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Fine, I read it slowly. I just don't see an athletic director EVER saying..."Hey, when we win this game today, let's see if our goal posts are the kind that can be torn down." blink.gif Congrats on the non-conference win though, the Belt needs all of those we can get.

Your original back-handed comment still strikes a nerve though...we played the defending National Champions...you played one of the worst teams in 1-A.

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Fine, I read it slowly.  I just don't see an athletic director EVER saying..."Hey, when we win this game today, let's see if our goal posts are the kind that can be torn down."  blink.gif  Congrats on the non-conference win though, the Belt needs all of those we can get.

Your original back-handed comment still strikes a nerve though...we played the defending National Champions...you played one of the worst teams in 1-A.

The AD told the students at the Order of The Tribe that they could tear down the goalpost if we won. I was there and heard it with my own ears. I don't need a news press telling me what he said.

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Don't be too harsh on State fan.  Our guys did not tackle very well yesterday.  Plus, I'd take a win over Army any day than the 56-7 shellacking we took at the hands of the whorns! wink.gif

He is right, tackling was terrible. Almost like they were so scared to miss that they would let the guy run right by.

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He is right, tackling was terrible. Almost like they were so scared to miss that they would let the guy run right by.

Thanks for understanding my point. I know Texas is a good team, but come on. most of the time the guy with the ball was in the open field with 3 NT player standing around him just watch as he flew by. They didn't even make an effort to tackle. Even ESPN was talking about it today. They were pointing out where tackles should have been made and NT players were standing there lost in space. Guess they thought it was a basketball game and didn't want to foul out.

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Tackling, or the lack thereof, is one of my biggest concerns. This is a correctable problem though. Maybe tackling 101 was overlooked in practice. They need to focus on this ALL week. I still can't wonder if players just didn't want to get hurt in a loosing game and were hesitant to bang with UT - inexcusable in my opinion - but that is really more of coaching problem as the players adopt the coaches attitudes. Or maybe the UT players were just so good we just couldn't hit them - I doubt this though.

Edited by chrisfisher
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Thanks for understanding my point. I know Texas is a good team, but come on. most of the time the guy with the ball was in the open field with 3 NT player standing around him just watch as he flew by. They didn't even make an effort to tackle. Even ESPN was talking about it today. They were pointing out where tackles should have been made and NT players were standing there lost in space. Guess they thought it was a basketball game and didn't want to foul out.

I guess I watched a different game. I thought all the UNT players played their butts off.

But congrats to ASU for beating the number 111th team in the nation.

Come back to the board and talk smack when ASU has a winning season....

When is the last time you guys had a winning season. I posted that as a little smack talk, but then tried to think back to a winning season. Looked as ESPN, and they only go back to 2002. (you did go 6-6 last year, so close).

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