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We Could Have Had A Smart President

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First he invented the internet, then he patented the cure for global warming, then he invented smart; soon he will self-promote as the inventor of piece. :P

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Guest GrayEagleOne

I quit paying attention to the Nobel Peace Prize when one was awarded to Arafat. That was confirmed when they later awarded one to Jimmy Carter.

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First he invented the internet, then he patented the cure for global warming, then he invented smart; soon he will self-promote as the inventor of piece. :P

Actually, if you go and actually do some RESEARCH and check a few facts, you'll find that: 1. He didn't claim to invent the internet, but to be involved in its set-up. 2. You'll find that the second claim is absolutely correct. He was involved in the governmental panel that cooperated with the universities who set up the first internet.

At least he didn't invent avoiding Vietnam using family connections like GB or avoiding it with 3 deferments and "too busy" like Cheney. The height of hypocrisy are the later-day "chicken hawks". So, easy to send men to battle when you were never there yourself.

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First he invented the internet, then he patented the cure for global warming, then he invented smart; soon he will self-promote as the inventor of piece. :P

---I am not a Gore fan but I do believe in tell the TRUTH..!! That the Internet claim is made by the sleeze ball radio crazies such as Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan, and lot of so-called "journalists??" from one certain network etc. who completely and regularly misrepresent the truth. .. He never never said that. He made a comment to Wolf Blitzer on CNN (March 9, 1999) about "creating" the internet which is pretty much true.....by legislation. His legislation allowed what had been a military/government communication system to be released into the public domain for our use which is now called the internet. He was more concerned about having it available for colleges and libraries although the way things have worked out most homes have it available now.

Better details are here. http://www.snopes.com/quotes/internet.asp

Be sure and read the final paragraph in the article about his winning an award for his contributions to the internet.

----Apparently who wrote this just listens to these guys and never questions anything they hear as being not true. Not everything you hear, especially on one network is even close to the TRUTH... I suppose the some people who live near the coast will deny global warming is happening until the day their property goes under water. That is the likely the most obvious thing that could happen (even a few inches could have big consequences). I am not a environmental crazy either but sticking your head into the sand doesn't change it. Maybe the slight warming is just a normal variation and maybe it isn't and maybe we can't really do anything.... but it does exist and could have big consequences, especially to towns and people who are near the coast. The Ice age existed and obviously things have warmed up some... and that was a natural occurrence.... I guess you could deny that existed as well.

Part: II Winning the Nobel Peace prize doesn't qualify one to be President....

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(in his best John Belushi-does-a-rant voice) BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO, the US voters had to elect Skippy McMoron.


I know this won't last long on this forum, but.....what the hell. :blowup:

SilverEagle, I don't know you but you should do a little research on how the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. YOU won't even know who voted for or how many votes "Gored" got in your lifetime. This thing is the sham that "Gored" is. Come on, get out a little....Arafat, Carter.....come on!!!!

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I quit paying attention to the Nobel Peace Prize when one was awarded to Arafat. That was confirmed when they later awarded one to Jimmy Carter.

Yeah, I suppose that Jimmy Carter would have been liked better by the public if he had sent troups into Egypt instead of working to negotiate a peace during a very volatile time in the middle east.

He probably would have been better liked if he had spent more time clearing brush with a chainsaw on his family farm, instead of going out and helping to build houses for the poor.

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Yeah, I suppose that Jimmy Carter would have been liked better by the public if he had sent troups into Egypt instead of working to negotiate a peace during a very volatile time in the middle east.

He probably would have been better liked if he had spent more time clearing brush with a chainsaw on his family farm, instead of going out and helping to build houses for the poor.

---Some people (not you) just ignore the TRUTH and believe what they want to believe.

...Our Texas-rancher President want to portray himself as a cowboy.... He never owned one cow until he was elected President and likely has never fed one yet. It is all image.... I grew up feeding the things when it was 20 degrees or raining and fixing fences and hauling hay when it was 105 degrees.. He is no cowboy.... That image is about as true as a lot of other things he has done.... [where are those weapons that we have have sent 1000's of young men to obtain and protect us from... result.... over 3000 dead young Americans...] . Again the Truth does matter....

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SilverEagle, I don't know you but you should do a little research on how the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. YOU won't even know who voted for or how many votes "Gored" got in your lifetime. This thing is the sham that "Gored" is. Come on, get out a little....Arafat, Carter.....come on!!!!

I get out a lot more than the population who voted for (as Garrison Keohler calls him) "the current occupant of the White house".

I've come to the sad conclusion, that lately, Americans (especially men) choose thier Presidents like they choose their women.....Big Boobs instead of Big Brains.

The only way "the current occupant" will ever win a Nobel Prize is if they ever award one for Jingoism.

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I get out a lot more than the population who voted for (as Garrison Keohler calls him) "the current occupant of the White house".

I've come to the sad conclusion, that lately, Americans (especially men) choose thier Presidents like they choose their women.....Big Boobs instead of Big Brains.

The only way "the current occupant" will ever win a Nobel Prize is if they ever award one for Jingoism.

He'll win it for (W)=WORST EVER.

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Jeez, guys! I didn't intend to get anything started here re: Gore. I just was having a sandwich at my desk while checking out my favorite site. The intent was to have a little lunchtime fun and misspell "peace" for effect (the spelling Nazis haven't called me on it yet). I even used an emoticon indicating my attempt at humor.

Apparently, our nerves are frayed...what we need is a WIN (Saturday, on the field; no ballot box references here). For the record, though, I am a free-market advocate and believe that God helps those who help themselves (no government intervention required, the free enterprise system works just fine). I also believe that the government that governs best governs LEAST. Having said that, I don't want to contribute to any political firestorm. Further affiant sayeth not!

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SilverEagle, I don't know you but you should do a little research on how the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. YOU won't even know who voted for or how many votes "Gored" got in your lifetime. This thing is the sham that "Gored" is. Come on, get out a little....Arafat, Carter.....come on!!!!

Hey look...everybody look...this guys come up with a clever nickname for Al Gore...Gored...like bored...wow...top notch material....because I fell most would have gone with the pure coincidence that his name rhymes with "bore" rather than actually discuss the merits of what very well may be the world's highest honor...but not you...you're an innovator...kudos.

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I quit paying attention to the Nobel Peace Prize when one was awarded to Arafat. That was confirmed when they later awarded one to Jimmy Carter.

Actually Jimmy Carter was one of our nation's best presidents, he brokered peace in a very volatile region and also made good on his promise to be our nation's ambassador around the world. Since he has been ex-president, he has continued doing alot of good for our nation still, and risks his life each year to go to high risk places to oversee democracy taking place in third world countries. More importantly he serves as the best goodwill ambassador we have ever had in visiting countries and providing dialogue and the man gets stuff done. Plus he built alot of houses for the poor in our great nation.

There has never been a more desperate time in where we need to have people serve our country abroad in good will. The entire world hates us, and that is not good, our country has done so much good in the past, but lately has erased all of that but causing so of the opposite

The war in IRAQ was a very bad idea, the enitre world was against it, and they were right in the end. It's so super bad that we can't even get out of there. Nearly 4,000 of our bravest killed, tens of thousands our own injured, our young boys are back home with no legs or arms, and there has been over 100,000 innocent Iraqi's killed, and believe or not the Iraqi's are fighting alongside the americans to prevent more our own getting killed.

This event was the single worst mistake in our nation's history. A Public Relations disaster like no other, in front of the world

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