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Gone To Trim Some Hedges


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All joking aside... Which I normally hate to do... This is the most ridiculously small time post from someone working inside a collegiate athletic department ever.

Flyonthewall does not work inside the department. He is an independent businessman who has donated a ton of money and a ton of time to this program. If you want to call someone out, try aiming your arrows at those on this board who do not donate, never show up to donate their time, yet who like to tell everyone else how to do their job and what UNT needs to do. There are plenty of them on this board.

And for the record...I tend to like your humor...as dark as it is sometimes! :-)

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In fairness, I don't think he works inside the athletic department, just gives a large amount of money which gets him access to those who do (as it should be). And I absolutely appreciate his and others giving.

But, ya, speaking FOR those people is pretty small time, if that is what's happening.

Well thats tricky. I've been taking his poster name backwards then... a fly on that wall rather than this I suppose.

And for the record...I tend to like your humor...as dark as it is sometimes! :-)

Thanks buddy. Believe me, with as dark as the past 6 months or so have gone.... I've been trying to keep my humor as light as possible.

Edited by Green P1
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This whole issue with the Regents is a bit off-putting. I haven't met any of the current ones, but overall as a governing body, in the long-term they've probably been the most reasonable group at any level of UNT administration. Usually you expect the opposite - the high-level officials are out of touch and unresponsive while those in regular contact with everyone are the ones who really know best.

And yeah, there are plenty of admin and such that are absolutely awesome, but through the whole rigamarole of trying to get things done, changes made, events approved, etc., almost every other segment of our hierarchy had at least one person who would go against things just based on their personal preference or just to be a pain rather than finding actual solutions. And I can tell you from many firsthand interactions that in some cases it was very obviously an ego trip rather than any concern for the better interests of the University. As the group that has to weigh the needs and interests of so many parties, some of which can at times be in opposition to one another, our Regents have made more level-headed and reasonable decisions than pretty much any other set on campus.

So just because a couple of their decisions regarding one area (athletics) seem a bit weird lately, without knowing their rationale it's pretty hard to judge them harshly. Now, if they were to come out and agree with the suppositions made on their collective behalf (it's okay to lose, etc.) then I might hand it to you that they have erred. But with their record of rational response over the course of many years and many personnel changes, I wouldn't be too ready to assume that their reasoning behind decisions such as the RV extension were as simple and ridiculous as they've been made out to be.

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If he wants my opinions, I'll be happy to give then to him, but he'll need to ask, as I will not ever grab him, RV, or anyone else and force feed my opinions on them. That is just plain rude. If he wants them, absolutely find me and we will have a frank discussion.

But I bet he tells you that criticism comes with the territory when you hold a public position. I bet you he couldn't care less about my opinion, which is fine.

I don't think it was, but if this is some weird attempt at intimidation, you are barking up the wrong tree, my friend. I'll be at the team bar and many functions that weekend. Ernie, you, or anyone else want to have a discussion, find me. Well find us a quiet little corner and talk.

Hey, I'll change my opinions once I get to know them, right?...

Just sayin...

Damn, guess we don't qualify as "anyone else." Edited by UNTLifer
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Find it funny how one moment you claim you won't share your opinions with those that don't ask for it because that would be rude, and the next you are posting your opinions on here without anyone prodding you along. Seems like a contradiction to me. Just seems like you would afford us the same respect as those you point your fingers at as the cause of your issues.

Edited by UNTLifer
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Find it funny how one moment you claim you won't share your opinions with those that don't ask for it because that would be rude, and the next you are posting your opinions on here without anyone prodding you along. Seems like a contradiction to me. Just seems like you would afford us the same respect as those you point your fingers at as the cause of your issues.

It seems like you don't understand the Internet.

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It seems like you don't understand the Internet.

Yep. Funny how some think a message board isn't a place for opinions, unless, of course, it's an opinion with which they agree.

I don't feel the need to call or email these folks and waste their valuable time. I would rather they be doing something much more productive than dealing with an upset fan (you know, like solving some of the problems).

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