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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2014 in Posts

  1. 97% is a pretty overwhelming concensus for science in 2014. JustSayin'
    6 points
  2. It's a pretty lengthy blog post after he attended an SMU hoops game a couple weeks ago but he makes some interesting points that can be applied to NT attendance concerns. Here's the link... http://blogmaverick.com/2014/02/23/my-2-cents-on-sports-marketing-and-what-i-learned-from-smu-basketball-this-week/ If you've ever heard or read Cuban's thoughts on the topic, you already know that he's against trying to incorporate social media (specifically phone use) at a live event. His position is that people attend such events to have an experience and will gladly ignore their phone (maybe aside from taking pictures to document the experience) for several hours if they're in the process of creating memories. He offers several guidelines: 1. Know where your team is in their “lifecycle” There's a momentum at NT right now that must be capitalized on. 2. Know who your long time fans/customers are. We all have varying opinions on how well NT does this, but I have always felt appreciated appropriately given my level financial commitment (not nearly as much as many on this board). I also think they're improving in this area simply by engaging more frequently with this forum. 3. Price to the market, not to maximize revenue. I've always thought ticket prices were more than reasonable and think there are plenty of options available to accomodate various financial situations. 4. Fans buy tickets where they like to buy them Probably my biggest frustration with the AD is the difficulty of completing the ticket purchase process online. It's not easy and I can only speak for myself but 2 yrs ago as we were all anticipating Tony Mitchell's run to position himself in the top 5 of the NBA draft, I was up watching Midnight Madness on ESPN and hopped online to make an impulse purchase of NT season tickets even though I hadn't really planned to since it's hard to make the trip to Denton for many mid-week games. After working through the website for at least 30 mins, I wasn't able to make the purchase and resorted to sending an email to the ticket office through the site. I still haven't received a reply from that email and never followed up with the impulse purchase. So, while this only represents 2 basketball tickets for one season, I can't help but wonder if the AD is similarly missing out with other casual (or even not so casual) fans. 5. Selling is the most important job at a team Hearing the AD announce that there are 600 more "accounts" for season tickets is both encouraging and likely strategic on their part. I wonder if those "accounts" include those who purchased tickets through the office for the HOD bowl. Hopefully, they're attitude is that those are season ticket accounts just waiting to be sold. 6. Spend money on fun. In general, his thought is to make sure fans leave having had a good time - win or lose. One of his ideas means catering to children in a way that allows their parents to leave having watched their kids experience too much fun to not return. That's why I've long hoped an alliance could be established between NT and the local youth sports leagues. As I've posted elsewhere, if pee-wee football players get to visit the lockeroom or get on the field of a 30k seat stadium, that's lasting. In fact, I'd love to see this worked into the Spring Game. Those youth football leagues would LOVE to have reason to maintain spring contact with their families. Why not let them experience NT football and then see if the kids can become free sales staff begging their parents to come back to Apogee in the fall?
    4 points
  3. I don't like it being used again. We need greater expectations. I'm honestly waiting to see what Mac comes up with so that hopefully I can start to ramp up a campaign this summer mirroring what they do.
    4 points
  4. Certainly. If everyone here shot around with other enthusiasts at the gun range on weekends for a little bit, they'd realize that Sun Tzu would have done the exact same thing. I dunno, I guess I'm just a fan of wars. Win or lose, I'll still be here.
    4 points
  5. http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2014/03/06/yo-roger-raps-with-unt-head-coach-dan-mccarney/ You’ve seen him on the field, but have you ever heard him behind the mic? It’s “Yo! Roger Raps!” with special guest Dan McCarney!
    3 points
  6. And here I thought TSU was the Fightin' Armadillos...
    3 points
  7. I don't think you really laughed out loud. Typical American overstatement.
    3 points
  8. 2105, eh? You got something the rest of us don't have?
    3 points
  9. I think that this graduating class disproves the "lack of talent" part of your statement. I think we had talent on the team when Mac got here (Lance Dunbar was one of the best we have ever had at RB). I think the biggest issue we had when Mac arrived was depth and morale. The JUCO route killed our depth and this dog had been kicked so many times that it stopped caring. Mac brought back enthusiasm and as some of the guys that knew only losing and had been demoralized filtered out of the program, the tide began to turn. I don't begrudge them for not being excited given the state of the program, but that certainly contributed. Once he had a group of seniors that were ready to win and lead to that end, things really came along.
    3 points
  10. Right? You want to get back on board with fun...it looks like fun is starting to click and build some momentum...but in the back of your mind you just know fun is going to be replaced in two minutes by Brandon Walton for him to go 0-5 from three.
    3 points
  11. #HitTexas or #HitUT or #HitTu #HitSMU #HitLaTech #HitNichollsSt. #HitIndiana #HitUAB #HitSo.Miss #HitRice #HitFAU #HitUTEP #HitFIU #HitUTSA
    3 points
  12. Wasn't this the same guy predicting Captain Phillips as the Academy Award winning movie? Just couldn't resist...I'll go back to reading again now.
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. I think it should stay Hit6. a) because this team is not chock full of senior leadership, and the young players should be reminded that you have to work hard to become bowl eligible, before you can go on to other goals. Success does not come for free. b ) because the people who talk about greater expectations seem to be forgetting how much this team loses due to graduation. Too great expectations in that situation may be counterproductive. I totally expect UNT to challenge for (and win) the division title in 2015, but 2014 looks like rebuilding. Going bowling while rebuilding is nice enough for me (and is it not crazy that that is the expectation after where UNT comes from).
    2 points
  15. Every coach makes the situation they inherited sound terrible and talk about how greatly they have improved the situation. It's the nature of what they do, especially in the middle of contract negotiations. Unless they are a coach named Tony Benford, that is.
    2 points
  16. Remember, Apogee looks nothing like the coneptual drawings/animation of a new stadium that we saw at first.
    2 points
  17. Kaspar almost doubled his salary by going to TSU. He hopes it will be easier to recruit to being near two airports. His daughter graduated from TSU this past December so the family could be together a while longer. Plus San Marcos ain't Nacogdoches. Underwoods genius is that he recogized what they talent he inherited was good at and kept 80% of what they were used to doing.
    2 points
  18. We need to remember it was Dodge's recruits that won it last year, now it is time for DMac's recruits to show up and continue. All DMac did was get the SR's to buy-in and in their 4th and 5th years they got it. Now it is all on DMac. Dodge sucked as a college coach but he certainly did not leave the cupboard bare.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. NT is currently in the No. 10 seed for the upcoming C-USA Tournament, but can jump as high as the No. 8 seed with a win over Tulsa and some help. The top four seeds will receive a double-bye, while seeds five through nine receive a bye. • How can NT get the No. 8 seed? An NT win over Tulsa, a UAB loss to Middle Tennessee and a Charlotte loss at Marshall. • How can NT get the No. 9 seed? An NT win over Tulsa and a Charlotte loss at Marshall. Should NT lose to Tulsa it would fall to 6-10, and seven different scenarios could come into play - all but one of which have NT staying at No. 10. NT would still own the individual tiebreakers over East Carolina (5-10) and Florida Atlantic (5-10). However, there is a chance that NT could fall to the No. 11 seed if NT, Charlotte and ECU tie at 6-10 and LA Tech is named the No. 1 seed. From meangreensports.com
    2 points
  21. I really don't have a clue what we can realistically do. President Bush didn't in 2008 when Russia invaded Georgia, and our current administration is in the same situation regarding the Ukraine. What would/could Russia or the world do if we decided to invade Baja California?I don't think much.
    2 points
  22. Please no. No. It's a new year...greater expectations.
    2 points
  23. Ugh..... Toss those uniform designs in the basketball dumpster fire. Kill two birds with one coach.
    2 points
  24. Hmm. That's a lot of glass that will reflect the setting August sun right in the faces of everyone on the Press Box side of Apogee....
    2 points
  25. I wished we had. We did however come up with the "The Eyes Of North Texas Are Upon You" with the Eagle Eyes staring a hole into your forehead. Rick
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Yes, the journalists at the New York Times, TIME, and Newsweek have so often been shills for conservative political efforts. How could they be trusted to interview scientists and report on their studies without injecting their well known right wing bias? The next thing you'll be telling in is that MSNBC is a front organization for The John Birch Society because when they report on anything environment, they don't read word-for-word the scientific papers and journals about which they report. The point is, not every one - not even among scientists - agree with climate change theories espoused by the various Henny Pennies of science. And, some, who shill for it today are the same who shilled for global cooling and other such nonsense and overpopulation in the 1970s, such as Obama's science bozo John Holdren. That isn't left wing or right wing opinion - that's just historical fact.
    2 points
  28. No. We've posted articles quoting the scientists and their research. That's enough. You go dig through the stuff. If I read in a reliable news report that, say, Dan McCarney has signed a new contract, I don't have to go read the contract itself to believe it. I didn't personally see the 1969 World Series, but I've read that the New York Mets won it from people who were there and wrote about it. NY Times, Newsweek, all of them, cite the scientists, along with either the work they produced or the universities or orgnaziations they worked for. We don't have to go find the entire study just for you. We already know what your opinion is. We just happen not to believe it. You should be able to be a big boy and live with it.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. This project is 100% good for NT and the region. I am excited about it and grateful to those making the effort. I don't want to sound ungracious in any way but, I do wish the design could be more dramatic and unique. It doesn't have to look like Picasso designed it but how much more could it cost to rivet steel and lay bricks in a reasonably attractive and unique way compared to the same ole' same ole'?
    2 points
  31. "... I appreciate that opportunity to stay here. I'm not looking to leave. I love this place." I hope he truly means this. I'm also hoping that at his age, he doesn't want another restart somewhere else. I look forward to the years to come in Mean Green football.
    2 points
  32. Fully clothed, for pro-creation purposes only.
    2 points
  33. I definitely think NATO should go to the 2-3 troop formation.
    2 points
  34. This is the best I can do for now. Rick
    1 point
  35. Well good, I hope CUSA becomes more competitive. Becoming more competitive as a conference only helps the grand scheme of things.
    1 point
  36. You could always go back to Fort Hancock and mail postcards.
    1 point
  37. I know it's almost irresistible to get a dig across the aisle, but I would like to ask everyone to refrain and try to keep the discussion in a geopolitical framework, not so much a Repub/Dem thing. As far as getting the wrong read on the Russian/East Euro situation, George W. Bush is the guy who said this about Putin: And George H. W. Bush is the guy who gave the "Chicken Kiev" speech, in which he pretty much backed Gorbachev's call for the Ukraine not to leave the USSR. So lets stop sniping, this problem is big enough to not complicate it by trying to score local points.
    1 point
  38. Yeah, that infamous 4th year in which he signed Richard Abbe, Aaron Bellazin, Brandin Byrd, Brelan Chancellor, Blake Dunham, Steven Ford, Antonio Johnson, Jamize Olawale, Zach Olen, Zach Orr, Will Wright, and Mason Y'Barbo. All solid contributors with the exception of Olawale, and with him you have to give Dodge credit for signing a future NFL player. True, there were some players that didn't work out, but that's true of every class. It still remains to be seen if any of Coach Mac's classes are as good as Dodge's last class, which was probably not his best. All the credit in the world goes to Coach Mac and staff for developing the players into the team they became this past season. And Dodge should have been fired after his third season, if not earlier. But comments about "empty cupboard" or "Dodge's terrible last class" need to be put to rest, because they are myth.
    1 point
  39. I went to the event and it was really nice...the football players were special guests last night.
    1 point
  40. HAHAHAHAHA oh my lord he is TERRIBLE!! must still be on his Grey Goose from last night
    1 point
  41. I appreciate how hard you guys are trying for fun.
    1 point
  42. A few thoughts ... * Looks like they went with the "more glass" over the "more other materials" look for the hotel. It makes me think "Holiday Inn" from the 80's. * On the other hand, it still looks nice and better than what was there before. It could look really nice with the with the correct materials and lighting. * For council members who "want more" ... it's Embassy Suites! What are you expecting? No matter what they build it won't be the Gaylord or the Omni. It's like going to Lone Star Steakhouse and expecting something from Bob's Steak and Chop House.
    1 point
  43. Maybe I'm alone in this, but the "they were nothing before I got there" rhetoric has had its day with me and should be put to bed.
    1 point
  44. So a high school kid made up a story? Stop the presses.
    1 point
  45. I grew up in El Paso and I can tell you it is a great place to be from. I transferred from UTEP to NTSU back in the 1970's. I now live in Denton once again and have a lot of friends in El Paso but I would not retire there. The UTEP fans were sitting in out student section as well. At the SFA game and the UTEP game they had more fans than us. They came in bigger numbers because many of them live in the DFW area and this is the only chance they get to see a UTEP basketball game in person. We need to hire a coach our team looks like a street basketball team.
    1 point

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