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I am disappointed in all of this damn negativity! mad.gif

There are a ton of people on this board that are really making me sick! I know that some of you live and die with this team, I DO TO, but I cannot believe some of the things I am hearing.

There are people crossing the line of being die-hards getting pissed, to the side of being fair weather.

If you did not expect the possibility of the offense looking like this with an inexperienced line, and a fresh QB, you are the IDIOT!

And for you people that think Dickey should be fired, come back and talk to me in December.

Even if we don't go to a bowl Dickey should be retained, and will.

Guys we are 5 years removed from being a doormat! You don't just in 5 years become OOC dominator!

Do I want to win OOC games? You are damn right I do!

I am going to be with this team through thick and thin, and there will be some thin, you cannot dominate forever. Our core is going to develop and be great for a long time though.


Come out Tuesday, bring a friend, and be happy about the drive for 5!

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I am disappointed in all of this damn negativity! mad.gif

There are a ton of people on this board that are really making me sick!  I know that some of you live and die with this team, I DO TO, but I cannot believe some of the things I am hearing.

There are people crossing the line of being die-hards getting pissed, to the side of being fair weather.

If you did not expect the possibility of the offense looking like this with an inexperienced line, and a fresh QB, you are the IDIOT!

And for you people that think Dickey should be fired, come back and talk to me in December.

Even if we don't go to a bowl Dickey should be retained, and will.

Guys we are 5 years removed from being a doormat!  You don't just in 5 years become OOC dominator!

Do I want to win OOC games?  You are damn right I do!

I am going to be with this team through thick and thin, and there will be some thin, you cannot dominate forever.  Our core is going to develop and be great for a long time though.


Come out Tuesday, bring a friend, and be happy about the drive for 5!

I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Come out Tuesday, bring a friend, and be happy about the drive for 5!

So wait, being a fan=keeping your mouth shut and blind faith. blink.gif

I don't think you have to worry about fair-weather fans here on this board, we may bitch and moan about the current situation, but come the next game, who ever can be there will be there among the posters on this board. Fair weather fans are one's who would say, "Well we got blown out 54-7 today, I'm not going to another game this year." I don't think you will hear that from anyone on here.

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People, people, people. Don't you get it? This is all part of the annual ritual of North Texas football. We have to lose these games in embarassing fashion in order to create and perpetuate the "us vs. them" mentality DD needs going into conference play. As angry, disgruntled and frustrated fans, we're just doing our part. If we didn't there wouldn't be any "them" and then the whole thing falls apart. Doing our part, just doing our part.


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I am disappointed in all of this damn negativity! mad.gif

There are a ton of people on this board that are really making me sick!  I know that some of you live and die with this team, I DO TO, but I cannot believe some of the things I am hearing.

There are people crossing the line of being die-hards getting pissed, to the side of being fair weather.

If you did not expect the possibility of the offense looking like this with an inexperienced line, and a fresh QB, you are the IDIOT!

And for you people that think Dickey should be fired, come back and talk to me in December.

Even if we don't go to a bowl Dickey should be retained, and will.

Guys we are 5 years removed from being a doormat!  You don't just in 5 years become OOC dominator!

Do I want to win OOC games?  You are damn right I do!

I am going to be with this team through thick and thin, and there will be some thin, you cannot dominate forever.  Our core is going to develop and be great for a long time though.


Come out Tuesday, bring a friend, and be happy about the drive for 5!

So you propose that we all just sit back and enjoy getting our asses kicked and embarrassed week in and week out (in OOC games)??

I'm sorry but I have to disagree that we are not still "doormats". I'm sick of everyone calling us a high school team and saying that we play in a high school conference. No decent D-1 team takes us seriously...and why should they?? We haven't proven that we even belong on the same field with any team that is not in the SBC loser's conference. And I'll agree with your statement that 5 years is not enough time to become an OOC dominator but hell...I'll settle for one OOC win. When I talk about UNT to some of my friends that attended Big XII schools like Tech and Texas, I get these sly little grins...because they're laughing at us and our football program. I even get the same reactions from SMU alumns. It's hard to be proud of accomplishments when they mean so little to majority.

When I see teams like UTEP and South Florida moving into better conferences and actually performing well within those conferences, I am envious. What success have they had over the last few years? And what have we done with our success?

Yes, I'm pissed, I'm frustrated and I'm tired of being non-competitive. Our biggest win (arguably), over the last several years, was the Baylor game. Why?? Because that gave us some credibility within at least the regional spotlight. Sure we win the SBC every year and go to the New Orleans bowl but where exactly has that gotten us? Has it improved our recruiting?? Not in my opinion. Has it improved our respect?? Not when we get blown out by teams like Tulsa. Have we gotten a new stadium? Nope.

I admire your adamant support of this program but you need to get off the backs of people that are expressing their frustration over this team's disappointments. If we continue to be content with mediocrity, we will never be a serious program and we will never improve our position in the NCAA football arena.

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I am disappointed in all of this damn negativity! mad.gif

There are a ton of people on this board that are really making me sick!  I know that some of you live and die with this team, I DO TO, but I cannot believe some of the things I am hearing.

There are people crossing the line of being die-hards getting pissed, to the side of being fair weather.

If you did not expect the possibility of the offense looking like this with an inexperienced line, and a fresh QB, you are the IDIOT!

And for you people that think Dickey should be fired, come back and talk to me in December.

Even if we don't go to a bowl Dickey should be retained, and will.

Guys we are 5 years removed from being a doormat!  You don't just in 5 years become OOC dominator!

Do I want to win OOC games?  You are damn right I do!

I am going to be with this team through thick and thin, and there will be some thin, you cannot dominate forever.  Our core is going to develop and be great for a long time though.


Come out Tuesday, bring a friend, and be happy about the drive for 5!

How can people be disappointed and negative ? Just because we got blown-out at home by a so-so Tulsa team, can't put any points up against anyone, rank somewhere between Slippery Rock Teachers and Miss Hardins Girls School in defense, and squandered the best pre-season publicity and hype this teams ever had there's no reason to be disappointed and negative ? If you can't understand , you really need HELP. ph34r.gif

Edited by MeanGreen61
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You know what I am sick of? I am sick of people telling us to stop bitching and be a fan. I have bled Mean Green Football since 1997. I have only missed 2 home games that entire time, due to being out of town. And one of those, the USF game, I was in San Antonio with my parents. I specificly found a bar and grill to watch the game on TV, I was at the Miracle in the Desert cheering NT on despite being threatened with aresst along with the other 300 NT fans. I started to tear up when it looked like we werent going to win and make a bowl game, then cried with joy when we beat NMSU with 18 seconds left. I was on Cannon Crew and getting drenched during the HC game with Nevada in '98. I have made it to all four NOB's despite running the risk of losing my job. I have been in the middle of hostile crowds yelling my head off during those blood for money games. I was going to a family reunion last year during the TU bloodbath, so I had the score sent to my cell phone. I was recieving belated score updates until midnight due to the time difference, so my agnoy was prolonged. So don't you dare tell me to sit back and be content with whats going on this year. I am a fan and I always will be. I will be at every home game unless its absolutly impossible, and even then I will find a way to follow it. That does not mean I dont have the right to see something that is wrong and not expect it to be corrected.

To top it off, this is the first year I have bought season tickets. I have spent $300 this year, and while I was happy to do it, I expect and DEMAND a better performance from the team and especially the coaches. I want my money's worth. I do not fault the players for this year so far. You are right, they're young and they have to learn. They are doing their best. The coaching is holding them back. The coaches KNEW that this would be a young team. They knew that they would have alot of graduates. So why did they not start recruiting a year ago, and get these new players some experience during the blowout games last year? Im not saying recruit your whole team early, just get a few players and have them start developing a year ahead of time so they can me the transition for the freshmen easier. The game plan sucks. The coaches make NO adjustments. What the hell are the press box coaches doing up there, playing xbox?? No, they can't be, the gameplans on xbox work better than theirs.

One other thing, as I said in another post, its hard to tell this is a down year. The results in OOC are exactly the same as any other year, including the years we had Booger and Hall. If their was a difference, then we could tell this is a "down" year. Oh, and gangrene, yea we beat Baylor at home, but we turned right around and got blown out by them then next year. So that kind of negates the credibility we earned from that game.

Edited by Rudy
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