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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2014 in all areas

  1. I have had the pleasure of attending the 4 NOB and now the Heart of Dallas Bowl. All were grand experiences, but I must say the HOD Bowl activities will create special memories. One of my favorite NOB memories was our first one in Nawlins, and our event at the House of Blues, packed with Green, singing birthday to President Pohl, and having a grand time! However, I was fortunate to take in virtually all of the Heart of Dallas Bowl and here are 25 ParksAndRecRickMemories: 1. Omni was incredible! 2. Mean Green Nation crowd at the game! I was so proud to see all the ages, excitiement and Mean Green Pride! 3. Rick V calling us into Babb Brothers BBQ and had the players and coaches thank the fans. Very classy. 4. Coach Mac's postgame celebration, "This is not the end, it is just the beginning." 5. Meeting old friends and making new ones at the Tailgate Party. 6. Omno putting up UNT and MeanGreen on the building. Wow, was that awesome! 7. Re-Union Tower's Mean Green Celebration Show 8. A Win at the Historic Cotton Bowl 9. The fan flying the flag right in front of the UNLV Band. One for the ages. 10. Almost all merchandise sold out at the Cotton Bowl 45 minutes before the game. 11. New Year's Eve Party at The Tower Club 12. Thompson's grit, Zack Orr's dominance, Chancellor's Speed, and our typical 2nd half dominance! 13. Mean Green Nation staying for the Award's Ceremony! So fun.... 14. The great Marcus Trice's smile.....and his incredible intensity. 15. The Green Brigade and Cheerleaders at the Pep Rally at the Band Shell at Fair Park 16. How lucky we are to have George Dunham. He was having the time of his life, plus The Birddogs Rock!. 17. Moments with Rick, Hank and George 18. The Helmets and Black Uni's. So awesome! 19. The GREAT Mean Joe Greene. 20. Sports Bar Fun in the Omni 21. Fans storming the field (It reminded me of our home win capturing the SunBelt Title) 22. Watching Coach Mac kiss the Heart of Dallas Bowl Trophy.....4 times! 23. The Mean Green Nation crowd inspiring the team during the game. 24. All the GRAND Media we received. 25. Sitting after the game and thinking, it has been a long 9 years, but this win made it worth it....It's great to be GREEN!
    13 points
  2. Really some great pics which I've not seen yet. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/teams/north-texas-mean-green/gallery/index.html?photoNum=3
    7 points
  3. No Red Raiders? I guess you don't work at Papa John's.
    7 points
  4. True dat This picture is great for a couple of reasons...
    6 points
  5. You live to pick fights. It was great. Wasn't really complaining I just expect more game presentation since it is a bowl game. Simply stating something I thought. I didn't get to go to NO Bowl so I didn't have a comparison. No big deal. I'm enjoying this win so just chill. Were all good here. You don't have to get defensive about everything. Have a lovely evening.
    5 points
  6. I work with a bunch of Longhorns, Frogs, and Bears. (And a couple Mavericks). I'm the only guy in the office basking in the glow of a bowl win. The...only...guy...in...the...whole...freaking...office.
    4 points
  7. Todd Dodge did one great thing for UNT--probably his lasting legacy. He made it public that he was promised a new football stadium when he was hired and he never stopped bringing that to light. It was a great way to keep the BOR and administration honest about this. We aren't playing in any bowl game this year if we are still at Fouts right now, in part because McCarney woul have never agreed to coach here with that toilet as our home field. To be a real player in college football means you have legitimate facilities, coaches, strength and conditioning programs, and funds to pay them with.
    4 points
  8. GMG! Let's keep a little class amongst ourselves.
    4 points
  9. Would be awesome if his brother gave us another fORR years.
    4 points
  10. We need for our own alumni in DFW to adopt North Texas as their team.....then we can worry about everybody else. Of course, everybody is welcome right now.
    4 points
  11. A little side discussion during the game and today's viewing of the most recent Beyond The Green reminded me to mention this: Brelan Chancellor will be the guy I miss watching (on Saturday's anyway) more than any NT player since Booger Kennedy. Johnny Quinn was a player I LOVED to watch play (not as much as Quoner obviously) and there have been others, but I reserve this accolade for players that truly change the way opposing coaches plan their game...and it just doesn't matter. So happy that Brelan's last game at North Texas included a few plays to add to his highlight reel. Who would you add to the list? GMG
    3 points
  12. I hope coach Wintrich get a nice little raise. He's done an outstanding job.
    3 points
  13. And, one more thing! We may bitch, cuss and fuss, but I want to thank the GoMeanGreenNation. Y'all keep me up on news, recruiting, and all that's Mean Green. The links, the posts, the pictures.... Thanks and congrats' to each and every one of you! Thanks Harry for having this opportunity!
    3 points
  14. We shall see how the cards fall.....
    3 points
  15. Yeah, Mustafa is finally starting to put some meat on his bones, aside from muscle. Hitting up that victory dining hall. The tough thing for Mustafa during fall camp is that the first few weeks in pads are also usually during Ramadan. It was very tough on him and our other Muslim players. They couldn't eat or drink water while the sun was up, and they lost a lot of weight in the first few days in pads. Hope Mustafa does good in the spring, that way he won't need a killer fall camp performance to get in the rotation.
    3 points
  16. Interesting thoughts. I'm sure it had to be bittersweet for him, as he had to think about what he couldn't accomplish here. At the same time, I'm sure he felt good for the players to whom he had promised good things, and to whom he gave his time, effort, and attention.
    3 points
  17. Since he's a walk on I look it as a can't lose proposition. If he's healthy and productive, give him a ship. If not, no harm.
    3 points
  18. Yeah, relatively. Still though, no need for the name calling. Save there for Austin in 8 months.
    3 points
  19. 2002 N.O. Bowl. I have been to numerous bowl games over the years, from the Blue Bonnet to the original Cotton to the Fort Worth and Armed Forces Bowls. Your not going to get a lot of the usual bowl fanfare experience at the HOD bowl because it is a charity event that tries to keep as much of its proceeds as it can. And I believe the HOD raised $100,000 for the homeless yesterday. Rick
    3 points
  20. Venture down to Oak Street Draft House & Cocktail Parlor and you'll find these shirts. 308 E. Oak Denton, Texas USA
    3 points
  21. Baylor 11-2 Rice 10-4 Aggie$ 9-4 Mean Green 9-4 Texa$ 8-5 Houston 8-4 (bowl game left to play) Tech 8-5 UTSA 7-5 Tex St 6-6 CJK5H 5-7 TCU 4-8 UTEP 2-10 Not bad... lets get to number one soon.
    3 points
  22. Perhaps you haven't heard of Craig James' dastardly deeds?
    3 points
  23. I know that I don't post a whole lot on GMG these days, but I read as much as I can and have not missed a home game in years. Even got to take in some away games this year thanks to our new conference. And at work - like many of you - I am 'that Mean Green guy' - the one that constantly defends the program and it's legitimacy. Throughout this season the snickers have slowly turned into respectful comments from coworkers. And I am talking about coworkers that went to NT and are T-Shirt fans for schools like UT and OU. Today I am getting comments such as - NT has arrived. They could not believe the crowd. They could not believe the score. They could not believe that I was not alone. Folks, the sleeping giant woke the heck up yesterday. UNLV was the perfect opponent for us, they were from the Mountain West rather than the MAC or Belt - they are a known school - and we matched up well with them. There is a girl that I work with that graduated around the same time as me. She has always been a UT fan and I have (for 3 years) tried to get her to a game. She walked up to me today and said 'I have to get my son out to a game next year'. This girl would NEVER have said that prior to this bowl win and turnout. I showed her the pics from the game and her mouth just opened wide with disbelief. I imagine there are conversations taking place all over the DFW area today like this one. The giant is waking up - finally.
    3 points
  24. Same goes for Mike Simmonds. The O-line would walk thru fire for him. He and wife Jamie have them to dinner in their home weekly. We are thankful for them.
    3 points
  25. There are a lot of Alumni at 11. I used to be one of them before I decided to move on. He's more of a homer and supports home town teams when he can. HE's a good dude.
    3 points
  26. Id be danged ticked off if I found a crumpled up Benjamin that turned out to be a Washington
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Good example of why we should allow beer at Apogee. No one seemed to rowdy just saw a few kids who were my age who stumbled up the stairs.
    2 points
  30. I also got teary eyed when coach was speaking after accepting the trophy. So many years of frustration now forgotten. As coach said "It is only the begining, and I truely believe that,
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Correct Who flourished after receiving some experienced coaching and serious strength and conditioning training. Maybe. But I can also hear the cries from some family members that this proves he should still be in Denton and that this is actually his victory. The victim of an unfortunate family situation. He didn't throw a tantrum or call his fanbase a bunch of MFers. I'll give him credit for that See above
    2 points
  33. THIS was one of the rumored that I was talking about. He was a stud the last time I saw him play. I sure hope the other 2 come also.....
    2 points
  34. Thanks to all of the seniors for being a really special bunch. I hope they challenge the next group to step it up even bigger next year. Need someone to fill this guy's leadership shoes...
    2 points
  35. He is a great kid... UNTCampbell has made many a UNT fan... present company included.
    2 points
  36. not only did i lose my entire voice at the game, i cant stop thinking about the game! have watched the replay of the game 2 times on the ESPN watch app, im not going to be able to sleep again tonight i bet. i keep looking at that crowd. i graduated in 2001, was a WING from 1996-2000, so i have been at almost ever game since then. i have never felt the excitement and the quality of players and current NT students being as gresat as that game yesterday.... And yes, i was at the New Orleans bowl games every time as well too! all i can say is this team and these fans were incridible!! as for the interview, i said i was sick and lost my voice and need to reschedule. i was hoping i was going to be ready. the bad thing is, knowing what i know now, I'D DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN What a day
    2 points
  37. I think the attendance was very accurate.
    2 points
  38. My favorite time of year,mother kids we get today are the kids who will make or break this program for the next 2-5 years. It's always interesting to see who jumps ship, who stays onboard and who comes aboard at the last minute. Hopefully there will be a few good surprises in for the MG faithful.
    2 points
  39. Congrats to DT, you played a heckuva game yesterday.
    2 points
  40. Gotta be more than 30k. WAY more Green there than I've seen at Apogee all season.
    2 points
  41. Marcus Trice has to be up there. His intensity, hard-hitting, and special teams playmaking ability will be missed. He's been a pleasure to watch, this past year especially.
    2 points
  42. You do realize that that photo only shows about 1/4 of the stadium, right?
    2 points
  43. shameless plug, but can I get some love for that 9 win prediction over 49 weeks ago?!?! It's almost time to start a ridiculously early 2014 prediction thread...
    2 points
  44. I'll be sure to be extra aggressive with Fox and Hound in Lewisville to get our signs posted in their bar. Oh. Silly me. They didn't survive the season. Snerk!
    2 points
  45. The only thing that was missing from the win at the Cotton Bowl yesterday was Bourbon Street.
    2 points
  46. First, it is NEVER too early to talk about UNT football. Second, I currently live in Austin, TX and I have this game marked on my calender (waiting to find out the UTSA (revenge) game also so I can mark that as well) which a couple of my friends and I will be attending. Third (and off topic), I want to say that I am comfortable with our quarterback position going into 2014. Last, I am already missing Zachary Orr thinking about next season of 2014. Go Mean Green!
    2 points
  47. How about we get that crowd to Austin.
    2 points

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