen for college football. Note that he and Dickerson are the honorees at Th SMU Athletic Forum. As D magazine once said "if you want to be rich and powerful in Dallas--you should have gone to SMU". Having any scrupules never entered into the ESPN position and it won't in politics, afterall he learned from then Gov. Clements while receiving an annuity to play. And you wonder why they got the death penalty?

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