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Helmet With Interlocked Nt


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I have heard they've been total douchebags about it. So much for promoting the university...ego anyone?

I would use the word spineless. They caved in to the University on the issue of producing a NT-exes hat. So, their real name should be "The North Texas Exes as governed by the whims and policies of the University and it's unimaginative minions."

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One more thought on a possible new North Texas helmet. This idea came while watching Houston last night, then looking closely at OU, Kansas, Georgia Tech, and a few others. I've simply placed one letter over the other, so that both letters are clearly visible. This uses the new font, slightly widened, in about the size of the UH, OU, GT, etc., and positioned to miss the chin-strap snaps on the side of the helmet.


By the way, I'm adding several of these helmet designs as avatars on Mean Green Graphics. However, when UNT displays its new helmet for 2007, I plan to add that as an avatar and remove all the other designs.

Man they closed the helmet thread..

This is the helmet!!

Just move the "NT" down a bit.

Edited by NT91
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It's... Baylor, Auburn, Boston College, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Houston, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Marquette, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Ok. State, Oregon, Southern Alabama, USC, Southern, Syracuse, Texas Tech, Virgina Tech, and West Virginia

So if we just change our logo to the interlocked NT, we'd be an elite school like those.


Guys, this has been beaten to death and always will. Why? Obviously there are several constants. One, we all love UNT. Second, MOST of us would agree we would love some type of insignia we all live with for YEARS to come. The problem is nobody will ever 100% agree on this because at it's very core, ART is subjective. I've about lost sleep over UNTs helmets for years. I graduated fron UNT and really never "loved" of the designs they had. Its always going to be a Mean Green Nation "divided" on the issue. To date, Smitty has done more voluteer work on this issue than any. If anyone hasnt thanked him, please do so. Art isnt always fun, it's work that's continually criticized. Ok, so now once again with MY helmet rant, see below.

First and foremost, I do NOT claim to have the skills or eye that Smitty or a few others have demostrated on here. Some very good designs. I dont work in graphic arts, but I did grad from UNT in '89 with a degree in Art, currently work in architectural design/building graphics. Trust me, this is not bragging, I dont have great design skills, but the one thing I think I can do is offer that school and work have taught me un-biased feedback and critique as to what the insignia/logo should possibly "do" as well as be visually appealing.

Many of the ideas to come out on GMG look great, but the only feedback from many of us is "very cool", "awesome", "love it". Then seems like always to be followed with someone offering a suggestion to "outline it in black", over and over and over and over. You guys need to really think about what that insignia needs to do if we all want it to stay on the helmet for 50 years and build a tradition behind it. Try and think about things like, as many have said, it is simple? But, in addition, is it recognizable? Can it be read well from the stands? Does it read well on TV? These are a few off the top of my head, but for example, I'm going to address some of Smitty's many fine examples and try and convey WHY some of them seem to work better than others, not just "I love this one cause it Kicks Ass" I'll do my best to give unbiased pros and cons on some of them.

Interlocked "NT": This one seems to go on and on, and has a ton of fans. Personally to be subjective, When I think out of all the Word Art, Logos, Tradmarks, or whatever has come of us UNT that represent departments, schools, atheletics, and the like, I honestly feel that NT Exes logo is about the nicest looking graphic that has come out of that university. Its very balanced, collegiate looking, strong, and the majority of people that would look at it would find it visually appealing. That's the Pro I can give it. However, would I think it's the best idea for a helmet? Honestly, my gut would say no, and here's why. First of all, I do think even though it's not "official" word art, that could be changed, but you'd still have a battle with the NT Exes over the issue. It's their thing, let it be. Second,

as 'ColoradoEagle' stated very obviously, it's been done over and over and over and over. Some of you could argue, "if it's done so much, it must be a good idea". Guys, I'll probably ruffle a few eagle feathers with this statement, but it's done so much for ONE reason. It's EASY.... Lock the letters, done. We're an Art school for God's sake. Aside from all of those other schools you see in 'ColoradoEagle's example, how many other logos not associated with colleges have you seen with interlocked letters? MILLIONS. Remember when you'd doodle in your notebook as a kid, maybe pretend you'll own a company one day, and you make a logo? How many of you interlocked your initials? Everyone right now think about your your highschool teams letter jackets. Interlocked letters? If your high school had more than one intiial in the name, then most likely so. Again, not saying it looks bad, I'm saying it's not that OBVIOUS of an answer. If UNT ended up with that design, yes, it would still be better than some, but would we be happy with it in 10 years? Remember in 10 years, many many other colleges could consider changing their logos as well, many considering interlocked letters.

Smitty also played with the newest eagle design on the helmet, of different colors, sizes, etc. To me, those caught my eye because they seemed very unique, and yes, personally, I liked the one I use in my avatar, whether it's green on a white or vice-versa. It's simple, reads as an eagle, has alot of movement to it, and represents power. IF you flashed that image on a card in front of someone for a split second, and asked them what saw, most would probably say a bird of prey of some type. That symbol works well to read from the stands, TV, merchandise, etc. It'll draw attention from kids. The thing has alot of marketing potetial. I dont have the graphic on me, but Smitty also did some studies with thissame bird, but avery enlarged version where only the wings showed on the helmet. (if any of you have this, please post it so others will know what I'm talking about). The image of those were striking, extremely different than anything I'd seen before. But, constructively speaking, I think if that design gets too big, you'll have alot of people who wont understand what they're looking at. It might be white wings on the front of a green helmet and we all know this, but you'll be suprised of the thousands of people who would look at that and say "whats that green thing on the back of their white helmet", basically reading it backwards. Think it's ridiculous? If you do, you dont work in art. Its amazing how many people eyes can not deliniate something the next guy finds so remarkably simple.

Alot of people here will argue that we should leave what we have because it's so simple to just have our name on our helmet, eveyone will immdiately know who we are. I've said it before, but if we start winning, you wont need a billboard on your helmet. Personally I always think it's very difficult to read on that dark of a helmet. And man "NORTH TEXAS" was even easier than interlocked letters. I think they came up with this in about 2 hours before the game and ran down to Kinkos to make helmet stickers. Still think it's memorable? Think about this exercise. IF you went to UT Austin, and mananged to find 10 students that knew absolutely nothing about UT football (practically impossbile, I know, but these people do exist at any university) and asked each to draw a picture of what's on the side of UT's helmet, I'd wager a paycheck about all of them would come pretty damn close. Whether you like UT or not, it's a design that works and has stood the test for decades. NOW, try that same exercise with 10 non football fans at UNT. I dont even want to think about the disaster. Hell, you'd probably get sketches of dragons, lions, a beer can, and a couple of musical instruments, and yes some dumbass would probably come up with a green longhorn. So for those who keep saying things like "why dont we just go with the word art that UNT released last year?" My answer is because I think they missed the mark by a mile. I remember that entire campaign, the surveys, etc, and being very excited that they decided to jump on this issue. When it was released, I though it was dissappointing for a sizeable school with one of the best art programs in the country.

So sorry for the rant, and I apologize if I offended. Honestly guys, I dont think my opinions are the best, just that alot of us need to really look at the designs and think about all the issues. I would like to see more people offer criticism NOT simply liking something because we think it's sexy, and making it a contest in our minds on which design they pick.

The final chosen design doesnt need to be someone we all love. It needs to be something we can agree serves several purposes. Start thinking about those purposes, then offer suggestions.

Smitty, as a fellow art guy, you're working for nuttin on this stuff, you rock. Take the weekend off, you've earned it.

Edited by trud1966
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Guys, this has been beaten to death and always will. Why? Obviously there are several constants. One, we all love UNT. Second, MOST of us would agree we would love some type of insignia we all live with for YEARS to come. The problem is nobody will ever 100% agree on this because at it's very core, ART is subjective. I've about lost sleep over UNTs helmets for years. I graduated fron UNT and really never "loved" of the designs they had. Its always going to be a Mean Green Nation "divided" on the issue. To date, Smitty has done more voluteer work on this issue than any. If anyone hasnt thanked him, please do so. Art isnt always fun, it's work that's continually criticized. Ok, so now once again with MY helmet rant, see below.

First and foremost, I do NOT claim to have the skills or eye that Smitty or a few others have demostrated on here. Some very good designs. I dont work in graphic arts, but I did grad from UNT in '89 with a degree in Art, currently work in architectural design/building graphics. Trust me, this is not bragging, I dont have great design skills, but the one thing I think I can do is offer that school and work have taught me un-biased feedback and critique as to what the insignia/logo should possibly "do" as well as be visually appealing.

Many of the ideas to come out on GMG look great, but the only feedback from many of us is "very cool", "awesome", "love it". Then seems like always to be followed with someone offering a suggestion to "outline it in black", over and over and over and over. You guys need to really think about what that insignia needs to do if we all want it to stay on the helmet for 50 years and build a tradition behind it. Try and think about things like, as many have said, it is simple? But, in addition, is it recognizable? Can it be read well from the stands? Does it read well on TV? These are a few off the top of my head, but for example, I'm going to address some of Smitty's many fine examples and try and convey WHY some of them seem to work better than others, not just "I love this one cause it Kicks Ass" I'll do my best to give unbiased pros and cons on some of them.

Interlocked "NT": This one seems to go on and on, and has a ton of fans. Personally to be subjective, When I think out of all the Word Art, Logos, Tradmarks, or whatever has come of us UNT that represent departments, schools, atheletics, and the like, I honestly feel that NT Exes logo is about the nicest looking graphic that has come out of that university. Its very balanced, collegiate looking, strong, and the majority of people that would look at it would find it visually appealing. That's the Pro I can give it. However, would I think it's the best idea for a helmet? Honestly, my gut would say no, and here's why. First of all, I do think even though it's not "official" word art, that could be changed, but you'd still have a battle with the NT Exes over the issue. It's their thing, let it be. Second,

as 'ColoradoEagle' stated very obviously, it's been done over and over and over and over. Some of you could argue, "if it's done so much, it must be a good idea". Guys, I'll probably ruffle a few eagle feathers with this statement, but it's done so much for ONE reason. It's EASY.... Lock the letters, done. We're an Art school for God's sake. Aside from all of those other schools you see in 'ColoradoEagle's example, how many other logos not associated with colleges have you seen with interlocked letters? MILLIONS. Remember when you'd doodle in your notebook as a kid, maybe pretend you'll own a company one day, and you make a logo? How many of you interlocked your initials? Everyone right now think about your your highschool teams letter jackets. Interlocked letters? If your high school had more than one intiial in the name, then most likely so. Again, not saying it looks bad, I'm saying it's not that OBVIOUS of an answer. If UNT ended up with that design, yes, it would still be better than some, but would we be happy with it in 10 years? Remember in 10 years, many many other colleges could consider changing their logos as well, many considering interlocked letters.

Smitty also played with the newest eagle design on the helmet, of different colors, sizes, etc. To me, those caught my eye because they seemed very unique, and yes, personally, I liked the one I use in my avatar, whether it's green on a white or vice-versa. It's simple, reads as an eagle, has alot of movement to it, and represents power. IF you flashed that image on a card in front of someone for a split second, and asked them what saw, most would probably say a bird of prey of some type. That symbol works well to read from the stands, TV, merchandise, etc. It'll draw attention from kids. The thing has alot of marketing potetial. I dont have the graphic on me, but Smitty also did some studies with thissame bird, but avery enlarged version where only the wings showed on the helmet. (if any of you have this, please post it so others will know what I'm talking about). The image of those were striking, extremely different than anything I'd seen before. But, constructively speaking, I think if that design gets too big, you'll have alot of people who wont understand what they're looking at. It might be white wings on the front of a green helmet and we all know this, but you'll be suprised of the thousands of people who would look at that and say "whats that green thing on the back of their white helmet", basically reading it backwards. Think it's ridiculous? If you do, you dont work in art. Its amazing how many people eyes can not deliniate something the next guy finds so remarkably simple.

Alot of people here will argue that we should leave what we have because it's so simple to just have our name on our helmet, eveyone will immdiately know who we are. I've said it before, but if we start winning, you wont need a billboard on your helmet. Personally I always think it's very difficult to read on that dark of a helmet. And man "NORTH TEXAS" was even easier than interlocked letters. I think they came up with this in about 2 hours before the game and ran down to Kinkos to make helmet stickers. Still think it's memorable? Think about this exercise. IF you went to UT Austin, and mananged to find 10 students that knew absolutely nothing about UT football (practically impossbile, I know, but these people do exist at any university) and asked each to draw a picture of what's on the side of UT's helmet, I'd wager a paycheck about all of them would come pretty damn close. Whether you like UT or not, it's a design that works and has stood the test for decades. NOW, try that same exercise with 10 non football fans at UNT. I dont even want to think about the disaster. Hell, you'd probably get sketches of dragons, lions, a beer can, and a couple of musical instruments, and yes some dumbass would probably come up with a green longhorn. So for those who keep saying things like "why dont we just go with the word art that UNT released last year?" My answer is because I think they missed the mark by a mile. I remember that entire campaign, the surveys, etc, and being very excited that they decided to jump on this issue. When it was released, I though it was dissappointing for a sizeable school with one of the best art programs in the country.

So sorry for the rant, and I apologize if I offended. Honestly guys, I dont think my opinions are the best, just that alot of us need to really look at the designs and think about all the issues. I would like to see more people offer criticism NOT simply liking something because we think it's sexy, and making it a contest in our minds on which design they pick.

The final chosen design doesnt need to be someone we all love. It needs to be something we can agree serves several purposes. Start thinking about those purposes, then offer suggestions.

Smitty, as a fellow art guy, you're working for nuttin on this stuff, you rock. Take the weekend off, you've earned it.

Good post (and just the right length, too). :rolleyes: You who post too short and to the point need to quit doing that kind of stuff now, ya' hear! :P

All of our NT community trying to come up with (and agree with) a logo for a UNT helmet is kinda' like that search for the Holy Grail, now isn't it? :)

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More options.... Interlinked NT with Eagle head


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WOW ! That is both cool and unique.

Thanks for the complement.... Seems like it is sooooo far down an older thread that no one is seeing it... :(

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