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  1. That interview sure paints a different picture of Lyons than the televised interview done a month or two ago.
    3 points
  2. It's a humorous quote, but can really call a fan-base that supports their team so strongly that they could command their own network "pathetic?" I mean, I'd go from 6 to midnight if a mean green network was announced. As far as all the rest of this stuff is concerned, my thoughts are as follows: 1.) We need a baseball team. 2.) We need to win. We can control those two things. After that, the conferences will shake up at least once more and when they do we'll want to have a good resume/compelling case to present.
    3 points
  3. This doesn't make any sense. OU had no winning seasons from 1994-1998, five years. Yet, they were still landing future NFL players during that time period. The hire of a real coach had them winning a national title within two years of his hire. OU gets players from all over the country. The recruiting advantage of Texas is an overplayed hand in these type of discussions. Their recruiting is basically finished by April. So, what is the new television channel going to accomplish? Tipping it so they're basically done in March instead? Same with OU. They're going to get top recruits early and often whether or not Texas has a network. The network doesn't give Texas more than 85 scholarships, so they can't just give a scholarship to every football playing kid in the state or country. The reality is that there is always a bubble on things. The BCS schools will eat themselves in their race for greed. Notre Dame is the prime example. Own network. NFL coach. It didn't matter. At some point, you still have to have your 85 scholarship players get on the field against other schools with their 85 scholarship players. There's nothing more to gain. Texas and OU already have state of the art stadiums, work out facilities, and coaching. More money gets them no more advantage than they already have. The proof is Texas' 5-7 record in 2010. The money doesn't lift weights, practice, coach, or play. The Longhorn Channel will be nothing more than a masturbation station for their pathetic fan base. And, I expect the OUs of the world to follow suit. They will quickly be as irrelevant as MTV has become. There's a saturation point, and college football is sweeping headlong blindly towards it.
    3 points
  4. Just because one guy jumps off a bridge doesn't mean everyone should. My mom taught me that early -- probably even before I fell out of her prom dress.
    3 points
  5. 2 points
  6. That's what she said.
    2 points
  7. I totally agree....Riley is not a quitter. I went to all 12 games last season. He played to the best of his ability while dealing with a number of injuries. Considering the circumstances, transferring from North Texas was in his best interest.
    2 points
  8. and they will be teabagged by Dmac himself.
    2 points
  9. You say that, but there will people in burnt orange. It's ridiculous, right?
    2 points
  10. The SEC is already starting to make inroads into DFW thru scheduling. Arkansas plays A&M annually in Arlington, plus will play at TCU in 2016. LSU plays this season at JerryWorld against Oregon and will also play at TCU in the future.
    2 points
  11. Anyone else notice that NT has not got commits from any Texas class 5 or 4 A players? Not sure that has any significance but a little odd because the vast majority of recruits come from the bigger schools.
    2 points
  12. If he does jump of the bridge, it's okay to label him a "jumper", not that there is anything wrong with that. It just means he jumped, regardless of his reasoning.
    2 points
  13. UT & TAMU are joined at the hip. Who's going to perform the surgery down in Austin where our politicians gather? It would be intriguing to see both go independent, though, because we should already know what one does the other soon will duplicate? For those 2 schools to go Indy' would IMHO open bigger doors (better conference/better known opponents all season long) for UNT quicker that otherwise most of us 'boomers will be long gone to see happen in Mean Green Country. The stadium is nice but for what has been going on in the NCAA last few years to the present we're still behind where we should have been. NOTE: Who is going to invite Gene Stallings to our new stadium debut game? Former UNT Board of Regent Winn Brown (now deceased) told me at a North Texas function that we should have made our dramatic move upward post our Abner Haynes/Sun Bowl era. I always wondered why it didn't happened post Joe Greene era teams when North Texas should have vaulted upward to never look backwards again; and that was while Hayden Fry was still at SMU. The UNT Mean Green had as good a college football team in NCAA D1 in 1968 that there was when our level of talent had all but defeated the "almost" NCAA National Championship Arkansas Razorbacks that same Fall. Wouldn't we all (who were around) have loved to have also seen seen North Texas play the Houston Cougars back in that same 1968 season? From Good Will Hunting the word...Ironical was that....neither UT or Arkansas had 1 black player on their 1968 teams while UNT and UH had already integrated. UH with Warren McVae in 1965 and UNT with Abner Haynes 10 years earlier. Darrell K. Royal's 1969 Texas Longhorn NCAA National Football Championship team would the the last year UT had an all white team, too. Nevertheless, there are just some things about our program's athletic history I know many of us will never quite fathom; that is, why our leaders always seemed to want to retreat after we had reached some fairly impressive plateaus. That modus operendi on our leaders part became enough to have made many, many, many of our alums through those decades just say....screw it; so they fell in line with many other Texans to support the 2 Permanent University Funded state university darlins'. Just sayin'..
    2 points
  14. north texas/dallas til i die!!!
    2 points
  15. Well, “Bro”, thanks for taking the time to provide such an enlightening response. I don’t agree with your, and others, belief that Riley was a quitter……. But I do believe this……….. Those of you that feel this way, who keep badmouthing the kid – that you in a similar circumstance, with all that was swirling about him – would do EXACTLY what Riley Dodge chose to do! I do believe that, Bro………
    2 points
  16. Derek Thompson is going to have a great season this year.
    2 points
  17. So funny to see those that are in complete support of the Iraq and Afganistan war to be against the Lybian action. Even more funny to see those that were so against the "Bush oil war" in Iraq be in complete support of Pres. Obama's unilateral, non-congressionally approved action in Lybia. If Bush had done the same thing, these same folks would be going ballistic with the fascist rhetoric. As long as it is "my side" doing it, I'll defend it, critical thinking be damned!! Quite amusing.
    2 points
  18. "I should make a huge impact. I'll be playing to win, and entertain at the same time -- you know, throwing down dunks, the usual."
    1 point
  19. Effective July 25th the North Texas AthleticTicket Office will be relocated to the northwest corner of Mean Green Stadium.
    1 point
  20. OU has 8 players that are more than an adjacent state drive from OK. UNT has just as many. Their "nationwide" recruiting is a myth. They depend on Texas as the lifeblood of their football program. By bringing nearly half their schedule into OK against SEC teams, and by bringing SEC teams into Texas against UT, it would deal a crippling blow to both teams' recruiting. aTm/Arkansas is one thing. It's not worth getting worked up over. I'm talking about SEC playing 10 games per year in Texas/OK. If you think it will not dilute the recruiting pool and make it more difficult for Texas universities to recruit, you're being naive.
    1 point
  21. Go back to TCU's recruiting 5, 6, 7 years ago. Similar scenarios and tactics. Big, fast small town kids who didn't bask in the limelight of 10,000 seat multi-million dollar high school programs. Just hard working, athletic, country strong kids who were developed by great coaching.
    1 point
  22. Bits < bits people for which people don't know the background. Quitty Wilson, Quitovani Vizza, Quitley Dodge. All the same.
    1 point
  23. 2-10. Sorry guys. Coach Mac is going to need 3 years.
    1 point
  24. DId you 2 score after that beer? Get a room, already.
    1 point
  25. It's a love fest...I think you are 1000% CORRECT!!!!! Can we all just wear our Mean green gear with pride often, and for certain at Mean Green events and gatherings as Silver suggests. I'm in....
    1 point
  26. I think the Aggies did have the cojones to stand up to them--which is actually why the Big XII-II exists still. If the Aggies would have just followed in line like all of the other South teams did, the PAC-16 would already be in place. A&M went to the SEC and basically said we want to go this way, not west. Texas, realizing that they could still get a ton of money and their own network, along with the strong realization that A&M in the SEC would be TERRIBLE for recruiting in Texas, got their friends in Austin and in the state to basically get A&M's BOR "bought off". The reason the SEC rumblings are still so loud in College Station is that A&M knows they can go to the SEC and fit right in and still make a boatload of money, but they have to convince the old Aggies that make up the BOR to do it. The Longhorn Network may very well be the straw that broke the camel's back for many of those high up at A&M. As for OU, I am not sure what to make of them. They can probably go to the SEC if they want or out west if they want. They seem to be tied at the hip with Texas, which is very odd to me. Texas will become an independant before they go anywhere, now that the LHN is up and running. OSU basically came out and said they would go wherever Texas goes, but if they go indy, OSU and OU may be tied together, which still may be fine to the SEC. The schools that WILL get screwed in this fiasco are Baylor and Iowa State. Neither will find AQ status if this thing falls apart. The others will be interesting to see where they land.
    1 point
  27. The Big 12 may not hold, but OU is too cowardly to go to the SEC. They'd go Pac-12. Texas A&M may join them. I'm not real impressed with what I've seen out of OU and A&M's athletic departments in the way of gonads. Neither had the balls to tell Texas to stick it last year when both had the offer to jump to the SEC. Both would have followed Texas into the Pac-10. Pathetic. OU appear to be at the pinnacle of its power and, yet, still can't seem to act on its own. Texas, in my opinion, is like the 2000s mortgage market before the crisis - it will get too big and unwieldy for itself and crash. Outside of Texas, there isn't going to be much interest in their brand; something Notre Dame has already discovered. Having a big pile of money is one thing; but, you still have to compete. Texas sucked last year and will likely suck again this year. You can't dress up dollars and put them on the field.
    1 point
  28. You should be ashamed. Clearly the wrong shade of green.
    1 point
  29. It is just flat embarrassing to me for people on this board to EVER refer to Riley Dodge as a "quitter"! Friggin' unbelievable!!!
    1 point
  30. Personally I think we are a perfect replacement for Colorado and Nebraska in the Big 12. I know most will disagree with me, but NT is not that tiny commuter school some have thought of us to be in the past. We are a good size school that is growing bigger and stronger every year with a massive alumni base. We finally have our facilities in place and we offer the best location and market there ever could be. Rick
    1 point
  31. If he can stay healthy RD will do very well at Mcneese. I appreciate his efforts here and wish him the best. Rick
    1 point
  32. Socialist Obama: Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/the-budget-deals-of-reagan-bush-clinton-and-obama-in-one-chart/2011/07/06/gIQA98w11H_blog.html
    1 point
  33. Lord no...I fall into the protesting half.
    1 point
  34. Wait a minute ……. Didn’t Aikman “quit” on Oklahoma?????
    1 point
  35. Are you actually saying you would stay somewhere if you had to hear your dad trashed every day by a bunch of people you think that actually know something? I believe at first RD did plan to stay around (at a young age you think you can take anything people might say), but once he started hearing the comments repeatedly it might have just been too hard on him, and his family.
    1 point
  36. Sounds like you're literally quitting on anything non-Mean Green.
    1 point
  37. Now you know what its like for girls at bars with Ben Rothlisberger around.
    1 point
  38. Riley Dodge is no quitter. That kid is one tough QB and has a good deal of character. Good luck to Riley. I hope he earns the #1 spot and sets records galore for his team. Appreciate all you did for the Mean Green.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. That part was laughable, but what's his end game for the attention at this point? Coach a gay team? Do some gay sports broadcasting? Get a free gay pass to the gay club? Find better inroads to the gay coke community*?I feel bad for some of you. Between the Mexicans approaching from the South and the gays marching in newly formed pairs from the North, you have a lot to worry about. Actually, it's probably the last one.
    1 point
  41. Exactly what David Kopay, Roy Simmons and Esera Tuaolo used to say.
    1 point
  42. Nations who have carried out the death penalty in 2010 (number): Bahrain(1), Bangladesh (9+), Belarus (2), Botswana (1), China (2000+), Egypt (4), Equatorial Guinea (4), Iran (252+), Iraq (1+), Japan (2), Libya (18+), Malaysia (1+), North Korea (60+), Palestinian Authority (5), Saudi Arabia (27+), Singapore (1+), Somalia (8+), Sudan (6+), Syria (17+), Taiwan (4), USA (46), Vietnam (1+), Yemen (53+). Nations that are confirmed to have carried out the death penalty so far in 2011: Bangladesh, China, Iran, North Korea, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, and the United States. I can't say that we are in very good company on this subject.
    1 point
  43. People, please! 5 pages of bickering without addressing the important issues! What I would like to know, nay, need to know, is how tasty is Libyan pie, and do they make a sour cream blueberry?
    1 point
  44. It is Tunisia (next "door" and the West of LIBYA) not Tanzania (not even an Arabic country).... This all started there first...and many credit an odd incident there with getting the locals all upset and wanting to change things. No one but you and those few who still want to credit Bush for everything good, thinks Iraq had much to do with the current mid-east revolutions. That is about as crazy as crediting all of this to Obama who has a middle eastern name which gave them hope they could be a democratic nation. Iraq was not a revolution by the locals against SADDAM but was an invasion by a foreign country.. unfortunately it was us and not really justified... no WMD and no terrorism against us by Iraq and the local citizens were not being killed at the time (slaughtered) like is happening in Libya.. Pretty much all of Western Europe and NATO is involved in this "no-fly" situation (wasn't true in Iraq) plus ground troops are not being sent in.... it is up to the locals to control their destiny... not a foreign country that just invaded it. The no fly zone just helps the many from being killed by the few that want to control them.
    1 point
  45. The issue is very specific. The last President was BBQed for playing golf while the troops were at war, so much so that he stopped playing completely. Pres. Obama does the EXACT same thing when we are still at war, the economy is in the crapper, and our friend Japan is facing a triple tragedy of unimaginable proportions. No consequences from an ever idolizing media. Like I said, just let me know when the rules change again. Oh, and thanks for coming out to play
    1 point
  46. --Scoring so low in soccer because it is always 10 offensive vs 11 defensive on the offensive end (goalie doesn't go down and help very often) .. The defense has a big advantage. Restricting the two "wing" positions to one of the field would really increase scoring and interest. -- I will never happen....
    1 point

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