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  1. 1. Robertson is a stadium that even an MLS team is embarrassed to play in. It is a glorified high school stadium built in 1942. Even Stevie Wonder thinks it looks like a piece of crap. 2. Who cares what houston fans think about our new palace. We've waited far too long for this to become a reality to worry about what a team that plays in a stadium that makes Fouts look like the Taj Mahal thinks. If you switched from driving an exploding Pinto to a Corvette but your neighbor, who rides a burro around town, says he prefers Porches to Corvettes would you give a f£#% about his opinion? I know I don't.
    5 points
  2. Wait a minute ……. Didn’t Aikman “quit” on Oklahoma?????
    5 points
  3. We'll stop starting threads over there once all them no good jerks agree we done built the best stadium in the universe. CAWWWW!!!
    4 points
  4. Here's part one http://dfw.cbslocal.com/category/watch-listen/cbs-11-video-library?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=6067942 Here's part two http://dfw.cbslocal.com/category/watch-listen/cbs-11-video-library?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=6067965
    4 points
  5. Derek Thompson is going to have a great season this year.
    4 points
  6. Let's face it, whether you're a Republican or Democrat, you've been screwed. Baby boomers and their politicans have run up a huge bill and we're left to pay for it...us and our children. They said we were worthless when we were out cutting class and getting laid. But, in reality, they're just more jealous that we got more overall trim than they did, and we did it in the hey day of women - the 80s - when almost every woman in America was firming her assets with aerobics three or four times a week. So, they've run up their massive debt and are sexually frustrated (hence, their baby boom creation of Viagra), and we have to somehow pay for it. Screw you, Baby Boomers! Quitters! You quit Vietnam and quit paying your bills! You quit and shirk. I'm glad I dated and slept with your daughters in your own houses! We've disrespected one another, so we're even. You are my enemy until my Generation's Republicans and Democrats save the day, like they're going to have to. Put your pencil back in your pants. We'll figure this one out without you. Filchers.
    3 points
  7. You should be ashamed. Clearly the wrong shade of green.
    3 points
  8. WHY NOT NORTH TEXAS!!!!! That's not a question, it's a statement. If you cannot get excited about UNT and the Mean green seeing that interview and the stadium then you just must be ready for the undertaker. I was so proud to be a member of the great Mean green nation while watching that interview. Great interview and a good length as well, not some 30 sec. spot. This was the real deal, and everyone who calls them self a fan of the Mean green should be VERY proud of THEIR UNIVERSITY. It is high time that all alums and fans of the Mean Green wear their Mean Green gear often and with pride and challenge anyone (alum or non-alum alike) who dares to make disparaging remarks about the Mean Green and UNT in general. It stops NOW and the Mean Green Nation needs to lead that charge. You never hear Coach Mac in public being anything but positive about the Mean green, and that is beginning to get across in the Metroplex and beyond and it is helping to bring pride back to the Mean Green Nation members who need for some reason to have their pride restored. The time is NOW for the Mean green nation...be proud of your university and help to spread the word. Go grab an alum who hasn't been back or who hasn't attended a game in a long time and invite them back to see the progress. Invite them to return to the Mean Green Nation. My guess is that many are just looking for any excuse to "come home". Just a fantastic interview! GO MEAN GREEN & Why Not North Texas!!!!!!
    3 points
  9. You'd think so, but you don't really know our fans. If you want to respond in a way the GMG crowd understands, just take pictures of Case Keenum practicing during a flyover. They'll love you for it.
    3 points
  10. That wouldn't work - he's already said, his generation makes love, not war. It's our generation fighting the war on terror...on the front lines. We're not running around protesting the protection of our future. If it weren't for Ronald Reagan telling Mikhail Gorbachov to stick his balding pate back up his poop shoot, the Soviet Union would have never folded. And sandwiched in between Reagan and Gen X are this generation of money-wasting Baby Boomers. I say they do away with the Republican and Democratic parties and replace them with the Born Pre-1965 Party and the Born Post-1965 Party. Watching these baby boomers trying to solve the debt is like watching six midgets trying to light the fart of an ostrich over and over again. It's pointless - we already know that sissy McConnell will cave, and the fart will be lit nevermore.
    3 points
  11. Now you know what its like for girls at bars with Ben Rothlisberger around.
    3 points
  12. GMG Guide: "Quitter" - a player who leaves North Texas before their time here is done. Not a personal attack. Just a statement of fact of a player's status for any team we care about. "Mean Green Athlete" - includes players who transferred to UNT to play for the only team that matters. I hope that clears things up a bit. Reposted AGAIN for those who need it.
    2 points
  13. Based on your last two posts I feel I have to interject: KingDL1 is the guy who does the fly overs.
    2 points
  14. It is just flat embarrassing to me for people on this board to EVER refer to Riley Dodge as a "quitter"! Friggin' unbelievable!!!
    2 points
  15. I don't believe SMU is hosting A&M, as that game got bought out because the Aggies are now playing Arky here every year. That said, your point about playing a team like Tech at home is much more doable now that we have a nice stadium to come to. Those games you mentioned as being spiced up have only one name that I think we should have scheduled--Iowa. No-return games at the powers of the SEC and the Big XII early in the year are just ridiculous. I think we should take a body bag game against a Big Ten/Pac Twelve team that you might actually be able to compete with while getting the big check. To me, playing at Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State, Iowa, or Wisconsin just seems more advantageous to our program at this point than going to Tennessee, Florida, LSU, Georgia, or Alabama. Plus, I think that we could get a 2 for 1 with one of those Big Ten teams (eventually) faster than we could with one of those SEC teams. Now if we are going to play those teams in this setup, then schedule them for later in the year. Troy almost beat Georgia and LSU on the road in November matchups when those teams have been beaten up, too. Watching us lose 58-0 at Baton Rouge, Austin, or Norman early in the year just gives the local media and fanbase more apathy, not to mention what it does to your team's morale and health. I just hate playing those schools while we are trying to actually build something here. Maybe gettting killed at Iowa is just as bad, but I have a feeling that it wouldn't be as bad as losing to a regional power that has major ties to Texas for recruiting and media coverage, not to mention the T-shirt fans that are actual UNT alums or students.
    2 points
  16. If he can stay healthy RD will do very well at Mcneese. I appreciate his efforts here and wish him the best. Rick
    2 points
  17. No offense, but that is the third topic started in the last 3 weeks with the subject of pics of the UNT stadium ON A UH BOARD! And it's not like the old threads have dropped off. 2 are on the 1st page and one is at the start of the 2nd. I can understand the excitement, and I can see multiple threads starting here, but at a minimum, I'd think on a UH board, you might keep all of the stadium pics on the same thread. Otherwise, it really starts to look like overkill and even rubbing UH fans' faces in it.
    2 points
    2 points
  19. Robertson is the worst stadium I've ever been to. Luckily I'll get to see some good football there tomorrow night. Dynamo vs Bolton.
    2 points
  20. Which of your posts would you like the -1 to go to?
    2 points
  21. Are you actually saying you would stay somewhere if you had to hear your dad trashed every day by a bunch of people you think that actually know something? I believe at first RD did plan to stay around (at a young age you think you can take anything people might say), but once he started hearing the comments repeatedly it might have just been too hard on him, and his family.
    2 points
  22. I would take your supposed conservatism much more seriously if you would just once criticize the democrat party. Not holding my breath.
    2 points
  23. People who transfer from UNT are by definition quitters. People who transfer to UNT are wise young neb who have seen the errors of their previous choices. Either that or walk up to George Odufuwa, look at him straight in the eyes, and call him a quitter.
    2 points
  24. if we want to play UTA, UTSA, Tx St, and La Tech so bad......... why not just schedule them in OOC??? we dont need to be in the same conference to build a rivalry..... ie SMU vs UNT, SMU vs TCU, etc
    2 points
  25. I just don't see how we can label him a quitter for choosing family over personal gain. It would be hard for anyone to work for someone who just fired your Dad.
    2 points
  26. Once again this board blames SMU for our own eff ups.
    2 points
  27. End this now. Be willing to be the bad guy, and invite NMSU and Texas State. Done. As for the standard SMU-is-the-reason-why-we-can't-have-nice-things line, it belongs in the same place grunge rock belongs - the 20th century. It's simply not true, and even if it was, we should be looking for other friends instead of pissing off potential ones down the road.
    2 points
  28. I got in touch with Malik Dilonga, a defensive end from Cedar Hills Trinity Christian. He has also orally committed to UNT. Click here to read entire DRC article. This post has been promoted to an article
    1 point
  29. Effective July 25th the North Texas AthleticTicket Office will be relocated to the northwest corner of Mean Green Stadium.
    1 point
  30. I don't see where this helps A&M much unless they're afaid the B12 will implode in a few years and they might be left homeless. In the SEC they'll be a smaller fish in a bigger pool.
    1 point
  31. DId you 2 score after that beer? Get a room, already.
    1 point
  32. It's your generation fighting and mine. And...the 60s hippies are laughing at what you all call protesting. Inasmuch as we a still in Iraq and Afghanistan 10 years after 9/11 shows how little political and societal effect your generation's "protests" have done. In the 60s they rebelled for what has turned out to be no good reason. We now prop up communist countries by sending them our jobs and giving them total access to our markets...and going into debt with them. Once they shaved and went corporate, the hippies began giving the country away bit by bit to China. Everything you turn over is made in China, Vietnam, or some other oppressed country. In the end, human rights don't really matter to hippies and protesters. They just don't want war to stop oppression because war is bad. It's better to have the people in those countries oppressed and to ruin our economy by going into debt to them and sending them all of our manufacturing jobs and whatnot. It's a fair trade off to them for not having wars...and, far enough away so that the old hippie and young protester can sit at Starbucks half a globe away, sip their lattes, and pretend the oppression isn't happening. Note: I love how easy it is to come into the non-sports forum every now and then and draw everyone offside. It's almost too easy, and I should be ashamed of myself for doing it. But, I got to work in midgets and ostrich farting along the way, so I'm not as ashamed as I should be. Sorry.
    1 point
  33. 2,884 posts in. Stop acting like you're new here.
    1 point
  34. So our generation didn't have a chance to serve, but when your generation did, you opted out? Then decided to call the effort "ridiculous"? How exactly does that make you better? Kinda makes you sound like a little kid.
    1 point
  35. I agree with you on most of this, wardly. If the Big East does extend to 12 FBS teams, I would see the conference adding UCF, ECU, and Houston. This gives the BE protection for when the Big Ten/ACC decides to grow bigger and poach teams from their conference (probably will lose some combo of Pittsburgh, Rutgers, Syracuse, and UConn). If CUSA saw these losses, that would leave them with 9 teams. It would seem to me that if they were to expand, CUSA would want look at MTSU for the Nashville TV market and one of the F_Us for the Miami TV market, which gets them back to 11 teams. Basically, your choices for the last spot would involve the remaining SBC schools or Eastern WAC schools. Obviously, we add TV sets from the DFW market standpoint, but we have the SMU issue, too. It seems that we would make sense to the rest of CUSA in that we would be a great replacement for Houston. However, as we have seen with the Florida startups, if this is about TV markets, the San Antonio market could be the tipping point on the scale--assuming UTSA gets off to a big start in the WAC. This would give CUSA the ability to go and say that we have schools in these media markets: Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Miami, Memphis, El Paso, Tulsa, Birmingham, Nashville, and San Antonio. That COULD be the biggest hurdle we face. If UTSA falls flat on its face, then they are probably not even mentioned in this, but IMO, this is our stiffest competition for a CUSA spot under these circumstances. If we get left behind in the SBC, that would leave us still playing F_U, WKU, USA, ULL, ULM, Arky State, and Troy, plus whoever we invite to join the league. All this said, I still love the idea of us playing in the MWC. We would be the only Texas school in the league, but we would get to play Boise, Fresno, Nevada, AFA, etc..every week. That is a league that would be a lot of fun to watch and has national respect at a much higher level than CUSA has ever had. I just love the idea of having a top ten ranked Boise State come to the new stadium or getting a top 25 AFA here for a conference game. That would be huge for North Texas!!
    1 point
  36. Thankfully, I trust Coach Mac and his staff. If this had been Todd Dodge he'd have really dampened my enthusiasm. We have put out offers to some great athletes but so far all our commits are pretty far under the radar. It's not that these kids won't be great athletes it's just that I was hoping for some names that we can all agree would mean that we were coming on strong. This may take longer than I thought and I don't have many seasons left.
    1 point
  37. What do we care what a bunch of high schoolers think about our new stadium?
    1 point
  38. This my pick for the best post of this thread, definitely a golden nugget. +1 to you
    1 point
  39. Thanks Gentlemen! We have to hurry and turn our programs around! Running out of birthdays. LOL
    1 point
  40. Yeah man! Love your basketball insight. Good job being born.
    1 point
  41. The upside is that he won't have to drive very far to see us in the New Orleans Bowl in December.
    1 point
  42. Busy day in Mean Green Land!! Love to see these kids jumping on board, although I'd like to see a more solid committ from Tucker.
    1 point
  43. We don't belong in a conference that has non-regional non-football members.
    1 point
  44. Right now, as I leave for lunch to go get a dead animal sandwich, 66.67% of the voters believe UNT will win 5 to 8 of its games. I think it's on! Let's break outta this mutha like a bunch of people hiding in a trojan horse who get pulled into a city after the city people think the ships of their enemy have sailed away, but some of the enemies are hiding in the trojan horse and come out later after the Tonight Show with Jay Leno when everyone is good and asleep and open up the city gates and let the rest of the enemies, who are their friends, into the city to kill and destroy their real enemies, who at the beginning of this sentence were just people in a city who found a big, wooden horse and rolled it back into their city as a souvenir of victory, but which became, ironically, a terrible instrument of doom. Let us become that terrible and ironic instrument of doom that as of 11:53 a.m. Central Standard Time on July 19, 2011, 66.67% of voters in a sports poll who care think we can be!
    1 point
  45. I miss the hell out of that quitter.
    1 point
  46. 2 roadblocks to C-USA: 1. C-USA maintaining a Florida school 2. SMU
    1 point

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