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Are we safe in airports, shopping malls or at marathons?

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This is another "it would be funny if it wasn't tragically real" story. Especially noteworthy was the Green Beret killed by his 4-year-old. Concealed licenses are one thing, but out here in AZ you can walk around strapped pretty much anywhere. I thought it was a little surprising when I moved here, but I still get edgy when I see somebody running their fingers around the gun on their hip like a nervous tic or something. On one hand, I don't mind the idea of an armed populace (especially if they have to pass background checks) but people need to be careful with their weapons. A bunch of cautious and mindful people bearing arms makes me feel safer...carelessness or lack of verification, on the other hand, has the opposite effect on me...and I don't think I'm alone in thinking that way.

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Here ya go E....

"Missouri gov. signs gun-safety course for first-graders"


The new law stops short of requiring schools to teach the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program. But by putting it in state law, Missouri is providing one of the stronger state-sanctioned endorsements of the NRA-sponsored firearms safety course, which the group says is taught to about 1 million children annually.

The legislation also requires school personnel to participate in an active shooter and intruder drill led by law enforcement officers.


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This is another "it would be funny if it wasn't tragically real" story. Especially noteworthy was the Green Beret killed by his 4-year-old. Concealed licenses are one thing, but out here in AZ you can walk around strapped pretty much anywhere. I thought it was a little surprising when I moved here, but I still get edgy when I see somebody running their fingers around the gun on their hip like a nervous tic or something. On one hand, I don't mind the idea of an armed populace (especially if they have to pass background checks) but people need to be careful with their weapons. A bunch of cautious and mindful people bearing arms makes me feel safer...carelessness or lack of verification, on the other hand, has the opposite effect on me...and I don't think I'm alone in thinking that way.

Not saying any death is insignificant due to a child playing with a gun, but despite what liberals want to claim, that its the guns' fault, it's not. It's the parents who allowed access to the gun who is at fault.

And by the way, isnt it funny how liberals are always up in arms over something that involves the harm of children...unless its an unborn child? But I digress, a gun death is not the gun's fault, its the parents, just like its the parents' fault who allows their child to play with fire and never teaching them the dangers of such activity.

And what has allowing kids to play with fire cost?


National Fire Protection Association Fire Analysis and Research

Between 2005 and 2009, an average of 56,300 child-playing fires were reported to U.S. municipal fire departments per year.

These fires caused annual averages of 110 civilian deaths,

880 civilian injuries.

$286 million in property damage.

Where's the outrage?


Edited by FirefightnRick
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You have got to be kidding ... the only thing that should be taught to first graders (age 6) is leave guns (and matches) alone. The only exception might be some rural kids because of snakes etc. and then it should be done in a family setting , not to every kid in school. .

----Geez Rick .. liberals again... you blame them for everything... you do know conservatives (Torys) did not want to fight for freedom from Britain, or to end slavery, or to give women the right to vote, or an integrated military (wasn't in WWII), or any of the changes to civil rights in the 60's and 70's which gave women, young people, and racial groups more rights, including attending any college, and even allowed us who were military draft bait (I was) under 21 to vote or conduct business before being drafted to fight and perhaps die....

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You have got to be kidding ... the only thing that should be taught to first graders (age 6) is leave guns (and matches) alone. The only exception might be some rural kids because of snakes etc. and then it should be done in a family setting....

That's right..... skip over the facts presented.

11-20 fatalities a year.....vs 110.

If we can teach them fire safety, which is done without making fire or using a lighter or matches,, we can teach them gun safety and the lethality of them too.

BTW, sort of unrelated, no idea if it's still taught, but until the mid 90's they were still teaching hunter safety courses at Mineral Wells high school and shot skeet in the back of the property of the campus, and never had an injury that I know of?


Edited by FirefightnRick
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Not saying any death is insignificant due to a child playing with a gun, but despite what liberals want to claim, that its the guns' fault, it's not. It's the parents who allowed access to the gun who is at fault.

And by the way, isnt it funny how liberals are always up in arms over something that involves the harm of children...unless its an unborn child? But I digress, a gun death is not the gun's fault, its the parents, just like its the parents' fault who allows their child to play with fire and never teaching them the dangers of such activity.

And what has allowing kids to play with fire cost?http://www.nfpa.org/~/media/Files/Research/NFPA%20reports/Major%20Causes/oschildplay.ashx

Where's the outrage?


Are you arguing that liberals are against fire safety? Did I miss the anti stop, drop and roll campaign by Democrats? Otherwise, if the shoe horn fits...

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Not saying any death is insignificant due to a child playing with a gun, but despite what liberals want to claim, that its the guns' fault, it's not. It's the parents who allowed access to the gun who is at fault.

And by the way, isnt it funny how liberals are always up in arms over something that involves the harm of children...unless its an unborn child? But I digress, a gun death is not the gun's fault, its the parents, just like its the parents' fault who allows their child to play with fire and never teaching them the dangers of such activity.

And what has allowing kids to play with fire cost?


Where's the outrage?



Read what YOU wrote... it was mostly political and slamming people you disagree with ( two of the three sentence was about that) ... and not about fire safety which I support. You make everything political.

Fire safety should be taught to kids... but as we both know most problems come from kids who are not really in school yet or maybe have been only kindergarden.. That is why I claim the fire safety begins at home and fire depts. should reinforce it. I am not anti-gun... I grew up with them ( lived in the country until age 6) but again that is more the responsibility of parents.. Not sure why a high school would have a gun course... way too late to start to teach safety ...sounds more like NRA is just trying to create members. As for having a gun class for first graders (ever been around them?) ... that is nuts... at that point just teach them to leave guns alone ... they are far to immature to be handling one... there might be an exception for some rural kids in odd situations but extremely rare.

I know you think I am a screaming liberal.... I am a mix.... I hated the increasing debt after 2001 (financial conservative) and think we, USA, should mind our own business a much as possible ( no real evidence to invade Iraq, not 9-11 related.. again conservative ) but I am a religious liberal (go to whatever religion church you want to, and don't criticize me, but I go to a Christian one also) . Don't try to mix religion in to politics. Yes I consider myself a Democrat (but not a liberal).... but a lot of that come from the way the extreme parts of the GOP is treating public education since 2000?... (my profession) . Less and less money is paid by the state all the time (but they have been giving tax-breaks to those who don't need any.. Texas have about the lowest tax rates in America... which causes local taxes and college tuition to climb. The other issue I have with extreme GOP is their holier than thou attitude... Democrats are not pagans... most of us go to church also.

Perry has bragged about tax cuts... really?? which ones did you or I pay ... wasn't sales, gasoline, alcohol, tobacco, or any most of us pay. His contributor's industries got them. (READ) He brags about job increases .. well most came from oil industry and Texas is where the oil is ... not New York. He has nothing to do with that.

Rarely do you post anything that doesn't have a extreme conservative slam to it. Read them.

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Not to break up this Kumbaya session or anything, but did anyone notice the number of toddlers in the original link? Whether or not you like fire safety mixed with gun safety in schools, that wouldn't do jack for the 2- and 4-year olds blowing away their parents, siblings, and friends. So neither the NRA nor the fire department nor the teachers can help fill in the gaps for shitty parenting when the kids aren't even out of diapers, let alone old enough to go to school to learn all sorts of controversial safety lessons.

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-66 you keep making claims about bring pro gun while making absurd statements about firearms, firearm laws, and now a safety program.


The kids are taught to:

If you see a gun:


Don't Touch.

Leave the Area.

Tell an Adult.

How is that an extreme conservative slant? How is the NRA trying increase membership among kids with that program? Why is that program a bad thing to teach?

In my opinion, that program should be taught to every child, no matter where they are raised or whether or not there is a gun in their home. If followed, those rules will save kids from harm.

Edited by Army of Dad
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-66 you keep making claims about bring pro gun while making absurd statements about firearms, firearm laws, and now a safety program.


The kids are taught to:

If you see a gun:


Don't Touch.

Leave the Area.

Tell an Adult.

How is that an extreme conservative slant? How is the NRA trying increase membership among kids with that program? Why is that program a bad thing to teach?

In my opinion, that program should be taught to every child, no matter where they are raised or whether or not there is a gun in their home. If followed, those rules will save kids from harm.

---That is a complete misrepresentation of what I said.. no don't leave the room or flee from them... Small children have no business handling a gun... I own several guns and didn't allow mine to use them.. nor did I as a child.....I also didn't let them drive or even start car engines**... Kids are given responsibilities and privileges as they get older ... and first grade is too young to be giving gun lessons ... except leave them alone. Last week an adult in my hometown even shot through his wall and into a neighbors house when mounting a scope.... and you think children are mature enough to handle them??

You seem to agree that was the NRA program objective ... get members in the future ... I don't hide the fact that I am against assault weapons. which have only one purpose.... kill a lot of people in a hurry.. not against guns in general. (NRA wants people to own anything apparently.. we already have some gun control.. no machine guns ) Damn lucky that idiot in Granbury could not shoot better ... lot of folks would have died.

Interesting that this type of argument just didn't exist when I was a kid..... but a lot of our parents went through WWII and saw what guns do first hand ... plus the population then was more rural than now... Army .. I am guessing you never lived or have good rural connections ... few gun wanting assault weapons do. ... they seem to think they are toys..

**legalize Indy-cars for street use .. cars don't kill people.. their drivers do. They have one purpose "go fast" ... but we could drive them to work. Seems like a similar comparison

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---That is a complete misrepresentation of what I said.. no don't leave the room or flee from them... Small children have no business handling a gun... I own several guns and didn't allow mine to use them.. nor did I as a child.....I also didn't let them drive or even start car engines**... Kids are given responsibilities and privileges as they get older ... and first grade is too young to be giving gun lessons ... except leave them alone. Last week an adult in my hometown even shot through his wall and into a neighbors house when mounting a scope.... and you think children are mature enough to handle them??

You seem to agree that was the NRA program objective ... get members in the future ... I don't hide the fact that I am against assault weapons. which have only one purpose.... kill a lot of people in a hurry.. not against guns in general. (NRA wants people to own anything apparently.. we already have some gun control.. no machine guns ) Damn lucky that idiot in Granbury could not shoot better ... lot of folks would have died.

Interesting that this type of argument just didn't exist when I was a kid..... but a lot of our parents went through WWII and saw what guns do first hand ... plus the population then was more rural than now... Army .. I am guessing you never lived or have good rural connections ... few gun wanting assault weapons do. ... they seem to think they are toys..

**legalize Indy-cars for street use .. cars don't kill people.. their drivers do. They have one purpose "go fast" ... but we could drive them to work. Seems like a similar comparison

Lol, did you even bother to read what is taught in the Eddie the Eagle program? Or my post?

Nowhere did I say (or even infer) that program is designed to be a membership drive. Any child too young to handle a gun SHOULD leave the area of an unnattended gun. That way even if someone handles the gun and causes it to fire the child would be well out of the area and unlikely to be harmed.

Oh and you guess wrong. I lived in rural areas as a small child and spend a good deal of time out in the country now as an adult. I know people who use your so called assault weapons as their regular hunting rifle, heck I've done so myself. You routinely attempt to use a rural upbringing as evidence you know about firearms and still routinely make uninformed statements.

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Agreed. Safe-gun education only enables our youths and encourages them to use their guns before they're mature enough to understand both the social and biblical ramifications. I think I read an article that out in San Francisco that the city government was handing out trigger-locks and gun-safes to 8 year-olds like they were candy? What sort of message is that sending to our children...that it's okay to whip your glock out and stick it anywhere you choose all willy-nilly like so long as you have the safety on?

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Agreed. Safe-gun education only enables our youths and encourages them to use their guns before they're mature enough to understand both the social and biblical ramifications. I think I read an article that out in San Francisco that the city government was handing out trigger-locks and gun-safes to 8 year-olds like they were candy? What sort of message is that sending to our children...that it's okay to whip your glock out and stick it anywhere you choose all willy-nilly like so long as you have the safety on?

Gosh I hope not, the only external safety on a Glock is on the trigger...
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Lol, did you even bother to read what is taught in the Eddie the Eagle program? Or my post?

Nowhere did I say (or even infer) that program is designed to be a membership drive. Any child too young to handle a gun SHOULD leave the area of an unnattended gun. That way even if someone handles the gun and causes it to fire the child would be well out of the area and unlikely to be harmed.

Oh and you guess wrong. I lived in rural areas as a small child and spend a good deal of time out in the country now as an adult. I know people who use your so called assault weapons as their regular hunting rifle, heck I've done so myself. You routinely attempt to use a rural upbringing as evidence you know about firearms and still routinely make uninformed statements.


--- The law is about teaching first graders ...... The article at top shows a small kid with a gun... The Eddie Eagle comment is not bad about leaving the area or leaving one alone ... but that is not what the main purpose of the law apparently. No YOU did not say it was a membership drive... but why use NRA ... just tell young kids to leave guns alone ..period. Telling them to leave them alone is not considered a gun safety COURSE and no law is needed to tell them.. .... The picture creates a totally different image. Do you think we need AAA or Nascar in the schools to teach kids to not start or drive cars.

--ok you lived in the country.. I don't lease my land to city-types because so many are fools with guns just shoot everything in sight including what they think are worthless structures. My cousin did one time and said never again ... said he didn't need the money that bad. Uninformed ... don't think so... some in town are ok but unless you know them and have watched them ... nope... one almost shot me .. shot at anything that moved and never considered what was in the distance (cows, barn, pickup etc.) . .You are a bit unusual if you use an assault weapon to hunt with... they don't have the "knock down power" of a 30-30 or 30-06 and often injures an animal that then escapes.. then suffers and dies elsewhere.. Few hunters want that or use guns like that.

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Not to break up this Kumbaya session or anything, but did anyone notice the number of toddlers in the original link? Whether or not you like fire safety mixed with gun safety in schools, that wouldn't do jack for the 2- and 4-year olds blowing away their parents, siblings, and friends. So neither the NRA nor the fire department nor the teachers can help fill in the gaps for shitty parenting when the kids aren't even out of diapers, let alone old enough to go to school to learn all sorts of controversial safety lessons.

That's right... Nothing can keep ALL tragedies from happening,..including MORE gun control laws.


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I am not anti-gun... I grew up with them ( lived in the country until age 6) but again that is more the responsibility of parents.. Not sure why a high school would have a gun course... way too late to start to teach safety ...

No idea why a HS would have a gun course?

LOL... Your in education, always reminding about your rural upbringing, knowledge of guns and the ins and outs of hunting in Texas,......but didnt know that Texas requires a hunter between the ages of 9 and 16 who wants to hunt without an adult accompanying them must have a Hunter's Education Course certification?



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That's right... Nothing can keep ALL tragedies from happening,..including MORE gun control laws.


True. But closing the gun show loophole would be a start. I own an AR-15, and I don't care how many responsible Americans who have passed a background check do. That I can buy an AK-47 in Mesquite three times a year (the same gun that killed the Killeen officer) without being thoroughly vetted makes me VERY uncomfortable.


Edited by emmitt01
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True. But closing the gun show loophole would be a start. I own an AR-15, and I don't care how many responsible Americans who have passed a background check do. That I can buy an AK-47 in Mesquite three times a year (the same gun that killed the Killeen officer) without being thoroughly vetted makes me VERY uncomfortable.

People speeding on the highway where 35,000 to 50,000 people die each year.... and recently, a week after three more air disasters occurred,.. air tubulance on an 8 hour flight back from Oahu makes me nervious.


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