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Actually a good decision by Perry. It was an unenforcable, feel-good law to begin with.

What was next, a law against talking to a passenger while driving? Changing the radio while driving? Putting on makeup while driving? Looking in your glovebox/wallet/purse while driving?

All of these are equally distracting. You can't legislate all stupid and dangerous human behavior.

Ditto....more BS laws don't help.

You can't legislate all stupid and dangerous human behavior ie hiring Todd Dodge.

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Let them bitch all they want. We have reduced the speed limits before and for certain areas should do it again. The highway system varies all over the country. In certain ares of New Mexico you can drive over 70. But in Fort Worth you can't drive over 60 within the city limit interstate regions. And you can't drive over 65 on a Texas interstate after night.

And I don't know of a gravel hauler/water truck having to travel 490 miles. Maybe you do? But this needs to be addressed in Texas especially for roads like 377 between Fort Worth and Granbury. The highway is littered with crossovers and thousands of access points by cross roads and business driveways. 70 mph for this road is too high. Same for 170 between Cleburne and Weatherford. It used to be a fairly deserted roadway. Not any more. Our local volunteer fire departments servicing these areas are seeing people slaughtered left and right every week it seems. The crosses litter the sides of the roads where families have left reminders of their dead.


--- I agree with you.... 70 is way too high or roads like that..especially for trucks that don't travel long distences (gravel/water etc.) You may not be aware but Texas does have speed limits of 80 mph on some Interstates now --between Kerrville? and El Paso, also Monahans? and El Paso. It may be 70 at night. Even so that is a lot safer than 70 on that Granbury road which I use some getting into the metro-plex. I've been known to "stretch the limit " some on these West Texas roads but on crowded roads and city streets I just don't get it.. how much time to you really save and at what risk?

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Expect an announcement of a Presidential bid at any moment. All these issues to to make it look like he is the smaller government, tea party candidate.

What he is is a poor man's version of John McCain, without the good personal character.

This country needs a true conservative party... badly...

--Financial conservative. ...yes!! The last one that claimed to be conservative raised the debt more an all other 42 Presidents combined and it has not gotten any better. It is not all about the White House but Congress and who controled it 10 of the past 14 years. Some here think I am a screaming liberal... far from it... that is why I posted so much against what was happening then plus I doubted the Iraq war was even justified... it wasn't.. no WMD and no connection to 9-11.... was I wrong??

---Most of the people Saddam, who did no terrorist acts against us or Europe, (Reagan even gave him weapons to fight Iran) was killing tended to be Islamic crazies that wanted to overthrow him like they had done in Iran. He opposed the same guys we opposed. Yes, he was a thug but it made no sense to me, lots of thugs out there as we now see very clearly this spring..

--I would not exactly call Perry a financial conservative .. just cheap. Financial conservative means you earn (collect) enough money to pay your expenses**... Only three states have a bigger budget problem that Texas..... and we may have the best economy of all 50... he cut income too much (for supporting businesses) but did any of your taxes go down.. examples: sales, gasoline, alcohol, tobacco, ... nope. Your property tax rate may have dropped .... but evaluations were mostly raised so you likely paid more.

**1000's in education losing jobs and social services for the handicapped, mentally and physically are being cut.


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... Only three states have a bigger budget problem that Texas..... and we may have the best economy of all 50... he cut income too much (for supporting businesses) .

Maybe you should consider a corellation here? Really kind of funny that the above is an exact quote.

And you should also consider the fact the citizens of this state are some of the least taxed citizens of any state.

Your pointing out the overspending by the Republican Party would carry a lot more weight if you would ever acknowledge that the Democrats have spent at a much higher rate since taking power (and would have spent more if either Gore or Kerry was in office instead of Bush).

Perry scares the hell out of me (as a Presidential candidate). Pres. Bush had a moral compass. Perry doesn't.

Edited by UNT90
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Maybe you should consider a corellation here? Really kind of funny that the above is an exact quote.

And you should also consider the fact the citizens of this state are some of the least taxed citizens of any state.

Your pointing out the overspending by the Republican Party would carry a lot more weight if you would ever acknowledge that the Democrats have spent at a much higher rate since taking power (and would have spent more if either Gore or Kerry was in office instead of Bush).

Perry scares the hell out of me (as a Presidential candidate). Pres. Bush had a moral compass. Perry doesn't.

Exact quote of who???

---I have said the debt is still climbing..... but of course we now owe more interest, have less revenue due to the unemployment that started in 2008, and are paying out far more unemployment than in 2000, less capital gains tax collected because of losses many took and now carry over... plus the tax on capital gains are still 15% and not 20% as they had been prior to 2001 (those were cut bt 25% by the last administration from 20% to 15%) and the current administration tried to get that raised in December back to where it was. but could not get enough votes ... the increase would have affected only those making over $250,000 .... which doesn't include 90+% of the people.

---I am guessing that if you got a $100 raise that your income tax would increase by more than $15 (mine would).... but under the current system passed by the last administration and the congress... the Warren Buffet, Ross Perot types who make most of their income on capital gains [stock and real property] pay only 15%. So much for taxing the rich. They pay less percent-wise. The "working rich" or those getting a large salary do pay more but not the "filthy" rich that live on investments. . Please think about this and what you really support .... it is true.

---I do agree with you about Perry and Bush... Bush was an decent man and I don't trust Perry... but Bush despite that made some bad decisions and the economy sunk and we went into a war we didn't need to be in. According to an article I read today he took what had been the largest surplus in history to the point we had the worst deficit....ever.

---Voting for President is a bit like selecting a doctor for a serious surgery... would you want one that was a good Christian, honest, nice guy, etc. but a lousy surgeon ....or ... one a little less decent but extremely good at surgery.....?? Both are important decisions and your life or lifestyle will be a stake. I don't dislike Bush.... but things went to hell economically and they were very good before him.... even the DOW had more than tripled... instead of dropping 6000+ as it did in 2008. We still haven't recovered well... unemployment is now stable but not up much, DOW is up a lot, and we are no longer bailing out banks, and auto companies as we were or were about to do so. . Are things good.... no... but they are better that things were when everything going to hell including housing and repos. None of the current problems started in this administation... they already existed... tough to stop a run-away train and get things back to where they were especially when facing a hostile Congress. All I ask is think about what I said.... none of it is false or misrepresented.

---On the personal level it is prety easy to keep a credit card debt under control when you owe little... a lot tougher when the debt balance is high.... same with the national debt. It is now extremely high compared to the end of 2001... about $5 trilion then... $14 or so now. he was a decent nice guy... but not conservative ... which most people take to mean earn (collect) enough to pay expenses... by cutting expense or earning more..... neither happened .. in fact we collected a lot less due to the tax cuts that most of us got very little of. We did get the debt though.


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Exact quote of who???

---I have said the debt is still climbing..... but of course we now owe more interest, have less revenue due to the unemployment that started in 2008, and are paying out far more unemployment than in 2000, less capital gains tax collected because of losses many took and now carry over... plus the tax on capital gains are still 15% and not 20% as they had been prior to 2001 (those were cut bt 25% by the last administration from 20% to 15%) and the current administration tried to get that raised in December back to where it was. but could not get enough votes ... the increase would have affected only those making over $250,000 .... which doesn't include 90+% of the people.

---I am guessing that if you got a $100 raise that your income tax would increase by more than $15 (mine would).... but under the current system passed by the last administration and the congress... the Warren Buffet, Ross Perot types who make most of their income on capital gains [stock and real property] pay only 15%. So much for taxing the rich. They pay less percent-wise. The "working rich" or those getting a large salary do pay more but not the "filthy" rich that live on investments. . Please think about this and what you really support .... it is true.

---I do agree with you about Perry and Bush... Bush was an decent man and I don't trust Perry... but Bush despite that made some bad decisions and the economy sunk and we went into a war we didn't need to be in. According to an article I read today he took what had been the largest surplus in history to the point we had the worst deficit....ever.

---Voting for President is a bit like selecting a doctor for a serious surgery... would you want one that was a good Christian, honest, nice guy, etc. but a lousy surgeon ....or ... one a little less decent but extremely good at surgery.....?? Both are important decisions and your life or lifestyle will be a stake. I don't dislike Bush.... but things went to hell economically and they were very good before him.... even the DOW had more than tripled... instead of dropping 6000+ as it did in 2008. We still haven't recovered well... unemployment is now stable but not up much, DOW is up a lot, and we are no longer bailing out banks, and auto companies as we were or were about to do so. . Are things good.... no... but they are better that things were when everything going to hell including housing and repos. None of the current problems started in this administation... they already existed... tough to stop a run-away train and get things back to where they were especially when facing a hostile Congress. All I ask is think about what I said.... none of it is false or misrepresented.

---On the personal level it is prety easy to keep a credit card debt under control when you owe little... a lot tougher when the debt balance is high.... same with the national debt. It is now extremely high compared to the end of 2001... about $5 trilion then... $14 or so now. he was a decent nice guy... but not conservative ... which most people take to mean earn (collect) enough to pay expenses... by cutting expense or earning more..... neither happened .. in fact we collected a lot less due to the tax cuts that most of us got very little of. We did get the debt though.


OK, do we add -66's use of the

--- paragraph break to the Kram's use of "quotations" to our GMG drinking games?

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OK, do we add -66's use of the

--- paragraph break to the Kram's use of "quotations" to our GMG drinking games?

Interesting.... you criticized my format or use use of --- and no comment on anything I said. .... hahaha.

Looks as if you realize nothing I said was false...


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Interesting.... you criticized my format or use use of --- and no comment on anything I said. .... hahaha.

Looks as if you realize nothing I said was false...


Yes, because I am the only one on here who throws out a response about something else, or threadjacks a discussion in an attempt to bring out some levity. I don't really blame you if you can't keep up with all the running bits/jokes/gags on here, but someone once suggested that we take a drink every time Kram used quotation marks. Since you use a distinctive paragraph break (a lot) I decided to continue the bit.


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Yes, because I am the only one on here who throws out a response about something else, or threadjacks a discussion in an attempt to bring out some levity. I don't really blame you if you can't keep up with all the running bits/jokes/gags on here, but someone once suggested that we take a drink every time Kram used quotation marks. Since you use a distinctive paragraph break (a lot) I decided to continue the bit.


Hey, Army, I "got it"! Thought it was pretty funny too. Alas, the "fun" is missed by far too many. Bottoms up! :sword:

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