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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2011 in all areas

  1. What a special time in your history with the opening of a new stadium. This will be something that you guys will NEVER forget. Best of luck this weekend and kick some Cougar tail. May Boomer fire many a round.
    13 points
  2. You literally have no idea how college football works, do you? Was June Jones a terrible hire at SMU? He went 1-11 in his first year and that win was over Texas State. I think it has worked out ok since then for them. How about George O'Leary at UCF? His first team went 0-12, but they went to a bowl game in his second season. If Coach Mac's tenure here turns into either of the previous coaches mentioned above, we will have hit a jackpot, no matter how he does this year. If anyone thinks we made a huge mistake in hiring Coach Mac after this season, even if we go winless, should probably just find a good Longhorn T-shirt to wear, because he is going to be here for a while and we need to give him plenty of time to get this turned around. If we are here at the end of the 2013 season and we are 3-8 and haven't even gotten close to 5 or more wins, then the rants of him being disappointing will have lots of merit. But, financially speaking alone, Coach McCarney will be here for a while--we all might as well as give him a chance to build things up around here from the ashes that we currently sit in. For those who want to raise expectations here, please understand that I am right there with you. But I will not raise expectations beyond reality when the new coach has had to follow a coach with a completely different philosophy on how to play football, practice, and recruit players. My belief is that this year will be our rock bottom year, as the current players are having to go through a complete culture change. This is exactly why I posted that if Coach Mac gets us to 5 wins this year, he should be SBC Coach of the Year. My realistic expectations for next year (2012) is to get to 5 wins or more and then to compete for a bowl berth and SBC championship in 2013. This is what FIU did when they hired Cristobal--who wouldn't want trade places with them right now? If FIU did it, then we should be able to do it, too.
    7 points
  3. Yep, Sacramento St. Damn sure doesn't have the talent of Oregon St., but they don't need that excuse this week. Neither did James Madison last year when they went into Virginia Tech and came out with a win (and then went 6-5 against a FCS schedule). Those teams faced a far greater talent gap than we did against FIU. They found a way to compete. That's what I expected from this staff last week. All this bulsh about the huge talent gap we face against Sun Belt competition is just that. Bulsh. Yes, FIU and Troy are more talented, but not by a huge margin as many on here would have us to believe. To listen to some, we would be lucky to beat FAU this year because of the massive talent gap, nevermind they were the Sun Belt coaches pick to finish last in conference. Less talented teams often find a way to compete and win games they shouldn't. That's what I expected from this staff last week. What I got was a completely unacceptable coaching performance.
    5 points
  4. Yall talk more about clothes than most sorority girls
    5 points
  5. For those who missed it. feel free to add to this. Comments from Dan Mac: On Houston: - Anything can happen on a Saturday. - Essential to keep our offense on the field and control the clock to keep Houston's offense off the field - Houston should be ranked. - Much respect for Sumlin, coached against him before. - The players were embarrassed after FIU, and Lance Dunbar said he wanted to go back and practice right away. (MacCarney sounded slightly emotional when mentioning the feeling and comments made by players in the locker room after the game.) If we aren't winning it's not because the players accept it. On Apogee: - Only one chance to open a stadium. - Great venue for a college football game. - Hopes the atmosphere will be electric on Saturday. Click here to view the article
    4 points
  6. Just picked up my student and student guest tickets and noticed that the Apogee logo was being put up. It is very big, and they were also putting up all sorts of signage around the stajium as well as unloading a new shipment of merchandise for the team store including the coaches Nike polos. Very cool stuff, lots of activity, I can't wait for Saturday!!!!
    3 points
  7. Loved our new uniforms. Thought they were very clean looking, just wish we had the SOW on oir helmets. BAD: Boise State, Georgia, Oregon, Maryland with Maryland and Boise State being the worst.
    3 points
  8. I was kinda' hoping for rooms by the hour, shower caps, a kidney shaped pool, and a cheap liquor store next door.
    3 points
  9. I'm still on the fence on ours, the whites will probably grow on me, but I'm really worried about the greens. And georgia's?!? Are you f'n kidding me?!? Those were the worst ever. Not only are you taking one of the best/most traditional uniforms there is and changing them, but the all red uni's and giant red stripe was ridiculous! Every time I saw them I hated them more.
    3 points
  10. I am actually quite busy. I just have amazing time management skills. UT sucks (I typed that between washing my car and running a 5k for cancer)
    3 points
  11. Talked to the ticket office early. They said it has been a very busy day. Get them now.
    2 points
  12. You're ok in my book, 1995. A vicious circle was set in motion around 2005. Recruiting falls off-->Team loses-->Recruiting falls off-->Team loses-->Coach is fired-->Recruiting falls off-->Team loses...As many have said here many times, it's not rocket science. That's why coaching hires at this level are critical, because escaping that wheel is very difficult. UNT has been fighting that circle with the additional albatross of Fouts as a nice bonus prize. It doesn't matter to some that freshmen are starting for UNT now. There's nothing wrong with that, but in a perfect world, your starters are at least sophomores. It doesn't matter to some that the zone-read/spread running attack UNT uses was best run by a quarterback who ran a legitimate 4.5 and is no longer on the roster, and his replacement is not a running threat, or that most of the OL are inexperienced. It doesn't matter to some that the DT position produced exactly nothing last Saturday--didn't even appear in the stats--and DL in general got their ass whipped all night to the tune of 5.2 YPC. It doesn't matter to some that the OL generated a whopping 2.6 YPC on Saturday in the running game, despite blocking for the best running back in the league. It doesn't matter to some that TY Hilton has olympic speed and NFL-caliber talent and is going to get his yards and catches no matter who is defending him. It doesn't matter to some that the WR corp couldn't get open with the exception of a handful of plays, or that one of their leading members is not on the team. This is all old hat. We're in the 6th or 7th year of this. Third coaching regime. 4th or 5th DC/OC. Still all about coaching, though. Mac is already making positive changes in strength and conditioning and recruiting. Depth is still an issue a whopping 9 months later. But this is a surprise apparently. It's going to change for the better, and it already is, but but we won't know how quickly until the next recruiting class. Until then it'll be "unacceptable", "it's about putting players in position to succeed", "they should scream more during the pre-game", and other tail-chasing and drum-beating. It's counter-productive. It's the definition of the word inane. My personal opinion has never been that the talent level discrepancy OVERALL for UNT in comparison to other SBC teams is great. There is discrepancy between the OL/DL for UNT versus the rest of the league--particularly the DL. Mac was hired to fix this. I believe he will, and quickly. We should see improvement by the end of the year, and troops coming next February.
    2 points
  13. As evidence by your avatar would confirm.
    2 points
  14. Crash Test Dummies?? (Someone gonna post a video by the group now?? )
    2 points
  15. Boy, I wish there was a UNT SID poster on here who could clear it up for us.
    2 points
  16. A committee that split 50/50 on what they should wear.
    2 points
  17. Unless we are speaking of the loathsome confines of San Francisco or Los Angeles, or some other such Marxist locale of a National League team, that would be 2 teams of 10 players, good sir. And with the new college pitch clock, you only get to nap for three hours now, not four and a half. I suggest you schedule your VHS viewings of Matlock accordingly. Now get off my lawn!
    2 points
  18. My distaste for all things SMU started with one play and one player: An Eric Dickerson TD run. Around 1981 or 1982, Dickerson, the fastest player on the field by a mile, broke free on a long touchdown run against NT, his trademark upright running style an absolute thing of beauty Around the 10 yard line, he turned around and backpedalled into the end zone while pointing his finger into the face of a pursuing NT defender. It was bush league and would be penalized for unsportsmanlike behavior these days. That moment became even more disgusting a few years later when the cheating scandal was revealed. The image of professional athletes pointing their fingers in the face of our program was and is symbolic of the "cash vs trash" elitism that persists today, amongst many SMU fans. Is my characterization of and outright disgust for SMU rational? Probably not, but that is pretty much what makes sports sports. That I, or anyone for that matter, would give a rats a-- about that program is the bigger shame. GMG
    2 points
  19. It's going to be awesome! However, at this time we have no idea if they will come in from the east side, the west side, or parachute in from the heavens.
    1 point
  20. These two don't even look they are on the same team here.
    1 point
  21. I am coming to grips with the reality that we won't be leaving the Sun Belt anytime soon and that it will probably add a few more FCS programs in the next 2-3 years to make up for a few defections. I am dreading the possibility of dropping down to a new i-aa very soon, even with the new stadium, but the new stadium probably ensures we will have some level of football at UNT for decades to come. I truly believe that if we had not gotten the yes votes to build the new stadium, ol' Fouts would have killed the program for good. I refuse to allow myself to believe that UTSA and/or Texas State will zoom by us, even if they develop a rivalry that people care about in that neck of the woods, while we have a big matchup with South Alabama or Georgia State in the SBC. I just won't go there... So, in closing, I would like to thank in no particular order, the following for allowing UNT to find ourselves at this place in time: Apogee, RV, Todd Dodge, Darrell Dickey, Mattress Mac, Craig Helwig, Al Hurley, Theron J. Fouts, Hayden Fry, Texas, SMU, all SWC/CUSA schools, all SLC schools, Southlake Carroll, the Sun Belt Conference, the failed Big West conference, Dr. Pohl, Dr. Bataille, Lee Jackson, gmg.com, our geography and location, Nathan Tune's lost dog (Ray), the passion of Dentonites and Denia Park, Jitter Nolan, Corky Nelson, Steve Sloan, Dennis Parker, Matt Simon, Bob Tyler, Dr. Rawlins, and Gene Stallings. Thanks for all of your contributions, because North Texas (State) would definitely not be where it is without each of your efforts (or lack there of). I almost forgot to mention scrappy/eppy, as well. My sincerest apologies sir/ma'am...
    1 point
  22. Dog balls aside, you have to keep your eye on the ball: Bob Stoops said at his weekly press conference today that OU could be in a conference without Texas and live with it. The wheels of change are in motion. There is no waiting until the off-season, or until we get this many or that many more recruiting classes under our belts, or a year or two from now when it all gels. Every move you make is important! Have we learned this lesson too late in college football life? Christmas will be here and we won't have any gifts to give or receive.
    1 point
  23. After never actually paying attention to what Harry looked like in pictures, I can say the GMG shirt was a saving grace, I mistaked Evan for Harry, but was quickly pointed to him. Uber nice, and it seems like everyone is lurking on this board. Not a single fan I met that hadn't been on the board, including Mr Kuehne and several AD staff members. Humble beginnings to hub of influence. I would purchase said shirt, you should have to be a MGC member and donor to GMG.com for access to shirt purchasing.
    1 point
  24. Watching Ridge and DeSoto blast OKlahoma City Douglass 63-0 on FS. Ridge claims to be the fastest on a very fast DeSoto squad. Reportedly ran a 4.25 forty this summer. This team badly needs D1 linemen on both sides of the ball, but if we have to sign Wr's, give me sprinters speed. Time out for anymore 4.6 skill guys!
    1 point
  25. I sill can't get over the fact you guys lost to Purdue. i was hoping your team would have pulled that off. That would have been great for you guys and the conference.
    1 point
  26. http://www.star-telegram.com/2011/09/05/3338547/details-of-unts-stadium-naming.html Rick
    1 point
  27. I like the shirt. I also like the stadium. As well as the coaching staff and players.
    1 point
  28. Feel free to call me crazy here, but I think the 2-4 year range should be for winning SBC Championships and big time OOC games. There is ZERO reason in my mind why this team (with the coaching staff we have) should not be able to play above their potential and win at least 4 games this year and show that we are headed in the right direction. Even with the terrible game we played at FIU, with a little improvement there are still 6-7 winnable games this year IMO.
    1 point
  29. We're in big trouble with JJ at this point. But him not being there hurts, badly...
    1 point
  30. What is your definition of very quickly?
    1 point
  31. Then why have I had SMU grads reporting into me the last 5 years? Are they plants or just keeping an eye on the plebes? Why have I had other SMU grads actively mentor me and take an interest in my career? I will make fun of their football team and stereotypes same as any other school, but come on. I know the people you describe are out there, but they are way more old, feeble, incapacitated and less essential to any Dallas-based commerce than you think. The only thing keeping the rivalry alive is a few people here who go to their message board, goad them into saying things they know piss us off and then eagerly reporting what pootiestang6969 had to say about us. That said, I'm still pissed A&M didn't break 50.
    1 point
  32. Translated Macspeak: "It is going to be difficult for a year or two, but trust me. I got this."
    1 point
  33. Are we going to want a shirt to remember this game anyway?
    1 point
  34. Soccer Rankings try to keep conferences together in their regional rankings thus the Big 12 is in the central and Sunbelt in the south. The ladies should take care of business on Friday night (Sam Houston), but Baylor is now ranked #10 in the central region! A win in Waco on Sunday would be huge in boosting the Mean Green up the regional rankings! GMG
    1 point
  35. I noticed that too. A lot of what he has to talk about right now is experience over his career. They are good stories for the most part, but hopefully he will have some more to tell about his current job.
    1 point
  36. What kind of logic is that? The team doesn't play better or worse because of the way the gambling line moves.
    1 point
  37. And I'll never understand why we've blamed our whole history of athletics suckdom on SMU.
    1 point
  38. Collin Mangrum says "Pony up!!!"
    1 point
  39. You seriously have waaaayyyy too much time on your hands to constantly post anything anti-SMU and anti-UT. I'm just sayin....
    1 point
  40. The coaches on our staff have way more first hand college football and bowl game experience than all of us combined. Let's not sit here from our office chairs and make ridiculous game plans that are "better" than the coach's. They know what they are doing. They know what tools they do and don't have. They will figure it out. If you want to make up pretend game plans and boost your ego, go play NCAA Football 12 on your favorite gaming system. All we should be concerned about is showing up to the games, getting our friends to come to the games with us, and creating a true home field advantage for our team.
    1 point
  41. Agreeance. He should have effed Boehner and did the speech on Wednesday anyway. Heck with the Tea-tard pandering GOP 'debate'.
    1 point
  42. I think it may say more about the level of play going from UNT to SMU, than it says about the ability of Collin. He was a nice role player while he was here, but he might have been one of the nicest players at SMU. Really wish him the best.
    1 point
  43. I'll say this about Mangrum - The dude loves basketball and works harder than anyone I have ever seen! He's also just a flat out amazing athlete the ability of which he never got to showcase at UNT. You might see a glimpse of it when he made a steal and flashed down the court for a full on slam. Y'all forget about those? How bout chasing that KSU guard down, in OKC, for the block which wasn't a foul? Perhaps the 19 points in December 08? How was he rewarded? Not at all. Jones gave Collin no leash whatsoever when on the court and had him in knots about making mistakes. Yet he gave all the room in the world for a few other players to make all the mistakes they wanted. Collin was asked and expected early in his UNT career to play through injuries which led to surgery and frustration. His final year he put all his chips in and got himself as ready as he could possibly be. He was never more excited than he was for that season. He said he felt physically fit and healthy; he was ready to give everything he had for UNT and Jones didn't give him the opportunity. He was angry, embarrassed, and felt like he wasted 4 years of his life. He just wanted a fresh start and so he went to SMU. While there he gave them all of his love b/c they loved him back. Dougherty gave him wiggle room and worked with him. Collin came on against Memphis and had 13. How was he rewarded? With a start and he didn't disappoint. Started every game from there on out. A stretch that saw SMU make a great run to finish the season. Finally, yes Collin praised SMU every chance he got (you have problems if you follow his FB page and dont know him and then use it on a msg board; it's UNT BB for cryin out loud) but he never worked against UNT. His only interest in UNT was to show himself that he was more than what he exhibited while at UNT. He did that and ended his college career on his terms. He's now training his guts out once again to make a move for an NBDL team while finishing his masters at SMU. <Obviously I know him better than you so put my words above all the specualtion. And as for the rec center comment, it's a good thing UNT's colors are green to cover your envious green skin. Keep watching rec center basketball and convincing yourself your an expert on evaluating talent.
    1 point
  44. Please don't take this as a slam against Overlander. But to add another shooting guard when we are losing two 6'7" players and only have two scholarships to give somehow doesn't mesh. We need at least one more body who can play in the paint. We have two 6'8" forwards who will be seniors next year when this class comes aboard. The only two tall players left after that year will be Robinson and Mitchell. If the NBA offers an amount of money that's virtually impossible to turn down then Mitchell could well be gone. I don't think that we have a prayer of getting Ibeh but there are a couple of big guys that aren't out of the question...yet. I just wish that we could've withheld announcing (or accepting) both Overlander and Pye until we know a little more about some rebounders/shot blockers who also might be able to add some points in the paint. I hope that our recruiters know something that we don't.
    1 point
  45. Maybe we could stand to the side in uniform during Grambling/PV and tell the winner we've got next.
    1 point
  46. This is going to blow your mind, but some people get advanced degrees from other schools and then pretty much shut up about it. Go pokes.
    1 point
  47. Yes. GMG will always allow us be as stupid as we want to be.
    1 point
  48. UT is on shaky ground and has a QB who probably needs to not be playing but has no coach with the stones to hold him out OU had a very embarrassing loss to CU and will have to answer questions quickly to not fall off the map OSU had the rant and a loss to Troy. They are 1-11 in road games under the third van Gundy brother Tech fired a coordinator with a brain cancer stricken wife and mike Leach continues to throw his team under the bus at every opportunity. Luckily the fans are mostly too drunk and stupid to notice as long as they beat A&M. A&M is its own mess, with a crappy, overrated QB declaring that he will "die" for a coach who won't survive the season. Does that mean they can take McGhee with him and then put that Johnson kid in? He looks like a freaking beast...a non crack-head's Vince if you will Baylor squeaks by powers like Texas State and cannot catch a pass to save their lives. Iowa State has lost to a I-AA school and Kent State, and the big win over Iowa is looking more hollow every week. It's weird that Texas assistants can't coach once they leave - it's almost like they line up the most talent and pray it works, like when you run the same 5 offensive plays and a base defense agaisnt crappy teams in NCAA for XBOX KSU has the most positive energy of any team except for maybe... Kansas, who is #3 in offense and defense with a schedule that would make Texas Tech blush Colorado - one win over OU would look better without a struggling OT victory over CSU and ass kickings by FSU and ASU Mizzou has a god awful defense that will probably be their undoing in a stronger than expected North. They also have to visit OU (I'll be there) Nebraska escaped an average Wake Forest team and Ball State by the skins of their taint and were pummeled by USC - which is no fault, but they shouldn't look worse than Idaho doing it. They are no Sun Belt, but to quote an ASU player talking to the fans after week one, "You guys are seriously Big 12?"
    1 point
  49. There's rumors that Jimmy Johnson was looknig at property in CS last week. How funny would that be? What a sad year for the Big 12... couldn't happen to a "nicer" bunch of teams...
    1 point

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