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Sed Ellis Tweet


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Sorry guys, but if Sed Ellis was charged with stealing a TV, pleaded guilty, and is given some form of punishment(time or restitution, then he should be booted off the team. No room on the UNT roster for thieves.

They could have dragged this out in court and just forced Walmart to prove it was them. They admitted thier mistake and said they were sorry. UNT could have also tried to cover it up when they went to Mac with the tape. Instead, mac made them go to the police and they turned themselves in.

Even with them turning themselves in, they got thier pictures all over TV and the internet. When you goggle Sed Ellis, that picture and story will show up. We have all done wrong, but when I google my name, the story and a picture will not come up.

Do I feel sorry for them? No.

I do think that having your picture on the internet for the next few years for a misdemeanor after you turned yourself in, is more than enough punishment.

Edited by GOMG2013
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Hahaha nicely put SSP! That is more or less what they are right now, but for a second chance and ability to get a degree I think I'd do just about anything too. Good for them for owning up, maning up, and taking their consequences and facing it all head on. While I despise the action ans the act they committed, I love how they're handling it. Think that speaks to coach Mac and what he teaches these young men.

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Antoinne Jimmerson and Freddie Warner were arrested a couple years ago for shop lifting. Does anyone recall if they were suspended? I believe it was handled internally.

Exact same charge. Doubt it was handled any differently:


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