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How Does Nt Get Better Fastest?


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the first thought is fire the coach, or have the coach resign to save us money. but that wouldn't really solve the problem would it? Change the offense or qb? fire the special teams guy and add another asst for deloach? sign only juco players for next year to have an all junior senior starting team? build a new stadium so fans can at least be comfortable while depressed? what are the answers and who has them??????????

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Don't factor in the stadium as an option, because after Saturday's debacle, my friends the stadium is D-E-A-D!

We will be in Fouts for a L-O-N-G time floundering as the rest of the conference gets better!

These are truly the darkest days!

I will refer to a quote from one of my favorite movies, Office Space, "Everyday I think that this will be the worst day of my life, but then I realize everyday is worse than the last, making everyday the worst day of my life."

This is how I feel as a North Texas fan.

In matter of fact I am going to make this a thread to see who out there is with me.

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"Dana Carvey as George Bush: Well, that is a big problem, Sam, and unfortunately the format of these debates makes it hard to give you a complete answer. If I had more time, I could spell out the program in greater detail, but I'm afraid, in a short answer like this, all I can say is we're on track - we can do more - but we're getting the job done, so let's stay on course, a thousand points of light. Well, unfortunately, I guess my time is up.

Diane Sawyer: Mr. Vice-President, you still have a minute-twenty.

George Bush: What? That can't be right. I must have spoken for at least two minutes.

Diane Sawyer: No, just forty seconds, Mr. Vice-President.

George Bush: Really? Well, if I didn't use the time then, I must have just used the time now, talking about it.

Diane Sawyer: No, no, Mr. Vice-President, it's not being counted against you.

George Bush: Well, I just don't want it to count against Governor Dukakis' time.

Diane Sawyer: It won't. It will come out of the post-debate commentary.

George Bush: Do you think that's a good idea?

Diane Sawyer: You still have a minute-twenty, Mr. Vice-President.

George Bush: Well, more has to be done, sure. But the programs we have in place are doing the job, so let's keep on track and stay the course.

Diane Sawyer: You have fifty seconds left, Mr. Vice-President.

George Bush: Let me sum up: On track. Stay the course. Thousand points of light."

Edited by LongJim
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UNT gets better fastest by allowing the dept., the coaches and the players to do their jobs! This program is heading in the right direction, but IT WILL TAKE TIME..and it will absorb several more lopsided losses in the process. UNT has a classic rebuilding program underway, and has good leadership. Just give it some time, give the coaching staff time to recruit their own "guys", give the players time to bond as a team...yes, it can take some time...and perhaps, hopefully, get over being pounded at the start of each season for the $$$$ games. Anyone who thinks Tulsa is not a good team, think again...and where have you been? Yoou obviously do not follow college football very closely. Tulsa is not "your father's program at the moment". Yes, IO can agree that Rice is a team that is "beatable", but K-State, LSU and Tulsa were pretty much "L's" when scheduled!

Time folks, time....payback is great! And, payback days will come for the UNT football program. BELIEVE IT!


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Pinkel was just about to get fired after 5 seasons at Missouri.

This is not a quick fix. Dodge underestimated the Belt coming into this program. Now he understands but its an uphill battle.

He underestimated how hard it would be to coach on the college level for sure. We learned that last year when he underestimated the speed of DB's in college football. He also underestimated just how bad his special teams coach is. And he still is underestimating how good his team is, because in his comments about the RICE game, he said he thought he could get this thing turned around in a week.

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Why is it that Dodge seems so content on basically giving up so much? Our offense did very little after the first quarter. Is this because he realized it was going to "get crazy out of hand" again? I thought Dodge was an offensive minded coach who was creative? Since we moved so well in the first quarter, did Rice coaches make so many changes to the defense that Dodge just decided it wasn't worth it or a lost cause?

I am just curious, because while watching this game, I also watched Petrino and the Hogs get schooled by Mack Brown and the shorthorns and there was no quit in the hogs. They were completely overmatched, but they were still trying things till the end.

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Tasty....I hope you get "instant gratification" with everything you do in life. Go ahead...snap your fingers and everything will be fine. With that attitude, you are setting youself up for some very big disappointments in life. I wish you all the luck in the world.

I just have learned through the years that you can enjoy supporting your team along with lots of other fans without getting so frustrated. I would assume that everyone, including me, wants to win and to win NOW, but there is also such a thing as reality. You might want to catch a little of that and realize that it will be a bit before the Mean Green turn this thing around. Which they will by the way... I'll enjoy the ride so much more, and, yes, PAYBACK is sweet!

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I am sure that it is a homer attitude, too much green kool-aid or a little of both, but outside of our board, there are not a handful of people that believe this team will get it turned around. I am not giving up on Dodge, but the people that really think he can do what we think he can, are pretty much limited to UNT fans.

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GoMeanGreen1999...I assume that means your circle of friends? I just wonder where that info comes from? I am not calling you out at all, but how do you determine that "handful of people" thing? I think one could say that about quite a few teams, college, high school and professional and not just in football.

Anyway, it's only the folks on GoMeanGreen.com that count, right???? ;)

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sign only juco players for next year to have an all junior senior starting team?

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Why sign jucco players when Dodge had plenty of jr. and sr. players when he first came that he kicked to the curb? Why sign jucco players next year when some of Dodge's "guys" will be jrs? Look at the juccos that have been signed or lost since Dodge has come.

People on this board thought hiring a high school coach from up the road was the greatest thing since sliced bread. So far, we have seen NOTHING!!!! Why don't some of you that like to do internet searches go back to when DD was fired and look at the coaches North Texas could have had instead of a high school coach and look at where they are now.

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Just curious who these people are and how sure you are of this post?

Should have stated it differently, as I have not read any national media that thinks it will be hard, other than those who wrote when the hire happened. It is a feeling I get from talking with friends and people in general about the staff.

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Fire the strength and conditioning coach. We are weak and slow. Fire SP teams coach and any other HS coaches and get only coaches with college experience. Go with JUCO players. We seem to only get scrubs that come out of HS with a few exceptions.

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Excellent post Tasty. A fan can only do so much. We buy the merchandise, go to games, support to the athletics program etc. And yet people are content with losing 77-20 to Rice. That is absolutely sad. There is a reason why we NT has been known for sucking in athletics....its a half ass attitude and not setting any standards and over time...losing has become a culture. That needs to stop. Once again this is absolutely rediculous that we are getting out maned in every single game and its totally obvious. Lets stop drinking the green kool aid look at the facts and reality of NT athletics.

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Geeezzzzz...I hope you folks are not as negative about everything else as you are an 0-4 start to a college football season. NO ONE is happy or satisfied with the start...not the administration, not the coaches, not the fans and certainly not the players. So, you have a choice....give up or get behind the program and enjoy the ride up! If you don't believe things will get better and that UNT is "doomed" give up...go ahead...you buy the tickets, you make the donations, so you get to choose. And, your feelings and thoughts are as legit as anyone's else's and worth about the same.

It's pretty much like the election...you are either a McCain supporter or an Obama supporter and none of the postings on this site (or probabaly any other) are going to change your mind about it this close to the election.

You can either see past the present "mess" on the field or you can't. I can't imagine bringing a new coach into any program and then giving up on him, his staff or his team after one season and four games...I think a coach should have the chance to field a team of "his recruits" before any decision should be made. I seem to recall several posts when TD was first hired that there should be patience and that this could be a 3 year process to regain respectability and start winning on a regular basis.

Call it what you want, maybe it is age, but I will "hang in there" and give the program a decent opportunity to turn things around...which I do think will happen.

Those folks in Nebraska are none too happy with the last few years record on the field, but notice that they just had their 290th something straight sellout! No one seems to be giving up while they wait for the turnaround to the glory days of Nebraska football...if that ever returns!

Get a good night's sleep...you could be paying the prices that Texas A&M fans have to pay! ha!

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Geeezzzzz...I hope you folks are not as negative about everything else as you are an 0-4 start to a college football season. NO ONE is happy or satisfied with the start...not the administration, not the coaches, not the fans and certainly not the players. So, you have a choice....give up or get behind the program and enjoy the ride up! If you don't believe things will get better and that UNT is "doomed" give up...go ahead...you buy the tickets, you make the donations, so you get to choose. And, your feelings and thoughts are as legit as anyone's else's and worth about the same.

It's pretty much like the election...you are either a McCain supporter or an Obama supporter and none of the postings on this site (or probabaly any other) are going to change your mind about it this close to the election.

You can either see past the present "mess" on the field or you can't. I can't imagine bringing a new coach into any program and then giving up on him, his staff or his team after one season and four games...I think a coach should have the chance to field a team of "his recruits" before any decision should be made. I seem to recall several posts when TD was first hired that there should be patience and that this could be a 3 year process to regain respectability and start winning on a regular basis.

Call it what you want, maybe it is age, but I will "hang in there" and give the program a decent opportunity to turn things around...which I do think will happen.

Those folks in Nebraska are none too happy with the last few years record on the field, but notice that they just had their 290th something straight sellout! No one seems to be giving up while they wait for the turnaround to the glory days of Nebraska football...if that ever returns!

Get a good night's sleep...you could be paying the prices that Texas A&M fans have to pay! ha!

good post.

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Geeezzzzz...I hope you folks are not as negative about everything else as you are an 0-4 start to a college football season. NO ONE is happy or satisfied with the start...not the administration, not the coaches, not the fans and certainly not the players. So, you have a choice....give up or get behind the program and enjoy the ride up!

Where did Tasty say he was giving up? He didn't. Most of us are not giving up, and that speaks to the passion of people like Tasty and the vast majority of this board's members.

When a team is getting skinned by mediocre opponents sixteen games into a new coach's tenure, you're going to get one of two reactions: criticism or apathy. You want apathy? No one complaining? No one caring? And no one showing up? If this was June Jones and SMU, I bet you could crickets chirping at their home games. But this board has been buzzing for days. That means people still care. That's why all complaints and rants, because this school has a fan base that cares. I truly believe that. Maybe its not as big a fan base as some, but it's there.

Fact is, what this program has been doing is well beyond unsatisfactory. It is abysmal, dreadful, and completely unacceptable. Todd Dodge is lucky he's a football coach, because if he were turning in these kinds of performances a year and a half into any other job (other than government work) he'd be fired. I don't think he should be fired, I think it is too early to be firing any of the coaches. I agree with you that patience is required. But I understand why that subject is being brought up.

But that does not mean we are giving up. Criticism does not equal surrender.

Call it what you want, maybe it is age, but I will "hang in there" and give the program a decent opportunity to turn things around...which I do think will happen.

And you still don't freakin' know how to use quotation marks! Why do you keep quoting yourself? You don't quote cliches! ;)

Edited by Smitty
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But. Adler - you're kind of like dusty bottoms after he drinks a full canteen, gargles with the water, puts on lip balm and then offers it to Ned and Lucky. I mean we just came out of the Desert man.


Never Dusty Bottoms! I am a devoted desciple of Lucky Day.

While everyone is shooting at the invisible swordsman, it's a lack of institutional funding that has always been the El Guapo for North Texas.

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