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  1. Did not think your guys offense would even score a touchdown on K-State tonight. You guys dominated the line and played so much harder than our guys. I give all the credit in the world to your coaching staff and your running backs. I was disappointed in K-States tackling tonight, but still that is no excuse. Your offense came out and smacked us in the mouth. Good luck the rest of the year!
    12 points
  2. He is already special enough for our stadium announcer to quit calling him Antonio.
    6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. Jimmerson/Byrd/Chancellor ran roughshod over that defense because the O-Line dominated the line of scrimmage tonight. Hats off to the Big Uglies, coach Simmonds, and coach Wintrich for coaching these guys into a unit that lives up to the moniker: Mean Green!
    5 points
  5. I'm not happy about the loss either, and I agree w/ everything Coach Mac said, but at the same time, when was the last time we played a top 15 team, and played like we belonged on the same field with them? It sucks that we lost because everyone felt like we could have won the game, and that hasn't been the case for a long time. The "good" I take from this game is that I truly believe again that we are getting REAL close to finishing some of the games! That gets me excited! Fill up Apogee Saturday and Go MEAN GREEN!
    5 points
  6. I agree 100% with his summary. The only thing I would add is that I thought the inexperience in the secondary got exposed a little tonight. There were several breakdowns. Except for adding 1 to the loss column, lots and lots of positives to take away from the game. Saw lot's of comments about how K-State looked off and did not look as sharp as they did against Miami. I think the reason for that was less about K-State and more about North Texas. There is nothing more satisfying than watching your team run the ball down the other team's throat.
    4 points
  7. I don't understand people saying "conservative" playcalling is a killer. What exactly is "conservative playcalling?" What I saw was an extremely effective O-line pushing the KSSt defense around for the most part. If our O-line is that effective, we had better be running the ball behind them, and that's exactly what we did. It was effective for the entirety of the game. If we're just chunking the ball down the field, chances are, we're going to be facing alot of 3-&-outs, and pissing away the strength of the team. As they say, If it ain't broke, don't try to throw the deep ball... or something like that. Very nice playcalling tonight from Chico. He mixed in Chancellor on the run game, and apparently Chancellor is the man in Wildcat formations too! Chico got the ball in his hands often. He mixed in short passes as well. Special teams... ouch! Needs work. Of course, getting burned on ST has been a staple around here since 2007. Strange that despite several different ST coaches, any kick is still a nail-biting play, and not because it's a long FG attempt or something, but because we hope it doesn't get blocked... Gotta wonder if the pressure up the middle on both blocks (FG & PAT) is because of Dunham? Chain only as strong as it's weakest link.
    4 points
  8. What I take away from this game: 1. This program is turning around. 2. Special teams still need a kick in the ass. Watching Mac on the sidelines, I assure you they will be working on them this week. 3. We went toe to toe against the #15 team in the nation and against a HEISMAN CANDIDATE, and dominated them on more than one occaision throughout the game. 4. You expected the iincomplete pass to be called a touchdown. That is what killed us. This generation's '88 tu call? 5. Our defense is good. 6. Jimmerson is a badass, and wants to score EVERYTIME he touches the ball. 7. I have been following NT since 1997. I hate losing and have never been happy with a loss. This is the first time I have felt we had a chance to win, and then disappointed about coming up short against a ranked team. I had to take a breath and realize what this program is acomplishing. The score SUCKS. Losing SUCKS ASS, but in the grand scheme of things, this was a great day!
    4 points
  9. It's just a matter of time. This team and program is getting stronger and stronger. It's starting to feel like '85/'86, '93/'94 and '2000/'2001 all over again!!! Rick
    4 points
  10. In OT on a trick play going for the 2 pt conversion
    3 points
  11. Am I the only one who gets pissed off by that kind of a segue on the front page of the DMN? It sounds as if we are a lower division team going against a higher division team. Can you imagine someone referring to UT-Austin as "pesky" when going against a higher ranked team? Not happy about Vito's presentation of the game. Sensitive or not, I think I'll cancel my subscription. About time anyway.
    3 points
  12. When you go into a game as a big underdog, you have to make big plays. The play-calling tonight was EXTREMELY conservative. Before that last drive, I think we only threw 1 pass on first down. If you only pass in obvious passing situations, that makes your offense very predictable, making it harder to break a big play. You complain about DT, but when the defense knows you're gonna pass, it makes his job significantly harder. Sure, a conservative game-plan will keep the game close, but it also makes it damn near impossible to win. You can't afford to make any mistakes. Unfortunately, we made several mistakes. On defense, I wasn't nearly as impressed as everyone else. The main reason the defense looked good was because the offense controlled the clock for pretty much the whole game. In the first half Kansas State had the ball 5 times. 2 3-and-outs, a long drive where we forced a fumble, a TD, and then the pick at the end of the half. The 2nd half, they had the ball 4 times. 3 TDs, and then they ran the clock out on their last possession. That's 8 full possessions(9 if you wanna count running out the clock) and 4 TDs. Our best defense tonight was our offense, period. I wasn't a fan of the defensive game-plan either. We got absolutely zero pressure on Klein the entire game. It seemed like we only sent a blitz a few times tonight, whereas in the past few games, I felt as if we were sending people nearly every play. And our corners were playing 12 yards off their receivers, basically allowing them to just play catch all night. We started great, but after that, we weren't very good. As for special teams, I think we already know how everyone feels about that. However, I'm not calling for Riddle's job or anything. To sum this all up, if you came into this game expecting to get blown out, you were probably thrilled with our performance. I, on the other hand, honestly expected to win this game. My thoughts were only reinforced after watching the first half. We flat-out dominated this game on both sides of the ball for 38 minutes, yet we were still down one(because of special teams). You just CANNOT allow that to happen if you want to pull an upset. Sure, the officiating sucked, but we still had plenty of opportunities. The coaching in all 3 phases kind of let me down today, not because we don't have great coaches(we do), but because I don't think this is a game-plan you draw up if you really think you can win(and we could have). You gotta take risks you normally wouldn't if you wanna pull upsets. That's just the way it is. But we don't play Kansas State or LSU again, so I think this is the last time you'll see a such a conservative game-plan. Now all that being said, the team we played today was 3 times as talented as anyone we'll see for the rest of the year. So through 3 games, with what I've seen, I will be upset if we lose more than 4 games, barring any additional injuries, and it wouldn't surprise me a single bit if we went 10-2. I know after the past 8 years, everyone on here is conditioned to be pessimistic. Well fellas, those days are over. Next week, we kick Troy's ass. Hop on the bandwagon or get left behind, because this team is going bowling, and you can take that to the bank. Go Mean Green!
    3 points
  13. I allowed myself one last moral victory against a power conference team last night. I was extremely proud of the way the team fought the entire game. Taking a cue from Coach Mac, from now on I am no longer going to be satisfied with occasionally competing with teams from power conferences. From here forward, I expect us to always be competitive and start posting some wins against those programs. Moral victory, you have been a frequent companion for more seasons than I care to admit. Goodbye old friend, may you R.I.P. GO MEAN GREEN!
    3 points
  14. Which team has finished higher in the Recruiting rankings in the past 6 seasons? 2012 KSU 58 UNT 99t http://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2012/all/all 2011 KSU 68 UNT 102t http://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2011/all/all 2010 KSU 63 UNT 98 http://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2010/all/all 2009 KSU 92 UNT 104t http://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2009/all/all 2008 KSU 27 UNT 86 http://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2008/all/all 2007 KSU 38 UNT 113t http://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2007/all/all Which team has more NFL prospects on it? KSU 7, UNT 0 http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospectrankings/TSX/2013 Which team has a player on the Heisman Trophy watch list? KSU http://espn.go.com/college-football/heisman11/ As a journalist Vito goes off Facts. The facts say Kansas State has superior talent.
    3 points
  15. I think he shut us all up tonight. I realized the routes were much shorter but he put the ball right on the money tonight, looking forward to next week. ps: Marcus Allen just called us North Texas in the postgame show, success.
    3 points
  16. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas. We played a good game and we are light years from where we were a year and half ago, we keep improving and we will win these games. I will see you all at the bowl game this year. We will win 7 or more.
    3 points
  17. DD shed a tear tonight. The Buick was bearing down on Old Bill Snyder, Christine style.
    3 points
  18. Neither you or I know how good a player Trey is at this point, but what you fail to grasp is it does not matter to me. The ethics of the situation does not change if a reincarnated Wilt Chamberlain wanted to come to NT under the same circumstances and NT provided a ship by removing any current player, no matter what their ability. Your other comment, is too infantile to elicit a response, other than I am again amazed.
    3 points
  19. We have a very special group and we will only get better. We dominated the O & D lines in this game and in the LSU game..... I'm blown away when I watch them drive these top 20 teams back! Great feeling and you cant help but be optimistic about our future. These are the areas I feel cost us tonight: 1. Special Teams 2. Linebackers and Secondary on play action pass plays. Although we were a step behind in these areas, we played really well. But I agree with Coach Mac that we should go into each game expected to win and our expectations of winning have changed. This team is hungry to win and they will be very special this year in Sunbelt play. Next year we will be ready for Conference USA and should have a legitimate shot at a conference championship! Go Mean Green
    3 points
  20. This all sums up what I posted on another thread...this game hurt because we all felt we could have won...and it has been a long time since we have played a top-15 team, and during the game, expected to win. I remember going to UT to watch us play during the bowl years, sacking Chris Simms 8 times, holding Cedric Benson under 50 yds rushing on like 2o carries, but we had ZERO offense b/c Scott Hall got hurt on like the 3rd play of the game, and true freshman Andrew Smith had to play in th first game of the season...not a good scenario My point being we are building a pretty good defense, but an offense that can score on ranked teams...this is something I have never seen, and I'm not the longest Mean Green follower, but I have been to nearly all home games since 1999...if this keeps going in this direction, and there is no reason to think it won't, we are all, young an old, in line to see something NO Mean Geen fan has ever seen
    3 points
  21. I really enjoyed watching the Green tonight. They looked good and the score did not tell the story at all. We dominated them. At one point in the 2nd quarter we had 11 first downs to their 0 and they had a total of 3 yards. Of course the kick return aloud us to keep the ball. But still. I hope some folks turn out next week. This team deserves it.
    3 points
  22. We should change our name again so people will start incorrectly calling us North Texas.
    3 points
  23. Between 5 and 7 wins. Long way to go.
    3 points
  24. I have liked what I have seen out of this team as have many others this year. Yesterday in Manhattan, Kansas we might has well have been playing a conference game we were in it the whole way. It was said that these body bag games would become opportunity games one day, well I am here to tell you that day has come! I think if we stay healthy and continue to improve we can win the rest of our games this season. I believe as Coach McCarney builds this team and adds depth the top 25 is in our future. Who wishes Arkansas was on our schedule this year, Alabama pummeled them 52-0. LSU plays Auburn next Saturday that should be enlightening. June Jones? Who's that? I wish we were playing them this year. Anyone not think Houston is a winnable game now? Kind of makes you feel sorry for the Big East. Most of all while watching our game yesterday, and afterwards I really felt: WE BELONG!!!!!!!
    2 points
  25. Do you look at the world through crap colored glasses?
    2 points
  26. KSU is a program I have always respected. Snyder seems like he instills the right values in his team. This a team I will keep an eye on and I hope they run the table against the Big 12. Also, I would love to see us play them more and eventually get to the point where we can win.
    2 points
  27. Hmmm, did I hear "I DIDN'T COME HERE TO LOSE!" in most of his statements?
    2 points
  28. We need to take some great steps forward and not view this as an at-a-boy, "A" for effort loss...special teams and poor defensive coverage and lack of defensive pressure cost us the game...needs to be corrected. If we can't cover anyone or if we can't perform on special teams, ULM and Troy and WKU and the rest of em will be a problem...Coach should have some serious conversations with special teams staff...let's not give a big "Yeah!" for losing here, turn the corner and let's not be happy with a loss we should have won...we should have won last night
    2 points
  29. I agree 100%, but I don't think it's going to change. Remember when that Iowa State fan was all over our message boards when we hired Mac, telling us how lucky we were and how we were going to play. he basically said we would be tough, hard-nosed, clock controlling team. He also said, that the Iowa St. fans got tired of his play it safe mentality and that was why they got rid of him, but now they were sorry. I think that's exactly what we've got. I don't think it will change. It's not bad because we are already now a tough team to play against. The reason Harry posted in another thread how he had never felt this way about the program. I think what we're going to see is a lot of close games, where when we lose we'll be frustrated in the conservative plan, and when we win we'll forget about it. But I also think very soon, we'll start winning more than losing.
    2 points
  30. Yeah, I kinda got the feeling he was saying "We kept them in the game with <X,Y,Z mistakes/lack of effort>", when if you were watching, you know their defense was given everything they could handle by our offense. If their stud LB Brown didn't come back in to lead their team in tackles, they may have been in even more trouble.
    2 points
  31. Indeed I find it interesting that when the opposing coach gets interviewed they always say we didn't do this we didn't that. Snyder said, "We didn't treat this game we needed to from an intensity point of view." Real college football fans know that UNT stood up and punched both top 15 programs in the face and made some plays. Now the next frew games are truly going to be a test because our team cannot lose any intensity. I don't think they will and I don't think Coach will. We need to beat the heck out of Troy for the first time in what feels like forever! Everybody needs to be fired about beating the Trojans in our closing SBC season. I must say that it was an incredible treat that here in Hong Kong I did not get one college football game on any channel (darn soccer), except the North Texas Kansas State game. The only thing sweeter would be to have witnessed the upset in real time from 8,126 miles away. GMG
    2 points
  32. A Kentucky win is better than a Vandy win. SEC question. no info.
    2 points
  33. Thank the sun belt refs before they head back to give Karl Benson a happy ending
    2 points
  34. We will find out if we are a good football team within the next 3 weeks. Need to go 3-0 IMO, anything less will be a dissappointment
    2 points
  35. This O-line is spectacular....big thumbs up to you guys tonight....we all know what a fine job yall do.
    2 points
  36. I think we lack speed at the skilled position except for a few players. Some of the true freshman should get more of an opportunity to make an impact. We need to pass the ball more, and when we do we shouldn't look for the home run play. Short passes and more the chains. Why haven't we seen #3 Chancellor and #9 Harris on the field together? Both fast! Speed kills
    2 points
  37. This wasn't quite 1988 North Texas vs. UT, but the calls could have been a whole lot better in our direction.
    2 points
  38. I think a conservative gameplan is needed considering the level of play we've witnessed at QB. It worked as DT appeared to play well today, IMO.
    2 points
  39. What exactly IS our FG range?
    2 points
  40. That is his game. DT is very accurate on short routes like slants and hitches so we should continue to run those type of plays. Canales called a great game tonight, just wish he could've given more touches to Jimmerson. Thompson struggles throwing the ball down field so our big plays will likely come from getting Chancellor in space and getting Jimmerson the ball. Dude breaks tackles and makes people miss so easily if we can keep blocking the way we have been he is a big play waiting to happen.
    2 points
  41. I came to UNT in 06 so I've never seen us play like this. My football boner is alive and well, watch out SBC.
    2 points
  42. That's what happens when u play to win the game!
    2 points
  43. Very ballsy going for two to make it a better sounding game, but a lack of such not going for it on 4th and less than a yard earlier in the game. Great effort by the guys, and without a couple of big plays (and big calls) we were at least their equals. Hope we are all going to get over the old day's inferiority complex after this one, because we've really got some good things going on. Nice job by DT by the way, and a STELLAR job overall by our D.
    2 points
  44. I expected this season to be meh. I expected Macs 3rd season to really start changing things. We may be a year ahead of schedule. This team looks together.
    2 points

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