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PLAYGROUND Sun Belt, Western will miss Didd


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As the Sun Belt Conference Tournament looms, the black hole of college basketball is now settling over the sleepy plains of Texas.

The brave Western fans planning to make the trip to Denton, Texas will be dodging tumble weeds instead of opposing fans.

Life will move at a pace even slower than it does in Bowling Green throughout the five-day event.

What were you thinking, Sun Belt booking agents?

The "Super Pit" will be more like an armpit.

Its plastic green chairs will be on full display without fans to fill them.

The conference brass will long for the days of tournament play in Diddle Arena after a weekend in Texas.

Two of the most attended tournaments in the past 12 years were played in Red Towel Country. North Texas, who joined the Sun Belt in 2000, has never hosted the event.

Worse yet, the Mean Green faithful raged everywhere but in the Super Pit this season. They averaged 2,285 fans at home men's games, good for eighth in the 11-team conference.

Don't expect the North Texas fans to ride the bandwagon in from the corral. The Mean Green finished fifth in the West Division.

If they manage to beat the No. 4 seed from the East, Arkansas State, the host will meet West regular season champion Denver in the quarterfinals.

Cut the already sparse crowd in half, and Warren East High School could host the event.

The road will be an unfamiliar place for the Toppers now that the postseason has arrived. Not a single player on the roster has played in a Sun Belt tournament away from the warmth and friendliness of Diddle.

Only three current Toppers own Sun Belt championship jewelry from the 2003 title.

The unfamiliar surroundings and lack of tournament experience could equal disaster for a Western team that won only three of seven conference road games.

One of the three Toppers with a Sun Belt ring is junior guard Anthony Winchester.

He may be one of the few humans with pleasant memories from the Super Pit.

He lived every red-blooded Kentuckian's dream when he nailed a half-court buzzer beater on Feb. 12 to beat North Texas, 93-92.

Typically you would find a quote here from a Western player commenting on the tournament, but media czar Darrin Horn gave them a district court-style gag order so they can focus on the tournament.

Ignoring the media is like ignoring your fans - the same fans who packed the home arena for the 2003 Sun Belt title run.

But Diddle will be dark when the ball tips this weekend.

Too bad for Western.

Too bad times two for the Sun Belt.

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Guest e-bone

It's pretty bad when attendence and support for our basketball teams is so bad when journalists from Kentucky are bashing us. The saddest part about this is that the vast majority of NT "die hards" don't care.

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Guest JohnDenver

The saddest part about this is that the vast majority of NT "die hards" don't care.

Would you get over it?! Good god man ... You are whipping.

I bet most the "die hards" will be at the tourney.

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Guest e-bone

Would you get over it?! Good god man ... You are whipping.

I bet most the "die hards" will be at the tourney.

No, I'm not going to "get over" how apathetic our fanbase is. You may be content with being in the weakest conference in the nation, average teams every year, and winning in the SBC in football and nothing else, but I am not. And you're right, the real die hards will be at the tournament, which is the point I'm trying to make.

This article should be a wake up call to those who consider them among the best supporters our athletic department has. Myself and others here can tell people here how abysmal the support for the basketball teams is and try to drum up support all the live long day, but when someone from freaking Kentucky is bashing how pathetic the support for the basketball teams is it should show just how bad the situation is. But instead people who are trying to get butts in chairs are told to "get over it". That really makes me wonder if this is a fixable problem. I used to think so, but now I'm not so sure. The attendance of the conference tournament will tell the tale, because if we can't bring people to the conference tournament then we will never be able to support these programs. I'm not looking forward to seeing the final attendance figures.

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No, I'm not going to "get over" how apathetic our fanbase is. You may be content with being in the weakest conference in the nation, average teams every year, and winning in the SBC in football and nothing else, but I am not. And you're right, the real die hards will be at the tournament, which is the point I'm trying to make.

This article should be a wake up call to those who consider them among the best supporters our athletic department has. Myself and others here can tell people here how abysmal the support for the basketball teams is and try to drum up support all the live long day, but when someone from freaking Kentucky is bashing how pathetic the support for the basketball teams is it should show just how bad the situation is. But instead people who are trying to get butts in chairs are told to "get over it". That really makes me wonder if this is a fixable problem. I used to think so, but now I'm not so sure. The attendance of the conference tournament will tell the tale, because if we can't bring people to the conference tournament then we will never be able to support these programs. I'm not looking forward to seeing the final attendance figures.

Not trying to point fingers, or call anyone out, but will YOU be there?

Personally, I'd be there for every NT game I could if work didn't get in the way.

As it is ill make all the semi and Championship games on Monday and Tuesday

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It is a fixable problem...


Thats how Football attendance improved... do something to spur the interest of your fan base.

I agree, and I think it is sad as well. I expect the very best from our University... that means excellence in EVERY sport, in WHATEVER conference are in! I dont think thats too much to ask, or to at least strive to attain

To find out if promotion has went well, someone needs to ask 10 people on campus tommorow if anything is happening with the North Texas basketball team over the weekend. "Idohnoh" will proabably be the reaction for 8 out of those 10.

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Surprisingly there is alot of stuff up in Denton welcoming the basketball players and fans for the tournament. There are also several banners up near the parking lots at the ends of the campuses that have the dates and times of when North Texas plays their first game. Hopefully the Daily will have a big front page article tomorrow about the tournament.

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Surprisingly there is alot of stuff up in Denton welcoming the basketball players and fans for the tournament. There are also several banners up near the parking lots at the ends of the campuses that have the dates and times of when North Texas plays their first game. Hopefully the Daily will have a big front page article tomorrow about the tournament.

If that is the case than Major kudos to the AD for getting some sort of promo out there. Since students can get into this thing for free, they need to at least be told that their is an event for them to go to if they wish.

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Guest e-bone

Not trying to point fingers, or call anyone out, but will YOU be there?

I will be at the SuperPit for the men's game tomorrow, as I have for all but 1 time over the past two seasons. I don't believe you are pointing fingers because after how vocal I have been I should be expected to be at games. I will also be at as many non-NT games as I can during the tournament because it is a good way to support the university and conference and I enjoy watching college basketball.

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And you're right, the real die hards will be at the tournament, which is the point I'm trying to make.

e-bone, I'm with JohnDenver on this one. You are a whipping, and you contradict yourself. In your first post you state, "The saddest part about this is that the vast majority of NT "die hards" don't care." Then you state in your next post, "And you're right, the real die hards will be at the tournament, which is the point I'm trying to make." Make up your mind.

Going on a rant everytime attendance is brought up isn't going to attract anyone. Oh, I won't be there because I will be out of town due to a family illness. Wish I could be there, but it isn't possible.

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Guest e-bone

e-bone, I'm with JohnDenver on this one. You are a whipping, and you contradict yourself. In your first post you state, "The saddest part about this is that the vast majority of NT "die hards" don't care." Then you state in your next post, "And you're right, the real die hards will be at the tournament, which is the point I'm trying to make." Make up your mind.

Going on a rant everytime attendance is brought up isn't going to attract anyone. Oh, I won't be there because I will be out of town due to a family illness. Wish I could be there, but it isn't possible.

You are siding with JohnDenver, how surprising. rolleyes.gif And no, I didn't contradict myself. I said that most of the "die hards" don't care. Notice the quotation marks? That means that those are the people who think they are die hards but really aren't. JohnDenver said that the die hards would be at the tournament and I agreed that the real die hards would indeed be at the tournament. That is why I said, "which is the point I'm trying to make."

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Guest JohnDenver

But instead people who are trying to get butts in chairs are told to "get over it".

I didn't tell you to get over trying to get people to come to the game.

I told you to get over your ego!

If you want to *really* make a difference, go to the big brother-big sisters Denton county sponser and tell her you will find a way to get all the local children tickets to the game. Go to the boy scouts/girl scouts troops and get them involved. START YOUNG. If you have any common sense at all, you will know that building loyal dedicated fans mean you will have to work.

Last I checked, calling out "die hards" for not making week night games is NOT "working hard." All you do is shoot off your mouth every oppurtunity you get. We aren't seeing any results ... maybe you should try a different tactic. Now all you are doing is making people not want to talk on your precious board because they may get insulted for not being a BIG ENOUGH fan.

UNLESS, and I think this is the real reason, you are padding your ego with contant bad talk of other UNT fans.

Good day.

Edited by JohnDenver
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This has gotten completely out of hand.

Quit drawing lines in the sand! mad.gif

I'll see everyone at the game and I'll be happy you are there. If you can't make the game, come some other time.

For those on the fence about going to the game: they are entertaining, the season's on the line and not all b-ball fans are a-holes. laugh.gif

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Guest e-bone

I didn't tell you to get over trying to get people to come to the game.

I told you to get over your ego!

If you want to *really* make a difference, go to the big brother-big sisters Denton county sponser and tell her you will find a way to get all the local children tickets to the game. Go to the boy scouts/girl scouts troops and get them involved. START YOUNG. If you have any common sense at all, you will know that building loyal dedicated fans mean you will have to work.

Last I checked, calling out "die hards" for not making week night games is NOT "working hard." All you do is shoot off your mouth every oppurtunity you get. We aren't seeing any results ... maybe you should try a different tactic. Now all you are doing is making people not want to talk on your precious board because they may get insulted for not being a BIG ENOUGH fan.

UNLESS, and I think this is the real reason, you are padding your ego with contant bad talk of other UNT fans.

Good day.

My ego? laugh.gif No, it has nothing to do with my ego. I don't chronicle numerous times how many road games I have gone to and somehow equate that to being a better fan than others. I don't come onto this board having admittedly gone to either one or zero games and badmouth the teams and coaches. I also don't cry and whine about being in the Sun Belt and then make excuses as to why I can't support other aspects of athletics that need to improve in order to get into a better conference. All I want is for people who can make time for the football team to make time for the basketball teams.

Please show me where I have once people called out for not making week night games. I think you will instead find that I have said many times that I understand when people can't make weeknight games, but that I cannot understand when they can't make Saturday evening games but sure do find the time to spend all day Saturdays in the Fall tailgating.

But you're right about people getting upset about someone questioning why they can't support sports other than football. I have found it is a very sensitive subject, and even bringing it up has caused arguments. I guess that is why I'm starting to believe that this isn't a fixable problem, because when we, who are supposed to be among the best supporters of NT athletics there are, can't show up in force to support anything non-football then why should we expect anyone else to?

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Guest JohnDenver

I don't know how to tell you this ... but I think it is completely valid to dislike a college sport and still love your university. It doesn't make you a bad fan, or bad alum, or bad person to not attend a sporting event. I don't know why you can't see that.

A good fan should support whatever interests they have. There are many ways to do it. Donate to your AD, donate to the general scholarship fund, bring friends to the events you do enjoy, return the donation forms that come in the mail when you are an alum, buy merchendise and wear it out in public, talk up your school to fair weather fans, get HS aged kids to consider UNT when applying, etc etc etc. So if a person can check mark HALF or even a FOURTH of that list, I think they would fall into the 'good fan' or 'die hard' category.

How many jazz fests have you gone to lately? Have you even seen the 1 o'clock band? Have bought any of their CDs? How many times have you been to the Murchison center for a performance? How many ACS programming contests have you attended? How about the North Texas Robotic competition at the Superpit? Did you get to that? oh, how about the Vagina Monologues? Did you go see that? Do you go see the dance recitals that go on every other week? Have you ever made it out to see our championship level debate team in action?

Are you bad student for not completely supporting ALL your university? I don't think so.

You may think CS students are amatuers and can't design code worth a damn. You may not like jazz. You may not like music at all. You may not like watching women in tight fitting clothes bounce around on stage .. I can't judge you.

Personally, I find college basketball to be boring. Hard to keep up with 300+ Div1a teams. Sloppy play. Teams rarely get to gel because players always leave or transfer. High turnovers. Lower free throw percentages. Low scoring games. Rules are slightly different than pro level and that makes it annoying to watch.

We all have reasons ...stop casting judgement on people. If someone who doesn't like college basketball (or SOFTBALL for that matter) and they decide to make it to the tourney ... then you should be happy they made the effort to come to an event they normally don't enjoy. They can still be a "die hard."

You have my word. I will never call you out for not coming to the robotic competition at the Superpit -- as much as I love it. wink.gif

Edited by JohnDenver
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Guest e-bone

I don't know how to tell you this ... but I think it is completely valid to dislike a college sport and still love your university. It doesn't make you a bad fan, or bad alum, or bad person to not attend a sporting event. I don't know why you can't see that.

A good fan should support whatever interests they have. There are many ways to do it. Donate to your AD, donate to the general scholarship fund, bring friends to the events you do enjoy, return the donation forms that come in the mail when you are an alum, buy merchendise and wear it out in public, talk up your school to fair weather fans, get HS aged kids to consider UNT when applying, etc etc etc. So if a person can check mark HALF or even a FOURTH of that list, I think they would fall into the 'good fan' or 'die hard' category.

How many jazz fests have you gone to lately? Have you even seen the 1 o'clock band? Have bought any of their CDs? How many times have you been to the Murchison center for a performance? How many ACS  programming contests have you attended? How about the North Texas Robotic competition at the Superpit? Did you get to that? oh, how about the Vagina Monologues? Did you go see that? Do you go see the dance recitals that go on every other week? Have you ever made it out to see our championship level debate team in action?

Are you bad student for not completely supporting ALL your university? I don't think so.

You may think CS students are amatuers and can't design code worth a damn. You may not like jazz. You may not like music at all. You may not like watching women in tight fitting clothes bounce around on stage .. I can't judge you.

Personally, I find college basketball to be boring. Hard to keep up with 300+ Div1a teams. Sloppy play. Teams rarely get to gel because players always leave or transfer. High turnovers. Lower free throw percentages. Low scoring games.  Rules are slightly different than pro level and that makes it annoying to watch.

We all have reasons ...stop casting judgement on people. If  someone who doesn't like college basketball (or SOFTBALL for that matter) and they decide to make it to the tourney ... then you should be happy they made the effort to come to an event they normally don't enjoy. They can still be a "die hard."

You have my word. I will never call you out for not coming to the robotic competition at the Superpit -- as much as I love it.  wink.gif

The difference between all of that and what I'm trying to get across is that I have never claimed to be a supporter of the bands or computer software designers or any of that. All I am trying to get across is that if anyone who feels they are a supporter of NT athletics wants this athletic program to succeed, they need to find a way to support more than just football. If you hate college basketball and prefer to watch overpaid millionaires, you have the the right to your own opinion. Just don't say anything about wanting to move up to a better conference, because unless you are going to support more than just football then you have no right to criticize the other areas that are holding this athletic department back. One of the biggest of which is the pathetic support the basketball teams get, which is a major factor into getting into a conference such as CUSA since they are considered a basketball power. We could win the Sun Belt in football 10 years in a row, but if we still have average basketball teams who on their best nights get 3000 in attendance and average in the low 2000s, we are going to stay on the bottom rung of the conference food chain.

I've said it before and I'll say again one more time, NT doesn't have enough supporters of athletics for people to be specializing in one sport. We aren't UT or TAMU and we can't afford to neglect other sports, most notably one of the two big revenue sports.

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e-bone, I'll respond since I am one of "those fans that only attended one game this year." I used to go to all of the games. I came to one this year and watched us get out coached, out hustled, and out played by teams with less athletic talent. I saw us jacking up threes without working the ball on offense. saw is not blocking out on the boards, saw us playing poor defense and watched a coach that doesn't know how to utilize timeouts or substitutions. I apologize if, in your eyes, this makes me a bad supporter of NT. I just don't agree with you. I will come to games when the above is corrected, but for now, the above equals a boring game in my book.

You blame our lack of conference movement on lack of support for the basketball program? How about the lack of support by the athletic department. We are hosting a conference tournament and can't get cheerleaders there? Our world reknowned music school's pep band gets outplayed by ASU's? This just sends a message that they don't care, which in turn, causes the fans to feel the same way.

They should have gone all out hosting this tournament. Instead, attendance for the remaining games will be an embarrasement to North Texas, and we won't host another for a long time.

I don't blame you for trying to get fans out there, it is just they manner in which you try to do it.

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