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  1. Today
  2. Tom Pettiti........ my people are now in place.
  3. Corporate released a statement saying they're working to reopen all DFW locations ASAP.
  4. With the exception of maybe 15-20 programs.. this is the status of all programs in the NCAA...
  5. Interesting recent portal entry. https://247sports.com/player/josh-taylor-46047480/college-302613/
  6. Interesting article from the Daily Mail: 'There needs to be a quick and devastating take down'
  7. Love this. I’m taking my 2 boys out there and we are going with their granddad(ex-wife’s stepdad)who is a tech alum. His company is a sponsor so we are supposed to get field access. I told him that I’m wearing green, but I’ll get 1/2 and 1/2 shirts for my boys. Lol so keep an eye out for a in fan on the tech sideline. I hope we show up so everyone on the sideline doesn’t just feel sorry for me. Lol
  8. We could’ve gone after an established coach, but it didn’t work with McCarney. Morris was pretty highly thought of in coaching circles. He was the head coach at incarnate word and he did a good job down there. Good enough that he was hired by a pac12 school to be their offensive coordinator. I still don’t know what he was doing with the qb situation to start the year, and our defense was the worst since dodge brought in a hs coordinator, but let’s see what they do now that they’ve had a full season to recruit “their” players. I admit, that I hate the coaches that try to make the wrong players fit into their system instead of trying to figure out the best system for the players they’ve got, but let’s see what they can do now that we’ve supposedly got more of the right people for this system. At least we can score. 🤞
  9. Another heading the JUCO route. Hope it works out for him. Stay on him and he may be ready for us in two years. Honestly, we’re so deep at safety, he’s probably looking for a quicker route to the field.
  10. I followed Carlos and Sebastian a few years ago at the Colonial and got to visit with them and their families. Really nice guys and they are friends and they live near each other in the Metro-mess. I suspect it was a good pay day.
  11. Schools paying 440k for a back up will face fatigue from all this methinks.
  12. 1.5 , I have never been less excited for the season to start. It combination of things, NIL, bring back the worse DC coordinator in the college football for another season.i bought my season tickets but not sure how many I will make and I live in Denton.
  13. Yesterday
  14. You'd think you'd want to expand your fan base by enticing locals
  15. Wasn't even looking for it...and somehow stumbled onto the CW Network....and watched the final few holes. It's Carlos' first win on the LIV Tour. And oddly enough....his PGA Tour win........was also in Houston. As to the LIV.....I wish it had never been started. It really isn't catching on....as my guess is, there weren't even 1,000 fans in the gallery. But since it exists...and we have two alums on it....I am glad when they do well.
  16. Good point. Backups get paid at the Professional level. I wonder how that will trickle down to college. So for example you pay a quarterback from North Texas to go to Cal for $440,000 but he either gets hurt or is beaten out by a backup. Does the former UNT quarterback lose the money which is given to his replacement, a former backup? The fine print in NIL pay could get interesting. Fun times .
  17. Wins the LIV Houston tournament. I am not a fan of the LIV tour, but am a fan of Ortiz.
  18. What expertise does he bring? I think I am missing something.
  19. Many were not starters but that doesn’t make them walk-ons. 85 scholarships and only 22 starters. That means the overwhelming majority of scholarship players are backups by definition.
  20. Helping the little guys! I think our brand recognition and appeal only helps bring attention to the little guys like SMU, A&M, ND, UT and Nebraska. We're all in this together, right? I'm okay with this.
  21. I hear ya, but I hope a guy with this type of resume will want to leave his mark and leave something better than when he got here. A push for excellence. Guys like him don't get to where they are by doing a half assed job.
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