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  1. If you're looking for a football comparison.... Tony was Jamario and Benford was his hamstrings.
    6 points
  2. For the record, I'm a current student and I think adding "Mother F***ing" to our Fight Song is absolutely stupid. It doesn't make us look "edgy" or "sharp" or "current." 1 -- It makes us copy-cats -- as some of the very proponents of it have admitted. 2 -- It makes us look extremely immature. It's like the kid that drops the F-bomb in front of his parents at the dinner table to see if he can "get away with it." The "parents" (administration) have spoken and said it's not okay. But administration and authority be damned. "We can't be told what to do, we're being creative!" *by copying someone else* Get over it and move on. 3 -- Just because you are okay with shouting the F-bomb in front of kids, doesn't make it okay. But come on -- nobody is stifling anyone's creativity by asking us to avoid obscenities in the stands. Now, I do realize children will hear things, regardless. But there comes a point when people need to look beyond the scope of themselves or their own little "bubble" and realize they need to respect other peoples' boundaries as well. I know my children will eventually hear the F-bomb somewhere and I'll have to talk to them about it but I'd like to delay that conversation as long as possible until a time where they're able to handle it. Plus, I'd prefer my six year old not start singing along with it just because "the cool kids in green started doing it." -- Franchise
    5 points
  3. What I find interesting is they have raised 400k already. It was not that long ago that Mattress Mac was paraded around campus in a green and white litter for donating one million. Donations like that just did not happen at the University of North Texas. While I wish Mac was still a friend of the University and don't want to make light of his donation. It is striking to see us raise 3 million for basketball and 400k for golf in such short periods of time. If we are to ever become big time it will happen on the backs of donors. To see that we do indeed have some deep pockets that are motivated gives me hope for the future.
    5 points
  4. and other teachers will be unhappy. I'm waiting to see how you turn this into an indictment of our president.
    4 points
  5. Yeah but has Texas State signed any "mystery" players? I think not.....
    4 points
  6. I can remember kids coming here from all over the United States and Canada on golf scholarships in the 60's. How could we have let that program slide for so many years while other schools were building their programs to such prominence. We had a head start on everyone AND our own course.
    4 points
  7. Oh man, being a proud North Texas alum living in MD, it would be great to see the Mean Green play an ACC team in Annapolis!
    3 points
  8. I bet you change your mind... at least, I hope you do. It's just a different frame of mind man. My 2 year-old loves going to "Scrappy's castle" to watch "Go Mean Green" play football.
    3 points
  9. I dont think trying to look cool has anything to do with it. For once, the students are trying to get excited about the game awhile creating a real and exciting college football atmosphere. Come join my group down on the 50 yard line next year and we will show you what being "cool" is all about.
    3 points
  10. maybe the ugliest thing i have ever seen.....and i look in the mirror EVERY day.
    3 points
  11. A university also must meet four of six other criteria: An endowment greater than $400 million; Texas Tech’s endowment is projected to exceed $400 million in 2010 Doctoral degrees awarded must top 200 in each of the previous two years; Texas Tech awarded just fewer than 200 in each of the past two years Membership in the Association of Research Libraries or housing a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; Texas Tech meets both requirements High achievement of the freshman class for two years, to be determined by THECB High-quality faculty for two years, to be determined by THECB High-quality graduate programs, to be determined by the THECB http://today.ttu.edu/2010/02/texas-tech-makes-progress-on-tier-one-status/ PS: Last I heard from one on this forum who I have utmost respect (and have for years) UNT met all the other necessary criteria except the $400 million minimum. That will be a worthy challenge for our fundraisers but................it can and will be done! And for our school's greatest fan, ie, GL2Greatness (+1....always)...........please tell us to the person here on GMG.com that when UNT officially does reach Tier 1 research university status that you will not go out and commit horrific acts against mankind because of it, OK? Seriously, some Texas-based universities with very weak or almost non-existant doctoral programs also trying for Tier 1 may have to find other goals to reach. UNT does not have that problem with its all encompassing doctoral programs. GMG!
    2 points
  12. Or you could make a better comparison to this guy: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/players/82033 You know, a guy who played 2 years in a lesser conference, didn't rebound as well as Mitchell, yet scored a little better. All he did was make the all-star team last year. And he didn't have to suffer through a terrible 1st year coach his second season. It amazes me that we finally get a bonafide 1st round NBA draft pick to come out of UNT in any sport, and all some people want to do is piss on him. Mitchell has had 2 years of college ball, and one of those was with a woefully deficient head coach. Mitchell is all of 21 years old. Yet, some think he has no room to improve his game. Watch, wait, and see.
    2 points
  13. The only place in the history of ever in institutionalized education. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2007-10-31-fan-behavior_n.htm http://www.lsureveille.com/sports/football/article_f66b8bae-11be-11e2-a120-0019bb30f31a.html http://www.vucommodores.com/facilities/vand-stadium-policies.html http://www.thedaonline.com/profanity-taking-over-student-section-1.701891#.UZvIVoLDl4s http://www.uwbadgers.com/genrel/Letter-to-Students.html This also means that we have the only students to ever stand against this outrage! Our students are creative and Innovative!
    2 points
  14. Guess the law school is a go whether it's needed or not.
    2 points
  15. Exactly what I am talking about. Student sections are expected to get rowdy, cuss, and intimidate the other team. I would be pretty pissed if we had a student section that did none of those at every UNT football game. We cant keep debating something that probably wont go away so im going to leave it at that. Im ready for some UNT football. Any of yall older alumni have some pretty good tailgates that myself and other recent grads can check out in the fall? GMG
    2 points
  16. This thread is just about the neatest ever.
    2 points
  17. What about basketball? Dropping F-Bombs in the fight song is not limited to just football games.
    2 points
  18. One day (maybe), you'll have a 2 year-old and you'll understand the difference between "parenting" and "bubble". Also, maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but I don't care if college students use whatever language they want when sitting in a student section at a football game... just keep it out of the fight song & alma mater. Just 2 songs. That's it. Is that too much to ask? I give an eye roll when the "Bull$***" chant starts, but I don't really care. What's wrong with "Fly like an <M'F'n> Eagle"?? Why don't y'all do that? With the number of times the Green Brigade plays it, you'll probably have more chances to sing that anyway.
    2 points
  19. He comes here because he can get under your skin soooo...
    2 points
  20. If the students file complaint and it passes for something as trivial as that then do whatever you want. If at some point one graduates and has kids, or gets a job where you are expected to act in some sort of position of authority and be taken seriously, those words will find their way out of your vocabulary. They are just words, but mean greener should know better than anyone that when we put words together, at certain times, and in certain contexts, they can harm and offend. Whether its gender, racism, sexual orientation, or threatening, there are just things you don't say ever or to certain people or in certain situations because it makes you look stupid, insensitive, racist, aggressive, gender or age discriminatory etc. Many politicians and public figures can prove this. I can't tell you what I would say in an environment such as Afghanistan or Iraq or marine boot camp, because ive never been there but, like a sailor, the vernacular shifts to those situations. I could care less what the students do. It's stupid and childish, just like students are and should be. But if you think it's a right to say whatever you want when you want and everyone else be damned, then you have a myopic, self centered view of your own little world. It's screaming for attention. I'm not an old guy, I've graduated fairly recently. I was a student once. I don't have kids and I've been known to let some f bombs fly. But, I'm cognizant of my environment and those around me. Students aren't blazing trails in attendance or vocabulary. Get excited. If you can't get excited without saying those words, then say the words with the mob, and make the environment of apogee very opponent unfriendly and family unfriendly. I don't have a high opinion of texas tech fans because they are rowdy and throw batteries at opponents. They have a ton of fans and are some of the most dedicated in college football, and I've formulated a general opinion that most of their fans are assholes, even though I understand its probably just some students or small group of mental midgets. There's some in every fan base and I'm sure we have ours
    2 points
  21. Why do you come here? You might be the most pathetic troll to ever post here and that is saying something. It's very "Christian" of you to be such human debris. Bless your heart...
    2 points
  22. I have graduated twice from two different colleges and never walked. Just did not want to deal with it. Plus, my family did not care if I did or not. Instead we had parties and ate a bunch of BBQ. That is the way to do it. No waiting for hours to get a symbolic piece of paper till your real diploma comes in the mail. With all that being said... If I would have graduated in 2004, when I was supposed to and would have walked with some of my old UNT buddies... I probably would have done it. The main thing is to celebrate it in some way, walk or no walk.
    2 points
  23. Given the Green Brigade's new location in Apogee, I think that if they started the first strain of "In Storm and Sunshine" at the right time it would literally scare the crap out of a few people on the visiting bench... I'm more of a Royal Welsh Fusiliers and Fairest of the Fair kinda guy. Than again, I'm also more a K.L King guy.
    2 points
  24. Well I had to work until about 2 hours before my Friday at 7 pm August 2011. I decorated my mortar board as the Mean Green Battle Flag (green and white Texas flag) and I think I was the only guy who had during my graduation. After the ceremony I went to Raising Cane's in Lewisville with my parents and my girlfriends family. My mom got me a cookie cake from Target with green and white icing. We then went back to my parents hotel room and opened a 1997 bottle of Moët Chandon that my mom stashed away in the fridge in 1998 and always said we would open when I graduated from college. That champagne survived three different refrigerators, Tropical Storm Allison, my high school graduation, the 2005 World Series, Hurricanes Rita and Ike, my sister's graduation from UT, and my dad's retirement. The cork was toast and the champagne inside had gone bad long, long ago but there was a cool feeling of finality from opening it. We poured it into paper hotel bathroom cups and it was awful. But very symbolic. Then I had to work again the next day at 8 am so I went to go to bed. (I started as a freshman in the fall of 2003 and finally graduated in Summer 2011. I screwed up a lot. My two and a half years younger sister graduated from UT in 2010. My graduation was more of a "Well thank goodness that shit is finally over. When do they start sending student loan bills?" kind of affair.)
    2 points
  25. There is hope for our future.
    2 points
  26. So what are CUSA's seven bowls? 1. Liberity 2. Hawaii 3. Heart of Dallas 4. New Orleans 5. Armed Forces 6. Tampa 7. Military
    2 points
  27. Over it..... now if we are talking about the new x box reveal tomorrow, I can't wait for that.
    2 points
  28. There is a time and a place for both/either depending upon the situation. I think the reason for the academic side to be more married to UNT is that that is our current name...but using North Texas for athletics, alumni events, etc. is that the "North Texas" part is the tie that binds together all alumni "down the corridor of years." In terms of recognition, in the area UNT works fine but when I travel and/or mention school to people from other parts of the country, "North Texas" tends to resonate far better. To me it's kind of like when I met a lady that said she went to "USC" and I inferred Southern Cal, when it was in fact South Carolina. So for academics and talking to people in and from the region, UNT works better. But for alumni-drawing events (including athletics which of course includes current students) and discussions with random people outside of the region/state, "North Texas" is a better fit to ensure clarity.
    2 points
  29. Well aren't you the diplomat. Every other person on this board would have responded "how the hell would I know?, I'm old (and so are you) and it's been over 35 years ago..... gimme a break....you probably imagined it anyway" .
    2 points
  30. They are trying to get a tie-in with the India Bowl. [attachment=500:images-1.jpeg
    2 points
  31. Yeah, give up on taking the high road because someone else does it. We'll prove we're better and smarter than them by doing the same thing they do. Also known as lemming behavior.
    2 points
  32. Maybe Peterson is taking lessons from Benford. Remember, prior top last season, Benford promised better defense and an up-tempo style of basketball. We are still waiting.
    2 points
  33. Tony who? Benford or Mitchell?
    1 point
  34. Great stories, guys. I think it's a lot of fun to reminisce. Keep 'em coming. Did they group you by major Jesse?
    1 point
  35. It doesn't matter what students say as long as they are accepting of the consequences. The consequence of screaming mfing at the top of your lungs on national tv is that you've castrated the fight song. Your move mean greener. Get a petition to make the band play the while song and let's see if espn chooses to broadcast our game or dump the audio every time the fight song is played. It'll be fun. Get a petition that adds the words in writing to the fight song. I have little doubt it will pass. Like I said, I don't care. But I would probably reconsider my donation to a school that puts that in writing into their fight song. Your problem is you think there should be no consequences for doing what you want. What's with all of the references to Fort Worth suburbia?
    1 point
  36. Probably the best write-up I've seen on our team so far (USA Today may be huge, but they often aren't this detailed). As to everyone's debates, it's the gestalt of the team that is necessary. A complete breakdown in any area will cause us to crash and burn, a la Lonnie's post. They have to gel, at least a bit. If they do, we go bowling. If they don't, we may be wondering if our incoming head coach is crap for the next 5 years.
    1 point
  37. Reminds me of life savers candy.
    1 point
  38. Do you understand that the outrage is not only coming from conservative outlets?
    1 point
  39. Goodness, Silver, you flatter me but I am at a loss here. Sometimes, I can't even remember what productions my opera company did last year!
    1 point
  40. Irrelevant, but at least you admit it was wrong. Rick
    1 point
  41. I would love to see us have men's soccer. Perhaps of all the sports we could add... that would be the cheapest. Though, baseball would give us the best opportunity at interest.
    1 point
  42. I wonder, any relation to Richard? Anyway, of the Sousa Marches, I tend to favor "El Capitan" and the ever popular tribute to the Marine Corp "Semper Fidelis" with Washington Post coming in third. letsgiveacheer, I've brought this up before, but I remember a spanish-style march, written by a NT graduate student (according to the announcer ) that was performed by the GB at a Texas Stadium game. I really liked it and I've never heard played since. This would be my nomination for a tradition of the GB playing a march on a regular basis at games. I wonder how this could be found in the music archives at North Texas.
    1 point
  43. What are the 8 bowls? I'm guessing 6 tie-ins & 2 contingency.
    1 point
  44. Just a shirt and slacks. No tie. No jacket.
    1 point
  45. Ya, and saying MF is the way too bring about that change. Jeez
    1 point
  46. There really seems to be some polarizing going on with this topic (once again). Look, I'm willing to bet that some of the folks that are against the 'addition' to the fight song also get really pissed off and say things aloud that would warrant censorship. I don't think anyone is saying, "Stop cursing altogether!" That's just not going to happen. At the same time, the "at least they are coming to the games" justification is just plain wrong, as there are lots of students that come to the games who are also appalled at the 'addition'. I think I can speak for most old farts (oh my, I'm only in my lower 30's) on here when I say I couldn't care less if you curse at the game, have an organized chant with some cursing, or even if you insert "m-f'n" into one of the band's songs... ... just don't do it to the fight song or the alma mater. Is that too much to ask? These songs are sacred to our university, and to have that particular insertion so whimsically added just shows a lack of respect for the tradition of the song or what it stands for. Why can't you guys sing "Fly like a m-f'n eagle, to the m-f'n sea..." Honestly, you would probably have alot more chances to sing that than the fight song anyway as this is a GB favorite and is played just as often, if not more often, than the fight song.
    1 point
  47. Who wants to look the other way in regards to shoplifting or assault? I must have missed that thread.
    1 point
  48. Did I say I do it or that I condone it? No. Here we go with the students vs. alumni again. Gotta love it. The amount of "I'm older than you, I have skins on the wall" on here is still, to this day, completely hilarious. What a complex, with some of our older alumni.
    1 point

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