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Michael Irvin


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Looks like Michael Irvin may be interested in breaking in to the college coaching ranks. He probably has all the cash he needs. Can he coach or bring recruits without baggage??

I attemted this link being ill-prepared for the technology I was attempting. Hope it works.


Edited by GreenExes
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Mike Irvin had a brother, or a cousin or even a sister...Well someone related to Irvin use to work on the UNT staff when I first got here. (spring of 1998)

That's right, now that you mention it. I used to see him on the sidelines alot. I thought maybe he had a brother that played at UNT??

That's when Kelvin was there too. Maybe they were visiting,.....or hangin' B) .

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Guest GrayEagleOne

In spite of his human frailties, I really like Michael Irvin. He had a tremendous amount of talent and I don't think that he ever meant to harm anyone. He may very well have the knowledge to make someone an excellent coach. He has the gift of gab; no problem in communicating.

Having said that, Michael has too much baggage to ever coach at the college level. It would be hard to take seriously someone whose personal conduct almost excluded him from the Hall of Fame. He just couldn't say no to anything that gave him pleasure. In the college ranks I think that coaches are role models, as much or more than high school coaches. To me, it would send the wrong message. Think of Kelvin Martin and K-Mart was a saint compared to Irvin.

If he really wants to coach then I think that he should try at the professional level.

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Calm down boys and girls. I just posted it as food for thought all the while having a big grin on my face at the reactions that may result. It would be a really cold day before we could think up ways to get our 2 and 3 star recruits (and I like every one we have and will get) the kind of leadership it takes to perform at the 3 and 4 star recruit level. Weird things may need to happen at UNT before the tide changes. I'm not afraid of a little change to challenge the weak!! :D

If you don't have budget you better get some huge ba##s!!

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---Good player does not mean good coach.... Most great coaches were not that great as players either. Totally different. A few are but usually they are very smart people,, I don't consider Irvin all that intelligent. Also, he has too much baggage with his past behavior to be coaching at the college level.

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Maybe we could get Koslow's Furs to sign on as a UNT sponsor and make a significant stadium contribution?

lmao...I can see it now...all the players dressed in mink with a gold crack pipe hanging on a chain around their neck. Mike could have all of them selling crack with all procedes going toward a new stadium. Heck he could get Nate Newton to come on board and they could sell weed for the stadium bucks also!

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